Little Flock Stand Upon The Rock

  • June 2020
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Little Flock Stand upon the Rock by Pastor Thomas Schaller October 14, 2009 Unedited

To love ea. other as we do...I appreciate it very much. We traveled last night. The night before in Baku...two nights ago. We got home at 2:30 am...we packed up and flew to Turkey. WE were there for a few hours. That night was a short night...We returned to USA last night. My wife woke me up and said, get moving. No, she didn't. We are blessed to be here...We have a two min. clip from our trip to share with you tonight. But, before we do, turn to Matt. 16. Matt. 16:17 - Jesus said, blessed are you Simon...flesh and blood has not revealed this unto you, but my father which is in heaven. (That Jesus is Christ) vs 16. Jesus said, Peter, flesh and blood has not revealed this to you...but my father. You are Peter. Upon this rock I'll build my church. The gates of hell will not prevail against it. I'll give you the keys of heaven... There are so many impressions I have in mind from our trip. One is how small the church appears to be in many ways in this wicked world. Turn to Ez. 34. I'll explain. I hope...vs 4 - Woe unto the shepherds, vs 2. That do feed themselves. Should not they feed the eat the kill them that are fed, but you feed not the flock. Who doesn't feed the flock? In our travels I've seen two: religion does not feed the flock. We met some Iranians in Baku...we hear about what's happening in Iran. We see how Islam as religion, can't feed the flock. When JC came to Israel and saw the Jews religion, he accused them that they didn't feed the flock, Matt. 23. There is a lot of religion in the world, but it doesn't feed the flock...We can say, in all religions, people are not fed. vs 4 - the diseased you have not strengthened or healed the sick, or bound up the broken...or brought again that which was driven away...with force and cruelty you rule them. They became meat to the beasts when they are scattered.

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My sheep wandered...they were scattered...and none did search or seek them. 2. The 2nd entity that doesn't feed the flock is the governments of the world. They care about taxes, electricity, environment, education, but we can feel and know they don't care for our soul. Does the government of any country, in any time in history, has the government really cared for the soul of a person? Jesus said, who do they say I am? You are the Christ. Flesh and blood didn't reveal that to you, but my father. It’s amazing, when we see people in the world, and they know Jesus is the Christ, the savior. Their lives are characterized by God being the good shepherd that cares for the soul. The Psalmist said, no one cares for my soul. God does! God is the good shepherd. He's the savior, the redeemer. He is everywhere. The religions and gov's of the world oppress people of the world. Lam. 2. Our church is healthy. The oper. of the HS in the ministry is awesome. 2:14 - thy prophets have not discovered your iniquity. They turn away your captivity. They have seen false burdens...and caused banishment. When people speak in the world can't take away our pain. People talk and can't relieve us of our anxiety. We hear voices, words, TV, schools, Movies, whatever expression of discourse you have. They can't find the problem. vs 14 - your prophets have not discovered the root of your problem. Amazing! I heard the story of a man who had a tickle in his throat and dizziness in his head. He cleared his throat...He went to the doctor. He said, you have to have your appendix removed. He did so. Then, after, he still had the same problem. So, he went to the dentist. The dentist removed 14 teeth. Then, after, he still had the problem. He went to the psychiatrist who said, you need a vacation in Switzerland. He went. On the way back, he stopped to have a tailor made suit. The tailor said, I'll make them the size you want, but if I do, you will have a tickle in your throat and dizziness. The man stood there and realized, someone found his problem. vs 14 - they did not discover the real issue. I'm so angry at times, when I see the lies in the world, and the heartache, the oppression, the bondage. I come home, and get a brief review on the news. I get

archived service at angry about the hypocrisy, the lying and deceit in our culture. I get angry. Then, I rest in the comfort we'll see in a few min's...Fear not little flock. Its the little flock, Luke 12:32. The people that are courageous to come to God and say, I want God in my life. I want God to tell me truth. I want real answers, freedom and God in my life. When we come to Christ, that's what He gives us. Peter, Upon this (Me) the rock, Christ refers to himself. I will build my church. The gates of hell, the tyrants, the liars, the philosophers, the perverts, the discredited ones, the arrogant, the proud, I will build my church upon me (Christ). The gates of hell, as much as they work and persecute, they will not prevail against my church. I am God, Christ, the way truth and life. The little flock, these dear people. We heard in Iran...they are searching, and realize Islam is being used as a tool to oppress and produce fear. People in these end times are being prepared...for Christ's 2nd coming. To think that evil in this world, Psalm 2, why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing against the Lord? and His anointed? These are his anointed. Let's look at them. (plays the 2 min. clip). Little know. Turn to Acts as we finish, chapter 9:26. How does a church decrease? in numbers? I thought about it. How does a church...decrease? Three ways: 1. By God taking members to heaven. I wondered how many of our people have gone to heaven. Over 30 years, a few thousand have gone to heaven from our churches. That’s God’s plan. He takes them home. 2. By people going to the mission field. 3. By Christians that withdraw and are not serious about God. They quit coming to the church. It is imp. 4 us to draw near. Don't ever let that happen to you. Jesus said, upon me, I'll build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail. That's Christ and the revelation of me in the local assembly. The church is a hiding place. In a few pictures, and by the way, the Post family, we sent out years ago, the fruit of their labor caused an increase, bec. they were sent and bore fruit. Upon the rock, Christ, the gates of hell can't prevail against. In Kirgizstan, a woman was shot. In the back of her eye a bullet was lodged. She testified...saying, I've never been in a Greater Grace

