Light Of Bethany - October 2009

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  • Pages: 8
“Getting to Know You” by Pastor Tim Schmoyer




As the story goes, there was a couple having marital problems, so they came to the pastor for counseling. The meeting reached its pinnacle when the wife shared that she didn’t feel loved by her husband. “He never tells me he love me!” she announced, half wounded and half angry. The pastor looked on as the husband said stubbornly to his wife “I told you on our wedding day that I love you and if I ever change my mind, I’ll let you know.” Bethany, let it not be said of your pastor that he never says he loves you. It is my immense joy and privilege to be your pastor and I love the people of this church! The relationship of a pastor and a church has many points of similarity with that of a husband and a wife. We are still well within the honeymoon phase of our relationship and I have to confess that I hope this phase continues for a long time. It is a honeymoon because we are learning what life together is like. A man and woman may know each other for years before their wedding day, yet their honeymoon can still be an eye-opener in many ways as they learn more about one another. Rachel and I dated for five years. You would think in that time, I would have known all about her. But still today, twelve years after we met, I am still discovering new things about her. In the same way, Bethany and I had a dating process during which we began to know one another, but now we are truly and deeply getting to know one another. From my perspective, all of what I saw in you while we “dated” has been confirmed Page 1

now that we are enjoying our honeymoon. I hope you don’t have “buyers remorse” but rejoice in what the Lord has done in bringing us together. The Proverbs say “a man may inherit all he has from his father and mother, but a wife is a gift from the Lord” (19:14). While we are on this honeymoon of ours, we are getting to know one another in a deeper way. As we do, it is my prayer that as the newness of our relationship wears off, the deep intimacy of knowing each other and genuinely caring for one another will emerge.

Rachel and I wrote down a plan for becoming debt-free. By God’s grace, we dreamt, we planned, we plowed ahead, and we paid off eleven thousand dollars in credit card debt and bought a minivan with cash all within two years! When a family dreams together and works together, they will accomplish the impossible. A church has that same hope. Look at what Bethany has accomplished in your past: you dreamt and prayed about a huge step of faith – moving to Whitehall. God honored those dreams and answered those prayers because He is honored when His people reach beyond avOne of the greatest opportunities within erage in faith. We today do not merely rest marriage is to dream together. Rachel and I on our laurels and exalt in past accomplishhave found that in marriage it isn’t satisfy- ments. Today we say God has honored the ing to merely coexist. We do not merely dreams of the past and we dare to dream have an economically viable arrangement together yet again. Like a husband and for the division of labor within the family wife dream together, let us dream together unit. We dream together. We make plans and imagine all the places God will bring together. We set goals and implement strat- us. egies for attaining those goals. A while ago

More Than a Day As Thanksgiving Day rolls around, It brings up some facts, quite profound. We may think that we’re poor, Feel like bums, insecure, But in truth, our riches astound. We have friends and family we love; We have guidance from heaven above We have so much more Than they sell in a store, We’re wealthy, when push comes to shove. So add up your blessings, I say; Make Thanksgiving last more than a day. Enjoy what you’ve got, Realize it’s a lot, And you’ll make all your cares go away.

The Real Reason It seems like it’s party time filling the air; Special lights bring Brightness and glitter; Christmas carols are sung everywhere; Stacked presents can make A heart twitter; But the lights and the trees and the parties All add and don’t take away From the birth of our Savior, Jesus, The real reasons for this holiday By Karl & Joanna Fuchs

By Karl Fuchs

New Year Prayer

BETHANY WOMEN’S MISSIONARY SOCIETY The first meeting of the fall year was Monday, Sept 14th in the church Fellowship Hall. How wonderful to welcome our dear Rachel Schmoyer and our youngest visitor - newborn Molly Schmoyer! Our speaker was Karen Elias, who with her husband, John, is serving in London England working with Muslims. We were all encouraged to take part in Page 2

community groups sharing Christian, Jewish and Muslim doctrine and traditions to better understand our neighbors as we share the love of Christ to everyone. Our next meetings are Monday, Oct. th 19 and Nov. 16th at 7:00 PM. Come and join us! Loretta Miller

Dear Lord, In the new year, we pray that You will guide us each new day in paths that are pleasing to You. Lord, the new year gives us another chance to Study Your Word So that we know right from wrong And to act in accordance with Your commands. Thank You for the sense of direction, purpose and peace we get

From aligning our lives with Your Holy will. We pray for the strength and the Will to obey You each and every day\ Of the new year, And when we fail, we pray for Your mercy, Your compassion , Your grace and Your love. Help us in the new year to be Your faithful Servants In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen By Joanna Fuchs

To Do List From God

Save Me

I ran my life in search of worldly things; My time and will were firmly in control. I thought I had no need for what God brings; I gave no heed to murmurs from my soul.

