Loddon Valley Link 200910 - October 2009

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  • Words: 7,968
  • Pages: 48
The Church and Parish Magazine

The Autumn Edition October 2009

Issue 420

Loddon Valley Link Highlights: Bob’s Bit




Parish Reg.


Picture Auction




Show & Results






Annette Hill 23 & the ATA 37

Who’s Who


Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;

John Keats

Sherfield on Loddon, Stratfield Saye and Hartley Wespall with Stratfield Turgis

Village 30 scheme


BENEFICE WORSHIP - October 2009 Sunday

4th October

Trinity 17


Holy Communion

St Leonard’s Sherfield


Family Service

St Mary’s Stratfield Saye*


Evensong & Communion

St Mary’s Hartley Wespall


11th October

Trinity 18


Morning Worship and Children’s Sunday Club

St Leonard’s Sherfield


Harvest Songs of Praise

St Mary’s Stratfield Saye*


18th October

Trinity 19


Holy Communion and Children’s Sunday Club

St Leonard’s Sherfield


St Mary’s Hartley Wespall


Wednesday 21st 4.00pm Toddlers

St Leonard’s Sherfield


25th October

Last Sunday of Trinity


Prayer Book Communion

St Mary’s Hartley Wespall


Harvest Family Service

St Leonard’s Sherfield



St Mary’s Stratfield Saye*


1st November


Holy Communion

St Leonard’s Sherfield


Family Service

St Mary Stratfield Saye*

Evensong & Communion

St Mary’s Hartley Wespall


All Saints Day

*Drive up close to the white gates, which open automatically Children are welcome at all our services. Services in italics are particularly geared to children and families. Children’s Busy Bags are available at the back of St Leonard’s Church.

Page 2

Issue 420

The Autumn Edition

“Up, up with People” If someone parked their car across your drive or walked into your home you would be justifiably annoyed if not angry. We like people to respect our privacy and we like to have our independence. On the other hand privacy and independence can result in a sort of ‘Keep Out’ attitude and at some point in our lives we all need people. Some of you will probably remember Air Vice Marshall Nigel Blair-Oliphant, a long time resident of Sherfield and worshipper at St Leonard’s. After World War 2 Nigel joined a voluntary group called Moral Re-Armament (M.R.A.), a movement based upon belief in God and the need for absolute honesty, purity, unselfishness and love. One of Nigel’s friends took Rody and I to an MRA celebration at the Albert Hall, led and directed by young people from all over the world, celebrating people. They called it “Up, up with People.” Let me relate two simple illustrations. On the first day of our holiday, waking in France with a caravan and 500 miles to travel, I discovered we had a flat battery. The rescue service, for which we had paid, said they couldn't help us as we were on a ‘private road’ - a French toll motorway! About to ‘phone the motorway services, I noticed our English neighbour get out of his motor-home. “You wouldn't happen to have a set of jump leads?” I asked. Gerry turned out to be a garage owner and within 20 minutes we were on our way. On our campsite one morning, whilst fetching water, our French neighbour burst into tears and collapsed into Rody’s arms. Our German neighbours came to her aid and within minutes the ambulance arrived to take Marie to the hospital. At some point in our lives we all need people. If I asked you to summarise the whole of the Old Testament in the Bible could you do it? Jesus did: “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Christian greetings, Page 3


Breach Lane Baptist Chapel Rev Chris Russell 01276 21469 Geoff Belsham 01256 882534 October 2009 Sun 4


Family Worship - Geoff Belsham

Mon 5

6.30pm 7.45pm

Informal Worship - Geoff Belsham Deacons Meeting at Camberley

Sun 11


Family Worship - Rev Tony Smith


Bible Study at Chapel

Tue 13 Sat 17

7.45pm 2.30pm

Sun 18


Church meeting at Camberley Disabled Christian Fellowship at Camberley Family Worship - Geoff Belsham

Sun 27


Family Worship - Alistair Sneddon

Mon 28

3.00pm 8.00pm

Bible Study at Chapel Bible Study at Cross House




Open Morning (please phone)


Lunch Club for the Elderly


Tuesday Club at Winklebury (Mencap)


Kurling at Ridgeway Centre, Buckskin (Mencap)

Thank you for your support at the junior antiques roadshow, From Chris, Geoff. Tina, Charlotte, Megan, and Lizzie We raised £56 for Naomi House. Dates for your diary Next event, Young Farmers Market Sat 31st October (this half term) 11.00am to 2.00 pm in Breach Lane Chapel. 5th November Breach Lane Gardens bonfire party 4pm till 7pm (BBQ but alas no fireworks, due to licence requirements) Tel. Tina 01256 881608 for further info. Page 4

Issue 420

The Autumn Edition

Prayer and Reflection Prayer and Reflection Text for the month - Romans 12 ; 5&6 In Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. The NIV Bible

Prayer for the Month. Loving God, your call comes to us in different ways and at different times but, to each, when you call us, the call comes to faith and commitment. You want us to sacrifice our time, money and energy and to follow you. Help us to hear your voice when you speak and to understand what you are asking of us. Teach us to respond readily rather than to hide from you, feeling we can live our lives without your help. Help us, Lord, to be compassionate, gentle and patient in our dealings with one another. Broaden our vision, enlarge our understanding and make us a caring thoughtful community. In Jesus name we pray. Amen Prayer Points for October Pray for our forces in Afghanistan that the recent election will bring a reduction in the level of violence Pray for the success of the ‘Building for the Community’ project so that extra facilities can be provided at St. Leonard’s Pray for those whose lives are affected by the financial troubles of the present. Pray for those who feel isolated and lonely as the darkness comes earlier each evening. Pray for all who attend the various home groups this autumn that they may enjoy warmth and fellowship as they study your word. Page 5

www.LoddonValleyLink.hampshire.org.uk Ross Brooke Financial Services INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVISER

