Lm-q1-week 7.docx

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Quarter I Week 7 Day 1 Think and Tell Look at the picture.

What is in the picture? Do you love reading fairy tales? What fairy tales story do you know?

Find out and Learn Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the box. to move in quick

a broad smile


bend or hang downward

1. I snuggled down in my sleeping bag. 2. James hid his face in his hands and drooped his head. 3. He muttered something under his breath. 4. OK,” he said with a grin. 5. The remaining petals fluttered to the ground.


Read and Learn Fairy tales are greatly love by children. These are the stories that mothers read to their children before they go to sleep. Some of these stories are funny and exciting. Let’s find out if some of you will be affected in such a way that sometimes fairies do exist. Tooth Fairy Jenny snuggled under for blanket with her eyes wide open. “I will stay awake. Oh, I want to see the fairy,” she muttered sleepily. That afternoon in school, her milk tooth had wiggled and turned for the last time. It fell on a page of the book that Jenny was reading. Now she had a space just as most of her schoolmates had, right in the middle of her beautiful grin. Before going to bed that night, Jenny put the tooth under her pillow to see whether a fairy would take it away and leaved a surprise in its place. She wanted to stay awake, but her eyelids drooped and closed. The room was still quiet. Then, a tinkle, like the sound of a music box, filled the air. Out of the darkness, the shiniest little fairy any could imagine, floated into the room. She knelt down beside Jenny’s pillow and found the hidden tooth. The fairy dropped the tooth into a golden purse and whispered, “Now I have another pearl for my queen’s necklace. Thanks to you Jenny. Out of gratitude, I will leave you this coin. It will be your reward and will bring you luck, Jenny.” The music began again, and the fairy fluttered away. “Wake up, Child,” Jenny’s mother bent over her. Before she opened her eyes, Jenny reached under the pillow. She was surprised when she felt something there. When she saw the coin, she sat up smiling. “Mother,” she cried, “did the fairy come or was I dreaming?” Mother smiled and said, “You want to believe that she came, don’t you? So why don’t we just make believe that she did?” With that thought, Jenny just smiled. “But I saw her, Mother. I just don’t know how. I wish I didn’t fall asleep,” she said winking at Mother. “Oh, well, I still have baby teeth anyway!”

Talk about it 1. What happened to Jenny’s tooth? 2. Why did she want to stay awake that night? 3. From out of the darkness, who floated into her room? 4. Why did the fairy take Jenny’s tooth? 5. If you lose a tooth, will you keep it under your pillow? Why or why not? 6. If you were in Jenny’s place and you found the coin under your pillow, what would you do with it? 7. Do you believe that there is a tooth fairy? Why do you think so?

Remember Reality refers to situations that may happen in real life. Fantasy refers to situations that are magical or make believe and could not happen in real-life

Try and Learn A. Pantomiming a. Tell you pupils to think of their fantasy dream. b. Let them pantomime it while their classmates will guess what it is. Ask them again to think their ambition. Let them act it out again and class will guess it. c. Ask them also how they will achieve their ambition

B. Raise R card if the event or action is Reality and raise letter F if the action is Fantasy. 1. Blankets should be cleaned after use. 2. Through the Internet, people can play games with each other. They can do much more. 3. When the man hit pot, diamond came out.

4. A woodcutter cuts wood in the forest. 5. Computers can cook our food.

Do and Learn Put the sentence below in proper column. Reality












1. The swan wears a crown. 2. The young girl is selling flowers at the church. 3. The volcano is erupting. 4. The girl’s dead grandmother comes to fetch her with a smile 5. The teacher is telling a story. 6. The witch stopped at the store 7. Antonio lives in the clouds 8. The park is full of children. 9. The farmer talked to the priest. 10. The genie granted Antonio’s wish.

Learn Some More Read each sentence carefully and decide whether it is Reality or Fantasy _____1. The butterfly flew from flower to flower. _____2. The top of the mountain is covered with fog. _____3. The giant carried the building in his right hand. _____4. They planted trees in the forest. _____5. The man hit the pot out come diamonds

Quarter I Week 7 Day 2 Think and Tell Show the word Mathematics If I removed the Mathematics. Can you still recognize the word? There are times when we do not want to say the whole words, so we shorten them

Read and Learn Notice the underlined shorten words. Let the pupils guess its original word Their company spends a lot of money on ads Burger does not suit old people The tourist bus broke down near Pangasinan. The copter forces landed in the disturbed areas to stem the communal violence There are bundles of currency notes inside the case. Gas has become an expensive fuel for low income group families. My uncle goes to the gym early morning. Get me a kilo of mangoes. This college has five labs.


