Live Case March 11

  • October 2019
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HOMEOPATHY Live Case 5 March 11, 2008 Dr. Luby Px. has been to a muscle tester before and someone who does massage. Always have had problems with her digestive system. Since a little girl she went to get ultra sounds, etc. She’s been to see someone to balance her system. (gi sx’s) – cramps, constipated a lot. Dr. told her she was lactose intolerant. She would be in the washroom for a long time and crying cuz she had a lot of cramps. It hurt so much. In the lower abdomen area. During menstruation she had a toxic syndrome – shaking and cramps, sweats. Not the same as her stomach cramps though. Cramps were from the tampon. But she switched using it after, so she hasn’t got the cramps since. First time for cramps, in the car a long time, it was really hot. Was smoking at the time. When she used to have cigarettes she’d feel nauseous and weak. Started feeling hot and shaky. Once she went to the washroom, she sat down and perspiring and shaking. She felt sick so went to the first aid and they thought it was heat exhaustion. She rested then was fine afterward. A few hours after. Second cramps was at the dance studio (teaches dance and fitness), after a class she dropped to the floor and had the same sx’s. she had a whole body shake. Internal shaking. Shaking – being really weak Felt better after resting for a bit, doesn’t know if it was the advil or the water that helped. (at wonderland, cramps). 2nd time – it’s a feeling like you just have no energy. You can’t stand when that happens. I feel like I’m gonna collapse. Sitting or lying on the floor. The second time I had water (I don’t really take any pills, so don’t know if I had advil). Never happened again after I switched the type of tampons I used. (mom’s pregnancy) – she had no problems. It was a really easy delivery. No complications except my umbilical cord was wrapped around my throat. My mom has also always had digestive problems. She’d go through the same thing in the washroom, shaking, perspiring, cramps. If she eats something that doesn’t agree with her system, it will affect her for the next few days. One time I almost called the ambulance, cuz it was so bad. I think I was a little bit late for pregnancy. My mom’s always been… she’s not very confident, she’s very unsure about herself. She’s been working very hard towards that, so prior to I can imagine that… she doesn’t have very much self confidence. My parents relationship is not the best. I don’t know how it was prior to, but my dad travels a lot. She probably had a lot of feelings of being alone while she was pregnant with me.

No siblings. I was breastfed. She did go back to work, cuz I used to be babysat. When I was around 5 or so was when I started the digestive problems. She said I was always a very happy baby, I never cried and was always smiley, so I think I didn’t have cramps when I was young. Never had any reactions to medications/vaccinations. No problems as a child with ear infections, chest problems, bad accidents, knocked unconscious. I had an overuse injury dancing. In the summer I went to an intensive dance training 9-5 everyday. The summer after my first year of university.. I think its my piriformis muscle. I went to the physiotherapist, they said it was probably a tear in my piriformis muscle. Since then I’ve had issues with that which have lead to the sciatic nerve. On the left side. It was an intensive dance camp. I was 18 at the time of the injury. No skin problems in the early years. Things started begin around the age of 5. I started going to school at 3 ½ so when things weren’t going good at school, my stomach would cramp up and I’d be sent home from school. When I’m stressed out, things start to cramp up and I couldn’t digest. In gr. 6, the clicks at school, I was a part of a group and there was a leader of the group. She would decide who was her friend or not, she’d be really mean. The guys we would hang out with were also really mean at sometimes. I remember nto wanting to go to school. I’d cry a lot and wouldn’t want to go to school. They’d say hurtful things or they just wouldn’t want to hang out with you. They’d say you’re not our friend or you’re not cool enough. When I danced at a school when I was a child, I experienced the same thing. When I was younger I was shorter and chubbier, as a dancer the smaller girls were more of the favorites of the class. There was a lot of favoritism. I felt I wasn’t good enough and that I didn’t’ belong. I quit for a year. My parents forced me to finish, then I went back, then I switched studios. Started dancing at 5 yrs old. I’m not sure if my stomach problems started before or at that time. My mom put me in dance when I was really young, then she pulled me out right away. I don’t know if something happened there, ten she put me in another studio when I was older. In kindergarten, my teacher pulled me into a closet or a room and then I don’t remember what happened, but then my mom went and talked to the teacher, then the teacher brought me a pendent. I don’t remember exactly what happened. It was a long time ago. Did dance for a while then I stopped. It was more stressful going. Our teachers would yell at us and tell us to do things over and over again. I danced there until gr. 8, 7 years. They would make us hold positions for a really long time. I took ballet, tap, jazz, acro… I took almost everything. I was there a few nights a week. I was competitive.

