Lesson Plan Tech

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 5
Names: Jessica Beste Bailey Goodman Content Area: English Grade: 9 Title of Lesson: Commonly Misused Words Core Learning Goal: Goal 3 Controlling Language The student will demonstrate the ability to control language by applying the conventions of Standard English in writing and speaking. EXPECTATION 3.3 The student will use capitalization, punctuation, and correct spelling appropriately. INDICATOR 3.3.2 The student will use available resources to correct or confirm revisions and/or editorial choices. Assessment limits: • • • • • • • • •

Using a resource for all punctuation or capitalization skills not internalized or for rules that may be in flux Using a resource for standard English usage agreement of subject and verb agreement of pronoun and antecedent clear pronoun reference appropriate case of nouns and pronouns appropriate and consistent verb tenses Using a resource to apply other common rules of language usage that are grade appropriate Using a resource for standard English in place of nonstandard English and slang

Voluntary State Curriculum: Standard 3: The student will compose in a variety of modes by developing content, employing specific forms, and selecting language appropriate for a particular audience and purpose. ECLG 2,3 Indicator 3.2: The student will compose texts using the prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing strategies of effective writers and speakers. ECLG 2.2 Objective 3.2.4: The student will use general and specialized resources to correct or confirm revisions and/or editorial choices. ECLG 2.2.5, 3.3.2; ADP A

The student will •

Use resources to select and apply appropriate language* ADP A2 ○ avoiding the use of trite expressions and clichés* ECLG 2.2.5 ○ using smooth and informative transitions* ECLG 2.2.5 ○ arranging parallel elements appropriately and effectively* ECLG 2.2.5 ○ determining appropriate use of active or passive voice* ECLG 2.2.5 ○ determining an appropriate word for a given purpose* ECLG 2.2.5

Use a ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Use a resource for all punctuation or capitalization skills not internalized or for rules that may be in flux* ECLG 3.3.2 Select from a variety of resources to verify the correct pronunciation of specialized, foreign, or unusual terms ADP A2 Use a resources to apply other common rules of language usage that are grade appropriate Use a resource for Standard English in place of nonstandard English and slang.

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resource for Standard English usage* ADP A2 agreement of subject and verb* ECLG 3.3.2 agreement of pronoun and antecedent* ECLG 3.3.2 clear pronoun reference* ECLG 3.3.2 appropriate case of nouns and pronouns* ECLG 3.3.2 appropriate and consistent verb tenses* ECLG 3.3.2

MTTS Standard: Outcome: V. Design, implement and assess learning experiences that incorporate use of technology in the curriculum-related instructional activity to support understanding, inquiry, problem-solving, communication or collaboration. Indicators: Assess students' learning/ instructional needs to identify the appropriate technology for instruction. Evaluate technology materials and media to determine their most appropriate instructional use. Select and apply research-based practices for integrating technology into instruction. Use appropriate instructional strategies for integrating technology into instruction. Select and use appropriate technology to support content-specific student learning outcomes.

Develop an appropriate assessment for measuring student outcomes through the use of technology. Manage a technology-enhanced environment to maximize student learning. INTASC Principles: Principle 3. Learning styles/diversity: The teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners. Principle 7. Planning for instruction: The teacher plans instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum goals. Principle 8. Assessment: The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and physical development of the learner. Lesson Objectives: 1. Students will be able to complete two online exercises to demonstrate their understanding

of the differences between affect and effect. 2. Students will be able to create a blog entry to demonstrate their mastery and understanding of the terms by defining and applying the information. Materials: • •

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PowerPoint Presentation Online quiz/activity: http://www.towson.edu/ows/indexexercises.htm#Sentence%20Structure%20Exercises Student blogs Computers with internet access for each student; student email addresses Projector with screen

Technology Integration: Students will use computers to complete an online quiz and exercise about the differences between affect and effect. These two activities will be used as informal assessments to demonstrate student understanding. The student will email quiz results to the teacher to further the implementation of technology in the classroom. The lesson will be displayed on a PowerPoint presentation which will be projected on a screen to facilitate instruction. Following the PowerPoint lecture, students will publish a blog entry which will demonstrate student mastery of the content. The blog will be graded and evaluated as a formal assessment. Instructional Procedures: 1. The lesson topic is introduced to the class by reading the objectives to the class. The

teacher will then ask the students to answer a question that is displayed on the PowerPoint to further introduce the topic.

2. Students will take an online pre-quiz to assess their knowledge of the topic. Teacher

will ask students questions to evaluate the results of the exercise. 3. Lecture with +PowerPoint presentation begins. The presentation will provide students

with important information about the content: affect vs effect. 4. The students will work in partners to draft definitions of afftect and effect using

correct and incorrect examples that the teacher will provide on the PowerPoint. 5. The students will share their answers with the class. 6. The students will complete the second online exercise. The students will copy and paste their quiz results into an email and send it to the teacher. The teacher will use these results to evaluate student progress and improvement. 7. Teacher will give the students a blog assignment addressing the lesson topic. Formative Assessment: Blog Entry: Students will be asked to publish a blog entry to demonstrate their mastery and understanding of the content. The blog entry will include the definitions of affect and effect and provide at least two examples of each. Following the examples, the students will give an explanation of why they chose affect or effect. Plan for Differentiation: The two in class activities as well as the blog activity is not timed so the students have the opportunity to take their time to think and develop answers that they deem to be correct. During the lesson the students have the opportunity to work in partners to construct answers to the questions. This allows students to work in a heterogeneously mixed classroom which implements a collaboration of a variety of ability levels. Critical and Creative Thinking: Critical: students construct their own definitions of affect and effect. Teacher will evaluate student progress by discussing right or wrong answers with the students. Creative: Students are able to create their own sentences on their blogs to demonstrate their own understanding of the content. Summary and Lesson Closure: Teacher will review the objectives with the class and will ask the students to provide specific examples from the lesson that satisfies all of the objectives and explains how they were met. Assessment Plan: Two informal assessments will be given in class in the form of online quizzes. The second quiz will be emailed to the teacher but will only receive a grade for participation.The students will also work in partners to create definitions but they will not be graded; however, there will be an in class discussion to correct any misunderstanding and misconceptions. The formal assessment will take place at the end of the lecture and will be a blog activity. The blogs will be reviewed and graded by the teacher.

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