Logy Course 3

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 577
  • Pages: 11
N;L;,1,1\1,,Ttrt:, ' lnlladhltionna.onFlc{r.sponscof thc lircris$rcsatthca.lio. olrari.us pathogens (!hysical, chedical, biological): lhysical a8enis: trauna, themal injuies, imadiatioDl


Chcnicalaecnis lhctoxicilyof heavrmetah,solvenls. mcdicincsi Infectious age.B vnDses, ba.reria. Fdasites, tungi &d orher nlcrcoramsmsl -.- Imuoloei.al agenls: autoinNnc discascs. innune complex dRascs: Ischenic neciosisi the innmnatory r*ction Location in av6culaized comective rnsue



Depending on the persistence ofcalsalve factoB and tissue iype feaci on, iniammaton can be acuie or


acute inllammaUon is an immediaie and earLy i.nammatory response atthe aciion ofa palhoger. chronic inilammation is a proonged irflammalory rcsponse atthe act on of a pathogen (reeks, months), n whch takes place simurtaneously active inflammation, lissllar damase and repa r Inflammation ends wilh the removal of etiologlcal faclors


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ivolvesvascular, humoraland ceilllar cha[ges

Vascular changes

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vawnstndlion: anedoles' open n9 otthe €nlrc capi

Trans ent end lnconsstent


laEtion ot lh€


eing orlhe


arv b€d


Lncea€dpemeabiilyof lh€mioooirculatoni Instar atron of st$is with leu@cylemarqnaldn:





n a

€sculadzed mnneclive


Increasing of vascular permeabillty with exudate formation


Endotheli.loelcontEclimwilh ntereLluldspacefomatloni

dlemier fadore

de, ved

ftoh prasna or €r s

cellular changes/ Leucocyte changes The reu@yie rolling on Diapedes



endolh€li.l Eurf?ce: iowds ch€motactic f&to(

rhe L€ucoq,le movemedl

Migraiion (diaPedesls) of . neutrophils in acute inflammatlon

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NeutroPhil iagocitos s


The lnnammaiory exudaie made





Macfoscopically . lhe inflarnmatory eludate ls a yellowish fluid tesemblig wilhlhe blood serum) rched In


MicroscopjcallY . ihe inllammatory exudate ls an intense jl!id (lncreased amo!ni ofpoieint

eos noph lic



inflammatory exudate composiiion: p asma lluid, whlch is riched in prolerns:alblm n, globlln and iib nogenl



tissle debris & causatLve agentl depending on ihe severity and dlrrat on of action of ihe causatlve agenl l.F e ae va'dror ( I rl e e' roale co. oosrlol ihe prodlcloi olvarious tvpes oflnflammatorv

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the inflammatory exudate is the morpho oglcal substrate in differentiypes ol acute

Varieties of inflammatory exudate and acule inflammations serols exudate Fibdnous exudate Puru enlexldaie:




Serous inflammation

acuteserols inflammalo. aclle ibrlnous inflammation: acuie puruL€rt nllammation:


haemoflhag c iniiammatoni

Fibrinous inflammation The mosi frequeni involved causative agent is mlcobacterium tubelculosls; Fibfinous exudate is riched in flbdn and poor in plasma fluid and P[/lN; membranes : - mucous . p*odedembranous@lus(dvsentery)i

. libriiousDedcardlis(llvA


rheumatism urefria tuberculGis)l

microcavities; e g. nbrinous alveoliiis (sbse lloflobar pneumonia - red hePatizanon)i

Fibrinous inflammation

Acute fibrinous pericarditis

Acute peritonitis fibrinopurulent inflammation

Purulent Inf lammation The pu.u enteludare conssrs


nt€sr€ and a l€Ied PMNI rluid componenl and f brl^

+iffi Acute diffuse purulent Inflammation

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Acute localised purulent Inflammation

Hepatic abcess

Other types of acuie inflammatlon 4

Catharal inflamrnatlon catharal inflammaiion is an acute inflammaion thai develops ai the level ofthe mlrcous me-Dfares, w tl p'oor-c -g ot a >'otiy e/Jdate call^a al-5|_lrlls tr cf in mucoLs s'.rostarcei e\ 5. Hemorthagic inflammation ln hemorrhagic inflammation the causatlve aqent ls act ng on the vessel calsrng rn.crol'emorrhag,Fr wrll'the oroduclo'l ol ar ,nrra.nmatory exLdate rl'l_ i_ red blood celrs eg Flu.

Evolution of the acute inflammation Resolution following the bacterial

destruction: healing is made with complete restaurauon of the tissue; Supuration is produced by pyogenlc bacteria; Connective organization with the production of flbrostsi Chronic inflammation (by persistence of causative agent);

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