Lesson Reflection

  • October 2019
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Katelyn Benavidez Yates Intern Seminar 12 November 2018 Lesson Reflection 1. During this lesson I utilized the cards that I have to randomly call on students and that worked really well to start the discussion. They were paying attention because they knew they could be called on any moment and they also had good things to say when they were called on. Also calling on people randomly helped to make sure we kept the conversation going rather than waiting for students to volunteer. Also the use of technology went really well. Having the document on the computer in front of them and then writing the answers out helps 2. Next time I teach this lesson I would utilize the option on NearPod to allow the students to collaborate and post the words they did not understand so that we could go over them. I told them to write down words they do not know and then I forgot to revisit them and I do not think anyone wrote them down. If they are able to post them where we can all see we will see which words were commonly misunderstood and we can go over them. 3. I determined that I would use NearPod to allow them to read the documents because it was easier to put the documents and the questions in there rather than making copies. Having them write out their answers also helps them be more connected with the material than just typing it out. I also chose to use primary source documents and inferential

questions because not only are primary sources a huge part of studying and understanding history but also it is a department wide goal at Caldwell High to show growth in inferential reading skills. 4. I accomplished my objectives of the lesson which were that the students could explain the Nullification crisis and demonstrate an understanding of the argument that was being made for nullification. I know that they accomplished these goals because of the involvement in the discussion and by looking at their work once it was turned in. 5. I was able to actively engage students through discussion by calling on them randomly but also mixing in a few volunteers. I also was able to actively work with them one on one once I sent them on their way after we had done the first set as a class. 6. My lesson pacing was a little slower than I wanted it to be but we got the important things done and I think that I got what I wanted out of it even if we did not do every single piece that I had planned. Sometimes I feel like finishing is the wrong word. I think it matters more what we did in the time with the other parts of the activity and that maybe reaching the “end” is not the only way for them to get something meaningful out of it. 7. Classroom management was really good. I called out students who were talking specifically. I also was able to keep students from being off task on their computers. I also was able to placate a lot of behavior through proximity or just by giving a classic teacher look. Overall this is my most difficult class but they have come a long way and I have made really good progress with most of them regarding behavior and their work ethics.

8. I accounted for individual differences by having the documents on the computer it allowed them to zoom in if they could not see. I also made the lesson student paces meaning they got to move at their own individual pace they did not have to wait for their peers in order to move on and on the other hand lower students did not have to feel rushed in order to catch up. 9. I think my discussion skills were pretty good today in this lesson. I started by trying to break everything down really simply and then build up to where we were going with the questions and the documents. I think it was important that I did this and that I did it while calling on students randomly at the same time so that I kept the pace of the discussion moving. It is hard to have discussions with these kids because they are not used to doing them all that much yet as sophomores but we have been practicing over and over and both myself and the students are getting better every time. 10. They did not really work in groups today except for a few who were trying to help each other and discuss amongst themselves. The few that were working in a group in a negative way, meaning they were off task and not being productive, I was able to put them back on track and steer them in the correct direction. 11. I think my transitions are ok. Sometimes they are a little rough because when I am asking for questions or checking for understanding I do not always get a response so it makes my moving on seem a little clunky and awkward. I have been getting better at it though and I have been trying to rephrase my questions in order to try and get more responses when I check for understanding or make sure they know what I am asking them to do for the activity.

12. My materials were appropriate for the lesson objectives. I utilized technology in a productive way and the documents I chose completely fit our topic and our history standards. The analysis of documents are essential to understanding and will help them prepare for their exam this week. 13. I think my objectives fit within the zone of proximal development because I was utilizing discussion in order to break things down and then build them up to where I wanted them to be. Then I was able to let them repeat that process without my help or with very little. As they have become more and more accustomed to doing these types of activities in my class their ZPD is growing because they continue to improve and need less and less guidance from me. 14. I have collaborated in the past with Mr. Langan in order to address ways to form inferential questions. In this case I did not collaborate with him much about this lesson. I utilized things that we have done in the past and things we have been learning in Methods class in order to formulate my lessons. Lately there is little collaboration regarding every lesson just a few here and there, however there is a lot of collaboration when it comes to working with students, dealing with others things around the school and doing things within our department. 15. I think I am getting better at managing even my toughest group of kids even though I thought I was not doing anything all that different or that I was making that much progress but I really am and that makes me proud of myself and happy to keep moving forward. I also learned that there are different ways to do primary source analysis through

technology and also continuing to break things down and then build them back up to our desired goal is a good strategy.

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