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Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of one’s PECs in Masonry.

Performance Standards The learner independently creates a plan of action that strengthens/ further develops his/her PECs in Masonry.

Time Allotment: 4 hours

Module 1 Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies Introduction

In this module you will learn more about entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial competencies related to masonry. 1. You will have a first-hand experience in educational activities leading to personal assessment of your entrepreneurial competencies and assessment of entrepreneurial competencies of a successful mason within your province.


2. You will also have some activities to align your competencies with the competencies of successful practitioners. Moreover, this module is designed to stimulate your mind to think about entrepreneurship, its role in the business community in particular and to the economic and social development in general. Now, to start with this module, let us first define entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are people with skills and capabilities to see and evaluate business opportunities. They are individuals that can strategically identify products or services needed by the community and they deliver these at the right time and the right place. Entrepreneurs are agents of economic change; they organize, manage and assume the risks of a business. Some of the good qualities of an entrepreneur are opportunity seeker, risk taker, goal setter, excellent planner, a confident problem solver, hardworking, persistent and a committed worker. Entrepreneurship on the other hand is not just a simple business activity. It is the strategic process of innovation and new venture creation. Basically, entrepreneurship is both an art and science of converting business ideas into marketable products or services to improve the quality of living. Now that you have a little background knowledge about entrepreneur and entrepreneurship, let us now walk through the assessment of Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs). Always remember that “Successful entrepreneurs continuously develop and improve their PECs.” 1

To begin with, let us first try to find out the competencies you will master after finishing this module.


At the end of this module, you are expected to: • • •

Identify areas for improvement, development and growth; Align your PECs according to your business/career choice; and Create a plan of action that ensures success in your business/career choice

Now that you have an idea about the enabling knowledge and skill that you will develop/achieve and master, try to take the first challenge in this module -- the pre assessment.

PRE-ASSESSMENT As part of your initial activity, you will be challenged to dig deeper into your knowledge and previous experiences on the topic. Try to diagnose/assess what you already know about personal entrepreneurial competencies by answering Task 1.

Task 1: Matching Type


Directions: Match the entrepreneurial competencies in column A with their meaning in column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the numbers. A ____1. Creative

B makes a wise decision towards the set objectives strategic thinking and setting of goals trust in one’s ability adoptable to change Makes innovations to have a competitive edge dedicates self to the task keeps records skillfully


____2. Profit oriented ____3. Disciplined ____4. Decision Maker ____5.Interpersonally skilled

b. c. d. e.

____6. Planner ____7. Self-confident

f. g.

____8. Hardworking ____9. Adaptable ____10. Committed

h. sticks to the plan i. works diligently j. communicates and relates to people effectively and efficiently k. focuses on financial gain


Task 2: Guide Questions Direction: The following are guide questions which encapsulate the entire module. Write your answers on your assignment notebook, then share these to class. A. Explain why entrepreneurial activities are important to social development and progress of the economy. B. What entrepreneurial activities related to masonry do you know and are capable of doing? C. Given the opportunity to own a business related to masonry, will you be confident to manage it? Explain your answer. D. What do you think are the most important competencies you must possess in order to be a successful in running your chosen business? E. Name successful entrepreneurs from your province whose business are related to masonry. Be able to share to the class their PECs that made them successful. After all the guide questions have been answered to the best of your knowledge and skills, share these with your classmates. You too, may compare your insights, personal knowledge, and relevant experiences on the topic to make it more exciting and engaging.


Learning Goals and Target

After reading and understanding the objectives of this module and having gone through pre-assessment and answering the guide questions, you will be asked to set your own personal goals. These goals will trigger you to further achieve the ultimate objective of this module. In the end, these goals would motivate you to learn more about PECs.

Goals and Target

Learning Activities

Ultimate Goal

Figure 1: Strategic process to achieve the objectives of this module Reading Resources and Instructional Activities After setting your own personal goals and targets to achieve the objectives of this module, first check your inherent knowledge of PECs. Try to answer the following guide questions with the help of your classmates.


Task 3: Group Activity Directions: Answer the following guide questions on a separate sheet of paper. Share your answer to the class. What is the importance of assessing one’s PECs before engaging in a particular entrepreneurial activity? _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________. Are there other strategies or approaches you can use to assess your PECs? Explain how these would become more useful in selecting a viable business venture. ______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________. What are the desirable personal characteristics, attributes, lifestyles, skills and traits of a prospective entrepreneur? Why are these important? _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________.


Why is there a need to assess one’s PECs in terms of characteristics, attributes, lifestyles, skills and traits before starting a particular business? _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________. What is the significance of evaluating the PECs of a successful entrepreneur? What helpful insights can you draw from this activity? _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________. How was your experience in answering the guide questions with your classmates? Were you able to benefit from them? What are the insights that you have realized? Now, this time you’re going to study the different topics that will enrich your knowledge of PECs. Carefully read all the important details about the succeeding topic.


Assessment of Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) and skills vis-à-vis a practicing entrepreneur or employee in a province. The entrepreneurial competencies refer to the important characteristics that should be possessed by an individual in order to perform entrepreneurial functions effectively. In this module, you will learn some of the most important characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills and traits of a successful entrepreneur in order to be successful in a chosen career. Below are few important characteristics/traits/attributes of a good entrepreneur: •

Hardworking:  One of the important characteristics of a good entrepreneur is hardworking. This means deligently working with energy and commitment for a long period of hours. Hardworking people keep on improving their performance to produce good products and or provide good services.

Self-confident:  Entrepreneurs have trust in their own ability, quality, and judgment. They exhibit self-confidence in order to cope with all the risks of operating their own business.

Disciplined: Successful entrepreneurs apply controlled behaviors by always sticking to the plan and fighting the temptation to do what is unimportant.

Committed: A good entrepreneur accepts full responsibility of everything in his/her business. He/she pledges and dedicates himself to make the business successful.

Able to accept change: Nothing is permanent but change. Change occurs frequently. When you own a business, you should be flexible and thrive on changes. Capitalize on positive changes to make your business grow.

Creative: An entrepreneur should be original and innovative to stay in the business and to have competitive edge over the other competitors.

Proactive: An entrepreneur initiates changes rather than react to event.. You must put yourself in a position where you are personally responsible for the failure or success of your business.

Profit-Oriented: You enter into the world of business to generate profit or additional income. This shall become your bread and butter and for your family as well. Therefore, you must see to it that the business can generate income.



Listed below are the important skills of a successful entrepreneur. •

Planner: Planning is a strategic thinking and setting of goals to achieve objectives by carefully maximizing on all the available resources. A good entrepreneur develops and applies step-by-step plans to realize goals. A good entrepreneur knows that planning is an effective skill only when combined with action.

People Skills: Is a skill which is very important in order to be successful in any kind of business. People skills refer to an effective and efficient communication and relation to people working in and out of your business. In day-to-day business transactions, you need to deal with people. A well- developed people skills can spell out the difference between success and failure of the business.

Decision Maker: Successful entrepreneurs have the ability to think quickly and make a wise decision towards the pre-determined set objectives. No one can deny that the ability to make a decision is an important skill that an entrepreneur should possess. Sound decisions should spring out from given facts/information and should be towards the pre-determined objectives.


In order to firm up what you have learned and to have a better appreciation of the different entrepreneurial competencies, try to read the PECs checklist presented below, and then answer the same.

Task 4: PECs Checklist Directions: Using the PECs Checklist, assess yourself by checking the column that best describes your strengths or development areas column. Interpret the results by counting the total number of check marks in each of the columns. After accomplishing the checklist, form a group and share your insights and experiences why you come up with that personal assessment. Table 1: PECs Checklist Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies of Personal Assessment an Entrepreneur in terms of:

Strength Hardworking Working diligently Self-confident Confidence in one’s ability 6

Development Areas

Disciplined Always stick to the plan Committed Solid dedication Able to accept change Adoptable to change Creative Innovative to have edge over other competitors Profit-oriented Always looking for income Planner Strategic thinking and setting of goals People Skill effective and efficient communication and relation to people Decision Maker make a wise decision towards the set objectives TOTAL



____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________.


How was your experience in discovering your strengths and the areas to be developed? Did you gain valuable experience in exchanging insights with your classmates? To learn more and deepen your understanding of PECs, do the Task 5 below.

Task 5: Interview Interview a successful mason or entrepreneur in your province whose type of business is related with masonry. Focus your interview on PECs and other businessrelated attributes that help them become successful. Analyze the result of the interview and reflect on the similarities and/or differences. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. Sample Interview Guide: Name of Proprietor/ Practioner_____________________________________


Age: _____________________Number of years in business: ____________ Business Name: ________________________________________________ Business Address: ______________________________________________

1. What are your preparations before you engaged in this type business/job? 2. What are your special skills/characteristics that are related to your business/ job? 3. How did you solve business-related problems during the early years of your business operation? 4. Did you follow the tips from a successful businessman/practitioner before you engaged in your business? 5. What are your best business practices that you can share with aspiring students? 6. What are the salient characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills and traits that made you successful in your business/job?


Note: Write the answers culled from your interviewee in row 1. Put your PECS in row 2 Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies


Attributes Lifestyles



Successful Entrepreneur in the province My PECs Using the information on the table above, analyze, and reflect on the similarities and differences in your answers. Put your reflection on the table below. Write your conclusion on the space provided below.

Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies

DRAFT Similarities


Characteristics Attributes Lifestyles Skills Traits

Conclusion: _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________ .


After performing the activities on the importance of PECs, let’s determine how much you have learned. Perform the Task 6 to determine how well you have understood the lesson.

Task 6: Preparation of an Action Plan Directions: Using the table below and the information generated from Task 5 (Interview), prepare an action plan that indicates how you would align your PECs to the PECs of the successful entrepreneur masonry in your province.





Time Frame


To align my PECs characteristics with the PECs of a successful ntrepreneur Skills in masonry




Expected Outcome

Task 7: Essential Questions Directions: Read and study the following questions below. You may use a separate sheet of paper or your notebook to write your answers. Why is there a need to compare and align your PECs with the PECs of a successful entrepreneur? _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________. How does your action plan help sustain your strong PECs and/or address your development areas? _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________. What plan of action would you do to address your development areas? _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

DRAFT FEEDBACK Pre/Post Assessment

1. E 2. K 3. H 4. A 5. J 6. B 7. C 8. I 9. D 10. F


ENVIRONMENT AND MARKET (EM) Content Standards Performance Standards The learner demonstrates The learner independently creates understanding of environment and a business vicinity map reflective of market in masonry in one’s province. potential market in masonry in a province.

Quarter I

Time Allotment: 4 hours

Module 2 Environment and Market

Introduction People who aspire to start a business need to explore the economic, cultural and social conditions prevailing in the area. Needs and wants of the people in a certain area that are not yet met may be considered as business opportunities. Identifying the needs of the community, its resources, available raw materials, skills, and appropriate technology can help a new entrepreneur in seizing a business opportunity.


To be successful in any kind of business venture, potential entrepreneurs should always look closely at the environment and market. They should always be watchful of the existing opportunities and constraints. The opportunities in the business environment are those factors that provide possibilities for a business to expand and make more profits. Constraints, on the other hand are those factors that limit the ability to grow, hence reduces the chance of generating profit. One of the best ways to evaluate the opportunities and constraints is to conduct SWOT analysis. These are strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis is a tool is used to assess the environment. It is also a managerial tool that gathers important information, which in turn used in strategic planning. Strengths and Weaknesses are internal in an organization. Basically they relate to resources owned by organization, These are the things that you have control over, and have the knowledge of the extent of its marketing. Opportunities and Threats exist in the external environment. Opportunities relate to the market, the development of new technologies, and the external factors such as government policies, climate, and trends. Threats relate to the competition , as well as legal and other constraints. Now that you have read some of the important considerations to become successful in any business, you are now ready to explore more about the environment and market. To begin with, let’s first try to find out the competencies that you will master after finishing this module. 12

Objectives At the end of this module, you are expected to: • • • • •

Identify what is of “value” to the customer; Identify the customer to sell to; Explain what makes a product unique and competitive; Apply creativity and innovative techniques to develop marketable product; and Employ a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) to the product/service.

Now that you have an idea about the things you will learn, try to take the first challenge in this module-- the pre-assessment.

