Live On The Scene

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 313
  • Pages: 1
LIVE ON THE SCENE! This just in! Moses is on a mission to free his people from Egypt. He has been visiting the Pharaoh on a regular basis. After each visit, something drastic tends to happen. Right now, there is no one reporting on these events. That is your job. Choose one of the nine disasters below, that Moses exacted on Egypt. In a news report fashion, create a script that will broadcast these events to an audio audience (no visuals allowed.). Feel free to include sound effects in your script as they can be added in when you do it. Here’s the fun part. When complete, see Mr. Godin about setting up a time when you can broadcast your report, via podcast. Your podcast will then be put up on your class website. Guidelines: i) You may only report on one of the disasters below. ii) You may not work in groups any larger than three. Iii) When reporting, keep in mind the personalities that are involved with a news report. There can be an anchorman, a weather person, a field reporter as well as individuals directly involved. Remember, it’s an audio broadcast, so one person can play more than one role. iv) Make up the names. No real names are to be used. v) In advance, submit a list of sound effects that you will need, so that Mr. Godin can have them ready for your sound effects. Reportable Disasters of Egypt Once you’ve chosen a disaster to report on, you’ll want to research the passage in the Bible that it falls under. Blood – Exodus 7: 14-25 Frogs – Exodus 8 : 1-15 Gnats – Exodus 8: 16-19 Flies – Exodus 8: 20-30 Death of Livestock – Exodus 9: 1-7 Boils – Exodus 9: 8-12 Hail – Exodus 9: 13-35 Locusts – Exodus 10: 1-20 Boils – Exodus 10: 21-29

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