Once I had a solo and I never felt confident, when I went on stage I ended up finishing looking at the back at my end pose instead of the front. Then the teacher laughed at me, not in a mean way. I’d go through auditions for the national ballet, I hated doing them, but we were forced. She ended up teaching at the studio I switched to and was teaching at. She’d joke with me saying how chubby I was when I was a child and how bad my feet were and how she’d never thought I’d become the dancer I am today. The teachers forced us to do the auditions (in the first studio), and my parents enforced it too. They never got involved in the politics of the dance studio, my mom was very passive. I wish she would stand up though. I felt too fat and that I wasn’t good enough for the auditions, compared to the other girls. We used to also do dance exams, I’d always get poor or pass plus. I never failed, but you just know that its cuz you’re not gifted or you don’t have the natural ability. Some people just have to work at it so much more. (switched studios, what caused you to take a break?) I felt like I had no life. You’re in your teenage years and you just want to hang out with your friends. Maybe if I hung out with my friends more maybe I would felt that I belonged more in my group of friends. I took a year off, then I went back and I didn’t even last a year. Only 6 mo. Then I took 2 years off. I played basketball in gr. 9. then I was in dance and movement in my high school. I decided to go back cuz I really missed it and one of my best friends danced at this studio, so I went and tried it out and that’s where I ended up staying. It wasn’t as strict, it wasn’t as good of a studio for competition wise. My dad would always say, I don’t know why you want to dance for that studio, go back to the other one. You want to be number one. At the new studio, I was one of the best one there. Cuz of my technique. So the new one they would always pressure me to do solo’s. the 2nd and 3rd year I started doing solos. But I wasn’t comfortable, since I hadn’t been doing them all my life, usually I wouldn’t place first and I didn’t like it. I didn’t like performing by myself, I like performing in groups, but not just myself. I don’t feel comfortable. I’m a professional dancer right now. I dance for a few different teams, I don’t want to be precise. I still like performing. (you teach as well?) as a living, I teach dance, yoga, Pilates, fitness. I work for different promotional companies and a few dance companies. Local dance groups and a professional team too. (when did u start teaching?) as soon as I turned 16. same with fitness. I got certified when I was 16. One summer me and all my girlfriends went for counseling for the summer for ymca camps. When I was 14, then after that I volunteered for the rest of the summer with the kiddy campers (3-4yrs) I had a really good mentor and had a really good sense of belonging. I was really good at it. The next summer they told me they would hire me, but I wasn’t 16, so I had to volunteer for the next summer. After they asked me if I wanted to teach dance. I was also assisting the little classes at my studio. I love teaching dance become I love dance.

(px cries, but she smiles and apologizes) – I’m passionate with dance and I want kids to love dance and make them feel good about themselves. I really love children and I’m really good with working with them. People always tell me to teach kids or start my own show. I’ve always been a leader, throughout my life. When it comes to…even in the dance studio I was kind of the positive one. I’m always very energetic. People think I’m funny and would always like being around me more. When I left the studio, people would say its not the same without me and my energy. Always talk about my energy. The first few years teaching, I was so good and had so much energy, but then I burnt out and felt that I wasn’t doing good enough. Even now, my choreography I’m always self conscious and feel that its never good enough. Now with choreography I get anxious, I feel like its not good enough. When I started teaching, I wasn’t doing anything competitive, so I loved it. Now the competitive dancers I have to choreograph the competitive students. Because the students were getting first place, they would give me more and more students. I felt overwhelmed. I wasn’t really prepared. Then I would get writers block. They still did well, but I was more unsure with myself. At first I felt like I was a good choreographer, but then I felt terrible. I would get anxious about it then I’d dreams about the choreography, almost like a nightmare. I think b/c I started at such a young age, I felt like I hit a plateau. In university, I was teaching at 3 studios. I felt the pressure of always having good grades so my profs and parents wouldn’t get disappointed in me. I’d get a 94, but then my dad would say ‘oh you should have aimed for a 96’ I know he was just joking, but it was the fact that he’d say it. I was in human kinetics at laurention. I felt like I was overwhelmed with so much work and school. Before I would never be able to say no to people, and then I burnt out. And then I hired a life coach and everything got much better after that. 1st year of university was great, I was so pumped. I never knew what I wanted to do, I always wanted to dance, but I wanted a back up, cuz of how hard it was to become a dancer. I stayed in Sudbury, b/c of financial reasons and I probably felt like I wasn’t good enough to go into a dance program. I went into a program at Sudbury, PE and I wasn’t excited about it, it was just a back up. I did really well, top of the class and got an award of excellence. That summer I came to Toronto and went into the intensive dance training. That’s when I fell in love with it. I let go of everything, my fears, my insecurities. I was around nobody I knew I really pushed myself. And that’s when I got injured. I didn’t want to go back to Sudbury, I didn’t want to go back to school, I was happy dancing and that’s what I wanted to do. Dancing was my escape. I loved it. I started really feeling confident and seeing how good I could be. So I didn’t’ want to come back to Sudbury. I went back cuz my mom told me to do another year. I envisioned myself going to George brown college and taking their dance program there or go to a lot of drop in courses and waitressing to make money instead of going back to Sudbury.