Pre-Assessment Task I: Multiple Choice


Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. 1. This is generated by examining what goods and services are sold outside by the community. A. business creation

C. business concept

B. business pricing D. business idea 2. A process of making a new product to be sold to the customers. A. Product Analysis

C. Product Development

B. Product Conceptualization D. Product Implementation 3. These are luxuries, advantages and desires that every individual considers beyond necessary. A. wants

C. requirements

B .desires

D. needs

4. This is the factor or consideration presented by a seller as the reason that one product or service is different from and better than that of the competitor. A. Unique Selling Plan

C. Unique Pricing Policy

B. Unique Selling Proposition

D. Finding Value-Added


5. In this stage, the needs of the target market are identified, review and evaluated.

A. Concept Development

C. Project Development

B. Economic Analysis

D. Refine Specification

6. This is the introduction of new idea to make the product and service more attractive and saleable to the target customers. A. new Idea

C. product development

B. creativity

D. innovation

7. A managerial tool used to assess the environment to gather important information used for strategic planning. A. Environmental Scanning

C. WOTS Analysis

B. SWOT Analysis

D. Survey Analysis

8. A marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or designs that identifies and diffrentiate a product from other product A. Product Naming

C. Branding

B. Unique Selling Proposition

D. Tagline


9. This is a meaningful and unforgettable statement that captures the essence of your brand. A. Product Naming C. Branding B. Unique Selling Proposition

D. Tagline

10. These are the things that people cannot live without. A. Wants B. Desires

C. Requirements D. Needs

Task 2: Guide Questions: Directions: Answer the guide questions below. You may use a separate sheet of paper to write your explanations. 1. How does one determine the product or services to be produced and/or to be offered/delivered to the target customers? 2. How does one select an entrepreneurial activity? 3. When can one say that a certain product has a “value”? 4. Are innovation and creativity of your product/services important? Explain. 5. How can one effectively respond to the needs of the target customer? 6. Express from the viewpoint of a business owner the importance of scanning the environment and market in generating a business idea. 7. Using self-assessment, explain your level of confidence in formulating a business idea.


After all the guide questions have been answered and skills have been mastered, share those with your classmates. Discuss your insights, personal knowledge of, and relevant experiences on the topic to make it more exciting and engaging.

Learning Goals and Target After reading and understanding the objectives of this module and having gone through pre-assessment and answering the guide questions, you will be asked to set your own personal goals. These goals will trigger you to further achieve the ultimate objective of this module. In the end, these goals would motivate you to learn more about Environment and Market.

Figure 2: Strategic process to reach the objectives of this module

Reading Resources and Instructional Activities


After setting your own personal goals and targets to achieve the objectives of this module, you will have the opportunity to read and learn more about environment and market. You, will also be given a chance to do practical exercises and activities to deepen your understanding of the topic.

Product Development When we talk of product development, we are referring to a process of making a new product to be sold by a business or enterprise to its customers. The product development may involve  modification  of an existing product or its  presentation, or formulation of an entirely new product that satisfies a newly defined customer’s needs and/or wants. The term development in this module refers collectively to the entire process of identifying a market opportunity, creating a product to appeal to the identified market, testing and modifying and refining the product until it is ready for production. This product can be any item to be sold to the consumers. There are basic, yet vital questions that you need to ask yourself about. When you have found acceptable answers to these, you are now ready to develop a product and/or render service. These are: 15

1. For whom are the product/services aimed at? 2. What benefit will the customers expect from it? 3. How will the product differ from the existing brand? Or from their competitor? Likewise, needs and wants of the people within the area should also be taken into big consideration. Everyone has his or her own needs and wants. However, people have different concepts of needs and wants. Needs in business are important things that every individual cannot do without in a society. These include: 1. 2. 3. 4.

basic commodities for consumption clothing and other personal belongings, shelter, sanitation and health education

Basic needs are essential to every individual so he/she may be able to live with dignity and pride in the community of people. These needs can obviously help you generate business ideas and subsequently, product development. Wants are desires, luxuries and extravagance that signify wealth and an expensive way of living. Wants or desires are considered above all the basic necessities of life. Some examples are the eagerness or the passion of every individual which are non- basic needs like; fashion accessories, shoes, clothes, travelling around the world, eating in an exclusive restaurant; watching movies, concerts, plays, having luxurious cars, wearing expensive jewelry, perfume, living in impressive homes, and others.


Needs and wants of people are the basic indicators of the kind of business that you may engage into because it can serve as the measure of your success. Some other good points that you might consider in business undertakings are the kind of people, their needs, wants, lifestyle, culture and tradition, and social orientation where they belong. Hence, product development entirely depends on the needs and wants of the customers. Nevertheless another important issue to deal with is the key concepts of developing a product. The succeeding topic should enlighten you about the procedure in coming up with a product.

Concepts of Developing a Product Concept development is a very critical phase in the development of a product. From this stage, the needs of the target market are identified and competitive products are reviewed before the product specifications are defined. The product concept is selected along with an economic analysis to come up with an outline of how a product is being developed. On the next page is a figure 3 showing the stages of concept development of a product.


Figure 3: Concept Development The process of product development follows the following steps: A. Identify customer needs - Using a survey form, interviews, researches, focus group discussions, and observations an entrepreneur can easily identify customers’ needs and wants. In this stage, the information that can be possibly gathered here are product specifications (performance, taste, size, color, shape, life span of the product, etc.). This stage is very important because this would determine the product to be produced or provided.


B. Establish target specifications - Based on customers’ needs and reviews of competitive products, you may now establish target specifications of the prospective new product and/or services. Target specifications are essentially a wish-list. C. Analyze competitive products - It is imperative to analyze existing competitive products to provide important information in establishing product/services specifications. Other products may exhibit successful design attributes that should be emulated or improved upon in the new product/service. D. Generate product concepts - After having gone through with the previous processes, you may now develop a number of product concepts to illustrate what types of product/service are both technically feasible and would best meets the requirements of the target specifications. E. Select a product concept - Through the process of evaluation between attributes, a final concept is selected. After the final selection, additional market research can be applied to obtain feedback from certain key customers. F. Refine product specifications - In this stage, product/service specifications are refined on the basis of input from the foregoing activities. Final specifications are the result of extensive study, expected service life, projected selling price and among others are being considered in this stage. G. Perform economic analysis - Throughout the process of product development, it is very important to always review and estimate the economic implications 17

regarding development expenses, manufacturing costs, and selling price of the product/services to be offered/provided. H. Plan the remaining development project - In this final stage of concept development, you may prepare a detailed development plan which includes a list of activities, the necessary resources and expenses, and a development schedule with milestones for tracking progress.

Finding Value People buy for a reason, there should be something in your product/services that would give consumers a good reason to come back and buy more. There must be something that has to make you the best option for your target customers; otherwise, they have no reason to buy what you’re selling. This implies further, that you offer something to your customers that they will make them value or treasure your product/ services. The value that you incorporate to your product is called value proposition. Value proposition is “a believable collection of the most persuasive reasons to make people notice you and take the action you’re asking for.” Value is created by fulfilling deep desires and solving deep problems. This is what gets the people moving,to spend for on product/service.



Innovation is the introduction of something new in your product/services. This may be a new idea, a new method or a device. If you want to increase your sales and profit you must innovate. Some of the possible innovations in your products are change of packaging, improved taste, color, size, shape and perhaps price. Some of the possible innovations in providing services are application of new improved methods, additional featured services and possible freebees.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Unique Selling Proposition is the factor or consideration presented by a seller as the reason that one product or service is different from and better than that of the competition. Before you can begin to sell your product or service to your target customers, you have to sell yourself on it. This is especially important when your product or service is similar to those around you. USP would require careful analysis of other businesses’ ads and marketing messages. If you analyze what they say or what they sell, not just their product or service characteristics, you can learn a great deal about how companies distinguish themselves from competitors.


Here’s how to discover your USP and use it to increase your sales and profit: •

Use empathy: Put yourself in the shoes of your customers. Always focus on the needs of the target customers and forget falling in love with your own product or services. Always remember, you are making this product or providing for the target customers to eventually to increase sales and earn profit and not make this product or services for yourself. Essential question such as “What could make them come back again and again and ignore competition?” must be addressed Most possible answers will be focused on the quality, availability, convenience, cleanliness, reliability, and friendliness.

Identify what motivates your customers. It is very important for you to understand and find out what drives and motivates your customers to buy your product/service. Make some effort to find out, analyze and utilize the information that motivates the customers in their decisions to purchase the product/services.

Discover the actual and genuine reasons why customers buy your product instead of a competitor’s. Information is very important in decision making. A competitive entrepreneur always improve their products/services to provide satisfaction and retention of customers. As your business grows, you should always consider the process of asking your customers about important information that you can use to improve your product/services.


In order to firm up your understanding of the topic previously presented, you will be tasked to form a group and conduct an interview with a successful entrepreneur/ practitioner. You have to document this interview and present this to the whole class for reflection and appreciation.

Task 3: Interview Directions: Select a successful entrepreneur/practitioner. Conduct an interview by using the set of questions below. Document the interview and present this to the class. 1. How did you identify your customers? 2. What were your considerations in selecting your customers? 3. Explain how your product/services become unique in comparison to other product/s. 4. Did you consult somebody before you engaged in this business? Cite 19

sample insights that you gained from the consultation. 5. What were your preparations before you started the actual business? 6. What creative and innovative techniques did you adopt to your product/ services? What was the effect of the innovative techniques to the sales and profits of your business? 7. What strategy did you consider to have a unique selling proposition about your product/service?

Task 4: Video Viewing tasks:

In order to deepen your understanding of the lesson, perform the following 1. Browse the internet on topics related to: a. customers’ needs and wants;


b. techniques in identifying customers’ needs and wants; c. creativity/innovations in products and services; d. unique selling proposition; and

e. product development. 2. Prepare a short narrative report about the aforementioned topics. You may highlight the aspect that intensifies your knowledge of product development.


Task 5: Product Conceptualization Direction: Using the figures below develop your own concept for your product/ services.

1. Identify customer’s needs 2. Target Specification

7. Prepare a Development Plan


6. Refine Product Specification

5. Select a product concept

3. Analyze a competitive product

4. Generate Product Concept

____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________


Generating Ideas for Business The process of developing or generating a business idea is not a simple process. Some people can easily think of business ideas, while others find it difficult. However, two problems may arise from these; first is the excessive  generation of ideas making it difficult for them to focus; and second is the inability to produce ideas, disabling them to become entrepreneurs. The best way is to have a systematic approach in generating and selecting business ideas that can create a real business. Here are some basic, yet very important considerations you may use to generate possible ideas for business: 1. Examine the existing goods and services. Are you satisfied with the product? What do consumers say about it? How can it be improved? Are there other ways of improving a product in terms of how it is made packed and sold? Can you also improve the materials used in crafting the product? Considering such, you introduce new ways of using the product, making it more useful and adaptable to the customers’ many needs. When you improve or enhance the product, you are doing an innovation. Further more you can also do an innovation by introducing an entirely new product to replace the old one. Business ideas may also be generated by examining th goods and services sold outside the community. Very often, these products are sold in a form that can still be enhanced or improved. 2. Examine the present and future needs. Look and listen to what the customers, institution, and communities are missing in terms of goods and services. Sometimes, these needs are already obvious and felt at the moment. Other needs are not that obvious because they can only be felt in the future, in the event of certain developments in the community. For example, a province will have its electrification facility in the next six months. Only by that time will the entrepreneur could think of electricallypowered or generated business such as photo copier, computer service, digital printing, etc. 3. Examine how the needs are being satisfied. Needs for the products and services are referred to as market demand. To satisfy these needs is to supply the products and services that meet the demands of the market. The term market refers to whoever will use or buy the products or service, and these may be people or institutions such as other businesses, establishments, organizations, or government agencies.


There is a very good business opportunity when there is absolutely no supply to a pressing market demand. Businesses or industries in the locality also have needs for goods and services. Their needs for raw materials, maintenance, and other services such as selling and distribution are good sources of ideas for business.


4. Examine the available resources around you. Observe what materials or skills are abunduntly available in your area. A business can be started out of available raw materials by selling them in raw form and by processing and manufacturing them into finished products. For example, in a copraproducing town, there will be many coconut husks and shells available as waste products. These can be collected and made into coco rags/ doormats, and charcoal bricks and sold profitably outside the community. A group of people in your neighborhood may have some special skills that can be harnessed for business. For example, women in the Mountain Province possess loom weaving skills that have been passed on from one generation to the next generation. Some communities there set up weaving businesses to produce blankets, as well as decorative and various souvenir items for sale to tourists and lowland communities. Business ideas can come from your own skills. The work and experience you may have in agricultural arts, industrial arts, home economics, and ICT classes will provide you with business opportunities to acquire the needed skills which will make you earn extra income, should you decide to engage in these activities. With your skills, you may also tinker around with various things in your spare time. Many products were invented this way. 5. Read magazines, news articles, and other publications on new products and techniques or advances in technology. You can pick up new business ideas from Newsweek, Reader’s Digest, Business Magazines, “Go Negosyo”, KAB materials, Small-Industry Journal. The Internet serves as a library where you may browse and surf on possible businesses. It will also guide you on how to put the right product in the right place, at the right price, at the right time.


