Lewisham And Hither Green Focus October 2009

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  • Pages: 2
Focus is paid for and delivered by Lib Dem volunteers at no cost to local taxpayers


Local figures show Labour are failing on crime Police crime statistics show that in August there were 93 violent crimes in central Lewisham, yet Labour say they are proud of their record on crime locally! While local Lib Dem councillors take an active part in Lewisham Central’s Safer Neighbourhood panels, Labour has not even bothered to attend the meetings. Tam Langley, Lib Dem prospective MP for central Lewisham, has launched a campaign to cut crime. Working with local Lib Dem prospective MP, Tam Langley, residents and the police, the Lib Dems are aiming to make says tough words from Labour won’t our streets safer by identifying crime and anti social tackle crime - we need more action. behaviour hotspots and helping to organising more Neighbourhood Watch schemes. The Lib Dems would also like to see more uniformed police on the beat, especially after dark. Tam says, “While it is important we don't give in to fear of crime, there is a real problem here that needs attention. Tough words from Labour won’t tackle crime, we need real action.” If you know of a local crime hotspot, or would like to set up a Neighbourhood Watch scheme, then email [email protected].

‘Climate change action for Lewisham

Advice Surgeries

Lewisham Lib Dems have succeeded in getting the council to agree to cut their carbon emissions by 10% by 2010.

the Labour-run council has an extremely poor recycling record, I'm pleased that they have come onside to work with us on climate change.”

Your Lib Dem councillors hold open advice surgeries twice a month...

Lib Dem Mayoral candidate Chris Maines says “I am delighted that the other parties followed our proposal that Lewisham should sign up to the 10:10 campaign. While

Neighbouring Lib Dem MP Simon Hughes has also leant his support to the campaign and congratulated Lewisham Lib Dems on their success. www.1010uk.org

First Saturday of each month from 11am to 12noon at St. Swithin’s Church on Hither Green Lane. Third Saturday of each month from 11am to 12noon at Lewisham Library.

Printed by T&B Printing, Unit 2, 8a Chelsfield Rd, St.Mary Cray, Kent. Published and Promoted by the Liberal Democrats at 8 Woodham Road, Catford, SE6 2SD

Lewisham Central & Hither Green

[email protected]

local Anger over Lewisham LibYour Dem team town centre plans Labour ignore residents’ opposition to flawed town centre development Plans to build a high rise development on Loampit Vale have been pushed through by Labour, despite strong opposition from local residents and the Lib Dems. Local Lib Dems have opposed the development for a number of reasons, including the reduction in swimming provision and the risk of an empty wasteland in front of Lewisham Station.

development at a planning committee. Objections were heard from the Ladywell Society and local residents including Lib Dems, Max Calo and Cllr. Andrew Milton. The plans were only passed when the Labour Chair used his casting vote to push them through.

Local Lib Dem campaigners, James Jennings, Max Calo and Dave Edgerton want to see regeneration plans for Lewisham town centre that local residents can support.

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Max Calo 8690 4242 [email protected]

Cllr. Dave Edgerton 8691 3052 [email protected] www.davidedgerton.mycouncillor.org.uk

James Jennings

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Telephone number or email: Comments:

of skyscrapers. We need a plan that is both greener and more human-scale."

The Central Lewisham Action Group is holding a meeting on the evening of 12th November for local residents to suggest an alternative view on the town centre regeneration. Cllr. Milton will be speaking Cllr. Milton says, "I am not - to give him your views or against the redevelopment for meeting details please of the town centre, but email andrewmilton Lib Dem councillor Dave many local people do not @lewishamlibdems.org.uk Edgerton voted against the want to live in the shadow

Is there something you want to tell us? Name & Address:

October 2009

Tam Langley - Lib Dem Prospective MP for Lewisham Deptford

Chris Maines - Lib Dem candidate for Mayor of Lewisham

[email protected]

[email protected]

07957 421919 [email protected] www.thiswaytolewisham.blogspot.com

Cllr. Andrew Milton 8698 5119 [email protected] http://20six.co.uk/andrewmilton

Elderly residents deserve better - say Lib Dems Lib Dem councillor, Dave Edgerton, has been fighting for improvements for elderly residents living in sheltered accommodation at St. Mauritius House in Lewisham Park. Residents told Dave how landlord In-Touch, formally Hyde Housing, had failed to carry out essential maintenance work. Problems include loose hand rails, blocked drains and guttering and loose entrances to lifts.