Michael Roberts is an Independent Financial Adviser based in Sherfield on Loddon, offering a comprehensive range of financial planning services to both individuals and corporate clients. Whether you prefer fee-based or commission-based advice, you can be assured of an impartial, professional yet friendly service. The initial consultation is free and can be arranged at your own home or your place of work. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. www.rossbrookefs.com 01256 881360 

Page 6

Renowned for delicious food, great ales and a warm welcome www.whitehartsherfield.co.uk White Hart, Reading Road, Sherfield on Loddon, Hants, RG27 0BT

01256 882280

Issue 420

The Autumn Edition

‘Toddler Time’ from Babies to 5’s St Leonard’s Church, Sherfield Next toddler service Wednesday 4.00-4.20pm 21st October Nursery Rhymes, Story, Prayer. Healthy refreshments for the toddlers. Meet on the red carpet in church. All welcome

Parish Registers for September Baptisms Alexander Thomas PETERSEN 05.07.09





Joshua & Lewis PEARCE






Weddings Caroline BATT & Noel SLINEY



Tough Questions Evening at the Four Horseshoes Wednesday 14th October at 8.00pm With Revd Bob Politt & Dr Karen Blakeley

Come for a drink and ask your questions. We don’t pretend to have the answers but we will do our best and have a go. We have already been asked to say something about ‘Resurrection’ & ‘Creation v evolution’ & 'What am I doing here?'. Please ask anything you like, nothing is too trivial. If we have a question it means we’re searching for an answer.

Page 7


[email protected]

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Issue 420

The Autumn Edition Sponsored by

Thank You We have received several generous donations and some new pledges over the summer months taking the total in our funds raised since Easter to £43,767.72. Thank you to those who so kindly opened their gardens and supported the Village Open Day on 4th July, ironically, ‘Independence Day’ when I was conducting a wedding at St Leonard’s, a great opener for the Best Man’s speech. Thanks to Dr Amanda Britton and her sponsored walkers, Percy’s Birthday donations, Sherborne Windows generous support and to all those important personal pledges and donations. Those toilets are getting nearer all the time. This months major fund raiser Siân Cheatle has drawn a beautiful pencil sketch of St Leonard’s Church (seen below) which she has donated for auction. If you would like to have a picture of this ancient church, drawn by a local artist, you may make your bid in a ‘Silent Auction’, the highest bidder taking the drawing. Please send your bids to: Richard Elphick by e-mail: [email protected] By post/hand to Revd Bob Politt: The Rectory, 33 Northfield Road, RG27 0DR. If you want the latest figure on the highest bid please contact Bob on 01256 882209. Closing date Thur. 5th Nov. Ready for Christmas Join in a Christmas Tree Festival at St Leonard’s Weekends from 5th December to 18th December inclusive. You could decorate a tree to illustrate a Christmas Carol, help with stewarding or refreshments? You might like to run a Christmas craft stall or simply be there to enjoy the atmosphere. Information from Rody Politt on 01256 882209 or email: [email protected] Page 9


HAVEN MEMORIALS Your Local Stonemason Office 01252 811691 Evenings 01256 881044 This style standard size memorial in various materials, including VAT and letters. Fixed in your local Cemetery or

Churchyard Only £ 695.00 Full details on application

Page 10

Issue 420

The Autumn Edition

Editorial Welcome to the Autumn edition of ‘The Link’. The fields have turned from yellow to brown, the kitchen’s full of the wonderful smell of chutney and the swallows have long gone. Summer must be over. This months innovation is that we now have a website. This is designed to make the electronic issue easier to find and read but also to give you easy online access to information about the local people and churches (and not forgetting advertisers) that bring you this magazine. The address is www.loddonvalleylink.hampshire.org.uk. Highlights this month. Unfortunately I missed the village show but by all reports it was another excellent occasion. Find out more on page 15. 30mph limits. There are proposals afoot for 30mph limits along some of our narrow country lanes in Hartley Wespall and Stratfield Turgis. If you live in these villages please voice your opinions. See page 37. Building for the community. There’s a beautiful drawing up for auction. Give it a go and support your community. There’s a lovely feature article by Pip Iles about an interesting history of a local resident. And we’ve added a bit of colour. If you have any comments please let us know at: [email protected]

Stratfield Turgis Village Autumn Walk Sunday 4th October at 2pm. Meet outside the Cricketers Pub in Turgis Green. The theme is Woods and Water. Come and join us on a gentle stroll around some of the beautiful sights of the area. Everyone’s welcome. The walk should take 2½ - 3 hours through the local hills.. For more details nearer the time see the village website (www.stratfieldturgis.org.uk) or contact Sheila Campbell on 01256 882351 Page 11


Pygmalion Interiors The complete interior design service. Our large showroom allows us to offer a wide range of furniture in addition to fabrics, wallpapers, blinds, flooring, pictures & prints and many accessories. Tel: (01252) 842287 www.pygmalioninteriors.co.uk Page 12

Issue 420

The Autumn Edition

ST. LEONARD’S CHURCH OPEN DAYS Saturdays October 10th and 24th from 10.00am - 4.00pm. Everyone is welcome to visit for quiet reflection, a prayer, to study the architecture or to view the church with a wedding in mind.

