Lesson Plan Outline

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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Lesson Plan Outline Julia Aboud 260723439 Learning goal • Students will understand through literary analysis the experience of a soldier (Wilfred Owen) in World War I Learning objectives • Students will create a PowerPoint presentation on a selected Wilfred Owen poem • Students will understand the trauma that Wilfred Owen experienced and the literary techniques he used to convey it • Students will be able to identify the misconceptions that exist in our society of fighting in a war • Students will work together in groups to analyse poetry Grade level • Secondary 3 English Types of technology used • Youtube video, google documents, Powerpoint, Audacity Activities for the learning objectives • The class will begin by the teacher showing a short video about Wilfred Owen’s life. The teacher will explain the goal of the lesson, that is to understand the war from the point of view from someone who fought in it and to dispel any myths surrounding the ‘glory’ of war. A google document will be shared with the class, in which everyone will be instructed to add their preconceptions of what it must have been like to fight in the first world war. After this, Wilfred Owen poems will be assigned to groups of 4 students. Their task will be to create a Powerpoint presentation, which must include a reading of their poem (Audacity) and analysis of the literary techniques used in the poem. Each group will present to the class and receive feedback from peers

and teacher. To finish, students will reflect and revise their thoughts on the war in the google document. Learning outcomes • The teacher will informally assess by reading the changes made on the google document after the class to see what the students have learned and formally assess the Powerpoint presentations made by each group

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