Letter To The Chief Executive Of Pakistan

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 3
LETTER TO THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF PAKISTAN (by Dr. Sayed Abdul Wadud) Respected Sir, After the removal of ex-prime minister from his office, there is large hue and cry in the country for the return of democracy in Pakistan. As far as the return of democracy is concerned it is apparent that they mean western type of democracy, which has already brought about misery and degradation in the country. The democracy came to be considered as the government of the people. It developed chiefly in the West, but the people of Asia and Africa who had suffered tremendously on account of their exploitation by the Autocrats and the Theocrats, with the resultant misery and exploitation, followed the West and took democracy to be a gift from heavens and a panacea for their ailments. The basic concept of democracy that no body has got the right to rule over the other is ideal, but the question arises whether it has achieved or is capable of achieving the aim it has laid down before itself. The renowned professors of London university themselves condemned democracy. Please see page 5 of my book Quranocracy. Also see 'The defects of democracy in practice' on page 7. We Pakistanis are attracted by the comparatively better life of the people in the West, which is due only to their scientific achievements. But as they did not utilize these achievements for the benefit of humanity it resulted in to a dreadful condition of fear from nuclear power, the world over. Pakistan came into being on the basis of TWO NATION THEORY and its achievement became possible by virtue of the slogan that was given to the Muslim population of undivided India VIZ (Pakistan Ka Matlab Kia La Illaha Illalla), which means, "there is no sovereign power besides Allah to whom subservience is due". Accordingly, sovereignty became the chief factor, which leads to the right path. SOVEREIGNTY. The Islamic rule and a secular rule are two different things. In an Islamic rule, the entire working of the state is conducted within limits laid down by the Quran. No body has the right to trespass these limits. In other words (Arabi ) (12:40) "The right to rule belongs to Allah alone. None else can be a partner to it." (Arabi ) (18:26) "Allah does not allow anybody to take part in his rule". In case any human being or a group of human beings, whatever its name may be, is given the right to rule, it shall be considered as a ( ) 'shirk' which means to ascribe partners unto Allah. No human being has got the right to rule not even a messenger of Allah. He cannot make people subject to his laws. (Al-Quran 3:79). Thus, it is apparent that, to begin with, a book is given to a Nabi who forwards it to other people and thus it reaches the common folk. The Quran was first bestowed to Muhammad (S) by means of 'Wahi' and after that the entire

ummah was made inheritor of it. (35:32) "Then we have given for inheritance to such of my servants as we have chosen. (i.e. Muslim Ummah). Thus the duty of 'Ummah' is to establish the rule of Allah. As such the 'Ummah' becomes the agency to put into action the DIVINE COMMANDMENTS. Contrary to this a government in which the right to make laws belongs to human beings is a secular government, in whatever form it exists. The organization in which the entire ummah takes part is considered to be a Consultant organization by the Quran. ( ) (42:38). its means all affairs shall be settled by means of consultation. On the other hand, as stated earlier, in western type of democracy the law-making authority comprises the representatives of the people, who may be Muslims or non-Muslim. Consequently they become the sovereign power. These so-called representatives in a Muslim country are devoid of the knowledge provided by the Quran and as such cannot even think about introducing the Islamic way of life in the country. They have absolutely no knowledge of the injunctions and permanent values provided by the book of Allah, which form the basis of an Islamic regime. Accordingly, these products of voting system, based on the western type of democracy, become the source of mischief along with the degradation and abasement of the country. At best, they try to mix up the Quranic way of life with their self made notions borrowed from the West. The opponents of Rasool-Allah (S) used to request him that if he can make a slight change in his organization, they were ready to compromise with him. Allah Himself replied to this request of the non-Muslims as follows: (10:15) "Tell them, I myself can not make any amendment. On the other hand, I am myself subservient to the Divine Command. If I make any amendment in it, I shall get punishment according to the law of requital. When I am not able to make any amendment myself, how can any body else do it. As regards the question of majority and minority is concerned, it is apparent that when all decisions are subjected to Quranic guidance the question of voting does not arise. The concept that the decisions made by the majority are valid is entirely false. (6:116) "If you consider that so and so a thing is correct because the majority says so, mind you! This procedure shall lead you away from the right path. Majority of people follow and solve their affairs by mere speculations. The measure of right and wrong is not based on majority and minority. It is the book of Allah, which provides this measure. The representatives of 'Ummah' are bound to conduct their affairs within limits laid down by the Quran. 'HAQ' can not remain subject to whims and wishes of the people." (23:71) "If the truth had been according to their desires, truly the heavens and the earth and all beings

therein would have been in confusion and corruption." Accordingly, the people shall remains subject to truth and truth is another name of the Quran. Centralization is the basic theme in the formation of an Islamic regime, as laid down in the Quran. For this, please read the pamphlet attached herewith namely, "the decentralization of Ummah is the basic cause of its debasement". However, keep it in mind that a centralization of authority and a centralization of the use of authority are two different things. The latter can be avoided by means of a sound and independent JUDICATURE. We the Muslim residents of Pakistan expect from the Honorable Chief Executive of Pakistan that he may kindly get rid of the rotten secular system based on the western democracy and instead bring about a regime in Pakistan based on the injunctions, Laws and Permanent Values provided by the book of Allah. That is the only course to get rid of the misery and debasement that prevails in Pakistan at present. (17:22) "Devise not another sovereign with Allah or thou wilt sit down despised forsaken." Yours Faithfully. (Dr. Sayed Abdul Wadud) M.C. 30-10-1999 Enclosures:1- The book "Quranocracy" 2- The pamphlet, 'Rule of Allah in State Affairs'. 3- The pamphlet, 'Decentralization of 'Ummah' is the basic cause of its debasement'. 4- The pamphlet (in Urdu) 5- The pamphlet (in Urdu)

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