Listing of possible businesses to set up in an area may also be available from banks or local non-government organizations.

Key Concepts on Selecting a Business Idea Once you have embarked on identifying the business opportunities, you will eventually see that there are many possibilities that are available to you. It is very unlikely that you will have enough resources to pursue all of them at once. So how will you choose? You have to select the most promising one from among hundreds of ideas. It will be good to do this in stages. In the first stage, you screen your ideas and narrow them down to five choices. In the next stage, trim down the five choices to two options. In the final stage, choose between the two and decide which business ideas worth pursuing.


In screening your ideas, examine them in terms of the following factors: 1. How much capital is needed to put up the business? 2. How big is the demand for the product? Do many people need this product and will continue to need it for a long time? 3. How is the demand met? Who are processing the products to meet the need (competition or demand)? How much of the need is now being met (supply)? 4. Do you have the background and experience needed to run this particular business? 5. Will the business be legal, not going against any existing or foreseeable government regulation? 6. Is the business in line with your interest and expertise? Your answers to these questions will be helpful in screening which ones from among your many ideas are worth examining further and worth pursuing.



Branding is a marketing practice of creating name, symbol or designs that identifies and differentiates product/services from other products/services. It is also a promise to your customers. It tells them what they can expect from your product/ services and it differentiate your offerings from other competitors. Your brand is derived from who you are, who you want to be and who people perceive you to be. Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business. An effective brand strategy gives you a major edge in increasingly competitive markets The features of a good product brand are as follows: • delivers the message clearly • confirms your credibility • connects your target prospects emotionally • motivates the buyer • concretizes user loyalty • Here are some simple tips to publicize your brand. • • • • •

Develop a tagline. Write a meaningful unforgettable, and easy to remember statement that captures the essence of your brand. Get a great logo. Create a logo suitable to your business and consistent with your tagline and place it everywhere. Write down your brand messaging. Select key messages you want to communicate about your brand. Be true to your brand. Deliver your brand promise. Be consistent.  Be reliable and consistent every time. 24

In generating a business idea, you should first identify what type of business is suited to your business idea. You should analyze and scan the potential environment, study the marketing practices and strategies of your competitors, analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and the threats in your environment to ensure that the products/goods and services you are planning to offer will be patronized within the easy reach by your target markets/consumers. Bear in mind these simple rules for successful SWOT analysis. • • • • • •

Be realistic about the strengths and weaknesses of your business when conducting SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis should distinguish between where your business is today, and where it could be in the future. SWOT should always be specific. Avoid any grey areas. AlwaYs apply SWOT in relation to your competition i.e. better than or worse than your competition. Keep your SWOT short and simple. Avoid complexity and over analysis SWOT is subjective.



Task 6: SWOT Analysis Direction: In generating a business idea, environmental scanning is very important. Utilize the SWOT analysis table below to list up all your observations. Consider the strategies below to select the best business idea.

Strength (S) -

Weaknesses (W) -

Opportunities (O) -

Threats (T) -

Strategize: SW – Utilize the strengths to overcome the weakness OS - Capitalize on the opportunities to eliminate the weakness ST – Maximize on your strengths to eliminate the external threats


OT – Take advantage of the available opportunities to eliminate the external threats. Strategies/Activities:

___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________.

Analysis: ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________.

My Best Business Idea: ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________

In order to deepen your understanding of the topics previously discussed, you will be asked to perform the following activities: 26

Task 7: Extra Readings and Video Viewing Reading books and watching videos have been considered as one of the most effective educational activities that help learners deepen their understanding of certain topics. In this particular circumstance, you will be asked to conduct extra readings and video viewings on the following topics. A. Steps in selecting business idea B. Criteria of a viable business idea C. Benefits of a good brand D. Ways on developing a brand After successfully performing the assigned task, make a narrative report about this and share it to the class.

Task 9: Making my own Logo


Direction: Generate a clear appealing product brand with logo and tagline.



Tag line

Feedback D C A B A D B C D D 27

PROCESS AND DELIVERY Content Standard Performance Standard The learner demonstrates The learner independently lays understanding of the concepts and brick/block for structure based on job underlying principles in laying brick/ requirements. block for structure.

Quarter I Time Allotment: 36 Hours




INTRODUCTION This module contains information and suggested learning activities on Masonry. It includes instructions and procedure on how to prepare for laying brick/ block for structure, lay-out/establish brick/block structure location, perform laying brick/ block for structure, and complete laying of brick/block for structure. Each learning outcome contains learning activities supported by information sheets. Before you perform the instructions, read the information sheets and answer the self-check and activities provided to ascertain yourself and your instructor that you have acquired the knowledge necessary to perform the skill portion of the particular learning outcome. Upon completion, report to your teacher for assessment to check your achievement of knowledge and skills requirements of this learning competency. If you pass the assessment, you will be given a certificate of completion. LO1. PREPARE FOR LAYING BRICK/BLOCK FOR STRUCTURE . • • •

Interpret plan of a brick/block structure Select tools, materials and equipment Stockpile materials for laying brick/block structure



Directions: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate words or group of words. Write your answers on another piece of paper. 1.______________ is a flat-bladed hand tool for leveling, spreading, or shaping substances such as cement or mortar. 2.______________ is a tool for digging, lifting, and moving bulk materials, such as soil,  coal,  gravel, snow,  sand, or ore. Shovels are the common tools used extensively in agriculture, construction, and gardening. 3.______________ is used for guiding and marking vertical and horizontal lines. Cords are very useful on laying out building lines, bricks and CHB including tiles. 4.______________ is a stick with straight edges used by a mason to check the horizontal and vertical alignment of concrete and plaster. 5.______________ is a kind of trowel used to spread mortar on bricks, blocks and tiles before laying.


INFORMATION SHEET 1.1 Importance of Plan Plans give a visual presentation of the proposed structure when completed. It also shows how it will be constructed. Plans are important because: • • •

It shows the location and various features of the site and illustrate details about the building, e.g. construction details for specific trades people It shows the height, position and bulk of the building so that council can determine compliance to its codes. It allows builders and trades people to prepare written quotations. Remember written quotations (quotes) or contracts should only relate to approved building plans. An estimate should be given prior to council approval. It illustrates to trades people the structure to be built.

Reading and Interpreting Work Plans A blueprint is a type of paper-based reproduction usually of technical drawing, documenting done by architecture or an engineering design. Generally, the term “blueprint” refers to any detailed plan of a building.


A working drawing is a type of technical drawing, which is part of the documentation needed to build an engineering product or architectural plan. Building plans and specifications form part of the working drawings needed in any construction project. A working drawing should include: Classification of Work Plan 1. Floor Plan is a drawing showing the layout of a building taken at a level plan through windows and doors approximately one meter up from the floor. It shows the following: • arrangement and names of the rooms • location of all external and internal walls • room sizes • length and width dimensions • position of doors and windows • built-in furniture • sectioning lines and labels in alphabetical order eaves lines roof structure as shown by broken diagonal lines to represent hips and valleys



Figure 1.1.1 Floor Plan


2. Elevation Plan is a scaled drawing of the front, rear or side of a building. It includes dimensions that cannot be shown on a floor plan such as the height dimension.

DRAFT Figure 1.2. Elevation Plan 3. Foundation Plan A. Details are working drawings that are drawn to the scale of 1:100, which is rather small. It is not always possible to show important shapes, positions for assembly, and dimensions of specific parts of a building. A separate drawing is made using the larger scales of 1:5 or 1:10.


DRAFT Figure 1.3. Foundation Plan

B. Specification is a written document prepared by an architect which serves as a set of instructions or guidelines that accompanies a working drawing. It describes how certain aspects of building construction are to be done and which materials are to be used. It also describes their desired quality and the expected standard of work.

Knowing how to read and interpret a working drawing saves time, money and effort in the construction of the building.


SELF CHECK 1.1 Directions: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate words or group of words. Write your answers on another piece of paper. 1. ________________ are working drawings that are drawn to the scale of 1:100, which is rather small. It is not always possible to show important shapes, positions for assembly, and dimensions of specific parts of a building. 2. ________________ is a scaled drawing of the front, rear or side of a building. It includes dimensions that cannot be shown on a floor plan such as the height dimension. site.

3. _________________ essentially shows the location of a building or house

4. _________________ is a written document prepared by an architect which serves as a set of instruction or guidelines that accompanies a working drawing. It describes how certain aspects of building construction are to be done and which materials are to be used. It also describes their desired quality and the expected standard of work.


5. _________________ is a drawing showing the layout of a building taken at a level plan through windows and doors approximately one meter up from the floor.


Brick/block Laying Tools and Equipment Trowels - A flat-bladed hand tool for leveling, spreading, or shaping substances such as cement or mortar. Trowels are as follows: a. Pointing Trowel is a kind of trowel used in pointing or removing and laying mortar in masonry joints. b. Buttering Trowel is a kind of trowel used to spread mortar on bricks, and tiles before laying. Miscellaneous Tools includes the following: Spade or shovel is a tool  for digging, lifting, and moving bulk materials, such as soil, coal, gravel, snow, sand, or ore. Shovels are common tools that are used extensively in agriculture, construction, and gardening.


Water container is a container suitable for hauling the water needed for the mixture of concrete. Mixing board Is used for mixing mortar for block laying, plastering and other small mixing operations that are done by hand. A mason needs a small mixing board for his mortar mixing that is ready and accessible to the work. Plastic or Nylon Cord is used for guiding and marking vertical and horizontal lines. Cords are very useful in laying out building lines, bricks and CHB including tiles. Aligning Stick is a stick with straight edges used by a mason to check the horizontal and vertical alignment of concrete and plaster.

Materials used in brick/block laying activities: 1. Concrete Hollow Blocks (CHB) Concrete hollow blocks are the most widely used masonry materials for all types of construction such as walls, partition and fences. Concrete blocks are building modules resembling large bricks molded from concrete (see fig.1). Comercial sizes of CHB are as follows:

0.10 m x 0.20 m x 0.40 m;

DRAFT 0.125 m x 0.20 m x 0.40 m; and 0.15 m x 0.20 m x 0.40 m

2. Bricks are manufactured from clay and other minerals processed into a workable consistency, molded to sizes and fired in kiln for stronger, more attractive products. Other materials include sand and gravel, deformed reinforcement bars, tie wire and other materials used in general masonry works which has been already discussed in grade 9 learning modules.


SELF CHECK 1.2 Directions: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate words or group of words. Write your answers on another piece of paper. 1. ________________is used for guiding and marking vertical and horizontal lines. It is very useful on laying out building lines, bricks and CHB including tiles. 2. ______________ is a flat-bladed hand tool for leveling, spreading, or shaping substances such as cement or mortar. 3. ______________ is a kind of trowel used to spread mortar on bricks, blocks and tiles before laying. 4. ______________ is a kind of trowel used in pointing or removing and laying mortar in masonry joints. 5.______________is a tool for digging, lifting, and moving bulk materials, such as soil, coal, gravel,snow, sand, or ore. Shovels are common tools that are used extensively in agriculture, construction, and gardening.



INFORMATION SHEET 1.3 Chemical Composition and Its Function of Brick Clay The chemical composition of brick clay is as follows:

Silica - 55%

Alumina - 30%

Iron Oxide - 8%

Magnesia - 5%

Lime - 1%

Alkali and Organic Matter - 1%

Silica: Silica is present in brick clay as the chemical composition of alumina and forming silicate of alumina. Sometimes silica is present in pure form termed as flint. Silica prevents shrinking, cracking and warping of brick clay. A high amount causes uniform texture.Too much presence of silica can cause brick to be brittle and weak.



Alumina imparts plasticity to brick clay which is very important in molding. It also imparts density. Excess alumina can cause a brick to crack and warp during drying and very hard when heated.

Iron oxide:

The presence of iron oxide increases impermeability and durability of brick. The color of the brick depends upon iron oxide and color changes from light yellow to orange and red as iron oxide goes up to 8%.

Magnesia: Presence of small quantity of magnesia decreases shrinkage and gives a yellowish tint.

Lime: Lime melts silica in burning and binds the particles of brick together. It also reduces the shrinkage of brick during drying. Excess amount of lime can cause the brick to fuse and lose its shape.

Alkali and Organic Matter: A small quantity of alkali and organic matter assists burning of brick clay. They also reduces the fusion point. If excess amount is present and not burned properly the brick would be porous.


