Literacy, Year 1, Archbishop Sumner

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 365
  • Pages: 2
Archbishop Sumner C of E School Year 1 Case Study -Use of the visualiser within the classroom The visualiser is an incredible useful piece of equipment within the classroom and has been used on a daily basis for a number of different activities: Benefits of the visualiser ƒ Close up images of newspaper articles, toys, seeds, etc ƒ 1:1 word correspondence when reading aloud a story ƒ Immediate peer, self and teacher assessment during a plenary by showing the children’s work. ƒ Reduced workload for class teacher – any resource enlarged and easy to see for the children, less prior preparation ƒ Daily handwriting- my handwriting is much clearer and neater now that using the visualiser and less with the smart board pens ƒ Children follow letter formation in handwriting using their magic pencil whilst the teacher writes; everyone can see and follow as the teacher is not standing in front of the board blocking the children’s view. ƒ Reliable equipment and does not crash or stop working ƒ Simple and effective way to produce animation and easy for year group to access Lesson Objective WALT - To write the opening of an adventure story using interesting language. How the visualiser was used ƒ 1:1 word correspondence reading the opening of the story ‘Where the Wild Things Are.’ The teacher pointed to the words as she read the story. Text was enlarged so the children could easily follow the story and clearly read/follow the words.


The focus group working with the class teacher wrote the first sentence on whiteboards. Work written on individual whiteboard was then shown using the visualiser and assessed accordingly. The children checked for perfect sentences and changed words if necessary.


The visualiser was used to check spelling and instantly assess.


The children then wrote up the opening of their story in their own book. The children were very excited to see it enlarged on the whiteboard for all to see! The children then read aloud the opening story whilst sitting on the carpet.


During the plenary, the class compared two children’s opening sentences, which interesting words did they use? Instant assessment for the class and the teacher.

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