List Of Phobias

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 170
  • Pages: 2
List of phobias 1) Acrophobia - heights 2) Agoraphobia – open space 3) Ailurophobia – cats 4) Algophobia – pain 5) Androphobia – men 6) Astraphobia – thunder and lightening 7) Autophobia – being alone , self 8) Bathophobia – depth 9) Claustrophobia – closed space 10)Cynophobia – dogs(rabies) 11)Demophobia – crowds 12)Dromophobia – crossing streeps 13)Genophobia – sex 14)Gynophobia – women 15)Haptephobia – being touched 16)Homophobia – blood 17)Hydrophobia – water 18)Hypnophobia – falling asleep 19)Musophobia – mice 20)Mysophobia – contamination 21)Neophobia – the new 22)Nyctophobia – night, darkness 23)Ophidiphobia – snakes 24)Photophobia – light 25)Sitophobia – eating, food

26)Taphephobia – being buried alive 27)Thonatophobia – death 28)Tozicophobia – poison 29)Xenophiobia – strangers ; foreigners 30)Zoophobia – animals 31)Chinophobia – snow 32)Chronophobia – time 33)Cryophobia – ice, forest 34)Dendrophobia – trees 35)Eisoptrophobia – mirrors 36)Entomophobia – insects 37)Gephyrophobia – crossing a bridge 38)Potomophobia – rivers 39)Pyrophobia – fire 40)Pogonophobia – beards 41)Siderodromophobia – ghosts 42)Maieusiophobia – pregnancy 43)Aerophobia – air 44)Callophobia – beauty 45)Mastophobia – breasts 46)Scelerophobia – burglars

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