Linking Talent Development To Deployment - Four Groups

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  • Pages: 3
4G Talent Management Application

Linking Behaviour to Bottom Line Performance

Linking Talent Development to Deployment Linking talent development to talent deployment and extending the reach of talent management all go towards creating a high performing organisation.

Talent Management Benefits

What is talent management?

ship and enhanced skills

> Foster the growth of talent

While the importance of talent man-

While there is arguably a need to iden-

> Building shared experiences & processes

agement seems to be gaining wide-

tify talent before one can deploy or

> Link talent development to deployment

spread acceptance, it is perhaps useful

develop it, this is by no means essen-

to start by answering the question

tial. That said, there are numerous

> Create a high performing organisation

Please note, this document is intended to

‘what is talent management’? In princi-

methods concerned with the identifica-



ple, talent management enables an

tion of talent. Skills assessment, com-

demonstration of the Visual Team Builder.

organisation to accomplish its goals in

petencies, 360 degree feedback and

This demo can be found at the link below.

a more effective and efficient manner,

performance management all come

for example, doing things more cheap-

into the equation.



ly, more quickly and more reliably. In addition, Four Groups’ believes that tal-

If identifying talent is the starting

ent management consists of three core

point, then its development and


deployment allows the objectives of talent

An Example 4G Situation Degree of Psychological Comfort No effort Minimal effort Some effort Significant effort





1. The identifica-

realised. Similarly, the development

tion of talent, via

and deployment of talent directly

skills and per-

impact one another. The best examples

formance man-

of this being graduate training pro-

agement 2Ti



grams and senior secondments. While


both these activities directly link devel-

2. Deploying tal-

ried out against a background of rela-

opment and deployment, they are car2Fe 1Ne 3Te

ent that benefits

tive stability and commitment on the

both the organi-

part of both the individual and the

sation and the

organisation. This is usually over a peri-


od of a few years, rather than a few months.

2Ti 3Fi



talent in terms of

Graduate training and secondment are,

improved leader-

in the main, highly valued by those

Linking Talent Development to Deployment

who experience them and the organi-

for 4G split into two areas, deployment

Who are we?

sations that provide them. In terms of

and development. Focusing on deploy-

Four Groups offers a methodical approach to under-

talent management however, one

ment, once people’s suitability and

standing behaviours, relationships and culture. This

might argue that these activities bene-

availability for a role is known, 4G

document provides some background to our work

fit only a fraction of an organisation’s

seeks to maximise the performance of

around recruitment, optimising hiring decisions and

‘talent pool’. The obvious question to

that individual, their relationships and

creating high performing teams.

ask therefore is ‘how can the benefits

overall group dynamics. As many

of linking development and deploy-

processes and functions require team

ment be extended to the largest num-

work and a reliance on others, ensuring

ber of people?’ This then raises the fol-

that relationships and group dynamics

lowing questions;

are operating at their best is the key to

agement. Knowing this information in advance speeds the learning process and ensures maximum relevancy and resonance for the participant.

achieving high performance. The second aspect of development

1. How can talent management benefit the largest number of people?

When using 4G, it is possible to both

2. What efficiencies can be gained by

predict the new relationships that are

increasing the reach of talent manage-

formed when deploying talent and to


optimise the performance of existing

3. How does talent management lever-

relationships. From a talent manage-

age the uniqueness of the organisa-

ment perspective, the benefits of using


4G apply in situations as diverse as

Our solution

project teams and long term teams),

In order to answer the questions above,

oration and organisational design.

Four Groups have created a methodolo-

Further, all of these deployment activi-

gy called 4G. 4G lets organisations link

ties are driven by the same software

the development and deployment of

tool, the Visual Team Builder. A link to a

talent together. The methodology also

demonstration of the Visual Team

extends the reach of talent manage-

Builder is below.

looks at improving and optimising an individual’s relationships with their colleagues. In line with the deployment application, the means to improve and enhance relationships goes a long way to improving overall performance and effectiveness.

recruitment, team composition (one off How does 4G work?

succession planning, mentoring, collabprocess. People generally need an hour, split between a short briefing, an online personality questionnaire and a feedback session. Optionally, further time may be spent on more feedback, either for individuals or for the whole

ment, potentially throughout an entire organisation.

Using 4G is a very quick and simple

group. At the end of the process, individuals receive their own reports, while

By linking development to deployment

Turning to development, 4G contains a

and increasing the reach of talent man-

suite of coaching modules and inter-

agement, improvements and efficiency

ventions that enhance an individual’s

gains are possible. Ultimately, linking

own learning and personal growth.

development to deployment and gain-

Concerning the coaching modules, each

ing operating efficiencies from talent

one is written around a particular sub-

management all contribute towards

ject such as leadership, negotiation or

leveraging the uniqueness of the

creativity. In addition to the topic, all of


the modules are then customised for each individual. Put another way, the

What are the talent management

bespoke modules are written to reflect

applications for 4G?

how that person approaches and works with the particular topic, for example,

The talent management applications

leadership, negotiation or time man-

a group report is made available for the decision maker and/or the group, depending on what is required.

Linking Talent Development to Deployment

What is 4G based on? 4G is a proprietary approach to predicting relationships, behaviour and group cultures. Based in part on the work of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, 4G incorporates measures of people’s strengths, creativity, motivation and weaknesses. The model contains 16 definitions of individual’s behavior, 14 different relationship types and 4 examples of group culture.

Four Groups Ltd 5 St. Johns Lane London EC1M 4BH, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 20 7250 4779 Email: [email protected] © 2007 Four Groups Ltd, 5 St. Johns Lane London EC1M 4BH, United Kingdom. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without express written permission from Four Groups Ltd.

Company Number: 4650494 VAT Number: 817 7962 85 Registered in England and Wales

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