Leviticus---old Testament Survey (b2)

  • November 2019
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The Book Of Leviticus

Sacrifices, Purity, and the Holiness of God

The Book Of Leviticus

The Book Of Leviticus

Sacrifice is at the heart of all true worship. It serves as the consecrating ritual for participation in the holy rites, it forms the appropriate tribute due to the LORD, and it represents the proper spiritual attitude of the worshiper. ---Alan Ross, Holiness To The Lord

The Book Of Leviticus ●

The sacrificial system is broken into two parts –

Sweet Aroma---those made in communion and in celebration of communion ● ● ●

Burnt offerings (1) Meal offerings (2) Peace offerings (3)

Non-sweet Aroma---those made for communion ● ●

Purification offerings (4) Reparation offering (5)

The Book Of Leviticus ●

Sacrifices of Sweet Aroma – –

The sacrifices were given as acts of love, devotion, and consecration They were given to the LORD at varying times and with other sacrifices ● ● ● ●

At worship services During tithes and first fruits Dedication services (i.e. Priest) Anytime the worshiper felt the need

They were given when a benefit from the covenant was received

The Book Of Leviticus ●

Sacrifices of Non-sweet Aromas – –

Also known as Expiatory Offerings Two common types of expiatory offerings ●

Purification offering –

Reparation offering – –

Was brought for any defilement or any violation against God or humans, as long as the offense had not been premeditated Used for those sins that were premeditated Restitution had to be made---the person desiring to make things right

Purpose of both offerings was to make atonement for sins, so that union with God could be restored

The Book Of Leviticus ●

Burnt Offerings – –

It is the only offering in which God receives the complete offering It's not normally the first offering made by the worshiper, but the most frequent offering ● ●

– –

It was made in the morning and the evening It was made at each feast

It was the basic offering made when a worshiper desired to draw near to God It emphasized the essential aspect of the sacrificial ritual

The Book Of Leviticus ●

Burnt Offerings (continued) –

The procedure of the offering (aspects will occur in other offerings) ● ● ● ●

Carefully selecting the right animal Placing the hand on the animal's head (transfer of sin) Shedding of blood Burning of the animal

Theological meaning of the offering – –

No one can approach a holy God w/o a substitutionary animal making atonement Life is in the blood

The Book Of Leviticus ●

Theological Meaning (continued) –

Meal Offering – –

Sacrifice was pleasing to God The meal offering was an acknowledgment that everything belongs to God Worshiper is giving a portion back to God for blessing them

Theological Meaning –

The main emphasis of the meal offering should be dedication to God.

The Book Of Leviticus ●

Theological Meaning (cont) –

That which was given to the Lord was without corruption---their best was given to the Lord

Peace Offering – –

It was a shared meal It was one of the offerings that the people would look forward to ●

It was enjoyed by those who were in right relationship with God

The Book Of Leviticus ●

Purification Offering – – –

God made provision for cleansing sin and its effects in order that people might safely enter His presence It was absolutely necessary given the circumstances of a sinful life This offering was for sins that were not premeditated ●

This offering shows that everything is tainted with sin and must be dealt with in order to approach God

The Book Of Leviticus ●

Reparation Offering – –

Sins that were premeditated An offering was needed in order to bring someone back into a right relationship with god ● ●

The worshiper made a sacrifice The worshiper made things right with the offended

The major point ●

God has made provision for every person to find atonement for sin, no matter what their economic position This chapter also introduces the requirement of confession

The Book Of Leviticus ●

Providing Access to God (6-7) –

God commands to keep the fire burning ●

Why does God make this command?

The Priesthood (8-10) –

The consecration of the priest ●

The First priestly sacrifice ●

Moses is commanded to perform Moses no longer allowed to perform

The Sin of Nadab and Abihu

The Book Of Leviticus ●

Introduction To The Laws Of Purification –

These chapters deal with the problem of defilement ● ●

These laws deal with major areas of life ● ● ● ●

Clean Unclean Food (11) Childbirth (12) Skin diseases (13-14) Bodily discharges

This entire section is to prepare the reader for the atonement (16)

The Book Of Leviticus ● ●

Day of Atonement (16) Instructions for Holiness (17-26) –

Sanctity of the Blood (17) ● ● ●

Life is in the blood To pour out blood is to pour out life God is the giver of life and is the only one who has the right to take life

