A Summary Of How 4g Works - Four Groups

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  • Words: 623
  • Pages: 2
How 4G Works

Linking Behaviour to Bottom Line Performance

A Summary of How 4G Works 4G is a proprietary approach to predicting relationships, behaviour and group cultures. Based in part on the work of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, 4G incorporates measures of people’s strengths, creativity, motivation and weaknesses. The model contains 16 definitions of individual’s behavior, 14 different relationship types and 4 examples of group culture.

How does 4G work?

depending on what is required.

with human confirmation, this is an excellent way to avoid any problems of

Using 4G is a very quick and simple

The diagram below gives a snapshot of

'faking' or people trying to create an

process. People generally need an

the questionnaire and the adjectives

image of themselves that doesn't hold

hour, split between a short briefing, an

that people need to select in order to

true. Whilst it is very rare that we find

online personality questionnaire and a

describe themselves. To ensure under-

people who have 'lied', this combina-

feedback session.

standing, each adjective is accompa-

tion works very well and allows us to

nied by a popup definition when an

avoid many of the problems that can

In the case of team building and devel-

individual places their mouse over a

emerge in the gaps between psycho-

opmental activities, further time may

particular word.

metric tests and reality.

for individuals or for the whole group.

How do you prevent ‘faking’ or

What research has been done into

At the end of the process, individuals



group report is made available for the

One of the things we do during a feed-

4G has undergone a variety of psycho-

decision maker and/or the group,

back session is to establish the consis-

metric and statistical tests establishing

tencies or incon-

the validity and reliability of the instru-



ment. These include Cronbach’s Alpha,


standard error of measurement, factor


analysis, convergent and criterion

be spent on additional feedback, either

receive their own reports, while a

might between

q u e s t i o n n a i re and





Another important part of the research

management' of

into 4G is that of fairness and freedom

themselves. By

from systematic bias. In other words, is

combining the

4G bias against one particular subgroup

data from the

or another? This is of greatest impor-

q u e s t i o n n a i re

tance when considering the legal

implications of psychometrics and the

Who are we?

use of instruments in the workplace. On

Four Groups work with a new approach to behav-

the basis of this definition, 4G offers no

iours, relationships and culture. This document pro-

significant bias against any subgroup.

vides some background and a short to our propeirtary methodology, 4G.

The resulting research and empirical evidence shows support for the use of 4G in a commercial setting. Further information can be found at the link below. http://www.fourgroups.com/research If you would like to see a cop of the test manual, please get in touch with us. Is there any more information on the theory behind 4G? If you would like to find out more about the theory behind 4G, please visit the page below where you can view further information and an animation explaining this in more detail. http://www.fourgroups.com/theory

Four Groups Ltd 5 St. Johns Lane London EC1M 4BH, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 20 7250 4779 Email: [email protected] www.fourgroups.com © 2007 Four Groups Ltd, 5 St. Johns Lane London EC1M 4BH, United Kingdom. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without express written permission from Four Groups Ltd.

Company Number: 4650494 VAT Number: 817 7962 85 Registered in England and Wales

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