Lesson Plan Science Primary 5 Diana (08b0529) & Nurul Khairunnisa (08b0534)

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Lesson plan for Primary 5 Science Topic

: SOUND (Unit 6)


: Different sound

Diana bte Simpai


Nurul Khairunnisa binti Morni


Lecturer: Dr. Leong Yong Pak Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education University Brunei Darussalam Thursday, 6th November 2008




: Thursday


: 2nd October 2008


: 7.30 a.m – 8.30 a.m


: Sekolah Rendah Sinar Diarul


: Primary 5 Winner

No. of pupils

: 20 pupils (12 girls & 8 boys)


: No absentees




: Sound


: Different Sound

Prerequisite : 1) The pupils had learned that sound causes the air around it to vibrate. 2) The pupils had learned on how sound reaches our ears. 3) The pupils had learned on how to record sound from the computer. 4) The pupils had learned on how to use the PowerPoint slides.

Materials : 1) Guitar 2) Harmonica 3) Flute


4) Manila cards 5) Spoon 6) Group CD 7) PowerPoint slides 8) Sound recorder 9) Worksheets

Contents :

Main Science Idea 1) Examples of musical instruments in an orchestra or concert. 2) The different sounds that each instrument make. 3) The part of the instrument which causes the air around it to vibrate to produce a sound. For example, the string of the gambus vibrates to produce sound. 4) How do animals such as bee, grasshopper and lion make sound?

Science Process Involved 1) Observing 2) Analyzing 3) Recording 4) Measuring and using apparatus 3

5) Inferring 6) Communicating

Resources / References :

1) Brunei Primary Science Syllabus, page 33. 2) Brunei Primary 5 Science Textbook, page 54-55.


: To understand that sound of objects should not be put into or played with high volume because it may irritate the people around you.


: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

1) identify the source of the sound by listening to the sound system correctly.

2) explain which part of the source that produce the sound by observing at the source carefully.

3) relate the sound, the source of the sound and the part of the source that produce the sound by answering the questions in the PowerPoint slide of at least 80% correctly.

4) investigate at least 4 items that produce sounds by searching the items in their classroom or from their belongings per group of 4 pupils precisely.


5) construct group project involving drawing on manila cards the objects they collected and recording the sound of the objects produced using the sound and voice recorder correctly.

Procedure :

A) Introduction ( 5 minutes)

The teacher asks the pupils to guess the objects inside the bag by giving them clues through the use of riddles. After the guessing time, the teacher then shows to the pupils the objects in the bag. The teacher asks the pupils to sing a familiar children’s song while the teacher is playing the musical instrument. The teacher announces to the pupils that their learning for the day involves the use of the objects in the bag.

B) Pre-Activity Discussion ( 10 minutes ) :

The teacher asks the pupils to be in a complete silent. Then the teacher plays different sounds and asks the pupil to name the source of the sound. After several sounds are played and the source is identified by the pupils, the teacher highlights to the pupils that in order to produce a sound, something should be used.


The teacher plays the guitar again and this time requires the pupils to observe what the teacher is doing with the guitar. Then the teacher asks the pupils what makes the guitar sounds. The teacher discusses with the pupils in explaining which part of the guitar that produce the sound. Then, the teacher announces the pupils that they need to form their usual group and they need to make use of the materials given to them and describe how the sound of the objects is produced. The teacher warns the pupils not to make a loud sound out of it as it will disturb the pupils next door.

C) Activity Proper ( 30 minutes ) :

Before the start of the activity, the teacher makes sure the pupils are in their usual group. The teacher warns the pupils not to do something with the objects given to each group until the teacher told to do so. The teacher also distributes 2 worksheets for each group. The first worksheet is for the pupils to fill in the names of their objects and write down their predictions of which part of the objects that produce the sound. The second worksheet is for the pupils to record their observations on the part of the objects produce the sound.

Activity 1 1) The teacher gives instruction to the pupils to write the names of the objects on the worksheets and their prediction of which parts of the objects that produce the sound

2) The pupils are to predict which parts of the objects produce sound and record their predictions on the first worksheet to be compared with the second worksheet later.


Activity 2 1) The pupils are to make full use of the objects by trying to deal with the objects given.

2) They are to carefully observe which of the parts that produce the sound.

3) They need to keep on trying many times until they are confident with their response towards their observation.

4) They need to think of how to explain which parts that produce the sound.

5) The teacher monitors the pupils progression with their group members.

Activity 3 1) The teacher brings the pupils into discussion after the Activity 1 ends.

2) The teacher asks and writes on the board what materials each group got and the parts of the objects that make the sound.

3) The teacher discusses with the whole class for each group’s responses recorded on the board by asking the pupil to sound the objects and the rest observe.


4) The whole class needs to agree or disagree on each other group’s responses.

5) They are to provide correction for the incorrect responses.

Activity 4

1) As a group activity, the teacher divides the pupils in five groups of four pupils.

2) In this stage, the teacher let the pupils search for items that produce different sounds from their own belongings or / and items in the classroom as an inquiry process. For example; a whistle, a tin can, a pencil case and a sweet wrapper.

3) Each group is required to search at least four items. In order to minimize pupils discipline problems and to ensure their safety are protected at all times during the activity, the teacher will further divide the groups into two teams; Team 1 consists of group 1 and group 2 while Team 2 consist of group 3, group 4 and group 5. First, team 1 will have to answer the questions in the PowerPoint slide in the answer sheet given and team 2 will search for the items with the teacher. After 5 minutes, the two groups will exchange their roles.

D) Post activity ( 12 minutes) :


For this activity, the teacher gave instruction papers to each group so that they will be clearer on what and how to do the tasks given. The instructions and questions asked will be as follow; Questions:

i) a.

During discussion Try to produce sound from the objects that you have obtained. Expected answer: For example, they crumple the plastic bag, hit the tin can or blow the whistle.


How can you produce different sounds from each of the objects that you have got? Expected answer: For example, they pluck, hit and crumple a plastic cup to produce the different sounds.

ii) During drawing the manila cards c.

Any two of you need to choose two objects each. Draw every each of the objects you collected in each manila card given. Expected answer: The pupil draw a picture of an object in a manila card with 2-D figure.


Make two holes on the left side of your manila card and put the CD inside the manila card with pocket given. Tie them using the string given.


Expected answer: The pupils punch their manila cards and put the CD inside the pocket. They tie their manila cards together.

For this post activity, each group is required to record the sounds of their items using the sound recorder from the program in the computer (Click ‘Start’  ‘All Programs’  ‘Accessories’  ‘Entertainment’  ‘Sound recorder’) and to draw the items in the manila cards provided. Each group has to discuss first on how to draw and what to record with each other before doing the activity.

After the discussion, the teacher will have to divide two pupils from each group to draw the items in the manila card and the other two will record the sounds. After finishing recording each sound, the pupil in charge has to mention what the item is and what causes the item to produce sound. This step continues until all the items are recorded.

The teacher plays the sound that they had recorded to ensure that their voice is clear and their answers are correct before saving it in a CD for each group. The CD is put inside the pocket of the manila cards that has been drawn by the other two pupils in the group. Each group must present their group work and the answer sheets to the teacher before the closure for grading. Teacher will inform the group which obtain the highest mark in the next lesson.

CLOSURE: ( 3 minutes)


Teacher opens a link, http://ababasoft.com/music/memory_sound.html, from the internet related to this topic in order to recap the lesson.

TEACHER SELF-REFLECTION: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _____


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