Lecture Notes 10_usul Fiqh

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  • Pages: 22


CONTENTS 1) Introduction 2) The Value (Hukm) of Ijtihad 3) Conditions (Shurut) of Ijtihad 4) The Ranks of the Mujtahidun

Copyright Reserved@2008 Mohd Zulkifli Muham 2

Introduction • Literally means striving, or selfexertion in any activity which entails a measure of hardship.

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Introduction • Ijtihad is defined as the total expenditure of effort made by a jurist in order to infer, with a degree of probability, the rules of Shari'ah from their detailed evidence in the sources.

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Introduction • Some ulema have defined ijtihad as the application by a jurist of all his faculties either in inferring the rules of Shari'ah from their sources, or in implementing such rules and applying them to particular issues.

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Introduction • Ijtihad essentially consists of an inference (istinbat) that amounts to a probability (zann), thereby excluding the extraction of a ruling from a clear text.

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The Value (Hukm) of Ijtihad 1) Ijtihad becomes a personal obligation (wajib or fard `ayn) of the qualified mujtahid in urgent cases, that is, when there is fear that the cause of justice or truth may be lost if ijtihad is not immediately attempted.

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The Value (Hukm) of Ijtihad 2) Ijtihad becomes a fard kafa'i when there is no urgency over ijtihad, or in the event where other mujtahids are available.

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The Value (Hukm) of Ijtihad 3) Ijtihad is recommended (mandub) in all cases where no particular issue has been referred to the mujtahid, or when it is attempted in the absence of an issue by way of theoretical construction at the initiative of the jurist himself.

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The Value (Hukm) of Ijtihad 4) Ijtihad is forbidden (haram) when it contradicts the decisive rules of the Qur'an, the Sunnah and a definite ijma'.

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Conditions (Shurut) of Ijtihad 1) Knowledge of Arabic to the extent that enables the scholar to enjoy a correct understanding of the Qur'an and the Sunnah.

Copyright Reserved@2008 Mohd Zulkifli11 Muham

Conditions (Shurut) of Ijtihad 2) The mujtahid must also be knowledgeable in the Qur'an and the Sunnah, the Makki and the Madinese contents of the Qur'an, the occasions of its revelation (asbab alnuzul), the incidences of abrogation therein, and the legal contents.

Copyright Reserved@2008 Mohd Zulkifli12 Muham

Conditions (Shurut) of Ijtihad 3) The mujtahid must possess an adequate knowledge of the Sunnah, especially that part of it which relates to the subject of his ijtihad.

Copyright Reserved@2008 Mohd Zulkifli13 Muham

Conditions (Shurut) of Ijtihad 4) The mujtahid must also know the substance of the furu`works and the points on which there is an ijma'. He should be able to verify the consensus of the Companions, the Successors, and the leading Imams and mujtahidun of the past so that he is guarded against the possibility of issuing an opinion contrary to such an ijma`.

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Conditions (Shurut) of Ijtihad 5) The mujtahid must possess an adequate knowledge of Qiyas. 6) The mujtahid should know the objectives (maqasid) of the Shari'ah, which consist of the masalih (considerations of public interest).

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Conditions (Shurut) of Ijtihad 7) The mujtahid must be an upright (`adil) person who refrains from committing sins and whose judgement the people can trust.

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The Ranks of the Mujtahidun 1) Full Mujtahid (mujtahid fi'l-shar'). This rank is assigned to chose who fulfilled all the requirements of ijtihad. They deduced the ahkam from the evidence in the sources, and in so doing were not restricted by the rules of a particular madhhab. The learned among the Companions,the leading Imams of the four schools.

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The Ranks of the Mujtahidun 2) Mujtahids within the School. These are jurists who expounded the law within the confines of a particular school while adhering to the principles laid down by their Imams. Among the prominent names that feature in this category are Zafar b. al-Hudhayl, Hasan b. Ziyad.

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The Ranks of the Mujtahidun 3) Mujtahids on Particular Issues. These are jurists who were competent to elucidate and apply the law in particular cases which were not settled by the jurists of the first and second ranks.

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The Ranks of the Mujtahidun 4) The so-called ashab al-takhrij, who did not deduce the ahkam but were well conversant in the doctrine and were able to indicate which view was preferable in cases of ambiguity, or regarding suitability to prevailing conditions.

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The Ranks of the Mujtahidun 5) The ashab al-tarjih are those who were competent to make comparisons and distinguish the correct (sahih) and the preferred (rajih, arjah) and the agreed upon (mufta biha) views from the weak ones.

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Copyright Reserved@2008 Mohd Zulkifli22 Muham

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