Evergreens Meeting - Monday 8th September The guest speaker at the September meeting of the Evergreens was Steve from the Whitewater nursery at Mattingley. He explained how to create a winter border and the type of plants to us for colour. He then demonstrated how to arrange plants in tubs and hanging baskets. This proved to be very interesting and was well received by the members. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday October 5th when the harvest festival will be held. New members will be most welcome. Jean Berntsen (chairperson)

Successful Coffee Morning A HUGE thank you to all who helped this event to be so successful. The great friends who gave their time for the manual jobs, the making of goods and produce and the wonderfully laden bring/buy table. I thank everyone so much, for without your help and support it wouldn't have been possible to raise so much for St.Mary's Church at Hartley Wespall. Thank you all who came and supported our event which has raised over £500.00. WendyToal Page 13








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SHERFIELD 0-5’S Every Tuesday 1.30 – 3.30pm Sherfield On Loddon Village Hall Climbing frame, toys, parachute games, singing, juice and biscuits, tea and coffee. A great place to meet new people and make new friends – everyone welcome! Come and join us for an afternoon designed to wear out your children!

Contacts: Judith 01256 883551, Becky 880894, Kerry 880167

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Issue 420

The Autumn Edition

Sherfield Flower, Produce & Handicrafts Show On Saturday 5th September, Sherfield Village Hall was a riot of colour and was soon buzzing with friendly chatter from the record number of people who attended. Always an enjoyable event, the show attracts all ages: from the under5s competing for the new Happy Faces Trophy won by Harry Merrin, to a striking canvas work rug crafted by Judith Angell, a little older! ‘Heaviest marrow’ attracted a lot of interest and there was hot competition in ‘A cake made by a man’. The newly-formed committee were thrilled by the fantastic turnout and all the judges commented favourably on the high quality of exhibits. Photographic entries keep growing and were displayed for the first time this year in the Liddell Hall, along with art and Loddon Quilters’ Display. Stalls and a ‘Public Chooses’ section were also new. With the current encouragement to ‘grow your own’ and the popularity of allotments in the village, it is hoped to see more horticultural entries next year. The committee would like to thank all their helpers and will soon present a donation to Sherfield Lunch Club. Sherfield Show team encourage you to try your hand at exhibiting next year and look forward to welcoming you on the first Saturday in September 2010. To see full details and more photos of this year’s show, visit the website at www.sherfieldshow.hampshire.org.uk In the spring you will be able to download next year’s list of classes, entry forms and tips on exhibiting. Page 15


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Page 16

Issue 420

The Autumn Edition

Sherfield Show Results 2009 Sherfield Trophy - Horticulture

Norman Smith

Sherfield & District Gardening Club Trophy

Norman Smith

Forecourt Cup - Vegetables

Norman Smith

Farms Cup - Selected Vegetables

Norman Smith

Quencher’s Cup - Selected Vegetables

John Attwood

The Onion Cup

Joe Webb

Loddon Cup - Fruit

Jane Malarkey

Gresham-Cooke Trophy - Flowers

Terry Raisborough

Traders Trophy - Roses

Joan Gould

Crowson Cup - Floral Art

Audrey Gordon

Eustace Vase - Domestic

Alison Smith

Bramley Camp Shield - Handicrafts

Natalie Larner

A.R.T. Trophy - Hard Materials

David Cox

Dawson Cup - Fine Art

Jane Sawyer/George Lovett

J A Manser & Son Challenge Bowl - Cookery

Alison Smith

Lyde Cup - Cake made by a Man

Chris Hayward

Photographers’ Trophy

Gordon Joslin

John Rolton Cup - Child Photographer

Charlotte Cooper/ Peter Marshall

Happy Faces Trophy

Harry Merrin

Elphick Cup - Children Key Stage 1

Erin Cook

Brain Cup - Children Key Stage 2

Hannah Smith

Bowman Trophy - Children Key Stage 3

Charlotte Cooper

Best Allotment Trophy

Sue Morse

Page 17


David and Mary Cole and Wills Garden Services Boars Bridge Farm, Little London Tel: 01256 881354 Mobile: 07951917943 or 07986616687 Email: [email protected] We offer a complete range of garden services, garden clearance and tidying, mowing, pruning, hedge cutting, patio cleaning, fencing, patios, turfing, etc.

R & G Fencing Fencing, decking and sheds. For a FREE and friendly quotation with no obligation Contact 07760252588 or 01256 332256

Page 18

Issue 420

The Autumn Edition

The Women’s Institute Reported by Ilene Iles Tess Morris, our President, welcomed everyone and Jerusalem was sung. The minutes of the previous meeting were signed. Correspondence was dealt with, the Treasurer’s Report given by Evelyn Holdaway confirming a healthy position, and Doris L’Enfant, asked for a member to join the skittles team for the forthcoming competition. Our AGM takes place in November and Tess reiterated that anyone can join the Committee and would be most welcome. Nominations to be in next month. Dee Bulpitt advised that the monthly walk would be on 10th September, birthday cards were distributed and Tess added that we are all expected to take our turn providing cakes and sandwiches for the teas and clearing up afterwards. The Business Meeting closed at 2.35 p.m. We were then treated to an hilarious talk entitled “Saddle Sore in Montana” by Mrs Ann Chance, who came dressed for the part in jeans, shirt, kerchief, jacket, boots and jingling spurs and explained that she had just come back from a Wagon Train in Wyoming. She explained that she Saddle had dreamed of being a “cowboy” ever since she was 8 years old but had never learned to ride a Sore in horse. At the age of 64 she took private lessons Montana and the tales of her escapades had us in stitches. After 6 months private lessons in this country she joined a cattle drive, working on the prairie in 105 degree heat with grass and weeds up to her shoulders, covered in crickets. Although Ann has had extremely funny experiences on her adventures, the cattle drives are not without dangers. Nevertheless, Ann achieved her dream of eating supper on a bail of hay, under the shooting stars with a cowboy strumming a guitar. She concluded by saying that she has now been on 3 cattle drives in Montana, 1 in Oklahoma and 1 in Wyoming. Ilene Iles gave the vote of thanks. Tea followed and the Raffle was drawn. NEXT MEETING - Wednesday, 7th October 2009 SPEAKER: Mr I Bradford, Walking the Great Wall of China Page 19

