Lecture Notes 1, Usul Fiqh

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  • Words: 1,241
  • Pages: 26
GT20302 Introduction to USUL FIQH


Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



Contents 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) • • • • •

The Shariah The Components of Shariah The Distinction between Shariah & Fiqh Fiqh Rulings (Al-Ahkam) Usul Fiqh Definition of Usul Fiqh The differences between Fiqh and Usul Fiqh The principal objective of Usul Fiqh The purpose of Usul Fiqh The importance of Usul Fiqh Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



The Shariah • The Shariah: derived from the root of shin ra’ayn- the road to the watering place, the straight path to be followed. • Dalil: Then We have put you (O Muhammad s.a.w) on a plain way (Shariah) of (Our) commandment. So follow you that (Islamic Monotheism and its laws), and follow not the desires of those who know not. (Al-Jathiah:18) Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



The Shariah • Istilah: 1) the canon law of Islam, all the different commandments of Allah to mankind. (al-Qurtubi) • 2) the injunction revealed to the Prophet’s of Allah related to law or belief. (al-Zahawi) • 3) following strictly the injunctions of Allah or the way of Islam. (Ali bin Muhammad bin Ali al-Jurjani) Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



Components of Shariah Tawhid/ Aqidah (Belief in Oneness of Allah)


Fiqh (Guideline/ Rule on the Practices of Muslims)

Akhlaq (Code of Conduct for an Islamic Way of Life)

Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



Tawhid/Aqidah • Tawhid implies that all resources for economic use are Amanah (Trust) to man, who must utilize them according to the will of the Creator. • Man is responsible and will be held accountable for any misuse of these resources. It thus, follows that these resources are means to attain falah. (Quran, 28:77). • Tawhid has also implication in Akhirah. Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



Akhlaq • Is an innate quality fitra, such as honesty, kindness, sincerity, etc. • Can be enhanced through: Tazkiyyah al-Nafs (Purification) and Tahliyyah al-Nafs (Beautification). • Requires consistency. • Is an important aspects of corporate culture and image, hence requires proper training. Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



(Al-Munakahat) Rulings related to Islamic family life

(Al-Muamalat) Rulings related to economic transaction


(Al-Jinayat) Rulings related to crimes

(Al-Ibadat) Rulings related to acts of worshipping Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



S: various degrees of approval& disapproval F: either legal or not

S: wider circleinclude all human actions F: human actslegality & illegality

The Distinction between Shariah & Fiqh

S: based on revelations- Quran & Sunnah F: stressed on reasoning

S: body of revealed injunctions- found in Quran & Sunnah- 3 component F: one component of Shariah

S: fix & unchangeable F: changes according to circumstances

Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



Fard or Wajib



Fiqh Rulings (Al-Ahkam)



Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



Fiqh Rulings (Al-Ahkam) 1) Fard/Wajib/Compulsory/Obligatory- refers to absolute command which is supported by decisive proof, disobedience to it without any legal excuse is a sin and its denial amounts to disbelief- 2 kinds= a)‘Ayn b) Kifayah

Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



Fiqh Rulings (Al-Ahkam) 2) Sunnah/Recommended Acts- refers to deeds that are recommended to be undertaken by the Muslim- 2 kinds= a) Sunnah Mu’akkadah- highly recommended b) Sunnah ghayr Mu’akkadah- recommended

Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



Fiqh Rulings (Al-Ahkam) 3) Haram/Prohibited/Unlawful- prohibited by a decisive evidence (adillah qat’iyyah) from the Quran and Sunnah. • If commit- punishable and its omission is rewarded.

Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



Fiqh Rulings (Al-Ahkam) 4) Makruh/Abominable/Undesirable- the act whose omission is preferable and highly commanded- 2 kinds= a) Tanzihi- lesser undesirable, nearer to permissible b) Tahrimi- nearer to haram Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



Fiqh Rulings (Al-Ahkam) 5) Mubah/Jaiz/Halal/Permissible/Indifferentan act whose both commissions and omissions neither merits any reward nor entails any punishment. • No Shariah injunctions are attached to it.

Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



Usul Fiqh •

Scholars of Islamic Law divide the science of Fiqh into 2 main divisionsa) Usul- the roots or foundations b) Furu’- the branches of the law • The science of usul deals with the methods by which the rules of Fiqh are deduced from their sources. How about the science of Furu’? Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



Usul Fiqh • The science of Furu’ deals with particular injunctions (ahkam) are the results of the science of usul. • Usul Fiqh: the roots of Islamic lawexpound the indications and methods by which the rules of fiqh are deduced from their sources- Quran and Sunnah. Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



Usul Fiqh • Usul Fiqh: is the science of the source and methodology of the law. • These indications are found mainly in the Quran and Sunnah (primary sources). • Quran and Sunnah contain very little of methodology- but provide the indications from which the rules of Shariah can be deduced. Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



Usul Fiqh • Its methodology refers to the methods of ijtihad (methods of reasoning) such as qiyas (analogy), istihsan (juristic preference), istislah (public interest), istishab (presumption of continuity ), ‘urf (customary practice), ‘amal ahl al-Madinah (practice of al-Madinah people), sadd al-dhara’I (blocking the means to evil) and the rules of interpretation and deduction.

Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



Usul Fiqh • The main difference: • Fiqh: the knowledge of the detailed rules of Islamic law in its various branches/ as a law by itself/ ex: language. • Usul Fiqh: the methods that are applied in the deduction of such rules from their sources/ methodology of the law/ ex: grammar. Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



Usul Fiqh • The relationship: usul fiqh provides standard criteria for the correct deduction of the rules of fiqh from the sources of Shariah. • Faqih: a person who knows not only the rules of fiqh but also the detailed evidence in the sources. • Usul Fiqh gives an attention to distinguish a speculative text from the definitive, the manifest from the explicit, the general from the specific, the literal from the metaphorical and how to understand the implications of a given text. Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



Usul Fiqh • The principal objective of Usul Fiqh: to regulate Ijtihad and to guide the jurist in his effort at deducing the law from its sources. • The purpose of Usul Fiqh: is to help the jurist to obtain an adequate knowledge of the sources of Shariah and of the methods of juristic deduction and inference. Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



Usul Fiqh •

The importance of Usul Fiqh is irrefutable as it examines: a) the sources of Islamic Law b) the methods that must be used to deduce the rules c) the person who is legally qualified and equipped to deduce these laws. Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



Usul Fiqh • Ibn Khaldun (d. 808AH/1406CE)= “(It is) one of the greatest sciences of the Shariah, the most powerful and beneficial science.” • Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (d. 606AH/1209CE) also stressed the importance of Usul Fiqh in his work Al-Mahsul when he said= “That it is the most importance science for the Mujtahid.” Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



Take Home Test

• Briefly, explain the history and the development of Usul Fiqh.

Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad



Thank you very much for your attention

est wishes to you in your endeavours and may God bless you. Copyright@2008 GT20302/Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad


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