SELF CHECK 1.3 Directions: Complete the table below with the chemical composition of brick. Percent Composition Silica


Alumina Iron Oxide Magnesia Lime Alkali and organic matter

INFORMATION SHEET 1.4 Cement, Gravel and Sand Ratio Concrete hollow blocks are formed through the mixture of cement, gravel and sand. Commercial hollow blocks have a ratio of one is to eleven(1:11), where 1 bag of a 40 kl cement is mixed with 11 cu. ft. of gravel and sand, usualy 1” diameter. Sizes of concrete hollow blocks vary depending on size of the form used in molding these. Curing period before the material is ready for use is at least seven (7) days.


SELF CHECK 1.4 Directions: paragraph below.

Fill in the missing word or group of words to complete the

Concrete hollow blocks are formed through the mixture of __________, _________and ________. Commercials hallow blocks have a ratio of one is to eleven(1:11), where 1 bag of ___________ is mixed with 11 cu. ft. of gravel and sand, usualy 1” diameter. Sizes of concrete hollow blocks vary depending on size of the form used in molding these. Curing period before the material is ready for use is at least ___________ days.


INFORMATION SHEET 1.5 Effects of Heat and Fire on Building Materials Masonry Brickwork and blockwork cope well in a fire within a dwelling or commercial property. Extreme heat can cause masonry to expand and crack but this would be after a substantial time from evacuation of a building. Fire is used in a kiln to harden bricks so they are more than capable of staying stable in a fire. Smoke does, however, cause blackening to the surfaces of bricks and blocks. This can, to some degree be washed out but may leave a permanent stain that requires decoration internally and power washing externally. Water as we have seen previously when combined with a frost or freezing conditions causes spalling to the surface of the brickwork or the breakdown of the mortar joint due to weathering.

Concrete Concrete can spall under the influence of fire. If the reinforcement lie near the surface of the concrete and this heats up, it will expand at a different rate to the surrounding concrete and expand. This expansion can cause cracking to the concrete structure. Concrete is fairly resilient to water damage and will dry out after wetting. If the water contains contaminants, this can lead to the chemical attack of the cement within the concrete.



Heat and the presence of oxygen cause the combustion of timber by fire. The surface chars and eventually breaks down the structural integrity of the timber until it is burnt right through. Smoke damage can discolor timber which will then require decoration, if it has not caught fire and has charred. Water can damage timber by wetting which then expands hygroscopic material and causes dimensional change to the timber with eventual rot if wetting persists.

Metal Metal does not react well in a fire. As it heats up, the molecular structure weakens and it loses up to half its strength at over 500 degrees. This can cause the collapse of structures as the steel melts slightly and warps under extreme heat. However, this might take some time and may not affect the evacuation of a structure. Water reacts with exposed metal as we have seen to form rust. Surface rust is no harm but continual exposure to the elements of unprotected metal will result in severe corrosion


SELF CHECK 1.5 Direction: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is wrong.

1. Metal does not react well in a fire. As it heats up the molecular structure, it weakens and looses up to half its strength. 2. Heat and the presence of oxygen cause the combustion of timber by fire. 3. Concrete do not spall under the influence of fire. 4. Extreme heat never cause masonry to expand and crack but this would be after a substantial time from evacuation of a building. 5. Brickwork and blockwork copes well in a fire within a dwelling or commercial property

INFORMATION SHEET 1.6 Proper Handling and Storing Materials


Where practicable, unload bricks mechanically and directly to a prepared, level, and hard-base. Leave banding or wrapping in place and take care to minimise chipping, soiling or breakage, particularly with bricks of special shapes. Protect these from rain, splashing by vehicles and mortar mixing. It is recommended that bricks should be stored not more than 1 meter high, so with concrete hollow blocks. Storing more than this height would cause breakage and the stockpile might collapse. Proper storage of materials is vital. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions in order to avoid distortion and deterioration of materials and components. (NOTE: Also refer to Grade 9 Learning Material.)

SELF CHECK 1.6 wrong.

Direction: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is _______1. Proper storage of materials is vital. _______2. Unload bricks mechanically and directly to a prepared, level and hard base. _______3. Ignore the manufacturer’s instructions in order to avoid distortion, and deterioration of materials and components. 40

_______4. Leave banding or wrapping in place and take care to minimise chipping, soiling or breakage, particularly with bricks of special shapes. _______5. Bricks can be stored not more than 1 m high, so with concrete hollow blocks.

INFORMATION SHEET 1.7 Soil Testing Soil testing assesses the suitability of the soil for your construction project with vital data for informed decision making and planning. The quality of the soil on your site plays a key role in your construction projects. As a result, you need to identify the characteristics of the soil to determine its ability to support your structure. Soil testing, enables you to assess the suitability of the soil by providing you with vital data for informed decision making and planning. Soil testing services examine your soil’s chemical and geotechnical properties, enabling you to: • • • • •


determine the suitability of the soil and assess whether it can accommodate your construction project; identify the different types of soil on your site and their location; test your soil for strength, density, compaction, contamination, organics and sand content, and assess their impact on your construction project; gain the data you need to compile technical and safety data reports to support planning permissions and license applications, thus, a requirement for securing building permit for high rise buildings; get precise results and observe the development of the soil throughout your construction project for maximum quality and safety


SELF CHECK 1.7 Direction: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is wrong. _______1. You need to identify the characteristics of the soil to determine its ability to support your structure. _______2. Building can be raised in any type of soil even without the need for soil testing. _______3. Soil test enables you to test your soil for strength, density, compaction, contamination, organics and sand content, and assess their impact on your construction project. _______4. Soil test is not a requirement for securing building permit for high rise buildings. _______5. Soil test enables you to gather precise results and observe the development of the soil throughout your construction project for maximum quality and safety.



Identify reference building lines Establish location of brick/block structure based on reference building lines Layout brick/block structure according to job specification

PRE/DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is wrong. Use another sheet of paper for your answers. _____________1. Excavation line indicates the center of wall footing if dimensions are measured from center to center.

_____________2. Guide lines/string serve as guide for the straightness and levelness for laying bricks/blocks. _____________3. Center of building lines serves as guide in performing excavation activities.

_____________4. It is very important to prepare the tools and materials needed in laying out bricks/blocks before starting the activity. _____________5. Plans and details of work are not important in any masonry activity. 42

INFORMATION SHEET 2.1 Building Lines and Horizontal Guide Lines for Laying Bricks 1. Center of building lines indicates the center of wall footings if dimensions are measured from center to center. 2. Excavation line serves as guide in performing excavation activities. 3. Guide lines for laying bricks/blocks serve as guide to maintain the strainghtness and levelness while laying bricks/blocks.



SELF CHECK 2.1 Directions: Label the illustrations below. Write your answers on another sheet of paper





Procedure in Laying Bricks/Blocks • • • • •

Prepare the tools and material needed in laying out Study carefully plans and details Mark the center of building as the reference line Layout the excavation line for wall footing Perform laying bricks/blocks

SELF CHECK 2.2 Directions: Arrange the procedures in laying bricks/blocks in chronological order. Write your answers on another sheet of paper .______ Mark the center of the building as the reference line. ______ Layout the excavation line for wall footing. ______ Study carefully plans and details. ______ Perform laying bricks/blocks. ______ Prepare the tools and material need in laying out. 44

ACTIVITY SHEET 2.1 Lay Out Bricks/Blocks According to Job Specification Tools: • • • • • •

Spade Digging bar Measuring tape Lumber Nails String

Direction: Layout the given plan and details.


Tick (/) the column that best describes your performance.

Assessment Guide The learner was able to: Interpret plans and details as per job requirement Select and use PPE in line with job requirements Select and prepare materials, tools and equipment consistent with job requirements Demonstrate knowledge of linear measurement Layout excavation line according to job specifications



INFORMATION SHEET 2.3 Bricks According to Design/Specification Bricks are designed according to bonds or with respect to its arrangement as it is being laid. Mortar bond refers to the adhesion of the joint mortar to the masonry units or to the reinforcing steel. Pattern bond refers to the pattern formed by the masonry units and mortar joints on the face of a wall. The pattern may result from the structural bond, or maybe purely decorative and unrelated to the structural bond, running, common or American, Flemish, stack and English cross or Dutch Bond. 45

The running bond is the simplest among the six patterns  consisting  of  all  stretchers. Because the bond has no headers, metal ties usually form the structural bond. The running bond is used largely in cavity wall construction,  brick  veneer  walls,  and facing tile walls made with extra wide stretcher tile.


In laying out any bond pattern, be sure to start the corners correctly. In a common bond, use a three quarter closure at the corner of each header course. In the Flemish bond, each course consist of alternating headers and stretchers. The headers in every other course center over and under the stretchers in the course in between. The joints between stretchers in all stretcher courses allign vertically. When headers are not required for structural bond patterns, bricks called blind headers are used. You can start the corners in two different ways.  In  the  Dutch  corner,  a  threequarter  closure starts each course. In the English corner, a 2-inch or quarter closure starts the course.The English bond consists of alternating courses of headers and stretchers. The headers center over and under the stretchers. However, the joints between stretcher courses do not align vertically. You can use blind headers in courses that are not structural bonding courses. The stack bond is purely a pattern band, with no overlapping units and all vertical joints aligning. The English Cross or Dutch bond is a variation of the English bond. It differs only in the joints between the stretchers in the stretcher courses align vertically. These joints center in the courses above and below. When a wall bond has no header courses use metal ties to bond the exterior wall bricks to the backing courses.


Types of Brick Joints/Bond



Directions: Name the different illustrations below: Write your answers on another sheet of paper.

1. LO2. LAY-OUT/ESTABLISH 2. BRICK/BLOCK STRUCTURE 3. Identify reference building lines Establish location of brick/block structure based on reference building lines Lay-out brick/block structure according to job specifications





SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT- QUARTER I I. Directions. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate words or group of words. Write your answers on another piece of paper. 1. _____________is a stick with straight edges used by a mason to check the horizontal and vertical alignment of concrete and plaster. 2. _____________is a kind of trowel used to spread mortar on bricks, blocks and tiles before laying.

3. _____________is a flat-bladed hand tool for leveling, spreading, or shaping substances such as cement or mortar.

4. _____________is a tool  for digging, lifting, and moving bulk materials, such as soil, coal, gravel,snow, sand, or ore. Shovels are common toolls that are common 5. _____________ is used for guiding and marking vertical and horizontal lines. It is very useful in laying out building lines, bricks and CHB including tiles.

II. Directions. In the organizer below, fill-in the boxes with the procedure in stockpiling the materials for laying bricks/blocks.



III. Explain why is it that any structure cannot be completed without a plan? IV. Directions: Label the illustrations below. Write your answers on another sheet o paper.


V. Directions: Arrange the sentences below in chronological order. Write your answers on another sheet. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Mark the center of the building as the reference line. Layout the excavation line for wall footing. Study carefully plans and details. Perform laying bricks/blocks. Prepare the tools and materials needed in laying out.



Time Allotment: 36 Hours


Install horizontal/vertical guide for brick/block structure Install reinforcing bar/dowel Spread mortars on the base edge of brick/block Position brick/block according to design, specification and location Check plumbness during brick/block laying Perform housekeeping Use appropriate PPE



PRE/DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT Directions. Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is wrong. Use a separate sheet for your answers. ______________1. Straight lumber is ideal for vertical guide. ______________2. The guide remains stable even in the absence of braces. ______________3. The plumbness of the vertical guide must be checked carefully to ensure alignment. ______________4. Mark measurements using pencil in which the string is tied to serve as guide. ______________5. Drop .20 m from the offset measurement to determine the different layers of CHB.



INFORMATION SHEET 3.1 Procedure in Installing Horizontal and Vertical Guide for Brick/ Block 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Select lumbers with straight edges which will serve as your vertical guide. Set these lumbers vertically on both ends of partition line. Firmly add braces to make it stable. Check carefully the plumbness of the vertical guide. Offset at least 1 m above the floor line on one of the vertical guide and using a hose level, transfer this height on the opposite guide. In doing so,it determines the levelness of your horintal guide. 6. Drop .20m from the offset measurement to determine the layers of the the block(CHB). 7. Mark measurements using nails in which the string is tied to serve as horizontal guide.


Figure 3.1 Horizontal and Vertical guide for Brick/Block


SELF CHECK 3.1 Direction: Arrange the procedure systematically in installing vertical and horizontal guide for laying bricks/blocks. Write your answers on a separate sheet. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Check carefully the plumbness of the vertical guide. Set these lumbers vertically on both ends of partition line. Select lumbers with straight edges which will serve as your vertical guide. Offset at least 1 m above the floor line on one of the vertical guide and using a hose level, transfer this height on the opposite guide, doing so determines the levelness of your horintal guide. 5. Drop .20m from the offset measurement to determine the layers of the the block(CHB). 6. Firmly add braces to make it stable 7. Mark measurements using nails in which the string is tied to serve as horizontal guide.