Access for all call at Hither Green Local Lib Dems are campaigning for the closed-up ramps at Hither Green Station to be re-opened to ease access to and from the station. Re-opening the ramps would allow direct access to platforms 1, 2/3 and 6, avoiding the current need to use the foot bridges. Campaigning Lib Dems brought Caroline Pidgeon AM, the London Assembly Transport Committee Chair, to Hither Green to see the problem for herself. Caroline said “Re-opening the closed ramps would massively improve access to this station for those with mobility problems, pushchairs or luggage.

The campaign mounted by local councillors has my full support.” No date has been set by rail bosses to make Hither Green fully accessible, even though work is already underway at Lewisham station and is time-tabled for Grove Park and Blackheaths stations. “If passengers end up waiting years before the station is fully accessible it’s even more reason for the closed ramps to be re-opened in the mean time.” commented Lib Dem councillor, Andrew Milton. Hither Green is a very busy station - with over two million journeys each year - and that number is set to grow.

Recently a fire broke out in one of the apartments, and did not set off the fire alarm, although InTouch say the system was recently tested. Dave said, "Elderly residents deserve safe, well maintained homes. I am glad the landlord has seen to some of the problems I reported to them."

Top Tories oppose the NHS

Lewisham Lib Dems marching in support of the NHS.

A senior Tory politician has caused outrage by calling the NHS a mistake. Speaking on a right wing American TV channel, Daniel Hannan said the NHS had “made people iller” and that Britain would be “better off

without the NHS.”

Tam Langley, Lib Dem prospective MP for Unfortunately he’s Lewisham Deptford, not the only said, “Cameron has Conservative who tried to create a more feels this way about the NHS. A number of acceptable image for his party, but many Tory MPs expressed Conservatives are similar views about beginning to show the NHS in a book their true colours.” published in 2005.

Cut taxes for low income Lewisham Council makes £1.3million families - say Lib Dems profit from controlled parking zones

Lib Dems call for the personal tax threshold to be raised to £10,000

Lib Dems have exposed how Lewisham Council profits from controlled parking zones. Last year, income from controlled parking zones across the borough exceeded expenditure by almost £1.3million. That’s not surprising, say Lib Dems, given that the charge for a yearly residents’ permit has DOUBLED in just one year from £30 to £60. “If the council is making such a big profit from controlled parking zones, why did they need to charge residents double for their parking permits?” says Lib Dem campaigner, James Jennings. Lib Dem councillors have requested a breakdown for each parking zone, but the Council says it doesn’t hold this information.

Dave, James and Max with one of Lewisham’s parking meters.

James says, “This explains why the council refuses to introduce shorter hours of operation for CPZs - the whole thing is a profit making exercise.”

The Liberal Democrats have launched new proposals for fairer taxes. The proposals would raise the personal tax threshold to £10,000, so that anything earned below that amount would not be taxable.

people out of income tax altogether, especially those working parttime.

Lib Dem treasury Lib Dem MPs, Nick spokesperson, Clegg, and Vince Cable Vince Cable, says the proposals calling for fairer taxes. would cut taxes Lib Dem Leader, Nick currently paying too for millions of others, Clegg, says the much in tax and including lower paid proposed tax policy struggling with basic would take four million employees who are living costs.

Maines4Mayor By Chris Maines Lib Dem candidate for Mayor of Lewisham People who run things run out of steam. And sadly, when things start going wrong there is nobody to say enough is enough, nobody with the fresh ideas to turn things around. That's what happened with Labour in Britain and in Lewisham. After nearly 40 years in charge of the Town Hall, Labour in Lewisham have lost their way - no vision, no understanding of what local people want and no solutions to the problems. For seven years Lewisham's Mayor has been trying to build a new school. His chosen sites were found to be unsuitable. Plans keep being scrapped, and after thousands of pounds on fees and consultants its back to the drawing board again. But the pupils are still waiting for a much needed school places. Promises to ensure all Lewisham’s council homes are modernised keep being broken. Five more years of delay, money lost and people desperate for decent homes have been left waiting. From low recycling rates to rising violent crimes, Labour have failed to come up with solutions we need. It is time for change. The Lib Dems are the only force in Lewisham with fresh ideas, the energy and the experience to end the decay. With 17 councillors, the Liberal Democrats are the only party locally strong enough to take over. Our councillors and campaigners are committed to listening to residents, to working with them to solve problems and committed to changing Lewisham for good. Next year, you can help them make that change.

Chris Maines, Liberal Democrat candidate for Mayor of Lewisham

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