Loaders And Linkers

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Chapter 3 Loaders and Linkers

Purpose and Function  Places

object program in memory

 Linking –

Combines 2 or more obj programs

 Relocation –

Allows loading at different locations

 Linkage –


Provides linking without loading

Kinds of Loaders  Absolute – – – – –

Single pass Checks for correct header record Checks for sufficient available memory Moves each text record to proper location Upon seeing END passes control to the pgm

Kinds of loaders (cont.)  Bootstrap – – –

A special absolute loader ROM Loads the OS

Kinds of loaders (cont.)  Relocating – – – – –

Modifies appropriate addresses Loads object program at a variety of locations May perform loading during execution (repeatedly) Allows for multiple programs (multiprocessing) System libraries require relocation

Methods of Relocation  Modification

records  Use absolute addressing and fixed format – – – –

No modification records required Use same text records with flag (relocation bit) Relocation bits gathered into a mask If relocation bit is 1, add starting address to word

Modification Records H – –

– header H PgmName Startaddr Length 1ch 6ch 6ch 6ch

Modification Records T – –

– text T Startaddr Length records 1ch 6ch 2ch ???ch

Modification Records D – –

– Define – defined here, used elsewhere D Label addr Label addr Label addr …. 1ch 6ch 6ch 6ch 6ch 6ch 6ch

Modification Records R – –

– Refer – used here, defined elsewhere R Label Label Label …. 1ch 6ch 6ch 6ch

Modification Records M – – – – –

– Modification M addr len action 1ch 6ch 2ch +/- label Addr – location to modify Len – number of bytes to modify Action – how to modify

Modification Records E – – –

– Ebd E addr 1ch 6ch Addr is the starting execution location

Mask Method of Relocation HCOPY 000000001077A ^ ^ ^ T0000001EFFC1400334810390000362800303000154810613C000300002A0C003900002D ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ FFC 111111111100 all 10 words need modification T 00001E 15 E00 0C0036 481061 080033 4C0000 454F46 000003 000000 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ E00 111000000000 instructions 0,1,2 need load addresses T0000391EFFC0400300000030E0105D30103FD8105D2800303010575480392C105E38103F ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T0010570A8001000364C0000F1001000 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ The F1 fouls up alignment, thus a new text record has to be started. FIGURE 3.7

Program Linking  Necessary

for separate CSECTS  External References  External Definitions

LOADING  Forward

references to external symbols common  Use 2 pass –

Pass 1 assigns address to external symbols  Provides

a load map (info. in symbol table)

Pass 2 performs actual loading, relocation, and linking

Data Structures for Loading  

ESTAB external symbol table Stores – – –

PROGADDR – program load address –

Names Addresses CSECT of external symbols Provided by the OS

CSADDR – CSECT addr. of control sect. loaded

Pass 1 

All external symbols from define records are stored and have destination addresses Provides load map containing – –

Header records Define records

Efficiency can be increased if a reference number is given to each external symbol. Ref number indexes an array removing the need for a hash function.

Efficiency References                  

HPROGA 000000 000063 DLISTA 000040 ENDA 000054 R 02LISTB 03ENDB 04LISTC 05ENDC (refer record) T 000020 0A 03201D 77100004 050014 T 000054 0F 000014 FFFFF6 00003F 000014 FFFFC0 M 000024 05 + 02 <----- 02 references LISTB M 000054 06 + 04 M 000057 06 + 05 M 000057 06 - 04 M 00005A 06 + 05 M 00005A 06 - 04 M 00005A 06 + 01 M 00005D 06 - 03 M 00005D 06 + 02 M 000060 06 + 02 M 000060 06 - 01 E 000020 Fig 3.12 Object program corresponding to Fig3.8 using reference numbers for code modification (PROGA only, PROGB and PROGC aresimilar)

Pass 2  Loads

text records  Resolves addresses (relocating)  Linking of CSECTS  Starts execution at address of end record –

Uses last end record when each CSECT contains an END with an address

Machine Independent Loader Features  Include

library routines  Specify options  Load object program


Automatic Library Search  Library

routines are external references  Users can include routines to override library routines  Library search is a search of the directory that contains addresses of the routines.

Loader Options  Exist

as a separate command language OR  As part of the compiled/assembled program

Loader Options (cont.)  Select –

alternate source

Include program name

 Delete

external symbols or entire CSECTS  Change names

Loader Options Example Fig2.15 is COPY using RDREC and WRREC. Suppose new routines READ and WRITE are to replace them, but we want to test READ and WRITE first. Without assembling we could give the loader: INCLUDE READ(UTLIB) INCLUDE WRITE(UTLIB) DELETE RDREC, WRREC CHANGE RDREC, READ CHANGE WRREC, WRITE Now we have the new routines for execution without removing and reassembling the source code.

Loader Options Libraries  Specify

alternative libraries to be searched. These are searched before system libraries, allowing user versions to replace system versions.


Loader Options Libraries  Specify

that library routines not be included. If, for example, statistics were normally done, but not done in this run. NOCALL STDDEV, PLOT, CORREL  allows these references to be unresolved, but the assemble to succeed.

Loader Options Libraries  Specify

no external references be resolved.  Good for programs are linked but not executed immediately.  Calls to external references, of course, will error.

Loader Output Output from the loader can vary  load map with the level of detail. – –

CSECT only CSECT and addresses, external symbol address and cross reference table showing where each is used.

Loader Design Options  Linking

loaders – all linking and relocation at load time  Linkage editors – perform linking prior to load time  Dynamic linking – performed at execution time

Linkage Editors  Can

replace one function without relinking. Similar to what make does for compiling


Linkage Editors (cont.) 

Can be used to combine several library routines into a package so that they do not need to be recombined each time a program is run that uses those packages. INCLUDE READR(FTNLIB) INCLUDE WRITER(FTNLIB) INCLUE BLOCK(FTNLIB) . . . SAVE FTNIO(SUBLIB)

Result is a much more efficient linking of functions.

Linkage Editors (cont.) Can indicate that external references are not to be resolved by automatic library search Example: suppose 100 programs use I/O routes, if all external

references were resolved, there would be 100 copies of the library. Using commands to the linkage editor like those above, the user could specify not to include the library. A linking loader could be used to include the routines at run time. There would be a little more overhead since two linking operations would be done, one for user external references by the linkage editor and one for libraries by the linking loader.

Dynamic Linking  Perform – –

the above operations but during load time.

For example, a subroutine is loaded and linked to the rest of the program when it is first called. Used to allow several executing programs to share one copy of a subroutine or library. One copy of the function could be provided for all programs executing that use that function.

Dynamic Linking (cont.)  Used – –

in Object Oriented Programming

Allows the object to be shared by several programs. An implementation of an object can be changed without effecting the program making use of the object.

Dynamic Linking (cont.)  Enhanced –

efficiency (time and space)

A subroutine is loaded only if it is needed, maybe an error handler routine would never be loaded if the error was never found.

Dynamic Linking (cont.) 

Implementation – – – –

During execution time the loader must be kept and invoked when the function is needed. In this case the loader can be thought of as part of the OS and thus an OS call occurs. The binding is at execution time rather than load time. Delayed binding gives more capabilities at higher cost.

Bootstrap Loaders  How

is the loader loaded?  Machine is idle and empty, thus no need for relocation.  Some computers have a permanently resident in read-only memory (ROM) an absolute loader. Upon hardware signal occurring the machine executes this ROM program.

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