Breaking the Ice – 1 Hour Time
What is going on?
Time spent
4:00-4:05 4:05-4:15 4:15-4:30 4:30-5:00
Check-In: How’s life? Go over Ice Breaker handout Partner work: Create/Prepare an ice breaker Pairing present ice breaker to large group and feedback
5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes
Objectives 1. Students will be able to identify useful ice breakers 2. Students will be able to construct their own ice breaker 3. Students will be able to facilitate various ice breakers Materials: 1. Handout 2. Candy/Other materials for ice breakers 3. Partner assignments Assessments: Formal When each student pair presents, the head staff will use the below rubric to provide feedback to the student leaders. Excellent Good Fair Needs Work Content – Students use one of the given ice breakers or one they created Students define the purpose of the ice breaker Organization Organization of the ice breaker is clear and flows smoothly Delivery – Students speak at an appropriate level for the space Ice breaker engages the group and encourages active participation
Informal • Check for understanding by asking the students if they need clarification for the activity/purpose of ice breakers • Check for understanding while students are working in their pairs on their ice breaker • Check to see if students are actively listening through nonverbals (head nods, eye contact, etc.) • Student leaders will be able to provide feedback to their peers
Facilitation/Handling Tough Questions – 1 Hour and 30 Minutes Time
What is going on?
Time spent
4:00-4:05 4:05-4:25 4:25-5:00 5:00-5:30
Check-In: How is your week? Go over Facilitation handout Small group facilitation practice Handling touch questions practice
5 minutes 20 minutes 35 minutes 30 minutes
Objectives 1. Students will be able to identify the facilitation process 2. Students will be able to identify key facilitation skills 3. Students will be able to demonstrate their facilitation skills and practice answering “tough” questions 4. Students will be able to critique and provide their peers with helpful feedback Materials: 1. HTQs PowerPoint 2. Tough question assignments 3. Facilitation guide 4. Small group assignments Assessments: Formal While in the small groups the head staff members will use the below rubric to provide feedback to the student leaders. Excellent Good Fair Needs Work Content - Students provide an explanation/purpose for small group discussion Students provide information for key resources during discussion Students use key tips from facilitation handout Students probe the group with questions to create a discussion Delivery - Students create an open discussion environment Students allow group to participate and do not dominate discussion
When each student leader is answering a tough question the head staff will use the below rubric to provide feedback to the leaders. Excellent Good Fair Needs Work Content – Student answers question with appropriate information If necessary, student does not provide made up information If necessary, students provide contact information for office/resource Delivery – Student provides clear and thoughtful answer Informal • Check for understanding by asking the students if they need clarification of the facilitation handout/activities • Check to see if students are actively listening through nonverbals (head nods, eye contact, etc.) • Student leaders will be able to provide feedback to their peers
Student Life Video Practice – 1 Hour and 30 Minutes Time
What is going on?
Time spent
4:00-4:05 4:05-4:15 4:15-4:45 4:45-5:30
Check-In: What’s new with you? View student life videos Review student life video guide Small group practice and feedback
5 minutes 10 minutes 30 minutes 45 minutes
Objectives: 1. Students will be able to explain the process of the student life video discussions 2. Students will be able to identify key discussion topics 3. Students will be able to practice facilitating a small group discussion about the student life videos 4. Students will be able to critique and provide their peers with feedback Materials: 1. Student Life Videos - saved on a flash drive 2. Student life video guide 3. Small group assignments Assessments: Formal While in the small groups the head staff members will use the below rubric to provide feedback to the student leaders. Excellent Good Fair Needs Work Content – Students provide an explanation/purpose for each video Students reference the necessary resources for each topic Students provide contact information for each resource Students probe the group with questions to create a discussion Delivery – Students create an open discussion environment Students allow group to participate and do not dominate discussion
Informal • Check for understanding by asking the students if they need clarification for the activity/purpose of the student life videos • Check to see if students are actively listening through nonverbals (head nods, eye contact, etc.) • Student leaders will be able to provide feedback to their peers