Likes And Dislikes Project Criteria

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 339
  • Pages: 2
Como soy yo? Project Criteria 1. Choose a product from your product list and create a project that is related to our current Unit. Be creative! You must have at least fifteen sentences and include grammar and vocabulary concepts identified in the Layer B rubric. Ideas: -Pop-up book -Map or model of your brain which is a guide to your personality and interests -Acrostic Poem using your name or activity that you like. -Power Point presentation with 15 different slides that tells us who you are. (email to [email protected]) -Poster about you or a fictitious character. 2. Interview a friend about things they like to do and don’t like to do. How are their likes and dislikes different from yours? Are their differences evident in their personality? Compare and contrast yourself to your friend. Analyze your differences and discuss why having different preferences than your friend makes your friendship stronger. 3. What would happen if you were a different person? A person completely the opposite from who you are today? Write a story or personality profile about this person and describe why this person is so completely different from you.

Como soy yo? Project Criteria Below are the requirements that you need to follow in order to receive full credit for your project. Please read them carefully and use this as a checklist as you are completing the assignment. Conceptos Gramáticos: •

_____Me gusta/no me gusta (use a minimum of 8x)

_____Use of affirmative and negatives: me too, I don’t, me either, at all.

_____Yo soy, tu eres, él/ella es (Use a min. of 8 x)

_____el or la (the), un or una (a or an). Use both direct and indirect articles.

Conceptos Vocabularios: • _____Activities I like or don’t like to do (use at least 10 different) •

_____ Adjetivos personales (use at least 10 different)

Prensentación: Quality Work • _____Neatly written or typed •

_____Colorful illustrations, photographs or clip art

• Project mounted on poster board or construction paper, in a scrapbook, binder, etc.

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