Life And Works Of Douglaus Mcgregor

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 679
  • Pages: 15
Life and works of Douglas McGregor By Group 2 Members Anindita Basu Keshav Kumar Krishna Darshan R. Pankaj Singh Vidyadhara K. Vikrant Bahl

Agenda…  About the Theoretician  X-Y theory.  Questionnaire Analysis  McGregor’s and Maslow’s Theory.  Application of theory in Real life

Management scenarios.

Douglas McGregor Born in 1906 Worked as Clerk in his Grandfather’s college

Graduated in 1932 Worked as a Gasoline Station Attendant

Gained Insight into labour problems

Learnt the concerns of Management

Organised and Supervised feeding station for 5000 people in 192

Received PhD from Harward in 1935 in Experimental Psychology

Mastered IR Techniques Founder of IR Section

Institute is Named after him

Arbitrated Labour Issues

Famous X, Y Theory Emerged

MIT 1937-1946 Executive Director - IR

President Antioch College 1948-54

Worked as Consultant with dozen companies and Unions. Member of AAA Published the Book ‘The Human Side of Enterprise “

 Work

based on Maslow’s hierarchy of

needs  Lower order needs (Theory X)  Higher order needs (Theory Y)  Proponent of Theory Y  X or Y can be used to motivate but better result by  meeting Y’s needs

X – Y Theory X Theory  Authoritarian Management style Y Theory  Participative Management style

Theory X  

 

People inherently dislike work. People must be forced with the threats, coercion & control to work towards organizational objectives. People wants to be directed and wants security above all else. People wants no responsibility. People are un-ambitious with a little or no initiative.

Theory Y  

  

Effort in work is as natural as work and play. People are in self-control and self-directed in the pursuit of organizational objectives, without external control or the threat of punishment. Commitment to objectives is a function of rewards associated with their achievements. People usually accept and often seek responsibility. The capacity to use a high degree of imagination, ingenuity and creativity in solving organizational problems is widely, not narrowly, distributed in the population. In industry the intellectual potential of the average person is partially utilized.

X – Y Theory

Theory X “Stuck” Loop Policies & Practices designed for tight control Theory X beliefs held by management

Withdrawal, resentment, indolence, lack of interest in work by employees

Achieving Theory Y 

Requires breaking stuck loop


Personal and organizational goal alignment

Implies non-Extrinsic motivation approaches

Considerations of environmental factors on motivation.

X – Y Theory Questionnaire To indicate whether the situation and management style is ‘X’ or ‘Y’:  60-75 = strong Y-theory management (effective short and long term)  45-59 = generally Y-theory management  16-44 = generally X-theory management  0 -15 = strongly X-theory management (autocratic, may be effective short-term, poor long-term) To indicate whether the person prefers being managed by ‘X’ or ‘Y’ style:  60-75 = strongly prefers Y-theory management  45-59 = generally prefers Y-theory management  16-44 = generally prefers X-theory management  0 -15 = strongly prefers X-theory management

Class Analysis Under what Mangerial style you are working in 0-15 0% 16-44 13%




60-75 44%

45-59 43%

45-59 60-75

What you prefer 0-15 your manager as 0% 16-44 0% 45-59 8%

0-15 16-44 45-59 60-75 60-75 92%

McGregor and Maslow’s Hierarchy SA Esteem Love (Social) Safety & Security Physiological

Theory Y - a set of assumptions of how to manage individuals motivated by higher order needs Theory X - a set of assumptions of how to manage individuals motivated by lower order needs

How can you manage your Theory X boss       

Approach him with results and not with problems. Approach him updated and be focused towards a resultoriented discussion. Be punctual to deliver your commitments and promises. You should be able to assess his expectations as it changes time to time. Avoid any confrontation. Don't challenge their sense of humanity or morality. Don’t challenge the working style of the manager. Confirm the end result that is required and check the streamlining of the process

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