Save me from myself, Lord, Save me from my need To always run my life, Lord, To control my every deed.

“You’re planning, doing all the time,” it said “But something else is mimssing deep inside. Your mind is whirling but your heart is dead, So turn to God and let go, out of your pride.”

Save me from my pride, Lord, My focus on just me; Help me learn to serve, Lord, Show me how to be.

I did, and God said, “Here’s My plan for you: Give your life to Me, and just let go. Have faith and pray, and read the Bible through, And you’ll have blessings more than you can know.” So simple, yet it brings me perfect peace, Living life for God the way I should. Direction, purpose, fullness and release Life with God is very, very good

Save me from the world, Lord, When tempting thins entice; Remind me of eternity With You, in paradise. I give my life to yu, Lord My every need you fill; I’m resting in my faith, Lord, You saved me, and you always will. Both poems by Joanna Fuchs

More Like Jesus Lrt us be more likke Jesus In everything we do; Let’s live a life of service, A life that’s fresh and new. Let’s relinquish worldly things, And not be slaves to fashion;

Let’s fill our heats with love, Forgiveness and compassion. Yes, let’s be more like Jesus, Being alwas in God’s will, For if Jesus’ light shines through us, Our earthly purpose we’ll fulfill By Joanna Fuchs

At this year’s Ministerial Convention (held at Pinebrook October 6th and 7th) featured Pastor Phil Ryken of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. He spoke to our pastor on how to preach from the Old Testament. One of his sessions was about the value of the Old Testament for New Testament believers. It is true in general that Christians pay too little attention to this portion of the Bible. Here are some reasons to read, study, meditate on, and memorize the Old Testament. 31 Reasons to Read the Old Testament 1. The Old Testament is the Word of God (2 Tim 3:16, 1 Tim 5:17) 2. The Old Testament gives necessary background to understanding the New Testament 3. The Old Testament gives us fuller picture of Jesus Christ 4. The Old Testament gives a fresher understanding of Jesus Christ 5. The Old Testament helps us with our world, understanding the human condition 6. The Old Testament gives more of God’s promises 7. The Old Testament shows more range of the human experience 8. The Old Testament displays more of God’s law 9. The Old Testament contains more Biblical poetry 10. The Old Testament was Jesus’ method for fighting temptation

11. The Old Testament was the apostolic method for preaching 12. Using the Old Testament opens the whole Bible for use 13. Using the Old Testament honors the Spirit who breathed it 14. The Old Testament clearly presents the extent of human depravity and need of grace 15. The Old Testament has more stories to tell 16. The Old Testament contains the story of our people, the people of God 17. Using the Old Testament gives us confidence in the Gospel since it is the history in which the Gospel is rooted 18. The Old Testament reveals a fuller picture of God’s character 19. Using the Old Testament gives us new things to learn and teach 20. The Old Testament is useful for holy living (2 Timothy 3:!6-17) 21. The Old Testament stretches us through its many mysteries, puzzles, poetry, and prophecies 22. Using the Old Testament is a practice that Christianity has been committed to throughout its history 23. The Old Testament gives us richer appreciation for grace 24. The Old Testament in conjunction with the New gives us the “whole counsel of God” 25. The Old Testament foreshadows the Gospel all throughout

26. The Old Testament shows that God has had one plan to redeem humanity that He has been unfolding throughout history 27. The Old Testament gives us the scope and call of missions 28. The Old Testament agrees with the New in presenting a system of doctrine and practice 29. The Old Testament brings people to faith in Jesus as the Christ (2 Tim 3:15) 30. The Old Testament gives us heroes and heroines that foreshadow the greatest Hero: Jesus

AWANA began its 15th or 16th club year on September 16th. AWANA stands for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed” from II Timothy 2:15. The staff is joining together to make this a “Banner Year” in trying to re-build the attendance of the club. God has provided an awesome team to oversee the club functions. For those not familiar with the club, ages three through 6th grade meet from 6:15 to 8:15 most Wednesday evenings throughout the school year. Club activities include lots of Bible memorization, Bible stories, songs and competitive games such as relay races, bean-bag toss, tug-of-war, etc. The children are encouraged to give to missions. We actually help support an

31. The Old Testament deepens our understanding of prayer and gives us

AWANA club in Russia in need of operating funds. Stop by some Wednesday evening to observe. God is blessing! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the club and its activities.

