Physics-Science in Grade 7 Smester I •
STANDARD OF COMPETENCE : Understanding unsure, molecule and mixture
BASIC COMPETENCE : To separate mixture using various techniques on the basis of physical and chamical properties
Lessons Plan Activities School
: Junior High School
: Physics Science
Grade / Semester
: 7 / II
Time Alocation
: 2 x 40 minutes
Standart of Competence : 2. Understanding unsure, molecule and mixture A. Basics Competence 2.4 To separate mixture using various techniques on the basis of physical and chamical properties. B. INDICATORS Describe the definition of mixture Define some technique to separate mixture Make a model or instrument to separate mixture C. LEARNING PURPOSES Student can describe the definition of mixture Student can describe the mixture substance Student can define some technique to separate mixture Student capable of making a model or instrument to separate mixture D. LEARNING MATERIAL Mixture Separation in Purifying Water E. LEARNING EXPERIENCES 1. Getting information about Mixture Separation and the mixture substance. 2. Doing exercise to investigate some technique which are correct to separate kinds of mixture. 3. Presenting the exercise’s product and doing class discussion. 4. Conclusing the result of class discussion
F. LEARNING MODEL AND METHOD Model : Problem Base Instructions (PBI) Method
: Experiment
G. LEARNING SOURCES Student books Student Work Sheet Student Evaluation Paper H. MATERIALS AND APPARATUS Sands Gravels Cowlick Dirty Water Manila paper and Pen A bottle I. TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES A. Opening (10 minutes) •
Teacher motivate students by starting the proces of learning with showing dirty water and clean water in the bottle.
Teacher ask the student,” which one do you prefer to drink the dirty or clean water?”
Teacher focusing student attantion to some undefine mixture things (sands and water, dirty water and salt water).
Teacher ask the student,” Are these things mixture? What substance of the mixture then?”
Teacher review the student to the previous meeting about unsure, molecule and mixture.
B. Main Activities (60 minutes) Step 1 (orienting the student to the problem)
Teacher allow the student to the problem by focusing student attantion to the demonstration in purifying dirty water become clean water by a magic bottle.
Then ask two students go infront of class to do the same activities and observe on it.
Teacher allow the students to the problems,” what can you observe from the phenomenon ? any one want to know the reason?”
The problems that expacted from the student,” why the dirty water changed into clean water after get in the bottle ?
Teacher say the learning purposes to the students.
Step 2 : organizing student to study •
Teacher devide students become some groups, each group consist of 4-5 students.
Teacher give hand out and work sheet about Mixture Separation in Purifying Water.
Teacher ask the students to read hand out and work sheet given.
Teacher get the student to make hypothesis that according to the problem above. “ dirty water (mixture) can be purify with filtration method.”
Step 3 : guiding individual and groups investigation •
Teacher give some help to students while do the work sheet in group by scaffolding.
Teacher motivate the students to collect the information according to the hypothesis by doing experiment and the result will discuss.
Step 4 : Develope and show the product •
Techer help the students to prepare the product which have been done in group.
Teacher have the students present their product in class discusion.
Step 5 : Analyzing and evaluating the process of problem solving •
Teacher guide the students to analyze the process that have been used in experiment and evaluate the greatfull of experiment.
C. Closing (10 minutes) •
Teacher guide the students to make conclusion from hole learning activities.
Teacher give evaluation test
J. ASSESMENT Assesment Kinds Of Task
The Instrument
Non test
Observation and experiment
Performance test
Student Worksheet Activity 1 Day / Date
: ……………………………………….
: ……………………………………….
: ……………………………………….
Registration Number : ………………………………………. A. Basics Competence 2.4 To separate mixture using various techniques on the basis of physical and chamical properties. B. Indicators Make a model or instrument to separate mixture C. Learning Purposes Student can define some technique to separate mixture Student capable of making a model or instrument to separate mixture D. Rumusan Masalah What kind technique to separate mixture of the dirty water become clean water? How model or instrument that can be made to separate this mixture of dirty water? E. Hypothesis ............................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... F. Variabels Manipulation Variable: …………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………. Respon Variable: …………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………. Control Variable: …………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………….
G. Materials and Apparatus 1. 2. 3. H. Procedure 1. 2. 3. I. Observation Result …………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………. J. Analyze Based on the observation result can be know that : 1. ……………………………………………………………………………… 2. ……………………………………………………………………………… 3. ……………………………………………………………………………… K. Conclusion Afterall activities a bove can be conclude that : ………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………..
Student Worksheet
(Teacher Guide) A. Basics Competence 2.2 To separate mixture using various techniques on the basis of physical and chamical properties. B. Indicators Make a model or instrument to separate mixture C. Learning Purposes Student can define some technique to separate mixture Student capable of making a model or instrument to separate mixture D. Rumusan Masalah What kind technique to separate mixture of the dirty water become clean water? How model or instrument that can be made to separate this mixture of dirty water? E. Hypothesis •
Filtration is the best technique to separate mixture of the dirty water become clean water.
the arrengemen of sands, grevals and cowlick can be used to filtrate the dirty water mixture.