ACTIVITY 3.1 Installing Vertical and Horizontal Guides for Laying Bricks/Blocks Tools and Equipment: • • • • • •

Claw hammer Level hose Spirit level Pencil Measuring tape PPE оо Safety shoes оо Hard hat оо Cover all оо Gloves оо Dust mask Materials: • •

Lumbers Assorted Nails

Directions: Install vertical and horizontal guides for laying concrete hollow blocks for a fence 2.4 m long and 1.2 m high.


Tick (/) the column that corresponds to your observation.

Assessment Guide The learner was able to: Interpret plans and details as per job requirement Select and use PPE in line with job requirements Select and prepare materials, tools and equipment consistent with job requirements Select lumbers with straight edges which will served as vertical guide Set these lumbers vertically on both ends Determine the plumbness and levelness of horizontal guide Determine the layers of the the block(CHB). Mark measurements using nails in which the string is tied to serve as horizontal guide Demonstrate knowledge of linear measurement Demonstrate knowledge of accident prevention




INFORMATION SHEET 3.2 Reinforcement Bars and Dowels Steel Reinforcement is the most widely used reinforcing material in most constructions. It is an excellent partner of concrete in resisting both tension and compression stresses. Comparatively, steel is ten times stronger than concrete in resisting compression load hundred times stronger in tensile stresses. The most commonly used reinforcement bars in brick/blocks are 10 mm and 9 mm DRSB as shown in figure 3.2.2 depending on the area of the section. Standard spacing of reinforcement bar is 0.60 m for both vertical and horizontal as shown in figure 3.2.1

DRAFT Figure 3.2.1: Spacing of Vertical and Horizontal Reinforcement Bars

Figure 3.2.2: Vertical and Horizontal Reinforcement Bars


SELF CHECK 3.2 Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement wrong. Write your answer on separate sheet of paper. ________1. The most common sizes of vertical and horizontal reinforcement bars are 16 mm and 20 mm. ________2. The standard spacing of vertical and horizontal reinforcement bars is 0.60 m X 0.60 m. ________3. Steel is equally strong with that of concrete in resisting compression load but a hundred times stronger in tensile stresses. ________4. Steel reinforcement is the most widely used reinforcing material in most constructions. ________5. Steel reinforcement is an excellent partner of concrete in resisting both tension and compression stresses.

INFORMATION SHEET 3.3 Brick/Block Laying • •

• •

Prepare the tools needed for brick/block laying activities. Get the building blocks that are right for your construction project. Concrete blocks come in many different shapes, sizes and concrete ratios. Here are some points that you should keep in mind. оо Standard rectangular blocks can be used for most building projects. You can combine them with half-blocks to add square or curved corners at the edges of a block wall or pavement. You can also use single or double corner bricks to smooth the edges or corners. оо The measurement for standard blocks is shown as 8 inches (20 cm) but their actual width is about half an inch less. The half-inch gap is made on purpose since the mortar between the blocks also takes some space. оо Use jamb joist blocks around doorway frames. Sash blocks can be used when you want to create casement windows with an opening. Put header blocks at the top of a wall if you need to create space for roof supports or other construction supports. оо You can buy specialty blocks or even customize your building blocks to add a personal touch to your project. Set the vertical and horizontal guide. Pour the base concrete known as footing. оо The depth of the footing should be at least twice of the wall thickness. For example, the footing of a wall using 0.2 m CHB should be at least 0.4 m. оо Make openings in footing for gas, water and power lines if ever there are. оо Check the levelness of the footing. оо Position the vertical reinforcement bars with the required spacing.



Lay the first layer using a string for alignment and levelness

• •

Adjust string guide for the next layer. Spread mortar accordingly maintaining at least 25 mm thickness

• •

Lay the second layer. After the sixth layer, allow block to settle and harden, over laying may cause the newly installed block to collapse.



• • • •

Do the same manner until the last layer. Check plumbness regularly. Always use PPE and practice safety work habits. Perform housekeeping.

DRAFT Note: Lay up to six layers successively and wait until mortar and block has set firmly, then continue


SELF CHECK 3.3 Directions: Fill in the blocks with the procedure in laying brick/block. Use another sheet of paper for your answers.



Activity 3.3 Brick/Block Laying Materials: • • • • • •

Bricks/block Cement Sand Lumber Assorted Nails Deformed reinforcement bars, 10 mm dia.(spaced at 0.60 m X 0.60 m)

Tools and Equipment: • • • • • • •

Trowels Spade String Plumb bob Hose Level Claw Hammer PPE


Direction: Construct a fence following the given specifications.


Tick (/) the column that corresponds to your observation. Assessment Guide The learner was able to: Interpret plans and details as per job requirement



Select and use PPE in line with job requirements Select and prepare materials, tools and equipment consistent with job requirements Stockpile materials at designated places Install vertical and horizontal guide accurately Demonstrate knowledge of linear measurement Apply mortar according to job requirements Layout and Bricks/Blocks according to job specifications Demonstrate knowledge of accident prevention.



Cast-in place concrete structures that are constructed according to design and job specifications. Inspect the work to ensure conformity with requirements. Perform housekeeping. Use appropriate PPE.


ACTIVITY 4.1 Checking/inspecting the work to ensure conformity with the design and job specifications Sample Checklist for activity 3.3 Tick (/) the column that corresponds to your observation YES

The following requirements was met: Plans and details as per job requirement


Design and Specifications as per job requirement Materials are consistent as per job requirement Bricks/blocks Reinforcement bars

INFORMATION SHEET 4.1 Cement, Sand and Gravel Proportion


Mixture Cement:Aggregate Ratio



1:1.5:3 1:2:4 1:2.5:5 1:3:6

Bag of Cement per m3 at 40 kg

12 9 7.5 6

Sand per cu. m.

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

Gravel in cu. m.

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Table 4.1.1: Various Concrete Proportions

Example: Given a pavement with a thickness of 0.1 m, a width of 2 m with a length of 7.5 m, determine how many bags of cement as well as the volume of sand and gravel are needed using a) class C mixture and b) class A mixture. Solution:


v = 0.1 * 2 * 7.5

v = 1.5 cu.m. 62

Refer to table 3.1

Class C:

cement = 1.5 * 6 = 9 bags

sand = 1.5 * .5 = 0.75 cu.m.

Gravel = 1.5 * 1.0 = 1.5 cu. m.

Class A:

cement = 1.5 * 9 = 13.5 bags

sand = 1.5 * .5 = 0.75 cu.m.

Gravel = 1.5 * 1.0 = 1.5 cu. m.

INFORMATION SHEET 4.2 CHB, Cement, Sand and Gravel Proportion


Bag of Cement/100 blocks at 40 kg

CHB Size(cm) 10 x 20 x 40 15 x 20 x 40 20 x 20 x 40




4.200 8.104 12.000

3.152 6.072 9.000

2.624 5.064 7.504

Sand in cu. m./100 blocks 0.350 .675 1.000

Table 4.1..2: Quantity of Cement and Sand for Mortar per 100 Blocks of CHB. Example: Determine the number of bags of cement and the volume of sand needed for wall with a length of 5 m and a height of 3 m using 10 x 20 x 40 CHB at Class B mixture. Solution:

Area = 5 m x 3 m = 15 sq. m.

Note: 12.5 pcs of CHB is needed for every square meter

CHB= 15 sq. m. x (12.5 CHB/sq.m.)

CHB= 188 pcs 63

at 100 blocks;

188/100 = 1.88

Using Table 3.2;

Cement = 1.88 x 4.20 = 7.89 = 8 bags

Sand = 1.88 x 0.350 = 0.658 cu. m.

SELF CHECK 4.1 Direction: Perform the following word problems on the proportion of concrete. 1. You are asked by your neighbor the number of bags of cement and how many cu. m. of sand and gravel she needs in the concreting of their pavement having a thickness of .15 x 1.5 x 12 meters using class C mixture. 2. Determine the amount of concrete materials needed to complete a 3.2 x 5 meters partition using 10 x 20 x 40 using class D mixture. 3. Determine the amount of concrete materials needed to complete a 2.8 x 6 meters partition using 10 x 20 x 40 using class C mixture.


4. Complete the table with the missing data. Area: 26 sq. m.

Mixture using 10 x 20 x 40 CHB B

Bags of Cement



Sand in cu. m.

INFORMATION SHEET 4.3 5S of Proper Housekeeping Good housekeeping is one of the surest ways to identify a safe workplace. You can tell how workers feel about safety just by looking at their housekeeping practices. Good housekeeping isn’t the result of cleaning up once a week or even once a day. It’s the result of cleaning-up all the time. It’s an essential factor in promoting safety program, promoting safety, health, production, and morale. Seiri:

Sorting out. Remove unnecessary items.

Seiton: Systematic arrangement. Prefix a place for everything and put everything in place.

Seiso: Spic and span. Cleaning not for beautification but with a sense of purpose. Cleaning the workplace. Seiketsu: Serene Atmosphere /sanitizing. Environmental cleanliness. Shitsuke: Self-discipline/training. Create awareness of all 4S and train to implement. Doing things spontaneously without being told.



I. Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is wrong. ______________1. The plumbness of the vertical guide must be checked carefully to ensure alignment. ______________2. Mark measurements using pencil in which the string is tied to serve as guide ______________3. Straight lumber is ideal for vertical guide. ______________4. Drop .20 m from the offset measurement to determine the different layers of CHB. ______________5. The guide remains stable even in the absence of braces. II. Directions. Fill in the blocks with the procedure in laying brick/block. Use another sheet for your answers.



III. Essay.

A. Why do we need to observe the use of PPE and practice safety work habits at all times? B. What are the importance of performing housekeeping? Rubrics Was able to state at least 4 of what is asked Was able to state at least 3 of what is asked Was able to state at least 2 of what is asked Was able to state at least 1 of what is asked IV. Performance Brick/Block Laying Materials: • • • •

Bricks/block Cement Sand Lumber 66

95 % 85 % 80 % 75%

• Assorted Nails • Tools • Trowels • Spade • String • Plumb bob • Hose Level • Claw Hammer • PPE Direction: Construct a fence following the given specifications.



Quarter III PROCESS AND DELIVERY Content Standard Performance Standard The learner demonstrates The learner independently understanding of the concepts plasters concrete/masonry surface and underlying principles in based on job requirements. laying brick/block for structure.

Time Allotment: 36 Hours


DRAFT INTRODUCTION This module contains information and suggested learning activities on masonry. It includes instructions and procedure on how to prepare concrete/masonry surfaces for plastering, prepare for plastering concrete, perform plastering work and complete plastering work. Each learning outcome contains learning activities supported by information sheets. Before you perform the instructions, read the information sheets and answer the self-check and activities provided to ascertain yourself and your instructor that you have acquired the knowledge necessary to perform the skill portion of the particular learning outcome. Upon completion, report to your teacher for assessment to check your achievement of knowledge and skills requirements of this learning competency. If you pass the assessment, you will be given a certificate of completion.



Select tool, materials and equipment Perform wall surface preparations

PRE/DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT Directions: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate words or group of words. Write your answers on another piece of paper. 1. _____________ is done to enhance the appearance of the building, to level out irregularities of alignment of the blocks, to achieve uniformity and surface continuity of concrete blocks to provide alternative attractive textures or additional resistance to intrusion of moisture. 2. _______________ is used for scraping dirt, paints, and mold on concrete surface. 3. _______________ is a tool, with a handle, usually made of wood or plastic, or occasionally bone, and a brush. The brush is usually made from a large number of steel wire bristles also used for scrubing dirt, paints, and mold on concrete surface. 4. _______________ is used for propelling very fine bits of material at high-velocity to clean or etch a surface.


5. _______________ is used in cleaning surfaces using a sheer force of water at pressures between 10,000 and 20,000 psi, or even ultra high- pressure water blasting up to 40,000 psi.