archived service at Church before. I know the Sp. of Christ here. How does a church increase? 1. by the unity in the body. Acts 2. When there is unity in the church, John 17:21, Christ is in the body, and new people come into the church. The seats are filled up with new people coming in. Christ teaches them, and they get established in faith. The church increases. In Kirgizstan...the church increased. It stands there like a little flock. The government does not deter. their life. They are connected to Christ. Christ gave them eternal life and boldness in faith. A church decreases 3 ways, but increases when their is boldness. In Acts 4, they prayed...prayed...and prayed...and prayed...and spoke the WOG with boldness, and they were not afraid. The 2nd place we went to...many have been unable to get Visa's for. It worked out. I had a one day transit Visa. I got out of the airport...4 hours south and had a wedding. We preached there and had a rap, ate together, were there late at night. In the morning, we had a birthday party. They had to have a reason for the gathering. These people are very bold...not afraid of anything. In this country, people are so needy. To think we have a church there. Third, when a church increases, there is unity, boldness, and miracles. In Baku, we had a night healing meeting. WE anointed with oil and prayed...for one hour. WE believed that God, He cares for our soul. He ordained his son to come and care for us. He is the good shepherd, not a theif...but one who laid down his life for hurting, poor people. He loves them. He cares for them. Some came from mountain ranges from the S-side of Kirgizstan. They traveled to be with us. We had 2 Iranians come who watch our services on the internet. They came to Turkey to be with us for one day. They say, we hear the voice of God, we hear the WOG, and this is touching the heart. Jesus sent us into the world. This is the church. The gates of hell can't prevail against the church. We are sent here to care...bec. we are one with God. The spirit that was in Christ is in us. We pray, care, believe, love, and all we say about this part of the world is happening in our neighborhoods, in GGCA, the woman’s ministry, in the cafe'...Twenty seven new people have completed the new 7 footsteps. See, the church decreases, but God increases. In John 15, God will cut

archived service at off the branch that withers. You have one shoot, cut it, then 5 branches grow. Pay attention! Don't become one who backslides and goes into the world. Don't become like or part of the world. They don't care for your soul. Only Christ cares for our soul, Really! I have a tickle in my throat...dizziness...I'll have no one answer my real need, the power of God, the peace of God. That's what Jesus came to give us. In Uzbekistan...these people are like grown up kids. We were there...and they can't believe it. It was like the apostle Paul showed up. They were dancing on the tables and were so happy, and so thankful. They know Jesus is the answer. They have a little Bible college. They live among a gov. that does not care about them. They have one who does care, that's Jesus, and you and I, and that's our calling. That's amazing! I'm so stirred up about it...The little man that has no one. Someone kicked him to the curb. But, Jesus says, these are the people. They will rule the earth one day. Blessed are the poor...and meek. These are the ones Jesus is not overlooking. His kingdom is based on it. He said, fear not little flock. Its the fathers good pleasure to have you preach the gospel to the poor, knock on heavens door and god will answer. You go before raise the dead, you go forth and change human history. I am the Christ. You are united. You are bold...praying...and you are powerful. You are sheep... None of this should surprise us at all. Our sisters and brothers have gone before us...facing persecution with amazing courage. Jesus said, upon this rock, I'll build my church. I'm with you. Go forth. Preach the gospel. Here we are in Baltimore. What an amazing place...purpose...some day it will all be over. We'll not be ashamed...Our life is not our family, its Christ. Our life is not our business. Its Christ, then the business benefits. Seek 1st...1st...God, His plan, His way, His purpose, His goal, His plan, then all these other things, I will take care of you. You may lose your life, but you gain great reward in heaven. You will have a shining face like Steven. In China, there was a women centuries ago, condemned to death, by being beheaded. She was happy about it. She was saying, tomorrow, I will see Jesus. You must believe in Jesus. The word got back to the emperor...that she was happy about it. He said, if she feels that way,

archived service at we are not going to do it. Who was in control? If you are bold, courageous, believe God, prayer, live in the Spirit...then you have something the world doesn't even know what it is. What’s going on with those people? In Finland, we had a big house...a huge building. 55 of us lived there. As we had revival, more wanted to live in the bldg. We had a boat, a lake, Moose in the yard...we had a bus. WE had 70 people in this bldg. We had along driveway...about a mile. On the way, people were talking and laughing...neighbors heard. They called the police. They see what we are doing...They told us that the neighbors said we were on drugs. That was also printed in the papers. The police believed what we said. That was an amazing testimony. WE were soul winning, praying...testifying...and so on. The testimony of life, love and peace...its not religion. Its not the gov. It's God. No one can deliver you like God can...When you have a certain tickle in your throat...That's why we read the Bible, go to church, evangelize, pray, believe in missions...There's a decrease...but also there is a gt. increase as God adds to the church such that should be saved. Amen!

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