Lopez, Giovanni

  • November 2019
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Thu, 06 Sep 2007 23:12:03 -0400


"Arnaldo I. Adorno"


FW: Background Check Complete


"'Dirk Blanke'" <[email protected]>

Arnaldo I. Adorno

-----Original Message----From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 7:10 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Fwd: Background Check Complete HERE IS THE CONGRATULATIONS EMAIL AS REQUESTED

-----Original Message----From: Lynne Thibdeau To: Giovanni Lopez Sent: Thu, 6 Sep 2007 12:39 pm Subject: Background Check Complete Giovanni Lopez, Congratulations, your background check for volunteering for ENYYSA / LIJSL has been completed, and you are eligible. Order #179131 Order Date:Sep 6, 2007 Confirmation Date: Sep 6, 2007

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail!

9/6/2007 11:46 PM

FRI 11:21




NEWFIELD SOCCER CLUB www.newficldsocccrclub.com


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pr01&e include

Which Divi~ion(~) Coach. As."isl



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Ihe diviMiol1. Indic:Jlc wl~dher you were Ihe coach, C(\-c.)~h.

You Intere~[ed

III Coaching

3.<;.~i~tal1tcoach. clc.

Thi~ Sea.~on: Coach


Little Cleats (Girls 4/5 Vrs Old) Munchkins (Girls 6n Yrs Old)

Little Feet (Ooys 415 Yrs Old) Midb'Cts (Boy~ (,/7 Yrs Old) Squirl'; (Boy~ R/9 Yrs Old) NCAA (Uoy~ 1011J Yrs Old) Seniors






Volunteer Committees"

DiSTICy (Girls 8/9 Yrs 01d) Ivy (Girls 10/11 Yr~ Old) Seniors (Girls 12- J 5 Yrs Old)

(Boys (12- I 5 Y rs Old)

Do you have an Assistant Coach'!



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Svr..f\CJ..,. 1.:L~tTeW11(~) rouched.


Home: Pbone

~ ~ Q Mohil~ T'h(\n~


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Registration Fund Rai~ing


Ncwsletl.et ~_ Field Maintenance Special Events Volunteer

ALL COACHES MUST FILL OUT A RISK MANAGEMENT APPLICATION AND SUBMIT THEIR RECEIPT BEFORE THEY WILL RECEIVE THEIR ROSTER. I :1l\rt!o 10 Mide by !hc Ry-I.Dw!1lRu'C!IIl)irccriv~ of NSr-, I.USI~ F.NVYSA, Ihe::IISYSA and FIFA. I will attend aU mcclina;s or ~cnd U Learn repn:smIQliv", I 3t\ftc lu hold onc 10 twO prucliCQI e::aeh week, :appropriatc 10 the age of Ihe::playe::r.!, :md 10 be punelUaJ in arriving for pracl1ces and !;IImCj;. I abf"CCnllllllieave prtl~liCl:$ Or g~mC5 ulilil all players have bcI:n pick~ up by a pamlt guardian. or nther aurhllTimJ adult I will reliuin lrom lcochinl,! un5."\le IIr lIn'~pOrlsll1anlike melhods 1(\ Ihe I1layers. J wi rerrain rrom ~kin8 allY adv:ulIage heyond Lhal ofsupcrinr skill, will rcrr~in frolil l~hi"l: ilfld willll~co"ral:e \le~Min!; wnp • .:11=~ \\r o::hi1Ol~t\. I~ phl)'eI's, la~lic:s and IiIllCS-'l. I Unricl~lalld .h.1l nffie::ial dcci~il"lll~ hy 111<1 relere.:.
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demCllning, Ihemselves,


IIIIrVor abu~ive languol!e) i" groundR for immediate di~mi!tsal a.~ :J ('NlCb (See NSC 8y-Iaws ror Conduct nnd I'mahi~), thrir nppun~"II1~ OIId the Nrerl'\~. I \0/111 lroch Ibe pIIY\:f~ ~p\1ltsmanship and proper un-lic:rd ~J/1d\.lI:I, I will prnvid~

playcr5 ond always treul player:; wilh ~cct

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parenls in proper bchuvillr


wilileill:h !h" pl"yer~ rC!iII(!C1for a rim lcamil1!! environmCflI tor thc

ul {;".un~, inclmlil1g r\"':;I>ecl rN Ih~ rereree, the "o11l)(1~ing" rmrcnu.