Plastering and its Purpose At some point or another, a home owner may be faced with the task of plastering concrete walls to change the appearance of the wall, make it resistant to moisture, and eliminate unsightly cracking or to add texture. Plastering walls is easy and the finished wall will be able to withstand abrasion. Cement plaster may be applied over the surface of concrete block walls for a variety of reasons. It may be to enhance the appearance of the building, to level out irregularities of alignment of the blocks, to achieve uniformity and continuity of surface where concrete blocks and other construction materials, to provide alternative attractive textures or additional resistance to intrusion of moisture. Concrete blocks provide an excellent base for cement plaster because of the solidity and integrity of block walls and freedom from some of the problems associated with wood framing. Application of cement plaster over concrete block walls contributes to resistance of walls to absorption or intrusion of water, because of greater density and slower rate of absorption of moisture into cement plaster, compared with concrete blocks. In addition, the membrane of plaster is extremely beneficial in deflecting rain.


Masonry walls, like concrete, provide a stable base for plaster because of its virtual freedom from shrinkage, expansion, warping or subsidence; any or all of which may occur in wood framing. Plaster that is bonded directly to blocks generally does not suffer from shrinkage cracking which may occur over open frame construction. Also, plaster applied over a block base generally is not affected by structural stresses which may cause cracks in plaster over wood framing. However, stress from a problem in the concrete block base wall could be transferred to an overlying plaster membrane.

SELF CHECK 1.1 Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is wrong. Use a separate sheet for your answers. ______1. Plastering concrete walls changes the appearance of the wall, make it resistant to moisture, and eliminate unsightly cracking or to add texture. ______2. Application of cement plaster over concrete block walls does not contribute to resistance of walls to absorption or intrusion of


water, because of greater density and slower rate of absorption of moisture into cement plaster, compared with concrete blocks. ______3. Plaster, that is bonded directly to blocks, generally suffers from shrinkage cracking which may occur over open frame construction. ______4. Masonry walls, like concrete, provide a stable base for plaster because of virtual freedom from shrinkage, expansion, warping or subsidence; any or all of which may occur in wood framing. ______5. Stress from a problem in the concrete block base wall could be transferred to an overlying plaster membrane


INFORMATION SHEET 1.2 Tools for Wall Surface Preparation Spatula is used for scraping dirt, paints, and mild on concrete surface.

Wire brush is a tool consisting of a handle, usually made of wood, plastic, or bone, and a brush. The brush is usually made from a large number of steel wire bristles also used for scrubing dirt, paints, and mold on concrete surface.

DRAFT Sand blasting equipment is used in propelling very fine bits of material at high-velocity to clean or etch a surface.


Hydro-blasting equipment is used in cleaning surfaces using a sheer force of water at pressures between 10,000 and 20,000 psi, or even ultra high- pressure water blasting up to 40,000 psi.

SELF CHECK 1.2 Directions: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate words or group of words. Write your answers on another piece of paper.


1. _______________ is a tool consisting of a handle, usually wood or plastic, occasionally bone, and a brush. The brush is usually made from a large number of steel wire bristles also used for scrubbing dirt, paints, and mold on concrete surface. 2. _______________ is used propelling very fine bits of material at highvelocity to clean or etch a surface. 3. _____________ is applied over the surface of concrete block walls for a variety of reasons. It is done to enhance the appearance of the building, to level out irregularities of alignment of the blocks, to achieve uniformity and continuity of surface where concrete blocks and other construction materials, to provide alternative attractive textures or additional resistance to intrusion of moisture. 4. _______________ is used in cleaning surfaces using a sheer force of water at pressures between 10,000 and 20,000 psi, or even ultra-high- pressure water blasting up to 40,000 psi. 5. _______________ is used for scraping dirt, paints, and mold on concrete surface.


INFORMATION SHEET 1.3 Tips for Wall Surface Preparation • • • •

Clean the wall surface thoroughly. See to it that there is no oil spilled on the surface. Paint must be removed for painted surfaces. Removal may be accomplished by sandblasting or hydro-blasting. An alternative to removal of the paint coating is installation of metal lath over the wall. Sealant should be inserted into gaps prior to application of the first coat of plaster, so that caulking will be protected from weather. If mold is present on the surface, the spores of mold must be killed in accordance with the article on mold and mildew, after which all vestiges of mold must be hydroblasted from the walls.

SELF CHECK 1.3 True or False. Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is wrong. Write your answer on the space provided before each item.

________1. Sealant should be inserted into gaps prior to application of the first coat of plaster, so that caulking will be protected from weather.


________2. Clean thoroughly the wall surface. See to it that there is no oil spilled on the surface. ________3. Painted wall surfaces can be plastered even without removing the paint first. ________4. Hydro-blasting and sand blasting are not recommended for wall surface preparation. ________5. The spores of mold must be killed in accordance with the article on mold and mildew, after which all vestiges of mold must be hydroblasted from the walls.

Activity 1.3 Wall Surface Preparation Tools:


• • • •

Spatula Wire Brush Pail PPE



Direction: Measure 1.5m x 1.5m on your school perimeter fence. Prepare the surface ready for plastering. Tick (/) the column that corresponds to your observation. Assessment Guide The learner was able to: Select and use PPE in line with job requirements Select and prepare materials, tools and equipment consistent with job requirements Demonstrate knowledge of linear measurement Prepare surface ready for plastering Demonstrate knowledge of accident prevention.






Interpret plans and details Select tools, materials and equipment in line with job requirements Store/stockpile materials for plastering

PRE/DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT Directions: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate words or group of words. Write your answers on another piece of paper. 1. _______________ is used to smooth or make textured surface on cement or plaster. 2. _______________ is used for finishing corners or other intricate plastering works. 3. _______________ is used in plastering to produce a fine grained texture in sand finishes. 4. ______________ is a gray to white mineral , technically a hydrous calcium sulfate. It can be used as a fertilizer, and is the main constituent in many forms of plaster. 


5. _______________ has long been acknowledged to be a superior anti- stripping additive for asphalt pavements. 


Plastering Tools, Materials and Equipment TOOLS:

Trowels are flat hand tools used for applying, spreading and shaping plaster/ mortar to produce relatively smooth finish on concrete surfaces in the final stages of plastering. See Information Sheet 1.1 on brick/block laying tools and


Floats are flat tools with handle at the back classified as: •

Common Float is used to smooth or make textured surface on cement or plaster.


Carpet Float is used in plastering to produce a fine grained texture in sand finishes.

Angle Float is used for finishing corners or other intricate plastering works.


Edger is used for finishing the edges of fresh concrete to form a rounded corner


Brush is used to make final finishes even

Miscellaneous tools such as shovel, water container, string, and other tools. As discussed earlier in grade 9 learning material.

Materials: Cement and sand are the materials commonly needed for plastering. Lime, cement-lime, gypsum, gypsum-lime, and stucco are among others. Lime is added to low quality soils to produce a usable base and sub base.  Hydrated lime has long been acknowledged to be a superior anti-stripping additive for asphalt pavements.  It also helps resist rutting and fracture growth at low temperatures, reduce age hardening, and improve the moisture resistance and durability.  


Gypsum is a gray to white mineral , technically hydrous calcium sulfate. It can be used as a fertilizer. It is the main constituent in many forms of plaster and is widely mined. A massive fine-grained white or lightly tinted variety of gypsum, called  alabaster, has been used for sculpture by many cultures including Ancient Egypt,  Mesopotamia,  Ancient Rome,  Byzantine empire and the Nottingham alabasters of medieval England. It is the definition of a hardness of 2 on the months scale of mineral hardness. It forms as an evaporite mineral and as a hydration product of anhydrite.

SELF CHECK 2.1 Directions: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate words or group of words. Write your answers on another piece of paper. 1. _________________ has long been acknowledged to be a superior anti- stripping additive for asphalt pavements.  2. _________________ is used for finishing corners or other intricate plastering works 3. ________________ is used to smooth or make textured surface on cement or plaster


4. ________________ is a gray to white mineral , technically hydrous calcium sulfate. It can be used as a fertilizer. It is the main constituent in many forms of plaster and is widely mined. 5. _________________ is used in plastering to produce a fine grained texture in sand finishes.

INFORMATION SHEET 2.2 Plans and Details It is very important to study the plans and details of work before performing any masonry activity. In plastering for instance, it is essential to note the openings of doors and windows so that when finishing these with plaster, exact dimension shall be attained. This is applied specifically for pre-fabricated doors and windows such as aluminum, and sliding doors and windows. A difference of two (2) to three (3) millimeter on the finished openings may be tolerable. Sample:



INFORMATION SHEET 2.3 Storing Plastering Materials • • • •

Do not lay bags of cement directly on the floor. Protect from rain, water splash by vehicles and mortar mixing. Always follow manufacturer’s instructions in order to avoid deterioration of materials. Stockpile sand in area not much exposed to dust, leaves and other impurities.



Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is wrong. Write your answers on a separate sheet. ___________1. In plastering for instance, it is essential to note the openings of doors and windows so that when finishing these with plaster, exact dimension shall be attained.

___________2. A difference of two (2) to three (3) millimeter on the finished openings may be tolerable.

___________3. Bags of cement could be stocked and laid directly on the ground. ___________4. Always follow manufacturer’s instructions in order to avoid deterioration of materials. ___________5. Aggregate, such as sand, can be stored anywhere even in places prone to dust and other impurities. ___________6. Always protect cement from rain.



Determine the required thickness, plumbness, squareness, levelness. and alignment of structure. Distribute mortar/coating on the wall surface. Use appropriate PPE. Observe safety precaution.

PRE/DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT Direction: Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is wrong. Write your answers on a separate sheet. ___________1. The thickness of wall plaster should only be 7 mm. ___________2. Always check the plumbness of your string guide before applying the mortar for plaster. ___________3. The flatness of wall plaster is checked using a stick with straight edges. ___________4. Never dampen wall surfaces that are to be plastered.


___________5. Apply the first coat or the base coat with at least 5 mm in thickness.


Procedure in Setting Guide for Plastering a Concrete Wall • • • •

Drive a concrete nail on the four corners of the wall to be plastered. Stretch a string along the nails; corner to corner and its diagonal. Determine the required thickness of the plaster and set the string on it, at least 13 mm. Check the plumbness of the string on both side ends. The upper and lower ends will follow, together with the diagonal.




Directions: Fill in the ladder below with the guide for setting plastering concrete wall.


ACTIVITY 3.1 Setting Guide in Plastering a Concrete Wall Materials: Tools:

• •

Nails String

• • • • •

Measuring Tape Pencil Plumb Bob Claw Hammer PPE

Direction: Follow the procedure in setting guide for plastering concrete walls; lay out a 1m x 1.5m guide for plastering on your school perimeter fence. Tick (/) the column that corresponds to your observation.


Assessment Guide The learner was able to: Interpret plans and details as per job requirement Select and use PPE in line with the job requirements Select and prepare materials, tools and equipment consistent with job requirements Install vertical and horizontal guide Check the plumbness and levelness of the guide Demonstrate knowledge of linear measurement Set the required thickness of plaster Demonstrate knowledge of accident prevention




INFORMATION SHEET 3.2 Procedure in Plastering a Concrete Wall •

Mix thoroughly the sieved sand and water into a paste form ready for plastering. It is very important to remember various concrete proportions discussed earlier in the previous grade level. Class AA : 1 bag cement (40 kg) is to 11/2 cu. ft. of sand

Class A : 1 bag cement(40 kg) is to 2 cu. ft. of sand

Class B : 1 bag cement(40 kg) is to 3 cu. ft. of sand

• • • • • • •

Dampen the wall with water. Apply the first coat or the base coat with at least 5 mm in thickness. Allow the base coat to settle before applying the succeeding coats. Check the flatness using a straight edge. Smooth the surface but this can only be done when the plaster has hardened slightly but is still pliable. Move the wooden float in rotary motion to make the surface completely flat. Remove the string and clean around the edges of the wall with a wet paintbrush to remove lumps and lines of plaster. Add a thinner skim of more plaster to fill holes and even out depressions.



Directions: Fill in the blocks with the procedure for plastering a concrete wall.


Activity 3.2 Plastering Concrete Wall Tools:


• • • •

Trowels Floats Spade PPE

• • •

Sand Cement Water

Direction: Plaster the perimeter fence in your school where you did the activities on surface preparation and setting guide for plastering. Tick (/) the column that corresponds to your observation. Assessment Guide: The learner was able to ………….. Interpret plans and details as per job requirement. Select and use PPE in line with job requirements. Select and prepare materials, tools and equipment consistent with job requirements. Dampen the wall with water. Apply the first coat or the base coat with at least 5 mm in thickness. Allow the base coat to settle before applying the succeeding coats. Check the flatness using a straight edge. Smooth the surface but this can only be done when the plaster has hardened slightly but is still pliable. Move the wooden float in rotary motion to make the surface completely flat. Remove the string and clean around the edges of the wall with a wet paint brush to remove lumps and lines of plaster. Demonstrate knowledge of linear measurement. Demonstrate knowledge of accident prevention.