Sanctity of Intimacy ●

Not to have sexual relations with those outside of Israel –

By having relations with others, they would be giving into idolatry

By indulging in such relations would expel one from the land

The Book Of Leviticus ●

By indulging oneself in these practices they would be breaking the covenant God made with them (Mosaic) – –

Those who live according to God's commands will live long Those who live against God's commands will be judged

Holiness through Love ● ●

Moses reiterates the Law once again This chapter describes how the person is to live out a holy life on a daily basis – – – – – –

It happens through loving God and your neighbor Devout worship Honesty Integrity Justice Charity

The Book Of Leviticus Links to the Ten Commandments can be ● seen below: ●

Ten Commandments – – – – – – – – –

1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Leviticus 19 – – – – – – – – –

19:4 19:12 19:3b 19:3a 19:16b 19:29 19:11a 19:16a 19:18

The Book Of Leviticus –

Divine Order in a Corrupt World ●

Moses encourages the people to avoid pagan religions and practices Specifically child sacrifices – –

Sacrifices to the god of Molech Sacrifices to the god of Necronmancy

God will intervene if the community does not

Holy Orders ● ●

Laws concerning priest The standard for priests is much higher than for the ordinary Israelite

The Book Of Leviticus –

Pleasing God in Worship (22:17-33) ● ●

– –

Feast of the Lord (23) Participating in Ministry (24:1-9) ● ●

Every single person had a responsibility to worship God Each person had to contribute to the function of the tabernacle

Sanctifying His Name (24:10-23) ●

God was to receive the best of the offerings God was to receive the first of the offerings

To blaspheme God's name will bring judgment

Community Living (25) Blessings of God (26)

Feasts of the Lord ●

Passover – – –

Ex. 11 Passover was a one day event To be observed on the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Nisan

The Feast of Unleavened Bread – –

It is a reminder of God's miraculous deliverance from Egyptian bondage It was to represent the manna they ate in the wilderness ●

Deuteronomy 16:3; Ex. 12:39

Feast of the Lord – –

Began on the 15th day of Nisan Lasted 7 days ●

Sometimes referred to as – –

The 8 days of Passover The eight days of Unleavened Bread (Luke. 22:1,7)

We are to live in purity before the Lord ( 1 Cor. 5:6-8)

Feast of First Fruits –

Marked the beginning of the cereal grain harvest ● ●

Barely was the first grain to ripen Grain offering – –

Represented the harvest as a whole It was a guarantee of things to come

Feast of the Lord –

It occurred on the 16th day of Nisan ●

It was seen as a time marker ● ●

The countdown to the Feast of Weeks From the start of this feast there would be 49 days before the beginning of the Feast of Weeks

The term first fruits is mentioned 7 times in NT ●

Two days after Passover, during the feast of Unleavened Bread

It is always used in reference to a guarantee of things to come (Rom. 8:23)

Jesus raised from the dead on day of First Fruits ●

The beginning of the final harvest of Mankind

Feast of the Lord ●

Feast of Weeks –

Fifty days of harvest before the actual feast was to be observed ●

There were fifty days before the coming of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost) It always fell on the Sabbath, and therefore no work was allowed

Feast of Trumpets – –

Occurs on 1st day of Tishri (Autumn) It is the only holiday that occurs on the 1st day ● ●

It is observed for two days New moon

Feast of the Lord – –

Represents a new year to be observed It was the sign for national repentance ●

Future fulfillment has to do with the second coming of Christ ●

● ●

A requirement for Jews to repent before the Messiah comes

The “Day of the Lord” (Zeph. 1:14-16, Joel 2:31, Acts 2:20; Rev. 6:12-17) The last trumpet will sound before Christ returns

Day of Atonement (Lev. 16) Feast of Tabernacles

Feast of the Lord ●

Feast of Tabernacles –

It is the most joyous and celebrated of all the feasts ● ●

– – –

Celebrated God's past goodness Celebrated God's current goodness

It is mentioned more than any of the other feasts It was an annual reminder to the nation of Israel of God's provision during their wilderness journey Occurred 15th day of Tishri ● ●

Five days after the Atonement Last 7 days

Feasts of the Lord –

The Feast of Tabernacles represents the Millennial Kingdom ●

The last days are referred to as the final harvest (Hosea 6:11; Joel 3:13; Mt. 13:39; Rev. 14:15) Isaiah calls this period the “harvesting of olives” (Is. 24:13)

Conclusion ●

The Book of Leviticus teaches us about the holiness of God The book of Leviticus foreshadows Christ

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