F. Variabels Manipulation Variabel: •
The posisition of sands, grevala and cowlick
Respon Variabel: •
The colour intensity of clean water
Control Variabel: •
The kinds of materials is used
G. Materials and Apparatus Sands Gravels Cowlick Dirty Water Manila paper and Pen A bottle H. Procedure Make design of filtration instrument with the sand, grevals and cowlick Make sure that the materials is arranged in the botle with correct position. Get the dirty water into the botle and see the out put Do point 1 to 3 for other arrangement materials to get the best result of clean waters I. Observation Result the arrengemen of materials tahat use to filtrate the dirty water mixture. No Manipulation 1. Sands – grevals - cowlick 2. Sands - cowlick - grevals 3. grevals - cowlick - sands ... ...
Respons Clean blur blur ...
J. Analyze Based on the observation result can be know that : •
If the materials arrange like point 1 its the best way to filtrate the dirty water mixture.
If the materials arrange different with point 1 its gonna be blur or not so clean.
K. Conclusion
Afterall activities a bove can be conclude that : Dirty water is kind of mixture and it can be separate by filtration. The filtration instrumen that can be used is arrange the sands, grevals and cowlick in the bottle then get the dirty waetrinto the bottle through sands until cowlick. It will produce the clean water at all.
Work Test Observation Psycomotors Observation Aspect Design the filtration instrument
Scors 4
4 : good, clean and correct 3 : good, clean but uncorrect 2 : good, unclean 1 : bad and not correct
Cut the bottle as the place
4 : clean and suitable 3 : suitable but not clean 2 : bad shape but clean enough 1 :worse shape and not clean
Arrange the materials
4 : correct and clean 3 : correct but not clean 2 : correct with mass 1 : uncorrect position
Try out project
4 : once and great 3 : twice and great 2 : third and good 1 : work well after more than third try out
Total Score Final Score Note : 1
= not good
= enough
= good
= Very Nice
Afective Observation Aspect absence
Scors 3 2
1 4 : on time
3 : 5 minute late 2 : 15 minute late 1 : over 20 minute late Doing experiment
4 : on time, as procedure 3 : late, as procedure 2 : on time, not as procedure 1 : late, notas procedure
Team work
4 : work together, nice 3 : good with 1 not work together 2 : not bad with 2 not work together 1 : bad
Dead line Project
4 : on time 3 : 5 minute late 2 : 15 minute late 1 : over 20 minute late
Total Score Final Score Note : 1. = not good 2. = enough 3. = good 4.
= Very Nice
BIBLIOGRAPHY Esis. 2006. FISIKA TERPADU SMP dan MTs untuk kelas VII Semester 1. Jakarta: Erlangga Tim, MKKS. 2008. FISIKA “METEOR” SMP semester genap.Bojonegoro : MGMP Fisika kabupaten bojonegoro ________ bse – On line Books __________
LEMBAR PENGAMATAN PENGELOLAAN PEMBELAJARAN PBI Nama Sekolah :........................... Nama Guru :............................. Mata Pelajaran:........................... Tanggal :............................. Petunjuk Berikut ini diberikan satu daftar aspek pengelolaan kegiatan belajar mengajar pembelajaran PBI (Pengajaran Berdasarkan Masalah) yang dilakukan guru di dala kelas. Berilah tanda cek (√) dan turus pada kolom yang sesuai menurut penilaian Anda. Penilaian No Aspek yang diamati 1 2 3 4 I Pengamatan KMB A. Pendahuluan 1. Memotivasi siswa (orientasi siswa pada masalah) 2. Menyampaikan tujuan (indikator) 3. Mengaitkan pelajaran sekarang dengan yang terdahulu B. Kegiatan inti 1. Mempresentasikan pengetahuan 2. Mengorganisasikan siswa untuk belajar 3.Membimbing penyelidikan individual maupun kelompok 4. Memeriksa pemahaman & memberikan umpan balik kepada siswa 5. Mengembangkan dan menyajikan hasil karya C. Penutup 1. Mengikhtisarkan pelajaran 2. Memberikan tugas evaluasi II Suasana Kelas 1. Siswa antusias 2. Guru antusias 3. Waktu sesuai alokasi 4. KBM sesuai skenario pada RPP III Perangkat Pembelajaran 1. Buku siswa mendukung pencapaian indikator 2. LKS mendukung pencapaian sub indikator 3. Evaluasi sesuai indikator 4. Indikator cocok dicapai dengan pembelajaran PBI Keterangan skala penilaian: Tidak baik :1 Kurang baik : 2 Cukup baik : 3 Baik :4
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