Complete plastering work according to job specification. Perform housekeeping. Use appropriate PPE.

PRE- DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT Direction: Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is wrong. Write your answers on a separate sheet. ____________1. Leave the plaster to dry for around 30 to 40 minutes. ____________2. The plaster can be polished. Wet the face of your float and flick water onto the wall with a large paint brush. The idea is to provide just enough lubrication for your trowel to float over the surface and fill tiny holes and imperfections. Work in regular sweeping strokes and finish with long continuous strokes across the wall. ____________3. Apply a thin layer of grout, at least 10mm (mixture of water and cement).


____________4. Leave your tools on the workplace right after the work is done.

____________5. Housekeeping is not applicable in plastering concrete wall.

INFORMATION SHEET 4.1 Complete Plastering Work According to Job Specification 1. Leave the plaster to dry once more - for around 30 to 40 minutes. 2. The plaster can be polished. Wet the face of your float and flick water onto the wall with a large paint brush. The idea is to provide just enough lubrication for your trowel to float over the surface and fill tiny holes and imperfections. Work in regular sweeping strokes and finish with long continuous strokes across the wall. 3. Apply a thin layer of grout, at least 2mm (mixture of water and cement). 4. Finally, finish by brushing the surface with a paint brush or sponge dipped in water. 5. Wash your mixing board and tools as soon as you finished the work. 6. Perform Housekeeping.


SELF CHECK 4.1 Directions: Arrange the procedure in completing plastering work. Write your answers on a separate sheet. 1. Apply a thin layer of grout, at least 2mm (mixture of water and cement). 2. Perform Housekeeping. 3. Leave the plaster to dry once more - for around 30 to 40 minutes Apply a thin layer of grout, at least 2mm (mixture of water and cement). 4. The plaster can be polished. Wet the face of your float and flick water onto the wall with a large paint brush. The idea is to provide just enough lubrication for your trowel to float over the surface and fill tiny holes and imperfections. Work in regular sweeping strokes and finish with long continuous strokes across the wall. 5. Wash your mixing board and tools as soon as you’ve finished work. 6. Finally, finish by brushing the surface with a paint brush or sponge dipped in water.


Completing Plastering Work Tools:


• •

Floats Paint brush/Sponge

• •

Cement Water


Assessment Guide: The learner was able to ………….. Interpret plans and details as per job requirement. Select and use PPE in line with job requirements. Select and prepare materials, tools and equipment consistent with job requirements. Fill tiny holes and imperfections. Apply a thin layer of grout, at least 2mm.(mixture of water and cement). Finish by brushing the surface with a paint brush or sponge dipped in water. Wash mixing board and tools as soon as he finished working. Perform Housekeeping. Demonstrate knowledge of accident prevention.




SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT-QUARTER III I. Directions: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate words or group of words. Write your answers on another piece of paper. 1. _______________ is used in cleaning surfaces using a sheer force of water at pressures between 10,000 and 20,000 psi, or even ultrahigh- pressure water blasting up to 40,000 psi. 2. _______________ is done to enhance the appearance of the building, to level out irregularities of alignment of the blocks, to achieve uniformity and continuity of surface where concrete blocks and other construction materials and to provide alternative attractive textures or additional resistance to intrusion of moisture. 3. _______________ is a tool, consisting of a handle, usually made of wood, plastic, or bone, and a brush. It is usually made from a large number of  steel wire bristles also used for scrubbing dirt, paints, and mold on concrete surface. 4. _______________ is used for scraping dirt, paints, and mold on concrete surface.


5. _______________ is used propelling very fine bits of material at high- velocity to clean or etch a surface. 6. _______________ is used forfinishing corners or other intricate plastering works. 7. _______________ is used for plastering to produce a fine grained texture in sand finishes. 8. _______________is a gray to white mineral , technically hydrous calcium sulfate. It can be used as a fertilizer, is the main constituent in many forms of plaster and is widely mined. 9. _______________has long been acknowledged to be a superior anti stripping additive for asphalt pavements.  10. _______________ is used to smooth or make textured surface on cement or plaster.


II. A. Directions: Discuss the tips for wall surface preparation. Write them on the organizer below. No.

Tips for wall surface preparation

B. Directions: Fill in the ladder below with the procedure in setting guide for plastering concrete wall.



C. Directions: Fill in the blocks with the procedure for plastering concrete wall.


III. Application: Plastering Concrete Wall

Directions: Measure one square meter of wall in your school perimeter fence. Prepare the surface and apply plaster.



• • • •

Trowels Floats Spade PPE

• • •

Sand Cement Water


Tick (/) the column that corresponds to your observation. Assessment Guide: The learner was able to ………….. Interpret plans and details as per job requirement. Select and use PPE in line with job requirements. Select and prepare materials, tools and equipment consistent with job requirements. Observe the procedure in setting vertical and horizontal guide. Dampen the wall with water. Apply the first coat or the base coat with at least 5 mm in thickness. Allow the base coat to settle before applying the succeeding coats. Check the flatness using a straight edge. Smooth the surface but this can only be done when the plaster has hardened slightly but is still pliable. Move the wooden float in rotary motion to make the surface completely flat. Remove the string and clean around the edges of the wall with a wet paintbrush to remove lumps and lines of plaster. Demonstrate knowledge of linear measurement. Fill tiny holes and imperfections. Apply a thin layer of grout, at least 2mm (mixture of water and cement). Finish by brushing the surface with a paint brush or sponge dipped in water. Demonstrate knowledge of accident prevention. Perform housekeeping.





PROCESS AND DELIVERY Content Standard Performance Standard The learner demonstrates The learner independently installs understanding of the concepts and pre-cast balusters and handrails based on underlying principles in installing pre- job requirements. cast balusters and handrails

Quarter IV

Time Allotment: 36 Hours


DRAFT INTRODUCTION This module contains information and suggested learning activities on masonry. It includes instructions and procedures on how to prepare for installing pre-cast balusters and handrails, perform pre-cast baluster and handrail installation, complete installation of pre-cast baluster and hand rail. Each learning outcome contains learning activities supported by information sheets. Before you perform the instructions, read the information sheets and answer the Self-check and Activities provided to ascertain yourself and your instructor that you have acquired the knowledge necessary to perform the skills of the particular learning outcome. Upon completion, report to your teacher for assessment to check your achievement of knowledge and skills requirements of this learning competency. If you pass the assessment, you will be given a certificate of completion. 91


Interpret plans and drawings. Select tools, materials and equipment. Stockpile materials. Establish location of pre-cast balusters based on a given task.

PRE/DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT Directions: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate words or group of words. Write your answers on another piece of paper. 1. __________ a moulded shaft, square or of lathe-turned form, one of various spindle in woodwork or made of stone, wood or metal. 2. __________ used to cut balusters made of cement, stone, or marble. 3.___________ is used to drill holes in installing threaded balusters. 4. Balusters should be stored not more than __________________high. 5. To avoid distortion, it is always recommended to follow ___________.

DRAFT Information Sheet 1.1

Plans and Details of Balusters

A baluster also called spindle or stair stick, is a moulded shaft, square or of lathe-turned form, It is one of various forms of spindle in woodwork, made of stone or wood and sometimes of metal that stands on a unifying footing, and support s the coping of a parapet or the handrail of a staircase. Multiplied in this way, they form a balustrade. Individually, a baluster shaft may describe the turned form taken by a brass or silver candlestick, an upright furniture support, or the stem of a brass chandelier, etc.


During the preparation for installing pre-cast baluster and handrails, interpreting plans and details of drawing is very important. It guides the mason to accomplish the task correctly and in accordance with the job requirement or specification. Here are sample plans and details of drawing:


Figure: 1.1.1 Sample Detailed Baluster Plan

Figure 1.1.2: Sample Balustrade to Atic


Figure 1.1.3: Balustrade for Terrace


INFORMATION SHEET 1.2 Tools, Materials and Equipment for Installing Precast Balusters and Hand Rails The tools, materials and equipment used for installing pre-cast balusters and hand rails are the same with the tools, materials and equipment used in laying bricks/ blocks and also in plastering such as trowels, floats, string, hose level, plumb bob, shovel, etc. Generally a mason must have these these tools, materials and equipment, a mason must have in order to perform all kinds of masonry works. Additional to these are the angle grinder, which could be used to cut balusters, and a portable electric drill with bits of different sizes which is used to drill holes in installing treaded balusters and handrails.

Angle Grinder 94

Electric Drill and Bit

Safety Tips in Operating the Angle Grinder


and Portable Electric Drill

1. Wear safety glasses when operating the angle grinder and portable electric drill. 2. Disconnect them from the electrical supply when installing blades and bits. 3. Clamp stock so it will not move during the grinding and drilling operation. 4. lign the blade and bit properly. 5. When drilling deep holes with a twist drill, move the bit up and down 6. several times while drilling to remove cuttings and reduce overheating in the bit. 7. Apply moderate even pressure during the grinding and drilling operation. 8. Maintain good balance at all times during the grinding and drilling operation.

SELF CHECK 1.2 I. Directions: Enumerate at least five (5) tools that a mason must have in order to perform all kinds of masonry work. Write your answers on a separate sheet. II. Directions. Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is wrong. _________1. Clamp stock so it will not move during the grinding and drilling operation. _________2. Proper alignment of the blade and bit is not important. _________3. Apply a very hard and uneven pressure during the grinding and 95

drilling operation. _________4. Wear safety glasses when operating with the angle grinder and portable electric drill. _________5. When installing blades and bits, it is safer not to disconnect these from power supplies.

INFORMATION SHEET 1.3 Proper Handling and Storing Balusters Handling and storing balusters is similar to that of the other masonry materials. In doing these, one must unload balusters mechanically and directly to a prepared, level, and hard base. You also need to leave banding or wrapping in place and take care to minimize chipping, soiling or breakage, particularly with balusters of special shapes. It is also important to protect from rain, splashing by vehicles and mortar mixing. It is recommended that balusters should be stored not more than 1 meter high. Storing more than this height would cause breakage and the stockpile might as well collapse.


Proper storage of materials is vital. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions in order to avoid distortion and deterioration of materials and components.


I. Directions. Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is wrong. ____________1. Unload balusters mechanically and directly to a prepared, level and hard base. ____________2. The manufacturer’s instruction need not be followed in order to avoid distortion and deterioration of materials and components. ____________3. It is important to protect balusters from rain, water splash by vehicles and mortar mixing when storing them. ____________4. Balusters can be stored over 1 meter or ever higher. ____________5. Handling and storing balusters is similar to that of the other masonry materials.



Lay-out and mark pre-cast baluster according to job requirements. Align pre-cast baluster and handrail according to job requirements. Apply mortar to pre-cast baluster and handrails. Use appropriate PPE. Perform housekeeping.


Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is wrong. Use a separate sheet to write your answers.

____________1. Standard distance in between balusters must be eight inches. ____________2. Balusters must always be of equal distance. ____________3. Forms are not used in baluster installation. ____________4. Always check the alignment of balusters during installation.


____________5. Always know the dimension of the run and size of the baluster to determine equal distances.

INFORMATION SHEET 2.1 Layout of Balusters

In performing pre-cast baluster and handrail installation, it is important to know how to determine the equal distance in between balusters. Here are some recommended computations to come up with the equal distance of balusters. Step 1: Determine total length of run, 520 cm for example. Step 2: Deduct width of newels at each end of run and add one baluster width. Step 3: Divide result of step 2 by desired spacing between balusters plus the width of one baluster. i.e. desired spacing = 10 cm baluster width = 6 cm 10 + 6 = 16 cm Step 4: If the answer obtained in step three has a decimal, round off the number up to the next whole number. Step 5 Divide result of Step 2 with the result of Step 4 then subtract one baluster width from the answer obtained and you have the correct even spacing between balusters. 97

Example 1: You are constructing a guard rail which will has a 10 cm newel post at each end. The guardrail will be supported in the field by 6 cm balusters. The code requirement for spacing between balusters is 10 cm What equal spacing between balusters would be necessary to maintain the 10 cm code requirement.

Step 1: 520 cm

Step 2: 520 cm -

20 cm newel widths

DRAFT 500 cm inside dim.

