Long Quiz Comm 18 Finals

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Communication Research (Comm 18) Long Quiz 3 March 16, 2004 12:00 – 1:30 (3/F)

Norton Critical Edition New York Norton, 1972 4. Work Originally published with a different title (book)

Name: ______________________________

Instruction: Make the following endnote and bibliography entry for the following book facts below. (40 pts) 1. More than three authors (book) William Mc Pherson Stephen Lehmann Craig Likness Marcia Pankake English and American Literature : Sources and Strategies for Collection Development Chicago, American Library Association 1987, p. 67 2. Author’s Name Missing (book) Dorothy Scarborough The Wind New York Harper 1925, p. 27 3. Reprint of Article in a Compilation (book) C. L. Ten Mill on Self-Regarding Actions Philosophy 43 1968, p. 29-37 reprinted on John Stuart Mill On Liberty ed. David Spitz, 238-46

Michel Foucault The Order of Things: An Archeology of the Human Sciences (Les Mots et les choses) New York Vintage 1973, p. 100 5. Facts of Publication Missing (book) George Eliot Felix Holt Edinburgh William Blackwood n.d. p. 17 6. General Title, reference to a particular volume (multivolume works and series) William M. Bowsky ed Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History 4 volumes Lincoln University of Nebraska Press 1963-67 2:273-96 7. Season or month necessary for identification (Journal) D. W. Harding Regulated Hatred: An Aspect of the Work of Jane Austen Scrutiny 8

March 1940 p. 346-62 8. Monthly (magazine) Norman O. Brown Apocalypse: The Place of Mystery in the Life of the Mind Harper May 1961 p. 27-35 9. Basic Entry (newspaper) Susan F. Rasky Senate Calls for Revisions in New Tax for Health Care New York Times June 8, 1989 A20 10. Signed, with title, in magazine (Reviews) Alan M. Dershowitz Inside the Sanctum Sanctorum Review of Independent Journey: The Life of William O. Douglas by James F. Simon New York Times Book Review November 2, 1980 p. 90 11. Play: act, scene, line William Shakespeare Othello in Shakespeare Twenty-three Plays and the Sonnets ed Thomas Marc Parrott 2nd ed New York

Scribner 1953 act 3 sc. 2 lines 1-5 12. Dictionary not widely known (reference work) Horace B. English and Ava Champney English A Comprehensive Dictionary of Psychological and Psychoanalytical Terms New York McKay, 1958 p. 77 13. Congressional hearing, House (public documents) U.S. Congress House Committee on Agriculture Subcommittee on Dairy and Poultry Federal Loan for Poultry Processing Plant in New Castle Pa Hearing 89th Congress 1st session October 19, 1965 Washington GPO (publisher) 1966, p. 47 14. Manuscript, letter (unpublished sources) Robert Cockburn Letter to Lord Melville May 17, 1819 Manuscript Collection Rutgers University New Brunswick

NJ, group 125 15. Performance, drama, emphasis on author of play (nonprint sources) Lillian Hellman The little Foxes Dir Austin Pendleton With Elizabeth Taylor Martin Beck Theatre New York May 23, 1981

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