www.LoddonValleyLink.hampshire.org.uk Your nearest florist

BRAMLEY ART CLASSES Antonia Dewhurst is teaching classes in Drawing & Painting. Monday 10.00-12.00am and 12.30-2.30pm Wednesdays 7.00-9.00pm £90 for 10 weeks. £80 OAPs Situated in Cufaude Lane, Beginners & Improvers welcome. Tel: 01256 883876

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Sherfield Private Hire Local Journeys. Airports. Any distance. Travel tokens accepted. Contact Laurie Morse 07785 221538 Page 20

Issue 420

The Autumn Edition

Reported by Gill Fearon To continue our theme for this year, ‘The Industrial Revolution – What has it done for us?’, a group of us visited the Crofton Beam Engine near Marlborough during the summer. Crofton has 1812 Boulton and Watt and 1846 Harvey of Hayle beam engines, as well as a collection of stationary engines. They are regularly in steam from a hand stoked coal fired Lancashire boiler and our visit coincided with one of the steam weekends. Our summer meeting was a discussion on ‘Agony Aunts’. Some of us were amazed to learn that agony aunts date back to the 1600s! (and I thought it all started in the ‘60s with Marjorie Proops!). We brought clippings from periodicals containing letters written asking for advice on many diverse topics! Some were unbelievable, some were extremely funny and obviously some were not. We discussed the problems and then read the answer given by the agony aunt. Our most recent meeting was to read a play. The ‘Whose Life Is It Anyway?’ by Brian Clark. The play was adapted from a TV play of the same title Right to in 1972 and premiered at the Mermaid Theatre, Die London in 1978. It was about a sculptor, Ken, who was involved in a bad road accident and left paralysed from the neck down. The play was set after he’d been in hospital for six months and his injuries had healed, apart from the spinal ones. It becomes apparent to him that he is never going to be able to walk again and he comes to the conclusion that he doesn’t want to continue living and to die by having his treatment terminated. The doctors obviously disagree and Ken is visited by a social worker who tries to persuade him to be positive and think about what he could do with his life. Despite the morbid undertone, the play was well written and funny at times. Ken has a great sense of humour, but does not want to live a different life to the one he had before. This play made us all realise that the issue of the right to die is still with us today. Our next meeting will be a talk on life in the 19th century. Page 21


Carl Fanning The Village Decorator Decorating the Loddon Valley Area Painter and Decorator Local Tradesman with 25 years experience Decorating local properties since 1980 A “Dulux” Trade Member Good quality Trade Paints used Internal and external decorating Free estimates - advice on colour and paints Full liability cover - all work is guaranteed

Telephone: Carl on: 01189 424 883 or: 0795 266 1965

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Issue 420

The Autumn Edition



By Pip Iles.

he Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA) was formed in 1939. Initially the pilots were experienced male civilians, ineligible for service with the Royal Air Force (RAF), aged between 28 and 50 with at least 250 hours flying experience. The initial duties were the transport of mail, news, medical supplies, medical officers and ambulance work, and cooperation with the Police and Fire Service. There was no requirement at this stage to assist with ferrying military aircraft because at the time the RAF had no reason to believe they could not handle the task themselves. Aircraft required for operational squadrons were collected by pilots of those squadrons, and aircraft required for training schools or storage depots were flown by a pool of RAF pilots set up specifically for that purpose. With the realisation that war was inevitable, the amount of military aircraft to be transferred from factories to RAF stations began to increase. Eventually the (then) Air Ministry had no option but to consider using civilian pilots. At first they worked with the RAF pilots but difficulties soon arose. The civilians envied the RAF who lived comparatively comfortably having the weight of the Air Ministry behind them. The service pilots resented the civilians because of their freedom and lack of discipline. In the end it was decided that the civilians would take over all ferrying. A special short course was set up at the RAF Central Flying School situated at Upavon in Wiltshire to give the pilots a chance to fly in all of the types of aircraft they were likely (Continued on page 24)