Clipped words are often used in their shorten word for their convenience Types of Clippings 1. Backclipping (Apocopation) is the loss of one or more syllables at the end of a word. Examples: • abs (abdominal muscle) • app (application) • bi (bisexual) • bra (brassiere)

2. Foreclipping (Aphaeresis) refers to the omission of one or more syllables at the beginning of a word. Examples: •

phone (telephone)

sample (example)

coon (raccoon)

3. Middle Clipping (Syncope) retains the middle part of a word, getting rid of the beginning and ending parts. Examples: •

flu (influenza)

tec (detective)

4. Complex Clipping is the shortening of a compound word by preserving and combining its initial parts (or first syllables). Examples: •

sci-fi (science fiction)

midcult (middlebrow culture)

sitcom (situation comedy)

forex (foreign exchange)

5. Complex Clipping is the shortening of a compound word by preserving and combining its initial parts (or first syllables). Examples: •

sci-fi (science fiction)

midcult (middlebrow culture)

sitcom (situation comedy)

forex (foreign exchange)

Other examples: Original Word

Clipped Word

Type of Clipping




Fore clipping

a person who tries to find a way to change ordinary metals into gold and to find a medicine which would cure any disease.



Fore clipping

a large reptile with a hard skin that lives in and near rivers and lakes in the hot

Back clipping

a large room containing many beds, especially in a boarding school or university





Middle clipping

Soft loose clothing which is worn in bed and consists of trousers and a type of shirt.



Middle clipping

a piece of kitchen equipment which uses electricity to preserve food at a cold temperature



Back clipping

a short written report prepared specially for a person or group of people which contains information about a particular matter.



Fore clipping

a motorway which you usually have to pay to use

Try and Learn Exercise 1 Using the picture, give its original word, clipped word, and meaning and use it in a sentence. Be able to present it to the class. Group 1.

Group 2



Group 3

Group 4



Exercise 2 Read the meaning of each clipped words and give its original word. __________1. decaf = to remove the caffeine from coffee __________2. prom = a formal dance held for a school class toward the end of the academic year __________ 3. croc = a large aggressive aquatic reptile with massive jaws and a body covered with bony plates __________ 4. mike = a device for converting sound waves into electrical energypop (music or art ) new and of general appeal, especially among young people __________5. prom = a formal dance held for a school class toward the end of the academic year

Do and Learn A. Write the word from the box that matches the bold clipped word beside it.











May 16, 2016 M.H. Del Pilar St. El Nido, Palawan Dear Wally, Last week, my family went to Manila to visit some schools Pauleen ________ applied to. It’s strange to think that next year my sister will be a high-school grad.____________ We took a taxi ____________ to the airport since our plane____________ left so early in the morning. The dorm ____________ rooms were awfully small, but Pauleen was really impressed with the science labs____________. Later on, we ate some burgers____________ at the student union and talked to a few students. My parents have finally decided that I’m old enough to ride my bike____________ to Dr. Cruz’s office. He posted an ad____________asking for help a couple of days a week. He thinks it’s great that I plan on being a vet____________one day and takes all my questions seriously. Have you been to any ballgames? Are you keeping stats ____________ of your favourite players? I Hope you’re having a great summer. Your friend, Jose B. Give the original word of the given clipped word based on its meaning. Choose the letter of the correct answer. 1. coke = carbonated drink flavoured with extract from Kola nuts a. coconut

b. cocaine

c. cocain

d. coca-cola

e. choke

2. co-ed = schooling attended by members of both sexes a. coedam

b. coeddo

c. coedit

d. coeditor



3. grannie, granny = the mother of your father or mother a. granary

b. grand prix

c. grande dame

d. grandfather

e. Grandmother

4. vet = a doctor who practices veterinary medicine a. veterinarian

b. veteran

c. vetchworm

d. vestrywoman

e. Vegetarian

5. gent = a man of refinement a. genealogist

b. general agent

c. general team

d. genitals



Quarter I Week 7 Day 3 Think and Tell Have you read a poem like this? Did you understand the meaning of the poem or what the author wants to convey? Why? Why not?

Find Out and Learn delight bower fold duster

- satisfaction - one who bends his head or body to show respect - to lay one part over another part - one used to remove dust

Read and Learn NIGHT By William Blake The moon is like a flower. In heaven’s high bower. My tree is like a duster reading high Stretching forth to sweep the cloudy sky.

Talk about it 1. How did the poem describe the moon? 2. Can the moon really do what the poet wrote? 3. Explain that poets use figurative language to create sensory images.

