Chief Executive, Mepco

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 13
To, The Chief Executive, MEPCO, Ltd. Multan. Subject: -

Reimbursement of Medical Claim.

Sir, Respectfully submitted that sanction for re-imbursement of Rs.



may kindly be accorded in respect of medical expenses. Medical prescription/reference slips along-with cash memos/receipts duly verified by M.S. WAPDA Hospital, Multan are enclosed herewith, please. Yours obediently,

D.A. 1. M.P. No. 2. 3.



(Muhammad Ashraf Nadeem) (P.P.O. No. MN-10910) O/o C.E. WAPDA/MEPCO, Khanewal Road, Multan.

To, The Chief Executive, MEPCO, Ltd. Multan. Subject: -

Reimbursement of Medical Claim.

Sir, Respectfully submitted that sanction for re-imbursement of Rs.



may kindly be accorded in respect of medical expenses. Medical prescription/reference slips along-with cash memos/receipts duly verified by M.S. WAPDA Hospital, Multan are enclosed herewith, please. Yours obediently,

D.A. 1. M.P. No. 2. 3.



(Muhammad Ashraf Nadeem) (P.P.O. No. MN-10910) O/o C.E. WAPDA/MEPCO, Khanewal Road, Multan.

To, The Chairman, WAPDA, WAPDA House, Lahore. Subject: -


Sir, With great reverence, it is submitted that being a retired employee of WAPDA, I want to join your campaign against theft of electric energy. We know that WAPDA has very intellect engineers with exceptional knowledge, ability and experience and have succeeded to reduce the line loss to great extent by augmentation, renovation and rehabilitation of systems. We also know that dishonest abstraction of electric energy is still a problem, beyond control inspite of all efforts, which is causing great loss to WAPDA. I have a semi-technical plan to control/stop theft of electric energy, but could not decide to whom it should be conveyed. Now, when model subdivisions are being established with efficient and honest workers, it is the right time to introduce this plan in one of these model sub-divisions on trial basis. If found feasible and practicable, it can be adopted as master plan all over the WAPDA supplies areas. It is a selfless offer by a sincere and loyal retired WAPDA employee having 36 years service at his credit and more than five years experience and practice as an advocate. If required, I will despatch salient features of my plan for determination of its feasibility. If the plan is found useful for the organization, it will be a great honour for me. With best regards. Sincerely, Dated: _________ (Muhammad Ashraf Nadeem) Advocate High Court, 28-District Courts, Multan.

PROPOSED PLAN TO CHECK/MINIMISE THEFT OF ELECTRIC ENERGY. Right from the very outset, this presentation may be taken as an effort by a non-technical person. There may be some deficiencies or drawbacks, so it is open to suitable changes, improvements or modifications by the eminent expert engineers for the only aim to minimize the chances of theft of electric energy by developing a check and balance system. This system, as conceived, is based on a simple idea to install CT/MDI meters at the intermediate point on feeders to separate technical losses from other losses to the maximum possible extent, so that electric energy consumed, but not accounted for could come into notice within least possible time and timely measures are adopted to remove the wrong and eradicate corruption. The installation of CT/MDI meter with step-down Distribution Transformer is the key-point of this proposed plan to earmark the area to be kept under observation and special attention where there are more chances of leakage or theft of electric energy. As a matter of fact, line losses is the difference of units received from Grid Station and units sold by operation (Distribution) Sub-Divisions/Divisions. These line losses include technical losses, leakage and energy consumed but not accounted for whether due to slow, dead stop meters or due to dishonest abstraction of energy. To ascertain the areas where special vigilance is required to check/detect theft of energy in the minimum possible time, the following measures may be considered for implementation by the field formations: -

There are two categories of Feeders emanating from Grid Station for distribution system. a)