Page 23

www.LoddonValleyLink.hampshire.org.uk to move. These included the Harvard, Battle, Blenheim, Hurricane and Spitfire. By December 1939 the ATA had taken full responsibility for ferrying and a recruitment drive started. At this stage the “male only” stipulation was dropped and in January 1940 one ferry pool consisted of 8 female pilots. In February this was increased to 10. By June 1940 it was apparent that the male section could not keep up with the delivery of aircraft and it was decided, therefore, to increase the female pool to 26 and also to train them on other types of aircraft. This number was to steadily increase until, by September 1945 when the ATA was disbanded, 166 female pilots had served. Although it was viewed in the early days of the ATA as an adventure and a good chance for some of the pilots to fly many more hours and in different types of aircraft than they would have, had the war not started, the flights were not always without dangers. International law prevented any aircraft from being armed, there were no radios and navigation was invariably carried out by using rivers, railway lines, towns and cities etc., as landmarks. Bad weather brought extra risks with storms and low cloud base. Some statistics worthy of note show that between 15th February 1940 and 30th November 1945: The total number of aircraft transferred by the ATA amounted to 308,567. The total flying hours were 415,000. 52 different types of aircraft were flown. The total number of pilots recruited into the ATA was 1,152 male and 166 female. Flying fatalities accounted for 129 male and 14 female deaths. Each year, when the Second World War is commemorated, the country should also remember the debt we owe these brave and selfless people. Page 24

Issue 420

The Autumn Edition

About Mrs Annette Hill Annette was born in Dublin on the 22nd May 1919. At the age of 18 years she decided to cross the border and join the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force. Following training Annette was stationed at RAF Aldergrove as an ambulance driver. It was during this time that she remembers a strange incident when she had to drive her ambulance back across the border, (Eire was neutral), to recover the bodies of the crew of a crashed Liberator . The bodies were later buried in Northern Ireland. Approximately two years later Annette saw that volunteers were required to become pilots with the Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA). Always looking for a challenge, she decided to apply. Several interviews followed, mainly in London, but it was a very slow process. Annette decided, meanwhile, to remuster and, following training at Blackpool, she was posted to Cornwall as a Radar Operator. Six months later, however, Annette received the news that she had been successful and was selected to begin flying training with the ATA in May ‘44. Initial training was in a Miles Magister, and after only 12 hours Annette went “solo”. Training was to continue until August 1944 and the aircraft flown also included the Tiger Moth and Proctor. Annette’s first “active” flight was to deliver a Miles Magister from Grantham to Newmarket on the 1st September 1944. By 20th September 1945, when her service with the ATA finished, Annette had clocked up 278 hours 55 minutes and had piloted (solo) a: Magister, Proctor, Fairchild, Tiger Moth, Swordfish, Auster 3, (Continued on page 26)

Page 25

www.LoddonValleyLink.hampshire.org.uk Auster 5, Harvard, Spitfire, Martinet, Reliant and Barracuda. With her love of aircraft, and the experience she had gained, it is not surprising that when Annette left the ATA she found herself working for British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) in charge of internal passenger lines to Ireland and Scotland before being head-hunted by Aer Lingus. It was around this time that Annette met another BOAC employee, Dr Maurice Hill. Maurice had joined BOAC after being invalided out of the merchant Navy where he served as a surgeon. He spent five days in the water as a result of his ship being torpedoed. Annette and Maurice were married in January ‘47. Maurice moved from BOAC to British European Airways (BEA) and then, at the age of 40, he joined the Atomic Energy Authority as a Senior Medical Officer. He later gained promotion to Chief Medical Officer before retiring in 1980. At this stage Annette and Maurice were living in Newbury but were keen to retire to the coast. In Annette’s words “by sticking a pin in a map” they chose Lymington. Later they were to move to Annette’s present home in Sherfield. Annette kept in touch with the ATA and regularly attended the Annual Reunions. She was also involved in the International Air Tattoo for 13 years and was able to be present at the 50th Anniversary where she and her colleagues from her ATA days had a 45 minute trip in Tiger Moths, at one stage flying in formation over the airfield as part of the displays. In October 2008 Annette was one of the few ex-ATA members able to travel to London to be presented with a lapel badge by the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, in recognition of her service to the country. Sadly Annette suffered a fall earlier in the year, and broke her wrist. Further complications arose and she ended up with a hip operation. She was transferred to Alton Community Hospital for recuperation where I visited her recently. She is a remarkable person as at the age of 91. She still retains her fighting spirit and is positive about the future, planning for when she returns home; qualities which I am sure saw her through the days with the ATA. Page 26

Issue 420

The Autumn Edition

Silchester Church of England Aided Primary School School Lane, SILCHESTER 01189 700256 Head teacher: Mrs S Elliott For parents of children due to start school in September 2010 OPEN DAYS Tuesday 13 October at 9.45am Wednesday 21 October at 2.00pm Thursday 22 October at 9.45am A chance to see our excellent village church school in action Please let us know if you wish to attend All enquiries and visitors welcome Places available in other year groups The 25th Anniversary Rotherwick Gift Fair Tuesday 6th October 2009 10.00am—4.00pm Rotherwick Village Hall Entrance £3.50 Sherfield Park Community Association On Sunday 20th September the Association organised a 5 mile ramble to Sherfield on Loddon for residents of Sherfield Park. Many residents took the opportunity to enjoy the late summer sunshine to take a circular walk through the countryside from Taylor’s Farm to Sherfield on Loddon and back. The route took the group out of the development crossing the A33 at the roundabout and walking through the fields finally emerging at the Sherfield on Loddon roundabout. After a welcome stop for refreshments at the White Hart the party set off across the village green onto Gosden Lane and through the fields to St Leonard’s Church emerging onto the A33 for the short walk back to Sherfield Park. Thanks go to Carol and Carl Mills for organising and leading the event.. David Leivesley—Chairman Page 27


