Lecture #3 - Carbohydrates & Lipids

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  • Words: 445
  • Pages: 23
Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

Biology 301 Cellular and Molecular Biology Spring 2002

Lecture # 3: Carbohydrates & Lipids

Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

Overall outline  Polymer Chemistry  Carbohydrates  Lipids

Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

Polymer Chemistry  Polymerization (dehydration synthesis)  Hydrolysis

Polymerization (dehydration synthesis)

Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University


Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

Carbohydrates  Introduction to carbohydrates  The structure and classification of some

monosaccharides  Cyclic structure of sugars  Linear & ring forms of glucose  Hexose sugars. Glucose, galactose and fructose (right)  Examples of disaccharides  Storage polysaccharides  Starch & cellulose compared  Arrangement of cellulose  Glycosidic bond & hydrolysis

Introduction to carbohydrates

Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

The structure and classification of some monosaccharides

Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

Cyclic structure of sugars

Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

Linear & ring forms of glucose

Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

Hexose sugars. Glucose (left), galactose (middle), and fructose (right)

Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

Examples of disaccharides

Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

Storage polysaccharides

Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

Starch & cellulose compared

Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

Arrangement of cellulose

Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

Glycosidic bond & hydrolysis A glycosidic bond is formed  from an alcohol on one sugar  attacking the hemiacetal  carbon of the other sugar.   Hence polysaccharides can be  described as intermolecular  acetals. Acetals (and by  implication — glycosidic  bonds) are stable under basic  conditions.

Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

Lipids  The synthesis and structure of a fat, or triacylglycerol  Saturated and unsaturated fats and fatty acids  Structure of a phosopholipid  Self-assembly of phospholipids  Cholesterol: a steroid  Cholesterol: 3-D model

The synthesis and structure of a fat, or triacylglycerol

Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

Saturated and unsaturated fats and fatty acids

Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

Structure of a phosopholipid

Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

Self-assembly of phospholipids

Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

Cholesterol: a steroid

Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

Cholesterol: 3-D model

Ogan Gurel, MD Biology 301 Lecture #3 Roosevelt University

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