Lecture Six-job Analysis

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PGP 2005-07

JOB ? A group of finite tasks to be performed and duties to be fulfilled in order to achieve an end result.

PGP 2005-07

Charting the Organization  Organization 

A chart that shows the organizationwide distribution of work, with titles of each position and interconnecting lines that show who reports to and communicates to whom.

 Process 

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A work flow chart that shows the flow of inputs to and outputs from a particular job.

JOB DESIGN is a conscious effort to organise tasks, duties and responsibilities into a unit of work to achieve a certain objective.

PGP 2005-07

JOB REDESIGN is a conscious effort to re-organise tasks, duties and responsibilities into a unit of work to satisfy both technological and human considerations simultaneously.

PGP 2005-07


Job-based approaches

Person-based approaches

Team-based approaches

PGP 2005-07

Job-Based Approaches   

Specialisation Standardisation Operations and production management (process identification, scheduling, etc)

PGP 2005-07

Techniques  Job elements  Time and motion studies  Flow charts and Process charts

Person-Based Approaches   

Job enlargement Job enrichment Job rotation

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Techniques  Job Characteristics Model

Specialized to Enlarged Jobs  Job

Enlargement = same-level activities  Job Enrichment = redesigning to experience more responsibility, achievement, growth and recognition  Job Rotation = moving from one job to another

PGP 2005-07

JOB REDESIGN Add new tasks

Rearrange existing tasks in the job

Include work done before the job


Increase feedback on performance

Include work done after the job Increase closure of tasks

Eliminate dissatisfying tasks from job PGP 2005-07

Add new responsibility

Job Characteristics Model Core Job Characteristics Skill Variety Task Identity Task Significance

Critical Psych States

Personal & Work Outcomes

Experienced meaningfulness of the work

High internal work motivation


Experienced responsibility for work outcomes

Job Feedback

Knowledge of work results Individual Differences

PGP 2005-07

High quality work performance High satisfaction with work Low absenteeism & turnover

Job Characteristics Skill Variety

The extent to which the work requires several different activities for successful completion.

Task Identity

The extent to which the job includes a “whole” identifiable unit of work that is carried out from start to finish and that results in a visible outcome.

Task Significance

The impact the job has on other people.


The extent of individual freedom and discretion in the work and its scheduling.


The amount of information received about how well or how poorly one has performed.

PGP 2005-07

Team-Based Approaches  

Sociotechnical enrichment Quality systems/circles

PGP 2005-07

Techniques  Multi-skilling  Job families  Self-managing work teams

Types of Teams SpecialPurpose Team

Organizational team formed to address specific problems, improve work processes, and enhance product and service quality.

Quality Circle

Small group of employees who monitor productivity and quality and suggest solutions to problems.

Production Cells

Grouping of workers who produce components or entire products.

Self-directed Work Team

A team composed of individuals assigned a cluster of tasks, duties, and responsibilities to be accomplished.

Shamrock Team

A team composed of a core of members, resource experts who join the team as appropriate, and part-time/temporary members as needed

PGP 2005-07


work week  Flexible working hours    

Flexitour Gliding time Flexiplace Flexyears

 Job

Sharing  Part-time Work PGP 2005-07

PGP 2005-07


PGP 2005-07

Job Analysis – What is it and how is it used? The procedure for determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be hired for it. Check the site http://www.job-analysis.net/G000.htm to find some of the purposes for which job analysis is used. PGP 2005-07

Information Collected  Activities

and behaviors  Machines, tools, equipment and work aids  Performance standards  Job context  Human requirements

PGP 2005-07

The Output of Job Analysis 

Job description  A list of a job’s duties, responsibilities, reporting relationships, working conditions, and supervisory responsibilities Job specifications  A list of a job’s “human requirements,” that is, the requisite education, skills, personality, and so on.

PGP 2005-07

Uses of Job Analysis Information  Recruitment

and Selection  Compensation  Performance Management  Training  Discovering Unassigned Duties

PGP 2005-07

Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information  Interview  Questionnaire  Observation  Participant

diary/logs  Other sources of information

PGP 2005-07

Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information: The Interview 

Information sources   

Advantages 

Individual employees Groups of employees Supervisors with knowledge of the job Quick, direct way to find overlooked information.

Disadvantages 

PGP 2005-07

Distorted information

Interview formats 

Structured (Checklist) Unstructured

Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information: Questionnaires 

Information source 

Have employees fill out questionnaires to describe their jobrelated duties and responsibilities.

Questionnaire formats 

PGP 2005-07

Structured checklists Opened-ended questions

Advantages 

Quick and efficient way to gather information from large numbers of employees

Disadvantages 

Expense and time consumed in preparing and testing the questionnaire

Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information: Observation 

Information source 

Observing and noting the physical activities of employees as they go about their jobs.