Village Hall Matters Reg Charity 272385

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: Halloween Race Night Saturday 31st October - Details from Jan on 01256 882539. Centenary Celebration Dinner Dance - Black tie. Saturday 12th December, 7.00 for 7.30pm. Three course meal and dancing to Graeme Hewitt’s High Society Jazz Band. Licensed bar. Tickets £25, from Loraine 01256 881498, or Lucy 01256 882599. Marvellous Magical Coat - Children's puppet show - Sunday 13th December, 3pm. (In association with Hog the Limelight). For families, 5 years and up. Tickets £6 (£3 for under 14s) available from Loraine on 01256 881498. Barn Dance and fish & chip supper, with music by Pitchfork, on the evening of Saturday 30 January 2010. Further details in next month’s Link. Village Green Volunteers The Volunteers will meet next on Saturday 17th October. As it will be getting dark early please meet behind the Village Hall at 2.00 pm. Remember more hands make light work. A Plea from Our Litter Warden. Please do not use the large blue bin beside the football pavilion for general waste. It is solely for the use of our litter warden who uses it for the contents of the bins and other litter he picks up from the village green and he often finds that there is no space left for what he has collected. Allotments If you wish to take your dog onto the allotments please keep him or her on a lead and clean up after them. Allotment holders should not be left to do this. Thank you for your cooperation. Bruce Batting Page 28

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The Autumn Edition

Page 29


Tel. 01256-882736 or 882368 Mob. 07836 626323

FUNERAL DIRECTORS & MONUMENTAL MASONS. ALEXANDER & DRY Twenty four hour service. Pre-paid funeral plans available. 1 Seal Road, Basingstoke, RG21 7NQ Tel: 01256 844663 Page 30

Issue 420

The Autumn Edition

Police News October Beat Surgery Dates 14th Oct 17th Oct 18th Oct

Bramley Bakery Sherfield Shop Silchester village hall car park

0900 to 1100 0900 to 1100 1000 to 1200

WPC 504 Mandy Jewell Tadley Police Station 07770 471655 [email protected]

Beat update – September 2009. Speed enforcement: there are no new results. Anti social behaviour: there were only 10 calls relating to nuisance youths over the school holidays. Six in Bramley, but not all at the same location. Three in Sherfield on Loddon that related to specific events in the village. One at Mortimer West End. So, a good result. Crime: business premises continue to be targeted. Theft of copper and laptops. Mini motos have also been stolen recently. Pub car parks & theft from vehicles appears to be on the increase again. PLEASE, if you are frequenting a pub, do not leave anything of value in the vehicle. Leaving laptops in the boot, believing they can’t be seen, does not mean they are safe. Sherfield & District Gardening Club

Next Meeting: 19 October Village Hall 8.00pm Chrissie Clemson on Winter baskets and containers For arrangements contact: Linda on 882341 or Vanessa on 881760 th

Page 31


THE SPINE TEAM Integrated Chiropractic means: Investigation Explanation Treatment Rehabilitation Understand and take control of your back pain. BRIGHTON HILL 466666 HOOK SURGERY 763888 HAMPSHIRE CLINIC 473208


Professional Face & Body Sugaring

Liz Mckinney

A sweet alternative to waxing.

Hair and Beauty Therapist

Semi-permanent hair removal

Waxing, Manicure, Pedicure Ear Piecing Aromatheropy High Lights, Low Lights Perms, Cuts & Styling

Page 32

An effective method of

Also available Holistic Massage, manicure and pedicure, eyelash and eyebrow tinting. Ladies only please. Tel: Louise on

07867 897171 / 01256 334775

Telephone: 01256 811502

or visit

Mobile: 07867 570 577


Issue 420

The Autumn Edition

Letters to the Link

Page 33


M. Elliott Builders FREE ESTIMATES No job too small Garden Walls Patios Extensions Driveways Block paving Steps etc. Telephone 01256 334233 Mobile 07729263775

Page 34

Issue 420

The Autumn Edition

The Royal British Legion Bramley Branch (BR 1848) Bramley Royal British Legion Branch Meeting On Tuesday 8th September at 8.00 pm the members of Bramley and Sherborne St John Branches of The Royal British Legion met together in the Wellesley Suite of the Wellington Arms Hotel in Stratfield Turgis to hear from Mr Clem Keeble of Sherfield on Loddon. Clem belonged to The Paras and was dropped into Normandy on D Day – 1 (5th June 1944) at the start of the allied invasion of France. He gave a very interesting talk that was serious, sad and humorous and was well received by the audience. He also included some snippets of his life after leaving the regular Army including his completion of the four day – 100 mile Nijmegen March at the age of 85! It is hoped that Clem will consent to speak again at a future meeting. Anyone interested in joining the Bramley Branch of The Royal British legion is asked to contact the Chairman, Charles Lewis on 01256 882537

Remembrance Day Road Closure Reading Road will be closed on Remembrance Sunday, November 8th from 10.30am to 11.15am from the slip to Pound Meadow. SHERFIELD 0-5’S NEARLY NEW SALE SATURDAY 14TH NOVEMBER 10.00am-1.00pm Do you want to make some money by selling your quality children’s seconds? Why not hire a table at the Sherfield 0-5’s Sale? Contact Judith on 01256 883 551 Page 35


Unit 2 Berry Court Business Park Bramley Road, Little London Tel: 01256 880044 Fax 01256 880046 Email: [email protected]

PLUMBING & HEATING OFTEC registered Oil boiler installer Solar Water Heating Accredited Installer Free Initial Survey and Estimate Telephone: 01256 882309 Page 36

Issue 420

The Autumn Edition

Village 30 Scheme Following a decision of Hampshire County Council’s Cabinet just before Christmas 2006 to follow new government guidance, it was decided to give all villages the opportunity to be considered for 30 mph speed limits within their village boundaries and the immediate outskirts. A scheme at Stratfield Saye has already been implemented and now schemes involving minor roads in Stratfield Turgis and Hartley Wespall are being considered. If you live in Stratfield Turgis you should receive a letter with this copy of ’The Link’, giving an outline of the scheme and asking for comments.. If for any reason you don’t receive one please contact the chair, Sheila Campbell on 882351 or email [email protected]. If you live in Hartley Wespall the matter will be discussed at a Special General Meeting. See the notice below.