+ 6 cm one baluster width 506 cm

Step 3 Code spacing = 10 cm + 6 cm (baluster width) = 16 cm 506 cm ÷ 16 cm = 31.6 Step 4 Round 31.6 to 32 Step 5 506 cm ÷ 32 = 15.8 cm

15.8 cm – 6 cm = 9.8 cm//Equal Distances of Balusters


SELF CHECK 2.1 1. Fill in the blanks below based on the following information: • Balustrade run is 840 cm; • 15 cm wide newel posts at each end; and • 10 cm balusters and spacing between balusters of no more than 10 cm. Total run ________

Distance between newels _________

Distance between newels plus one baluster width _________

Maximum code spacing plus one baluster width __________

Number of balusters __________

Actual spacing between balusters __________

2. Fill in the blanks below based on the following information:

• • •

Balustrade run is 1280 cm; 15 cm wide newel posts at one end and rosette at other end; and 8 cm balusters and spacing between balusters of no more than 10 cm. Number of balusters ___________ Actual spacing of balusters __________


3. Fill in the blanks below based on the following information: • •

Balustrade run is 1800 cm; 15 cm newel posts will be placed at each end and in the center of the run; • Balusters are 10 cm wide and may not be spaced more than 12 cm apart. Number of balusters __________ Actual spacing of balusters __________


INFORMATION SHEET 2.2 Procedure in Installing Pre-cast Balusters and Hand Rails • Fabricate formworks for installing pre-cast balusters and hand rails. Using example 1:

Size of the base of baluster: 10 cm

Distance in between balusters: 9.8 cm

Note: Invert form for upper portion • • • • • • • • • •

Prepare the area where to install pre-cast balusters and hand rails. Install formwork in place. Check alignment and levelness. Fix braces on forms. Put in place the balusters. Double check alignment and levelness. Dampen the base. Insert or pour mortar on forms. Perform housekeeping. Allow mortar to settle for about two to three days.



SELF CHECK 2.2 Direction: Arrange the procedure in installing pre-cast baluster and hand rails. Write the number on the space provided. Use a separate sheet.

No. Perform housekeeping. Double check alignment and levelness. Prepare the area where to install pre-cast balusters and hand rails. Fix braces on forms. Fabricate formworks for installing pre-cast balusters and hand rails. Allow mortar to settle for about two to three days. Put in place the balusters. Dampen the base. Install formwork in place.


Insert/pour mortar on forms.

Check alignment and levelness.

ACTIVITY SHEET 2.1 Fabricating Formworks for Installing Pre-Cast Balusters Tools: • • • • • • • •

Claw Hammer Cross-cut Saw Rip Saw Measuring Tape Try Square Chalk line 1” chisel Pencil

• • •

8 pcs - 2” x 2” x 10’ lumber 1pcs – 1/8” x 4’ x 8’ plywood Assorted nails



Direction: Fabricate formworks with the given specifications:

Size of baluster: 7.5 cm

Space in between balusters: 12 cm

Assessment Guide: The learner was able to : Interpret plans and details as per job requirement. Select and use PPE in line with job requirements. Select and prepare materials, tools and equipment consistent with job requirements. Demonstrate knowledge of linear measurement. Fabricate formworks with conformity to the job requirements. Perform Housekeeping. Demonstrate knowledge of accident prevention.

DRAFT ACTIVITY SHEET 2.2 Installing Pre-Cast Balusters

Tools: Claw Hammer Measuring Tape Cross-cut Saw Try Square Rip Saw Chalk line Plumb Bob 1st chisel Level Hose Pencil Spirit Level Trowers Floats String PPE Materials Balusters sand Cement water




Direction: Install the fabricated formworks in Activity 2.2 then put the balusters in place.

Size of baluster: 7.5 cm Space in between balusters: 12 cm Thickness of base: 10 cm Thickness of top: 5 cm Finished Height: 90 cm YES Assessment Guide: The learner was able to: Interpret plans and details as per job requirement. Select and use PPE in line with job requirements. Select and prepare materials, tools and equipment consistent with job requirements. Follow the procedure in installing pre-cast balusters and handrails. a. Prepare the area where to install pre-cast balusters and hand rails. b. Install formworks. c. Check alignment and levelness. d. Fix braces on forms. e. Put in place the balusters. f. Insert/pour mortar on forms. Demonstrate knowledge of linear measurement. Perform housekeeping. Demonstrate knowledge of accident prevention.





Conduct final checking to ensure conformity with job requirements. Conduct final installation of pre-cast baluster and handrail. Perform housekeeping.

PRE/DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is wrong Use a separate sheet to write your answers. __________1. Plans and details should be followed as per job requirement.

___________ 2. After balusters have been installed, forms should be stripped

carefully for future use.

___________3. Plaster uneven areas so it will look presentable.

__________4. Materials must be consistent as per job requirement.



Conduct Final Installation of Pre-Cast Baluster and Handrail

After the installing pre-cast balusters, conduct final installation following the necessary steps below. • • •

Strip formwork carefully. Plaster uneven areas so it will look presentable. Perform housekeeping.

ACTIVITY 3.1 Conducting Final Installation of Pre-Cast Baluster and Hand Rail Tools: • • • • • • •

Claw hammer Wrecking bar Trowels Floats Spade String Paint brush/Sponge

• • •

Sand Cement Water



Assessment Guide The learner was able to: Strip formwork carefully. Plaster uneven areas so it will look presentable. Perform housekeeping.



ACTIVITY 3.2 Conducting Final Checking to Ensure Conformity with Job Requirement After the project has been completed, it is very important to assess or to conduct final inspection and checking to ensure conformity with the job requirement. Sample Checklist: Tick (/) the column that corresponds to your observation The following requirements was met: Plans and details as per job requirement. Design and Specifications as per job requirement. Materials are consistent as per job requirement.





I. Directions: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate words or group of words. Write your answers on another piece of paper. 1. Balusters should be stored not more than __________________high. 2. To avoid distortion, it is always recommended to follow ___________. 3. __________ used to cut balusters made of cement, stone, or marble. 4. __________ is used to drill holes in installing threaded balusters. 5. __________ a moulded shaft, square or of lathe-turned form, one of various spindles in woodwork or made of stone, wood or metal. II. Problem solving: Solve the given problems below on distances of balusters. 1. Fill in the blanks below based on the following information:

• • •

Balustrade run is 955 cm 15 cm wide newel posts at each end 5 cm balusters and spacing between balusters is not more than 12 cm

Total run ________

Distance between newels _________

Distance between newels plus one baluster width _________ 105

Maxium code spacing plus one baluster width __________

Number of balusters __________

Actual spacing between balusters __________

2. Fill in the blanks below based on the following information: • Balustrade run is 675 cm • 12.5 cm wide newel posts at each end • 6 cm balusters and spacing between balusters is not more than 10 cm Total run ________

Distance between newels _________

Distance between newels plus one baluster width _________

Maxium code spacing plus one baluster width __________

Number of balusters __________

Actual spacing between balusters __________

3. Fill in the blanks below based on the following information: • Balustrade run is 1050 cm • 12.5 cm wide newel posts at each end • 5 cm balusters and spacing between balusters is not more than 10 cm


Total run ________ Distance between newels _________ Distance between newels plus one baluster width _________ Maxium code spacing plus one baluster width __________ Number of balusters __________ Actual spacing between balusters __________

4. Fill in the blanks below based on the following information:

• • •

Balustrade run is 780 cm 15 cm wide newel posts at each end 6 cm balusters and spacing between balusters of no more than 10 Total run ________ Distance between newels _________ Distance between newels plus one baluster width _________ Maxium code spacing plus one baluster width __________ Number of balusters __________ Actual spacing between balusters __________

5. Fill in the blanks below based on the following information: 106

• • •

Balustrade run is 600 cm 15 cm wide newel posts at each end 5 cm balusters and spacing between balusters or no more than 10 cm Total run ________ Distance between newels _________ Distance between newels plus one baluster width _________ Maxium code spacing plus one baluster width __________ Number of balusters __________ Actual spacing between balusters __________

III. Explain why do interpreting plans and drawing details should be the important skills of a mason? IV. Application Tools: Materials Claw Hammer Balusters Cross-cut Saw 8 pcs - 2” x 2” x 10’ lumber Rip Saw 1pcs – 1/8” x 4’ x 8’ plywood Plumb Bob Assorted nails Level Hose Spirit Level Measuring Tape Try Square Chalk line 1” chisel Pencil Trowels Floats String PPE



Direction: Layout 10 pcs of baluster with 10 cm in between Assessment Guide The learner was able to ………….. 1. Interpret plans and details as per job requirement. 2. Select and use PPE in line with job requirements. 3. Select and prepare materials, tools and equipment consistent with job requirements.



4. Follow the procedure in installing pre-cast balusters and handrails. a. Prepare the area where to install pre-cast balusters and hand rails b. Install formworks c. Check alignment and levelness d. Fix braces on forms e. Put in place the balusters 5. Demonstrate knowledge of linear measurement. 6. Perform housekeeping. 7. Demonstrate knowledge of accident prevention.



Aggregate - These are inert materials such as sand and gravel. There are fine and coarse aggregates. Aggregates smaller than ten millimeter in diameter are classified as fine, while aggregates bigger than ten millimeters in diameter are coarse. Blasting - The method of applying a very high pressure to clean out dirt and oil spills on conrete surface before plastering. Blue Print - A type of paper-based reproduction usually of a technical drawing, or documenting, done by architecture or an engineering designer. Generally, the term “blueprint” refers to any detailed plan of a building. Bricks Manufactured from clay and other minerals that is being processed into a workable consistency, molded to sizes and fined in kiln for stronger, more attractive products Concrete/Hollow Blocks – a prefabricated concrete, a mixture of cement, gravel and sand typically used for walling. Constrete - The artificial stone as a result of mixing sand, gravel and water. Dampen - To wet the surface of concrete so that plasters or mortars can be pasted easily and thoroughly. Distortion - To change in physical form such as length due to stress like tensil and torsion forces. Dowel Serves as fastener for two or more sections joined together. 108

Flint -

A hard gray rock consisting of nearly pure chert, occurring chiefly as nodules in chalk Fusion - The process or result of joining two or more things together to form a single entity Grout - Serves a fillers and sometimes fasteners in between concrete materials such as tiles, bricks and concrete hallow blocks. Kiln a wood that underwent the process of mechanical drying Lime - a substance used to reduce the shrinkage of brick during drying Mason - a person who possesses the knowledge, skills, and attitude in masonry which includes, basic masonry, block laying, plastering and laying balusters. Mortar - a fresh concrete, mixture of cement, gravel, sand and water. Plaster - a fresh concrete, mixture of cement, sand and water Plumbness – refers to the vertical alignment of surfaces such as walls, columns, and others. REFERENCES Fajardo, Max Jr. Merchandizing

1995, Simplified Construction Estimate, 3rd Edition: 5138


view-source:http://engg-material.blogspot.com/2011/03/chemical-composition-andits-function.html h t t p : / / w w w. p e a r s o n s c h o o l s a n d f e c o l l e g e s . c o . u k / F E A n d Vo c a t i o n a l / WorkBasedLearning/BuildingServices/Level3CarpentryandJoinery/Samples/ CarpentryandJoineryLevel3CandidateHandbook2ndEdition/CandJL3_CH6_ pp168_169.pdf http://www.thinkbrick.com.au/why-are-bricks-sustainable-4/ http://www.bcito.org.nz/sites/default/files/imagecache/qualification_slider/dsc_0802. jpg http://www.hsc.csu.edu.au/images/construction.jpg https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTfVgPDeKjDiF6O_ Whj6vrmlMTRcWofGk8HmFheMAVLqd_J1d5IIw http://welshstonework.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/repairs_tools.jpg view-source:http://engg-material.blogspot.com/2011/03/chemical-composition-andits-function.html http://www.allaboutbricks.co.uk/tutorials/good-site-practice/exercise-site-safety http://constructionmanuals.tpub.com/14043/css/14043_234.htm http://www.wikihow.com/Lay-Concrete-Blocks 109

http://www.bernardiprecast.com/i/baluster-to-code.gif http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baluster

h t t p : / / w w w. d o i t y o u r s e l f . c o m / s t r y / p l a s t e r i n g - c o n c r e t e - w a l l s # . U w x 3 b _ QW28Y#ixzz2uKY8ZlcL http://www.stuccoguru.com/resources/article.cfm?articleID=B-06150&resourceID=2 http://www.cphire.com/images/equipement/_float.jpg http://d.lib.ncsu.edu/adore-djatoka/resolver?rft_id=unccmc00145-002-ff0003-003047_0008&svc.level=5&svc_id=info%3Alanl-repo%2Fsvc%2FgetRegion&svc_val_ fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Ajpeg2000&url_ver=Z39.88-2004 http://images.meredith.com/diy/images/2009/06/p_100195705.jpg h t t p : / / w w w. b r i t i s h - h i s t o r y. a c . u k / i m a g e - t h u m b . aspx?compid=67576&pubid=746&filename=fig2.gif Alfredo Alcala Jr. Alcala Design Studio







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