11 K.V. Independent Feeders (from Grid Station to consumer’s premises).


11 K.V. Distributory Feeder for S.O.P. to general; commercial, tube-wells and Industrial connections. Category (a) 11 K.V. Independent Feeders. There is hardly any chance of theft of electric energy on the feeder from Grid Station to consumer’s premises. Only technical losses are required to be assessed on such feeders. For this purpose, no additional equipment is required. The metering equipment is already available on the both ends of the feeder. The concerned X.E.N., besides recording readings as per scheduled programme for billing purposes, will record or arrange to record readings on the 1ST DAY OF THE MONTH and compare the same with consumption recorded as per log sheets at Grid Station. The difference of the two will be the net technical loss of feeder including Transformer (C&C losses). A committee comprising of Superintending Engineer, Executive Engineer and S.D.O. concerned my determine the permissible limit of technical losses keeping in view the length of line, size of conductor and other usual conditions etc. If the technical losses exceed the prescribed limit, necessary measures can be adopted to bring the losses within limits. In case the losses are extravagantly on high side, then the matter may be taken with skepticism and check

meter should be installed to confirm the accuracy of metering equipment at consumer’s premises or adopt further measures to detect the cause of high % losses. Category (b) Non-Independent Feeders. Actually, this is the main area of concentration where this proposed plan is to be implemented more effectively. This category of lines may be divided further into two sections: i)

Section (I) 11 K.V. portion of system including Transformer.


Section (II) L.T. portion of system from Transformer to consumer meters. Section (I) 11 K.V. Portion. Proper maintenance and due vigilance of the 11 K.V.

lines from Grid Station to local distribution area, will be exercised just like independent feeders. Section (II) L.T. Portion from Transformer to consumers’ premises. C.T./MDI metering equipment set is required to be installed alongwith each distribution Transformer. This is the KEYPOINT of this proposed plan. The readings of these C.T/MDI meters will be recorded by the S.D.O., L/S Incharge of the feeder and Meter Reading Supervisors on the 1ST DAY OR 1ST TWO DAYS OF THE MONTH. It is so necessary to record







consumption recorded on C.T./MDI meters will be compared

with the consumption of feeder recorded at Grid Station during the month and to assess/calculate the technical losses. For this purpose a proforma may be introduced as under: Proforma No. 1. Detail of Transformer-wise consumption recorded on C.T/MDI meters for the month of _______ in respect of _______ feeder. Sr. Transformer KWH Meter Advance No. No. reading. 1 Present Previous 2 3 4 Total units sold on feeder = Total units received from Grid Station = Difference = % losses = Meter reader Meter inspector ___







S.D.O ___


Proforma 2. Abstract of feeder-wise consumption and technical losses in respect of _____________Sub-Division ____________ Division ______________ for the month of ___________. Sr. Name of Units Units No. feeder. received sold from Grid Station. 1 2 3 4 Total = Meter reader Meter inspector ___







% technical losses

S.D.O ___


The above abstract will bring a clean picture of technical losses on 11 K.V. portion of the system.

Section (II) L.T. Portion of L.D. System. Having ascertained the over-all position of technical losses upto the KEY-POINT i.e. Distribution Transformer, the UNITS SOLD as per proforma No. 1 & 2 above will now be termed or called








consumption recorded at the consumer’s meters will be called as UNITS SOLD. This is the specified area to be kept under strict vigilance. The meter reader(s) of the area will record readings of consumer’s






programme for billing purpose, but they must record reading of the C.T./MDI meters installed with Distribution Transformers on the same day and then compare the consumption as per following proforma. Proforma 3. Comparative






C.T./MDI meters installed with Transformers and energy meters installed at consumer’s premises for the period from _____ to _____ on _____ Feeder _______ Sub-Division ____________. Sr. Name/No. of Readings No. Transformer. recorded at C.T/MDI Meters. 1 1 2 3 4

Total consumption Difference % losses Advance of consumers of column meters fed No. 5 & 6. from Present Previous Transformer 3 4 5 6 7 8