Rewires, Fuseboxes, security lights Garden lights, alarms quotes free www.j-elec.com [email protected] 0118 942 7553 Mob 07856 478829

Page 38

Issue 420

The Autumn Edition

Local Life A series of articles about people who live and work in this beautiful area. This one’s from a local author. Loddon Valley – A Good Place To Write Deer are regular visitors to our garden. Recently one reclined against our hedge and chewed cud for almost an hour. Last Spring they ate 249 of the 250 tulips I’d planted. We have a vegetable patch where I grow runner beans, butternut squash, and yellow courgettes. I have enough garlic hanging in the potting shed to last us until Christmas. But what does any of that have to do with writing? Our little cottage is the perfect place to write. I can look out of my office window between sentences and see delicate blackberry blossoms. I can go and make myself a cup of tea and watch the Nuthatch (with his impressive eye make-up). But living here is more than just having pretty surroundings in which to write. Everything I experience goes into my writing. Growing vegetables helps me to learn patience (especially with slugs), and discipline. Writers need a lot of that. Walking around the garden teaches me to notice things – a single fritillary under the apple tree, or a toad’s leathery skin. It all goes in, and composts away. It all goes into my stories. I’m very happy here. Our little cottage is truly a good place to write.

Fiona Robyn is a novelist living in the Loddon Valley and her latest novel is The Blue Handbag. Her blog is at www.plantingwords.com and you can find out more about her books at www.fionarobyn.com.

Page 39



Page 40

Issue 420

The Autumn Edition For a Warm Friendly Welcome

THE SHOP IN SHERFIELD-ON-LODDON Selling a vast range of groceries including: Local Bakery bread & Cakes:

Market fresh fruit & veg.

Quality fresh meat & poultry:

Excellent selection of Wine

Beer Spirits & Tobacco; All at competitive prices THE SHOP, Reading Road, Sherfield Telephone: 01256 882234 Open: Monday—Saturday 7.00 am to 7.00 pm Sundays 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Orders taken for Delivery



Page 41

www.LoddonValleyLink.hampshire.org.uk GOLD LEAF DRIVER TRAINING. We guarantee a patient, friendly, reliable DSA (Driving Standards Agency) driving instructor. www.goldleafdriving.co.uk, Phone 01256 812829, text 07795 957664 or call Chris Horton on 01256 882426

TRADITIONAL PLASTERING. ALL ASPECTS OF PLASTERING Flatten old ceilings - Extensions - Conversions - Renovations. Insurance work undertaken - Small jobs welcome. For a free no obligation quote please call Dave Ellery on 01256 354137 or 07958670774


PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR and EXTERIOR DECORATOR First class job guaranteed. Over 30 years experience. No job too small. For a free competitive estimate ring Ian on 01256 882132 or mobile 07876021772

LOCAL EXPERIENCED TAX ADVISER Self Assessment Tax Returns + Arrears + Claims + Payroll + Self Employed + VAT Returns. Initial consultation free. Call 07920 112533 or email to [email protected]

PC SUPPORT For upgrades, repairs, internet access and wireless problems, virus removal, data recovery, friendly advice and speedy help in times of PC crisis call Ian on 07977 143310. £20 per hour.

SALLY’S FOOTWORKS Reflexology for better health. Specialising in woman’s health, maternity and postnatal. Tel: 01256 882133 or 07796 908890 www.sallysfootworks.co.uk

PKG PLUMBING and TILING Friendly, reliable and very competitive. All plumbing and tiling jobs welcome. No call charges. Free estimates. Tel: Paul 01256 350386 or 07776421958. Email [email protected]

WEBSITE DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT & DELIVERY For websites from a little as £25, backed up by a full management service. The web your way. Phone 07984033914. www.villagewebshop.co.uk

CHANGING LANDSCAPES Garden design and clearance. Fencing/hedging. lawn cutting plus gutter cleaning and repairs. Please call 01256 702705 or mobile 07765 153 569 Page 42

Issue 420

The Autumn Edition

BACK2FLAT PLASTERER Plastering. Artexing. Coving. insurance work. Free estimates. Fully qualified tradesman. For a friendly reliable service call Steven on 07765591008

Run by chartered Physiotherapist. Small group sessions at Sherfield Village Hall. Call Kate Varney on 01256 880201 or 07809407585. Email [email protected]

PLUMBING & HEATING Established local reliable company. From dripping taps to bathroom refurbishments. Gas Safe approved (Corgi), boiler servicing and replacements. Lady plumber available. Contact Niall on 01256 818086 / 07774741021

PART TIME EMPLOYMENT REQUIRED I have Post Office /Retail experience as well as a strong 25+ years sales office(U.K. & Export) background with several blue chip companies. Please telephone 01256 882254

A QUANTITY OF RECLAIMED PAVIORS for a drive or path. Colours, some “brindle” and some “charcoal”. No reasonable offer refused. Buyer collects. To view tel 01256 882099.