(why was Toronto experience great?) – it was more of me taking care of myself. (px. Cries) – I was always giving my energy to everybody else all the time and I wasn’t truly happy inside, but people would always think I’m so happy cuz I smile all the time and am so energetic. If I’m in a bad mood, nobody will know, b/c I wouldn’t let it affect my relationships and my work. I’m very open at home and would share my feelings, but in my professional life I was always happy go lucky and I was just sick of putting on the show. Everybody asked me to do so much stuff and I always would. In Toronto I wasn’t dancing in my little box, my teachers used to always tell me that, and I would never let go. In Toronto I felt like I completely let go, I wasn’t scared. The teachers encouraged me to not care of bailing or anything, just let me really open up. The group I was with made me feel very comfortable, it was a really good dynamic, something I needed. It worked really well. (the dynamic?)- It wasn’t competitive. Everybody was there to learn and just do the best that they could. It was like a family and we really developed. It was people all over Canada that came. (what was it like to go back?) – I kind of got over it. At first I got sad, then I got really pumped to teach again. You start off and you have all these visions and energy. Then Nov/Dec it starts going down, sometimes it’s the group of kids, they won’t work as hard. Then it gets stressful around competition time. Maybe I’m not a good teacher cuz the kids aren’t that good, then I get anxiety about choreography. It’s a vicious cycle. The transition going back wasn’t too bad, cuz the excitement of teaching again. (injury in Toronto?) – I landed and I felt something. It was in my butt. But I just shook it off. The same day after lunch I went to my hip hop class, then I started feeling the pain, it was like a hot burning sensation. It really hurt, it was throbbing. I still wanted to do it, but it just hurt. I then sat out of ballet class, I iced it, then I kept going with the rest of the week. It just bothered me a little bit, but it was bearable. I went to see a shiatsu massage therapist. It felt overuse and really tight in there, like a big knot. When she massaged it, it felt better. It swelled up and got worse, then it got better. She gave me a medicated patch to put on it. Over the years it got worse. It would affect me on a daily basis. When I was teaching, I’d go to physio, see a sports doctor, I did acupuncture, did electrodes machines. I was told I have really weak glut med/min and piriformis and that there was scar tissue and it would always be an issue after that. For the last few years it’s been more than just the localized pain, now it’s the sciatic nerve. It starts in my lower back on the left side and then it radiates all the way down my left leg, but not to the foot. Before sciatic, it was more localized, deep and really tight, I would try to stretch it out all the time. It felt really, really tight. My left side is much weaker and my right side is much tighter than my left. My left side’s always been weaker. TIGHTNESS. Acupuncture helped the most, it felt like it got right in there, cuz its deep. Massage felt good, but I didn’t feel like it helped. Acupuncture did. When it got worse it went into spasm. Sciatic pain started when I moved to Toronto (about 3 years). I took on a fulltime position at the YMCA. It got really bad when I taught a lot of classes. When I dance and push myself too much, it gets bad. A physio assessed me and said I have a herniated disc, I think L4-5. when I do a lot of flexion, it gets worse. When I dance and kick a lot with my