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ofpluycr~; lu"derst~l1d IIJ~\ Spo:i.'tMurC\),,"'\\1 i$ my "t:SJX'lIsihilily. ;1110irlll~ ,Cf!!•./!(!must lake ml!3sutl!.~ II) eonlralll1e gamc.ltcishe can nOllake chem wilh 1100:pal1lnl~ 10 he/she will t3Kc the'll wilh me, as Co'"\cli. I will cncOIll"3KC "afc. competitive. fair 111ay:Jnd will rew:IJ"d improvement anti etl'ul1. rI:l!ardlcss or (\,,(1I"1!I\.'I·dlc~ (I rill.: UlltC(\r1Ie (If auy gamc. I will take ~lcllR 10 avnid "running up Lhe score" !.oy1l1ayin~ shorl/1Unded IIr \lsin!,: l1lhl.'T m~m~ II) T',·evIJIU cmlt3rJ1I.lsilig the olher 101111. J


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or any ol'r;#'~'

UIany cnRI dcli:uIS Ihe: pUrpllRr pi' Ihe ~ame:. L(1sin~cun bl."3 Iriml1J.'1hwhen thc tc:\m ha~ given il~ hC!lI effort. 1.1In:~ fn agl·ee (0 provide In:" pemlnnd ;nf"nn~lion del,,,,\·t! n',\:I'.~~.r)' II)' NSC fn pelfnlln background elteek5. I

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i~ ._uh,icc\ to in medintl' r1 . dismissal. Dale::

Risk M,magemenr Application Received: Risk Management Fee Billed lo Club: Check #:

Dale: Amount:







Code'll. (.'0t11!.Y:..Cf for l\'ewlield




All Coaches/rom the Newfield Soccer Club (NSC) agree to abide by the following mles qI c:und'lct. Accordingly, as a Soccer Coach, I; 1. Agree to abide by the By-Laws/Rules/Oirectives ofNSC. LIJSL, ENYYSA, the USYSA and FJFA. 2. Will attend all meetings or send 8 team representative. 3. Agree to hold one (0 two practices e.,ch week, appropriate to the age of the players, and to be punctual in arriving for practiccs and games. 4. Agree not to leave practices or games until all players have been picked up by a parent, guardian, or other authorized adult 5. 6. 7. 8.

WiU refmin from teaching unsafe or un-sportsmanlike methods to the players. Will refrain (tom teaching and will discourage demeaning songs, cheers or chants to the players. WiJ] refrain froM seeking any advantage beyond that of superior skill, tactics and fitness. Understand that officia) decisious by the referees should be accepted without rancor or anger, no matter how unfair they may seem; further understand that the use of behavior, verbal or physical, which is intimidating towards the referee, other coaches and spectators (inc1uding vulgar, improper, foul, demeaning, and/or abusive language) is grounds tor immediate dismissal as a Coach (See NSC By-laws for Conduct and Penalties). 9. WiU teach the players respect for themselves, thei r opponents and the referees. 10. Will teach the players sportsmanship ,Old proper on-field conduct. 11. Wi]) provide a fun learning environment for the playt,'fS and always treat players with respect. 12. Will instruct parents in proper behavior at games, including respect for the referee, the "opposing" parents, and both sets of players; J lmderstand that spectator control is my responsibility, and if the referee must take measures to control the game. hclshe can not take them with the parents so he/she will take them with me, as coach. 13. Will encourage safe, competitive, fair play and wilJ reward improvement and effort, regardless of skill, and regardJess of the outcome of any game. I wilt take steps to avoid "running up the score" by playing shortbanded or us;ng other mcans to prevent embarrassing tllC other team. 14. Understand that winning is desirable, but winning at any cost defeat~ the purpose of the game. Losing can be a triumph when the team has given its best effort .. IS. J agree to abide by this Coaches Code of Conduct and agree to provide any personnel information as deemed necessary by NSC to perform background checks. 16. understand that violation of any of these rules, or conduct deemed uoacceptable to the principles and goals of NSC, is subject to immediate dismissal.



Sign and return a copy

Signature Nam'"

c;, '"""""'2 <4 _"_._

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Age Group: U - ~r Date; "'I \ ~


A copy oftl\i, fonn ~ returned to tile travel ",er"ary (for !mvel coaches) or ;nlTamural Head Commissioner (for intramural coaches) prior to the season commencing


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