PC2IT ALL YOUR PC REQUIREMENTS. Networking: internet problems; virus removal; hardware & software faults; backup & data recovery. Free quotes, no fix no fee. Friendly and locally based. Call Glen on 07888644915

SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS MAGAZINE £4 monthly for a maximum of 30 words. Space permitting. Requests are logged and dealt with in order.

Contact Winston Bruce 01256 883277

DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS MAGAZINE Prices depend on the size of your advertisement. Please contact Winston Bruce 01256 883277 or [email protected] to discuss your requirements. There is normally a waiting list of businesses requiring to advertise here. Requests are logged and dealt with in order. Page 43

www.LoddonValleyLink.hampshire.org.uk Petra Jewellery Established 1979 Independent Family Jewellers

Repairs & Alterations Commission work Free design consultations Wedding and Engagement Rings Fine diamond specialists Melting down of old gold

ELLIOTT’S LANDSCAPING Tree Surgery Stump Grinding Hedge Cutting Fencing Decking Power Washing Turfing Garden Maintenance Peter Elliott 01256 883743


01256 355945


07725 749 644

Viables Craft Centre, Basingstoke, RG22 4BJ

Little Pearls Nursery Full time childcare O-4 years. Free funded hours available for over 3’s. Situated in Pebbles Children’s Centre, Chineham Park. E-mail: [email protected]

Tel:01256 462804 or 01256 464750 Page 44

Issue 420

The Autumn Edition


Bruce Batting


Basingstoke Gazette.

Chris Horton



Ursula Lambden



Sue Handasyde-Dick


St. Leonard’s Church.

Revd. Bob Politt


Breach Lane Chapel.

Geoff Belsham


Chris Russell

01276 21469

Catholic Church

Father Vincent Harvey


Cricket Club

Andy Stevens



Jean Berntsen


Football (Junior)

Fred Berntsen


Football (Seniors)

Don Campbell


Happy Faces Playgroup

Peggy Hutchins


Loddon Players

Chris Horton


Loddon Valley Link.

See back pages of magazine

Lunch Club.

Helen Belsham



Gill Fearon


Stratfield Saye P. Council.

Penny Mayo

01189 332 379

Stratfield Turgis P. Meeting

Sheila Campbell (Chair)

01256 882351

Sherfield Parish Council

Ivan Gosden (Chair)

01256 881007

Jayne Hawkins (Clerk)

01252 673 172

Police - Local beat officer

Mandy Jewell

07770 471 655

Police - Report an incident

Police Control Room

0845 045 45 45


Natalie Larner


Post Office


Sher. Community Care Grp

Doreen Tosswill


Sherfield Fete.

Nick Robinson


Sher. Dist. Gardening Club

Linda Sycamore


Sherfield Show.

Natalie Larner


Short Mat Bowls.

Norman Stanley


Toddler Group 0-5s.

Judith Sullivan


Tree Warden.

Geraldine House-Barklie


Village Grn. Volunteers.

Bruce Batting


Whist Drive.

Jean Wright


Women’s Institute

Val Denny



Jan Martin


Management Committee

Bruce Batting


Fund Raising Committee

Alan Ball


Village Hall

Please inform the Editor of changes to the above information Page 45


Loddon Valley Link Management Committee Chairman:

Dr. Donald Dawson Tel. 01256 882379 email: [email protected] Deputy Chairman: Revd. Bob Politt Tel. 01256 882209 email: [email protected] Secretary: Esme Ward Tel. 01256 880503 email: [email protected] Hartley Rep.: Dr. John Williams Tel. 01256 882705 email: [email protected] Sherfield Park Rep: Chris Wright Tel: 01256 880436 [email protected] Stratfield Saye Rep: Germano Giugovaz Tel: 01189 332166 Committee Member Claire Osborne Tel: 01256 324458 and Assistant Editor: email: [email protected] Committee Member Caroline Rowe Tel: 01256 395027 & ‘Roving Reporter’: email: [email protected] Editor Sheena Archer Tel: 01256 882099 Dec/Jan & Feb. editions email: [email protected] Editor: Brian Archer Tel: 01256 882099 March/April editions email: [email protected] Simon is editor for the November edition. The next copy deadline is 16th October 2009.

Simon Boase

Tel: 01256 881250

Andrias Cottage Spanish Green Stratfield Turgis, RG27 0AD

email: [email protected] All Advertising enquiries: Winston Bruce Final small ads. Deadline for November, is October 10th 2009.

Page 46

Treasurer and Advertising. Winston Bruce Tel. 01256 883277 18 Longbridge Close Sherfield on Loddon Hook, RG27 0DQ email: [email protected]

Issue 420

The Autumn Edition


Reverend Bob Politt,

Tel: 01256 882209

Kindly Note:

The Rector’s day off is Thursday

Assistant Priest: Reverend Sammie Armstrong Tel: 01189 816593 Readers:

Richard Elphick

Tel. 01256 882860

Dr. John Williams

Tel. 01256 882705


Tel. 01256 882538

Peter Chessell

Tel. 01256 478050


Stephen Hemmings

Tel.01256 882523


Mike Abrams

Tel. 01256 881188

Brian Archer

Tel. 01256 882099

Peggy Willson

Tel. 01256 880503


Roy Best

Tel. 01189 882422


Robert Craig

Tel: 01256 882253


Fran Oliver

Tel. 01189 268364


Tel. 01256 880559

Dr. John Williams

Tel. 01256 882705


Michael Webster

Tel. 01256 882413


Dr. Gill Williams

Tel. 01256 882705

Page 47


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