Remember Figure of speech is an expression that means something different than the literal meaning of the words. It can make one’s poetry , speech and writing more creative, expressive and interesting Simile states a comparison between two unlike objects but have something in common. It contains the words like or as. The moon is like a flower. In heaven’s high bower. My tree is like a duster reading high. Stretching forth to sweep the cloudy sky. Metaphor is a kind of figurative speech. It states a direct comparison of two unlike things that have something in common. It does not use the words like or as. A train is a dragon that roars through the dark. He wriggles his tail as he sends up a spark. Who tossed those golden coins? The dandelions glittering on my lawn? Personification is the giving of human qualities to animals, objects or ideas The moon can walk in her silver shoes and can peer and see. Washed their faces and cuddled in a row Hyperbole is an exaggeration which is obvious, extreme, and intentional. It is used in order to stir up a strong emotion or response in the reader. I’ll love you, dear, I’ll love you Till China and Africa meet, And the river jumps over the mountain And the salmon sing in the street.

Try and Learn A. Direction. Based on the given picture, compose your own sentence using figures of speech Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Do and learn Identify the figure of speech used in the following sentences. 1. He has a heart of gold. 2. Dale’s smile was as bright as the sun shine. 3. Life is a journey; travel it well 4. A wicked whisper came and changed my life. 5. Men's words are bullets that their enemies take up and make use of against them. 6. He roared with the force of a thousand lions. 7. The theatre is his home. 8. There had been no rain for months and all the crops were death. Some parts of the farm were beginning to look like a desert. 9. After a good night sleep, I felt like a million dollars. 10. Everyone wanted Ken on the swim team because he could swim like a fish.

Quarter I Week 7 Day 4 Think and Tell

Who is in the picture? Who do you think they are?

Read and learn Sajid and Zarinah are just two of our many Muslim brothers and sisters in Mindanao. Sajid and Zarinah are neighbors and over the years they have become good friends. They live near the sea which Sajid calls “waters. Another neighbour has a boat and the two children are allowed to use it any time they like. They sail the boat or spend their afternoon swimming. Sajid loves fishing but Zarinah finds it boring. She just swims or gather shells. On Saturdays and Sundays they often have beach picnics with their friends. The boys including Sajid make a charcoal bonfire and the girls set a picnic mat on the sand. Most of their friends prefer fishing but sometimes they have roast chicken. Sajid usually plays his guitar and everyone sings or dances. After every picnic they clean up the beach and carry all the dishes and food back home. They go home before dark or they wait for the beautiful sunset.

Talk about it 1. Who are the characters in the story? 2. What do Sajid and Zarinah enjoy doing by the beach and at the sea? 3. How do Sajid, Zarinah and their friends usually spend the weekends? 4. What do Sajid loves to do that Zarina finds it boring?

Remember Conjunctions is a part of speech that joins two words, phrases or clauses together. There are three types of conjunctions: Coordinating Conjunctions for and nor but or yet so

Correlative Conjunctions either...or neither...nor not only...but also both...and whether...or

Common Subordinating Conjunctions after before although though even though as much as as long as as soon as because since so that

in order that if lest even if that unless until when where whether while

Coordinating conjunctions also called coordinators, are conjunctions that connect two or more equal items. Examples: He plays tennis and soccer Correlative conjunctions are used in pairs. They work in pairs to coordinate two items. Examples: I didn't know that she can neither read nor write. Subordinating conjunctions, also called subordinators, are conjunctions that join a dependent (or subordinating) clause to an independent (or main) clause. Examples: He reads the newspapers after he finishes work.. "So" is a small English word that can have different meanings. As mentioned in the table above, it is commonly used as a coordinator rather than as a subordinating conjunction. There are, however, instances when "so" may introduce purpose and in this case "so" is used as a subordinating conjunction. Examples: "I took my umbrella with me so I wouldn't get wet." " I stayed so I could see you."

Try and Learn Solve the crossword puzzle by using appropriate conjunction



3 4 6 7


Across 3. He must be very popular, ___ everyone in school knows him. 5. John wanted to stay, ___ his sister persuaded him to go. 6. ___ the rain, we went to the beach. 7. ___ I got home, my sister had already left. 8. It's too late to go out; ___, it's beginning to rain. Down 1. She wanted to go to the party; ___, she was not invited. 2. ___ it was cold, he went out without a sweater. 4. We can't buy it ___ we don't have enough money. 5. John had to go to the doctor ___ he was not feeling well.


Do and learn Excercise 1 Combine the following independent clause to form new sentences using conjunctions. 1. Our backyard is wide. It has good soil. 2. I cultivated a garden plot. I bought seeds. 3. I planted tomato seeds last week. Nothing grew. 4. I tried again. I succeeded. 5. I would like to plant more. There isn’t enough space.

Excercise 2 Write the appropriate conjunctions (and, or, not, but, after, before, until, that, when) to join the sentences to complete the myth. The Rose There once was a pretty __________ very naughty child. Her name was Rosa. She was scornful of others, especially the poor. One day, a beggar went to their house. He begged for a drink __________ he was ignored by Rosa. She sent him away instead. Just __________ the beggar left, the world darkened. It rained hard. It thundered __________ lightning flashed. A bolt of lightning struck Rosa’s house. The rain stopped __________ the world brightened. Rosa was nowhere to be seen. Her parents couldn’t find her __________ they grieved. One day, a plant sprouted in their yard. It grew __________ bore a beautiful flower __________ was thorny. It reminded the parents their lost child. They called the plant rose, a reminder of their lost child.