Total =

Meter reader ___


Meter inspector ___




S.D.O ___


Evidently, the losses so calculated on this portion will consist upon technical losses of L.T. Lines (conductor + cables etc.). These losses will be determined by the X.E.N. and S.D.O. concerned, keeping in view the length of L.T. Lines, size of conductor and other usual








Supervisor/Meter Inspector will observe the permissible limit fixed/approved by the X.E.N. concerned. If there is any abnormal increase in % line losses, the leakage or any other wrong can be detected with proper attention and due vigilance by the SubDivision staff, within the same reading cycle. However, high ascending rate of line losses will be indicative of electric energy consumed but not accounted for, which may be due to: i)

Slow or dead stop meter,


Leakage on system (technical faults + bad workmanship),


Dishonest abstraction of energy whether tampering with meter, by-passing the meter or direct connection (KUNDI SYSTEM etc.).

Precautionary measures for above: i) Defective meters can be changed before next date of reading, charging of average for months together may be discouraged. Preference may be given to change the meter immediately. ii)

Technical faults can be detected through regular patrolling of lines and proper maintenance of L.D. system.


Rise & fall of consumption of consumer’s meters in the specific area may be considered and in case of any doubt,

check meter, where necessary, may be installed to observe the accuracy of meter. iv)

It has also been observed that on bifurcation of a heavy SubDivision in congested urban areas and even in rural areas, consumers of more than one Sub-Divisions are being fed through one feeder. The line losses might be calculated on the basis of aggregate total of units sold by such Sub-Divisions. This proposed plan may create a sense of responsibility and competition to reduce the line losses in Sub-Divisions. This healthy competition may be promoted and encouraged by giving different incentives. Consequently, it will be possible to find out where actual loss of energy is taking place beyond the permissible limits.

Financial Implication: I have to suggest that financial implication of this plan may be weighed with a view that expenditure incurred on one C.T/MDI meter set may save a perpetual monthly loss of many times more, sustained by Authority through dishonest abstraction of energy or neglect in timely maintenance of distribution system. Concluding my submissions, it is re-iterated that these proposals are being presented sincerely with feelings and desire for prosperous WAPDA, expecting that it will be considered with the same feelings and passion because, to me; PROSPEROUS WAPDA MEANS PROSPEROUS PAKISTAN, INSHA-ALLAH. Presented by: -

Muhammad Arshad Nadeem, Advocate High Court, 28-District Courts, Multan.

From the office of: (Muhammad Ashraf Nadeem) Advocate High Court, 28-District Courts, Multan. To, The Chief Engineer, MEPCO, Ltd. Multan. Subject: -

Proposed plan to check theft of electric energy/minimise line losses.

Sir, With reference to memo No. ______________ dated ______ of Director (

) MEPCO, Ltd. Multan and my letter dated _______,

a short description of the proposed plan is submitted herewith. This precis of the simple idea to provide check meters at intermediate point of distribution system. While determining its feasibility, it may also be considered with another angle that M.D.I. meter installed with Transformers will also indicate maximum demand of load on Transformer during the month. Appropriate and timely measures can save burning of transformers due to overloading etc. With best regards. D.A. proposed plan

Yours obediently, (Muhammad Ashraf Nadeem)

C.C. Rev: Chairman, WAPDA, WAPDA House, Lahore.

To, The Chairman, WAPDA, WAPDA House, Lahore.

Subject: -

Proposed plan to check theft of electric energy/minimise line losses.

Honourable Sir, Respectfully submitted that I am very thankful for kind attention and due response to my humble request. A copy of the brief on the proposed plan has since been submitted to the Chief Engineer, MEPCO, Multan on 03.01.03, under intimated to your good office. A copy of the plan is also submitted herewith for kind perusal of intelligentsia, please. Always at your service, sir!

D.A. proposed plan.

(Muhammad Ashraf Nadeem) Advocate High Court, 28-District Courts, Multan.

a short description of

proposed plan to reduce line losses & minimise chances of theft of electricity.

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