Re: Como encuentro libro por Pedro Cant� el 27th Mayo 2009, 12:02 pm .+ -. Hola Hedamo, te dejo este enlace, es mi carpeta para compartir archivos en Aqu� est�n todos los archivos que he compartido con el foro, incluyendo el que buscas. si les pide una contrase�a es: Monterrey
Many Resources are Available Fortunately there are many good resources available to us on the subject of Spanish treasure symbols and signs. No small number of these can be found online while others can be purchased in the form of books or other printed materials. Here are just a few of these books and websites: "Turtles Lead to Treasure" at Treasure Hunters University at Research Unlimited at TreasureNet Forum at There are many other material resources out there on the subject as well. Just take the time to do a bit of research online.