left side, my right hamstring is much more flexible than left, but my buttock is more tight than the left. So when I kick with the left I feel like I’m overcompensating, then I do a lot of back flexion and it gets worse. This winter over the holidays I was told to take arnica. I took it that night and then I went on the bus for about 5 hours and it kind of got worse, so I took more and I went into the biggest spasm where I could not move, I was crying I almost made my mom call the ambulance, my whole leg was tingling all the way up to my foot. I couldn’t put pressure on it, couldn’t walk. I took muscle relaxants a few hours later and then I became better. (a flare up of sciatica after the long bus ride) – it feels like a really tightness in the muscles. For a while I was cracking my back all the time. Cracking it relieved the tension in the lower back area. (tightness and tension). I still feel it in my buttocks area. The pain radiates down the sciatic nerve, but the pain is localized still, my lower back feels tense, but the pain is in the sciatic area. When I was sometimes I freeze, sometimes it shoots. Its like an electric shock. I’m tense, it hurts, then it will just zap me and I freeze. You take a breath and try to relax, then you just keep going. If I lay down and do a back extension, it helps and it goes away. Before I would stretch a lot and it would help but now I try to strengthen to help the weakness. Lately I almost have no pain. Sometimes if I get stressed I feel it. Strengthen it I do Pilates, yoga. Before I would teach cardio classes, but I’ve weaned away from that and now I try to strengthen classes more. The hi low aggravates it, and dancing aggravates it too. I’m in heals for 7-8 hours, running around, dancing and jumping. After I feel really tight in my lower back. Forward flexion feels good but its bad for it, so I do the opposite extending cuz its better for it. (passion for?) – I go back and forth. Sometimes I really love teaching and sometimes I feel like going in a different career. I do enjoy teaching Pilates, cuz its not intense physically but sometimes it’s the same thing over and over again. In the fitness area, I’m not very passionate, I’m more passionate with the dancing. Before I’d get anxious and wonder what I’m doing with my life, now I’m proactive. I’m a gogetter. I trust the universe I just do what I’m doing and something will come. I don’t hate what I’m doing, but sometimes I wonder if I should go in a different direction. I feel mentally and physically exhausted. (different direction?)- I thought about going to lifestyle coaching in a personal setting. I’d like to have my own business an implement lifestyle coaching in corporations and on a one and one basis. It interests me. Living a balanced life, intellectual, physical and spiritual. I want to do that when I’m older and when I can’t dance anymore. I’d also like to take business courses. I’m more hands on and do it. I don’t really plan, I just go in and do it from years of experience. (most meaningful of your lifestyle coach) – its ok to put yourself first and you can say no to people. They’re not going to like you less if you say no to them. I realized that I had a perception of how others perceived me. I didn’t want to let people down. I was a perfectionist all my life. My mom would care so much about what others thought about

her, she took so long to get ready and would always say what not to do in public. I always needed to be successful, top of the class, so I was never a failure. I overcompensated with my insecurities, instead of dealing with them I would try to overcompensate with them. My inner child was crying. I was just told that I was going to be the head captain of everybody even though I wasn’t a captain last year. Its cuz I’m such a good leader. People see me as that, but inside I’m not feeling that way. (leader?)- they see me as someone who’s always ready to take on a new challenge and to step up. Very confident in my ability. When I do my warm-ups I’m very confident, enthusiastic and positive. They see me as being approachable not domineering on other people. I’m very humble in my abilities. I’m always willing to help others. (digestive system?) – worst was throughout university. When there’s a lot of stresses. In gr. 6 I would always complain of it and sometimes I’d probably be faking it, but I remember in my last year of university and I was really constipated. I couldn’t go to the washroom, my stomach really hurt. Through the last years of my university is when it really hurt. I wasn’t eating well too, but it was when I was really overwhelmed with everything. At the time of meeting my life coach I was feeling like I would almost just want to drive off a cliff so I could go to the hospital so I could just get a few days to myself. My lifestyle coach asked me what was wrong and that my energy was not there and then I just broke down. Then she told me she was a lifestyle coach. Everyone was really worried about me, I was so indifferent and just didn’t have energy anymore. I would get so anxious and I would go to bed when I got home then wake up at 3 or 4 am to cram for my midterm cuz I had to get 100%. I wasn’t willing to change anything until my lifestyle coach called and said she wouldn’t work with me cuz I wasn’t willing to let anything go. Then she was really stern with me and I understood that its ok to say no and I won’t let anyone down. Now I feel like I’m going back there now, cuz I want to make more money I don’t want to just be getting by. I want to get more money. I want to buy a condo, etc. I recently quit smoking. I started when I was in gr. 6. its very new. I feel like I’m not really moving forward with my life, I’ve been doing the same thing since I was 16. since quitting smoking, I feel like I have more energy. I would feel like a hypocrite, and would hide when I was having a smoke. Quitting I’ve been wanting to and struggling with for the past few years. Finally in December, I was so ashamed. I just came to the point where I was like ok I’m doing it. I quit dec. 21st. I went home that day and 2 days later I got the pain in the leg. I thought it was a good time cuz I was going home for the holidays. The book I read really helped me. (Nicholas carr?). After I quit smoking, my digestive system was so much worse. I got so bloated. And if I gained one pound I would freak out. Smoking helped me digest after eating a meal and it would help keeping me regular. If I had a coffee and cigarette I would be able to go to the washroom. If I didn’t I’d be constipated. I was drinking a lot of coffee and eating a lot of chocolate over Christmas, so I put on a few pounds but I wasn’t going crazy. The bloating got really bad. I was usually bloated right after a meal. I felt heavy. I don’t eat on a regular basis. I don’t have a pattern b/c of