Advantages 

Disadvantages  

PGP 2005-07

Provides first-hand information Reduces distortion of information Time consuming Difficulty in capturing entire job cycle Of little use if job involves a high level of mental activity.

Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information: Participant Diary/Logs

Information source 

Workers keep a chronological diary/ log of what they do and the time spent in each activity.

Advantages 

Disadvantages  

PGP 2005-07

Produces a more complete picture of the job Employee participation Distortion of information Depends upon employees to accurately recall their activities

Writing Job Descriptions 

A job description 

A written statement of what the worker actually does, how he or she does it, and what the job’s working conditions are.

Sections of a typical job description

PGP 2005-07

Job identification

Job summary

Responsibilities and duties

Authority of incumbent

Standards of performance

Working conditions

The Job Description  Job   

Job title: name of job Grade: where it fits in the hierarchy Preparation date: when the description was written Prepared by: who wrote the description

 Job  

PGP 2005-07



Describes the general nature of the job Lists the major functions or activities

The Job Description (cont’d)  Relationships 

PGP 2005-07

(chain of command)

Reports to: employee’s immediate supervisor Supervises: employees that the job incumbent directly supervises Works with: others with whom the job holder will be expected to work and come into contact with internally. Outside the company: others with whom the job holder is expected to work and come into contact with externally.

E.g. of Relationships Statement for Human Resource Director V ic e P r e s id e n t E m p lo y e e R e la tio n s Works with all department managers and top management

PGP 2005-07

H u m a n R e s o u rc e D ir e c to r D e p a rtm e n t S e c r e ta r y

H u m a n R e s o u rc e C le r k

Test A d m in is tr a to r

L a b o r R e la tio n s M anager

Works with employment agencies, recruiters, union reps, govt. agencies, vendors

The Job Description (cont’d)  Responsibilities 

PGP 2005-07

and duties

A listing of the job’s major responsibilities and duties (essential functions) Defines limits of jobholder’s decisionmaking authority, direct supervision, and budgetary limitations.

The Job Description (cont’d)  Standards

of performance and working conditions 

PGP 2005-07

Lists the standards the employee is expected to achieve under each of the job description’s main duties and responsibilities.

Job Specifications  What

human traits and experience are required to do the job well?      

PGP 2005-07

Qualifications Prior experience Special training Personality factors Physical characteristics Other attributes/qualities

Steps in Job Analysis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

PGP 2005-07

Clarify why you are collecting the information Review relevant background information Select representative positions Conduct the analysis Verify with the worker / supervisor / mgmt. Develop a job description and job specification

The Job Analysis System JOB DESCRIPTION


PGP 2005-07


Considerations Employees have about being involved in Job Analysis –  Lack

of trust of consequences  Possible changes to job duties  Changes to pay  The same job title may have different responsibilities and pay rates in different departments

PGP 2005-07

Job Analysis in a “Jobless” World  From

specialized to enlarged jobs  Managers are “dejobbing” their companies

PGP 2005-07

i n fi

n o ti



De-jobbing is broadening the responsibilities of the company’s jobs, and encouraging employees not to limit themselves to what’s on their job descriptions - is a result of the changes taking place in business today. http://www.indiainfoline.com/bisc/mdihr06.html

PGP 2005-07

Trends leading to De-Jobbing Rapid product and technological changes


Global Changes


PGP 2005-07

Need for De-Jobbing This has increased the need for firms to be responsive, flexible, and generally more competitive. In turn, the methods managers use to accomplish this have helped weaken the meaning of job as a well-defined and clearly delineated set of responsibilities.

PGP 2005-07

How Organizations are Responding

 Flatter

structures  Boundaryless organization  Re-engineering  “Broadbanding” jobs  Competency-based job descriptions  Skills matrices

PGP 2005-07

Flat and Boundaryless Organizations General Electric

WAL MART I K E A Procter & Gamble

PGP 2005-07

Competency-Based Job Analysis  Competencies 

Demonstrable characteristics of a person that enable performance of a job.

 Competency-based 

PGP 2005-07

job analysis

Describing a job in terms of the measurable, observable, behavioral competencies (knowledge, skills, and/or behaviors) an employee must exhibit to do a job well.

Why Use Competency Analysis?  Maintain 

a strategic focus

Describing the job in terms of the skills, knowledge, and competencies the worker needs is more strategic.

 Measuring 

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Measurable skills, knowledge, and competencies are the heart of any company’s performance management process.

Skills Matrix for One Job

Note: The light blue boxes indicate the minimum level of skill required for the job.

PGP 2005-07

HRP, JD & JA Model

HR Planning


Job Design


Job Analysis

Job Description

Job Specification

Other HRM Activities (Recruitment, Selection, Performance appraisal, Training, Compensation)

Productivity, QWL, Legal Compliance PGP 2005-07

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