Lesson Observation Form Jan 09

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More details

  • Words: 678
  • Pages: 2


Year group(s)


MixedA HighA LowA O


Support teachers / assistants


Focus: (E.g. AfL, AtL, Starters, Plenaries, QA)


Topic/ Objectives TA

Number present:

Number on register:

Length of time observed

Evaluation Focus on impact of teaching on student outcomes particularly looking at: • Progress of learners • Assessment for Learning • Subject knowledge • Teaching meeting students’ needs

Summary comment with strengths and areas for development This lesson is graded Strengths

Areas of development (no more than three)

1 = Outstanding, 4 = Inadequate

Overall quality of the lesson CPD recommendations with date of follow up action

Signed: Teacher

Welling School Observation Form



29th January 2009

Possible questions to ask a range of students during a lesson which can provide evidence to make a judgement Ask at least two questions to a student and adapt questions to lesson. Ask to see book whilst talking with student.

   

Do you understand what you are doing and why? Are you capable of doing more? Have you learned about this before? Is teaching always like this in this lesson, does it vary? Do you know how well you are doing? How do you know? Do you know which level you are on? Do you know how to improve? Is homework set regularly? May I look at your planner? What happens if homework not done?

Guidance on where to pitch judgements about the overall quality of a lesson The overall judgement will be a ‘best fit’ of the grade descriptions in the box, except in the case of an inadequate lesson where particular conditions mean that the lessons cannot be satisfactory. Description Outstanding (1)

Characteristics of the lesson The lessons is at least good in all major respects and is exemplary in significant elements, as shown by the significant progress made by all of the learners.

Good (2)

Most learners make good progress because of the good teaching they receive. Behaviour overall is good and learners are well motivated. They work in a safe, secure and friendly environment. Teaching is based on secure knowledge with a well structured range of stimulating tasks that engage the learners. The work is well matched to the full range of learners’ needs, so that most are suitably challenged. Teaching methods are effectively related to the lesson objectives and the needs of the learners. Teaching assistants and resources are well deployed and good use is made of time. Assessment of learners’ work is regular, consistent and promotes progress.

Satisfactory (3)

The lesson is inadequate in no major respect, and may be good in some respects, as shown by the satisfactory enjoyments and progress of the learners. N.B. Evidence of differentiation is essential to be graded satisfactory or above. If this is not evident a ‘significant minority will have made less than satisfactory progress’ and therefore the quality of the lesson is regarded as inadequate.

Inadequate (4)

A lesson can not be adequate if:  most learners, or a significant minority of learners, make less than satisfactory progress  learners’ overall behaviour or attitudes are unsatisfactory, SMSC development are neglected and learners’ overall personal development is poor  the health and safety of the learners is endangered  the teaching is unsatisfactory. Unsatisfactory teaching is likely to have one or more of the following:  weak knowledge of the curriculum leading to inaccurate teaching and low demands on pupils  work badly matched to the pupils’ starting points  ineffective classroom management of behaviour  methods which are poorly geared to the learning objectives or which fail to gain the interest and commitment of the learners  inadequate use of resources, including assistants and the time available  poor assessment.

Prior to feedback reflection time is essential for the teacher and observer. Feedback should be given within 24hours of the lesson. To be used for developmental purposes at this stage- no copies are to be forwarded to line managers or held centrally.

Welling School Observation Form

29th January 2009

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