Department of Education Region III Schools Division Office of Olongapo City DISTRICT IV KALALAKE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LESSON EXEMPLAR ON SCIENCE 5 (Integration of Drug Education)
OBJECTIVES: 1. Classify the main group of useful materials 2. Determine the uses and harmfulness of the properties of materials 3. Explain how different materials with different properties become useful or harmful to the community 4. Analyze when some materials become harmful
SUBJECT MATTER: USEFUL AND HARMFUL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS TOPIC: Substances/Materials of Products and their Uses or harm MATERIALS: pictures of the main group of materials, manila paper, marker, poster REFERENCES: poster - Science Links 5, Rex Bookstore PROCEDURE: A. ENGAGE: Answer the following crossword puzzle by looking at the pictures:
The pupils will be grouped into 5 and each picture will be given to the pupils. Each group will be asked to list down products made up of the materials shown on the picture assigned to their group. For each product they will determine the usefulness and harmfulness and write it on the given table to be written on manila paper. The chosen leader will read the output of the group later.
C. EXPLAIN: The teacher will discuss with the pupils the result of their group work. The teacher will explain how different materials with different properties becomes useful or harmful to the community. D. ELABORATE: The teacher will show the poster to the students to show how some drugs affect the body in a harmful way. The pupils will be asked to work in pairs to list down what they can do to prevent themselves and others from using or being addicted to the mentioned drugs IV.
EVALUATION: Choose a product or material. Make a comic strip showing how these products can be useful or harmful.
Prepared by: Elizabeth C. Sto. Domingo Teacher I Kalalake Elementary School