my work. If I eat big meals, I can’t digest. I eat a lot of little meals, I have to be strategic with my eating. I have to plan my week if I want to eat well. A month ago I cut out all the dairy. I also don’t eat red meat. I get really sluggish and tired if I eat it. It doesn’t’ make me feel good, I feel gross. My stomach actually hurts - it gets a little crampy, I get gas down more. Sometimes I think I have indigestion when I eat it. I also stopped eating sugar and refined bread. I love cookies and used to eat a lot of candy. Now I wont eat white rice or white pasta. I eat lots of oatmeal. I eat a lot of fruit and I will have the panda licorice with molasses when I’m really craving sugar and I find it really helps. Even with drinks if I have sugary drinks I won’t go to the washroom the next day. My system feels bloated and heavy. But now with the past month I am very regular, I feel much better. I’m not bloated anymore and I go to the washroom on a regular basis – not like my rabbit tirds that I get. I started breaking out on my jaw line, almost like boils and I started getting yeast infections. Obviously what I’m eating my body doesn’t like. So I had to make a lifestyle change. I feel so much better now, so much energy. (what help most with today?) – I want to be on track with my nutrition. I teach so much dance in the day. I got tested cuz I was really low in energy, I got my iron levels tested and they were really low, borderline anemic. I got some iron supplements. I take b50 complex, c, multivitamin complex, glucosamine chondritin msm. I was told to take my multi at night. If you have caffeine it will deplete it. I’m not taking omega oils. Flax seed, wheat germ and bee pollen in a shake. Before menstruation I eat more, I crave chocolate. Right before I eat a lot of chocolate, sweets and fatty stuff. I crave more chocolate than anything else. My period is not consistent. I was on the pill, but not anymore. Lately I’ve been getting it every 3 weeks, its not very regular. I get it for a long time, I’m very heavy in the first 2 days and it lasts for around 5 days. (dreams?) – no recurring ones. I used to dream about choreography, not being good enough or just the choreography itself. I do dream of relationships. I don’t have a good one with my dad, my parents got separated cuz my dad’s job, then he had a heart attack and they got back together. I don’t have a good relationship with my dad. Sometimes I have dreams and insecurities of relationships. Being alone. I don’t really remember my dreams that much. (what do you need help with?) – relationships. I’m in a long distance relationship. I don’t know if its b/c my dad goes away a lot. But I always attract long distance relationships. Now I’m kind of pushing him away and I want to be alone and don’t’ want to deal with it. A lot of times I don’t voice my true feelings. I think it has to deal with my relationship with my father not being good and my parents relationships being good. I have trouble communicating my feelings. All of my long term relationships have ended up long distance. I just think I’m better off on my own, I’m self sufficient. I feel like they don’t meet my needs and I don’t want to burden them with understanding my emotional needs. I don’t want to be nagging all the time. I want a friendship and a partnership. I used to be

daddy’s little girl before I hit adolescence, then he didn’t know what to do and kind of just brushed me aside and didn’t want to deal with me. (relationship with mom?) – really close, best friend. I portray her as being weak, I don’t want to become like her cuz for what she wanted in life, she could have done so much more. She went for nursing and she quit and maybe that’s why I am such a go getter and just want to succeed. We’re really close, she gets me cards and self confidence books. She is a very good support for me. She quit b/c of inadequacy, lack of self confidence she felt like she couldn’t do it. She was a really shy little girl. She’s always been very unsure of herself. (brushed off?)- not being dealt with. My feelings not being honored. Being yelled at, being sent to my room, being called stupid if I got hurt, not tended to. My dad never came into the studio to watch me, he’d just wait outside, he never was a big support. Always thought I should be a doctor. I just felt sad and I got mad at him and put up a wall against him. I think I’ve done that with men in general. My relationships in general I have a wall so I wont get hurt. I’d just yell at my dad and say I hate you and stuff. (how does it feel to be forced?)- I would voice how I felt. I’m very strong minded person. My mom wanted that for me. Sometimes I’m too strong. I’m never a quitter, even if I’m doing something that I didn’t want to be doing, I’d finish it off. I’m very self critical. I’m my own worse critic. If I gain one pound, I know it. My motto is be the best I can be.

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