Lesson 4

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  • Words: 1,364
  • Pages: 35
Professional Communications Myrna Rudder Dan Solarek

Communication Modes • Business Letters – Cover letters • Similar letters

– “Thank You” letters

• Professional eMail • Telephone Basics


Business Letters Especially Cover Letters

Cover Letter / Letter of Application • Isn’t it just a throwaway? • When do I need to write a cover letter?

A handshake through the mail 4

Cover Letters • When you send a resume, you always include a cover letter. • The cover letter should be addressed to a specific person. • The cover letter should be targeted toward the job or opportunity. It is NEVER generic. • Cover letters should be one page. 5

Cover Letter Goals • Express your intent, interest, and enthusiasm in position – to connect yourself with the job – to connect with the recipient – to demonstrate you’ve done your “homework”

• Demonstrate your personality and writing ability – to impress with your style and clarity

• Complement and emphasize highlights of your resumé – to “flesh out” the resumé as it relates to the job 6

Strategies Fit the Argument to the Context

1. If you’re well qualified for the job, convince with your experience e.g.: “ My record as an engineer at ABC manufacturing is excellent, and I am excited at the possibility of contributing to the success of your company.” 7

Strategies Fit the Argument to the Context

2. If your general background fits, but the job description doesn’t really, convince with related skills e.g.: “The education and experience I’ve gained as an engineering technology student have prepared me for the co-op position.” 8

Strategies Fit the Argument to the Context

3. If your skills and experience don’t fit, persuade with your interest e.g. “Although I’ve worked in the fashion industry for ten years, I’ve always wanted to be an engineer.”


Structure Purpose Refer to job advertisement Mention company contact Preview qualifications

Supporting Details Prove claims with examples Tie qualifications to the requirements of the position Quantify evidence Detail your experience

Goodwill Closing Offer to meet for an interview Refer to resumé Make your final pitch 10

Structure Some Writers Prefer the Me-You-We Model: • •

Me (paragraph 1) – I’m very interested in this job, and here are my related qualifications. You (paragraph 2) – This is what interests me in your organization and this is how I fit the company/job. We (paragraph 3) – We will work well together, and you should give me the job. 11

Structure • Opening Paragraph – State which position you are applying for, and how you found out about the organization and/or position – Express what is attracting you to work for this organization and in this position – Arouse the reader’s interest in reading more about your qualifications 12

Structure • Middle Paragraph(s) – Give detailed information about how your qualifications fit with the position’s responsibilities – Use key words from the job description to make the connection between the employer’s needs and your skills – Include information about academics, job experience, and/or personal attributes relevant to the position 13

Structure • Closing Paragraph – – – –

Summarize your qualifications Refer the reader to your enclosed resume Mention your interest in an interview State when and how you will contact them Note: Follow up exactly when you say you will follow up! 14

Common Errors •

Don’t overuse “I” – try me/my or “burying” the I in mid-sentence e.g., “When working in the engineering department, I accomplished….”

• • •

Negative comments Vague form letters Typos! 15

Summary • Good cover letters have the following qualities: – formatted as a professional business letter – well written with no grammatical or spelling errors – written to a specific company or organization for a specific position – NO MASS MAILINGS PLEASE – contains detail that makes the reader want to read your resume more closely and interview you 16

Format • The 3-paragraph style for a cover letter is shown at right:


Format • The figure at right shows the basic template for a full-block style cover letter:


Your street addre City, State Zip C October 14, 2002 An example:

Ms. Michele Smi General Mills Re 19

Cover Letter Checklist • One page only and limited to three targeted paragraphs • type written or word processor, with full spell check and proofing • Written to someone specific, with the name and title spelled correctly • Company name and address are correct and complete • Quality bond paper, 8x11 inches, ideally the same as your resume • Three focused paragraphs (focused on the reader's need, not yours) • Closes with "Sincerely” (anything else can be too chummy) Signed with a blue or black pen • Place the resume behind and fold in a tri-fold, with no staples • Type or neatly print address on envelope • Seal the envelope • Conservative stamp on the envelope • Final step: do not forget to follow up, or all the other steps will be in vain! 20

Other Business Letters • • • • •

Thank-you Networking Prospecting / Inquiry Acceptance Non-acceptance


Thank You Letters • Generally, a thank you letter has three basic parts: – Start by thanking the interviewer for taking the time to talk with you. It is generally a good idea to include the actual date on which the interview occurred. – Reaffirm your interest in the firm by pointing out particular issues brought during the interview that appeal to you. Try to personalize the letter by referring to some topic or common interest you discussed during the interview. – Close the letter with another word of appreciation, an offer to provide more information and a statement that you look forward to hearing from them.

• Resist the temptation to sell yourself by reiterating your resume strengths. Keep it short and to the point. If you receive a call back interview, you should send another thank you letter. 22

An example:

Your Street Add City, State Zip C Date


Business eMail It isn’t IM or a chat room

Business eMail Address • Use a professional email address – University • [email protected]

– Engineering • [email protected][email protected]

• Refer back to Lesson 1 25

Business eMail Purpose What is a Good Business eMail? A good business email is one that can clearly and effectively deliver your intention, meaning, background/or reason … without ambiguity.


Business eMail Content • Business eMail communication tips – it is not the same as talking in a chat room or informally with friends – include full name in body of email – provide a Subject/Description that is clear and specific – pay attention to coherence

• Attaching a file 27

Business eMail Content • It is professional communication • It is professional writing – Shorter – Less formal (but not informal) – It can make-or-break all else you do

• It can be effective – If the employer accepts/likes this form of communication 28

Business eMail as Writing Why are good business writing skills important? 1.Employers may see your writing more than they see you. 2.Good writing skills show that you really care. 3.Good writing skills contribute more forcefully to arguments/persuasion/selling. 4.Good writing skills reduce risk of damaging a relationship and fosters good relationships with employers. 29

Business eMail Policies • What is the company policy for email usage on-the-job? – Monitored? – Archived – Abuse is cause for termination


Business eMail Caution • eMail is forever • Don’t send anything you wouldn’t want your Mother to read – Or your boss – Or the general public – etc.


Telephone Basics Common Sense

Telephone Basics • Calling an Employer – No background noise – Speak clearly, slowly – Identify yourself early in the call

• Leaving a Voice Mail – As above – Repeat your return number 33

Telephone Basics • Cell Phones – Turn off in meetings (interviews) – Don’t ignore others to talk on phone

• Being called – You message … is it professional?

• On the job – Company phone policies? – No personal calls 34

Discussion • Your questions and comments are welcome


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