Lecture 7

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  • Words: 1,165
  • Pages: 28
LECTURE SEVEN Midterm Exam Review

In today’s lecture…. • YOUR READING LOGS ARE DUE!!! • CHANGE IN COURSE GRADING SYSTEM • Some students still need to hand in their Student Profile!!! • NO Student Profile = NO exam  • You have it in BEFORE the start of the exam. • Exam rules • Some extra exam tips • Midterm exam outline and study tips

Reading logs are due bef or e I leave this classroom today!!!

Change in Course grading system ORIGINAL GRADING SYSTEM Attendance (10% of this is General Attitude) Midterm Exam Final Exam Reading Logs (wit h pr ese ntat io n) TO TAL

20% 20% 30% 30% 100 %

NEW GRADING SYSTEM Attendance (10% of this is General Attitude) Midterm Exam Final Exam (read ing lo g prese ntat io n) Reading Logs TO TAL

20% 30% 30% 20% 10 0%

Exam Rules • • • • •

NO cell phone use. NO dictionaries allowed. NO talking. NO asking to go to the bathroom. NO cheating. ANY form of ch eatin g wil l NOT b e allo wed and wi ll result in a faile d e xa m, faile d co urse grad e!! !

8. When you are done, you can leave but please leave quietly and DO NOT hang out outside the classroom door.

Some Extra Exam Tips • • • • • •

Bring an extra pencil or pen If you are using pen, please use white-out (correction tape) Print clearly and neatly. Show up a little early for the exam. Go to the bathroom BEFORE the exam starts. Read the full question and think before you start writing an answer. • Re-check ALL your answers. • Don’t leave any question unanswered. • Write your name and Dankook ID# on EVERY exam page.

Midterm Outline…

Midterm Outline PART A: PART B: PART C: PART D: PART E:

Definitions Key Phrases Multiple Choice Short Answer Reading Strategies TOTAL:

10 ?’s 5 ?’s 10 ?’s 10?’s 2 ?’s 38 questions

“In the Name of Beauty” “Who Took That Tooth?” “Myths about Pimples” “I Cut the Cheese!” “Are Sports Bad for You?”

/20 /10 /10 /20 /30 = 90 points

Part A: Definitions = 20 points • Pick 10 out of the 13 words and give a short English definition. • Each definition is worth 2 points.

STUDY TIPS: • Review ALL the lecture’s focused vocabulary. • Be sure to be able to give a short English definition.

Part B: Key Phrases = 10 points • Five key phrases, 2 points each. • Use each of the key phrase properly in a sentence.

STUDY TIPS: • Review ALL the lecture’s focused key phrases. • Know how to use them properly in a sentence.

Lecture Two’s Focused Vocabulary • • • • • • • • •

cosmetic ancient appearance protect kohl dye chalk henna harmless

• • • • • • • • • • •

chemical Italian Renaissance lead drop powder belladonna nerve pupil rouge mercury culture

sulphur (=sulfur)





Key Phrases •

in some cases

in the name of ~

end up

Lecture Three’s Focused Vocabulary • • • • • • • • • • • •

custom belief consider magical creature fairy western offer present roof tradition similar

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

mouse responsible respect guardian angel respect exchange exact origin unknown although instead probably exchange centuries pillow skim

Key Phrases •

skimming a reading

the wee hours

add up

count on

Lecture Four’s Focused Vocabulary • • • • • • • • • • • •

acne pimple zit experience hormone teen teenager puberty myth germ further pop

• • • • • • • • • • • •

redness infection specialize encourage relate instance skin oil necessarily frequently irritate remedy

Key phrases • grow up • turn into • get rid of

Lecture Five’s Focused Vocabulary • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

toot fart gas embarrass admit swallow intestine blood produce chemical reaction bacteria nervous oxygen source digestive system absorb

• • • • • • • •

stinky bean sugar harmful stomachache pressure release delay

Key Phrases • • • •

cut the cheese pass gas face up to sooner or later

Lecture Six’s Focused Vocabulary • • • • • • • • • • •

self-esteem negative positive effect aggressive behavior research million impression adult connection

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

coach cause further reinforce feedback insult cheer acceptable media violence society value injure

Key Phrases • call (someone) names • over and over • knock yourself out

Part C: Multiple Choice = 10 points • Ten questions about the articles we read in class.

Study Tips: • Study the reading comprehension questions in the textbook and know the details of each reading.

Part D: Short Answer = 20 points

In the Name of Beauty

Who Took That Tooth?

Myths about Pimples

I Cut the Cheese!

Are Sports Bad for You?

Reading Strategies learned: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Pre-reading and predicting New vocabulary Skimming Summarizing Retelling Questioning (who/what/when/where/why/how?) 7. Making Connections (text-to-self/text-to-text/text-to-world)

Reading Strategies 1.

Pre -readi ng an d pre di cti ng . Look at any pictures, headings, subtitles, charts or anything that may give you clues about what the reading passage is about.


Ke epi ng a pe rso nal d ic ti onary . (New v oc abu lary ) List any new words/phrases in it.

8. Skim mi ng o ver a read ing. Read the reading and ignore the words you don‘t know. Once you have a general idea of what the passage is about, go back and skim the passage for words you don't know. Look up those words in a dictionary.

Reading Strategies continued… 4. S um marizi ng Summarize what you have read in shorter terms. Ignore the examples, finer details and simplify the main points. 5. R et ell ing Retell what you have read (summarize) and give your opinion on it. 6. Ques ti oning (who/what/when/where/why/how???) 12. Maki ng Connecti ons

Part E: Reading Strategies = 30 points

• Two questions about the class readings, using the reading strategies learned in class. – Example questions: 1. For the reading “X” or “X”, make a questioning web diagram. = 18 points 3. For the reading “X”, make a making connections mind map. = 12 points

STUDY TIPS: • Be sure to understand the reading strategies learned and how to make a web diagram/ mind map. • Study th e i mp ort ant de tails of each class reading!!!

Questioning Web Diagram WHERE?

WHO? WHAT? (summary)




Making Connections Mind Map




[art icl e ti tl e]

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