Quarter I Week 7 Day 5 Find Out and Learn

Tell something about the picture. Do you cook at home?

Try and Learn Figure out the meaning of the underline word. 1. I sliced the cake into three pieces. 2. The best way to purify water at home is to simmer it. 3. Sprinkle water on the clothes before ironing it. to scatter in small amount to boil slightly cut

Read and Learn Listen as the teacher says the steps and show you how to prepare apple and hazelnut crunch.

First, we sliced the apples. Then, we simmered them in a saucepan until they were tender. Next, we added sugar and left the stew to cool. When it was cold, we stirred in yogurt. We then spooned the stewed apple into dishes and sprinkled each with crushed fruit and nut bars. Finally, we decorated each dish with apple slices.

Talk About It What is the first step in making apple and hazelnut crunch? How long will you simmer the apple? After adding sugar, what will you do next? What will you do when the stewed apple becomes cold? What is the last step? Why do you think we should decorate the crunches with apple slices?

Remember Transition is a word or phrase that connects one idea to another. This connection can occur within a paragraph or between paragraphs Here are the commonly used transition words Words or phrases to help sequence ideas or transition between sentences or paragraphs First Second third... in the first place... also... lastly after before before long finally in the meantime later meanwhile next soon then

Words or phrases to show location

Words or phrases to show location

Words or phrases to show time

above across around behind beside between in back of in front of inside near outside over under

above across around behind beside between in back of in front of inside near outside over under

while meanwhile soon then after second today later next tomorrow afterward as soon as before now next week

Words or phrases to indicate more information

Words or phrases to help conclude a piece of writing

besides furthermore in addition in fact

in conclusion finally lastly to sum up


Transitions may be used at various times within a paragraph to show the connections between sentences. Here are some examples: Example:

The main character displays strength and courage throughout the story. He showsfear and apprehension when he encounters the antagonist.


The main character displays strength and courage throughout the story. However, he shows fear and apprehension when he encounters the antagonist. The use of the transition in this case helps to show the contrast between the two ideas while also connecting them.


In the novel, there are many tragic events that take place. The prince’s untimely death occurs two days before the wedding.


In the novel, there are many tragic events that take place. For example, the prince’s untimely death occurs two days before the wedding. The transition helps to connect the idea to the example that follows.

Try and Learn Direction : Read the paragraph, then highlight all of the transition words used..

Ever since I moved into my own apartment last fall, I have gotten out of the habit of making my bed--except on Fridays, of course, when I change the sheets. Although some people may think that I am a slob, I have some sound reasons for breaking the bed-making habit. In the first place, I am not concerned about maintaining a tidy bedroom because no one except me ever ventures in there. Secondly, I only use my bed to sleep in, so why go to all of the effort of making it when I am just going to mess it up again the next time I’m in my room. In addition, I find nothing uncomfortable about crawling into a rumpled mass of sheets and blankets. On the contrary, I enjoy poking out a cozy space for myself before drifting off to sleep. Also, I think that a tightly made bed is downright uncomfortable: entering one makes me feel like a loaf of bread being wrapped and sealed. Finally, and most importantly, I think bedmaking is an awful way to waste time in the morning. I would rather spend those precious minutes checking my email or feeding the cat than tucking in corners or snapping the spread. Therefore, I will not conform to the rules on tidiness and my bed will remain unmade!

Choose the correct answer to each question. 1. Which transition word shows location? a. for example

b. below

c. then

2. Which transition word shows time? a. between

b. in other words

c. Later

3. Which transition word adds information? a. in addition

b. over

c. Earlier

4. Which transition word compares and contrasts? a. earlier

b. besides

c. Otherwise

b. besides

c. in other words

5. Which transition word clarifies? a. first

Do and Learn Complete the paragraph by filling in the blanks with the correct transition words in the box. Meanwhile

as a result of

once upon a time








(1)__________________ there lived a family of bears in a lovely wooded area. Their home was (2) __________________some trees (3) __________________a small stream. One day (4)__________________ the bears were not at home, a little girl came to the house. (5)__________________, she knocked on the door. (6) __________________ even though no one answered her knock, she entered the house. (7) __________________ she ate some of the bears' food, and she napped on one of their beds. (8) __________________ the bears returned home. They were surprised to see their door open. Their roars woke up the girl, and she fearfully ran from the house, (9) __________________ the woods, and back to her own home. (10)__________________ her experiences, she never again went into the woods alone.

Write About It Direction : Select a topic from the list below. Then write a short paragraph using transition words.

a sport

eating healthy foods

a vacation

a holiday

a pet

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

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