Sara Smith AWANA Commander

Bible Trivia — Who Said That? 1. Lord, lay not this to their charge. 2. See, here is water:what doth hinder me to be baptized? 3. I die, and God will surely visit you, and bring you out of this land unto the land which he sware to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. 4. Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church. 5. Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel. 6. And put my cup, the silver cup, in the sack’s mouth of the youngest, and his corn money.

10. The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. 11. As the Lord liveth, the man that hath done this thing shall surely die. 13 Lie with me. 14. I have sinned this time, the Lord is righteous, and I and my people are wicked. 15. Give me, thy vineyard, that I may have it for a garden of herbs, because it is near my house; and I will give thee for it a better vineyard. 16. Behold, I have given Esther the house of Haman, and him they have hanged upon the gallows, because he laid his hand upon the Jews.

7. Now shall I be more blameless than the Phillistines, though I do them a displeasure. 8. I am a Hebrew, and I fear, the Lord, the God of heaven, which hath made, the sea and the dry land. 9. There cometh one mightier than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Acts 7:60 Acts, 8:36 Genesis 50:24 Matthew 16:18 Luke 2:34 Genesis 44:2 Judges 15:3 Jonah 1:9 Mark 1:7 Acts 5:30

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

2 Samuel 12:5 1 Samuel 31:4 Genesis 39:7 Exodus 9:27 1 Kings 21:2 Esther 8:7

As part of a regular feature of this newsletter, we will be featuring a missionary family that is sponsored by the Bible Fellowship Church.

The Story of Noah — Word Search Puzzle

Noah Rainbow Ark Food Covenant Rain Seven Clean Animals Thirty Cubits Water

Beast Door Raven Dove Two of every Kind Earth Sons God Sin

Man Fifteen Cubits Fowl Japheth Ham Shem Wives Male Female

Three Hundred Cubits Wickedness of Man Window Seven Birds Forty Days (Gen. 7:17, not Forty nights)


there it parted and became four riverheads." GENESIS 2:10

TRUE OR FALSE: 4. WRITE A T FOR TRUE OR AN F FOR FALSE "The name of the first river is Pishon..." MEMORY VERSE: "The LORD God planted a garden east- GENESIS 2:11 _____ ward in Eden, and there He put the man "The name of the second river is Gihon..." GENESIS 2:13 _____ whom He had formed." GENESIS 2:8 The name of the third river is Mississippi... GENESIS 2:14 _____ CIRCLE THE CORRECT WORD: 1. "The LORD God planted a garden east- "...The name of the fourth river is Euphraward in (SWEDEN, EDEN), and there He tes." GENESIS 2:14 _____ 5. "Then the LORD God took the man put the man whom He had formed." and put him in the garden of Eden to tend GENESIS 2:8 and keep it." GENESIS 2:15 UNDERLINE THE CORRECT ANSWER: 2. "And out of the ground the LORD God TRUE OR FALSE CIRCLE THE CORRECT WORD: made..." GENESIS 2:9 a. every tree grow that is pleasant to the 6. "And the LORD God commanded the sight and good for food b. The tree of life was also in the midst of man, saying, 'Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the the garden c. and the tree of the knowledge of good knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it and evil you shall surely (LIVE, DIE).' " GENESIS d. All of the above 2:16-17

(GENESIS 2:8-17)

CIRCLE THE CORRECT WORD: 3. "Now a (GARDENHOSE, RIVER) went out of Eden to water the garden, and from

Author: Tony Beckett and Woodrow Kroll

intelligence, athletic ability or financial position. Pride happens, and so does boasting.

Jeremiah 9-11, 1 Timothy 6

But God says, "Don't!" These are not the things to brag about.

Sports can bring out boasting in a person-both before and especially after the game. On any given weekend, players and teams let anyone who will listen know that they are number one. Some players wear their achievements literally on their shoulders with letterman jackets. Championship rings are flaunted, trophy rooms built and museums are opened to display their accomplishments.

Instead, He says, "Let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me" (9:24). Knowing God is the only thing in which we should take pride.

Others brag about what they have without saying a word. They drive flashy cars or have a haughty walk and look. A wad of bills pulled from the pocket is meant to impress.

The athlete will grow older, his skills diminished by age. The wealthy person will one day realize that the abundance of life is not found in possessions. Even the intellectual may see others pass him by and ultimately realize that his mental abilities are less than they once were. Knowing God, though, just gets better and lasts for all eternity. Now that is worth boasting about!

A common challenge is to keep our pride under control, whether it's pride about our

Angels Watchin’ Over Me

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