Leadership Style Cbt

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  • Pages: 121

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Course Overview and Objectives

Everyday, leaders are faced with different situations, and their staff involved in dealing with those different situations. Leaders must be flexible in the style offered to each and every employee for which they are responsible. This workshop explores the different situational leadership styles one may use to effectively be a leader in any circumstance.

Our learning expectations are:

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• Identify characteristics of an effective leader • Understand the different styles of leadership • Apply leadership styles to situations • Assess your own leadership style

Course Contents If you want to see how things work in this course, click on me and I’ll walk you through the process with some practice slides. Otherwise click on one of the links below and start right in with the actual course.

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Understand the characteristics of the different styles of leadership

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Apply leadership styles to situations


Chapter 3

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Assess your own leadership style

Welcome to our “scenario-based” learning activities.

In order to go through the complete online course, you’ll need to set aside about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Each scenario will give you the opportunity to use your experience and expertise to address the situational need. It will also give you the chance to learn some things about situational leadership that you may not have been aware of to this point. When you’re ready to see how things work in this course, leftclick once on the green arrow button labeled “Next Slide”.

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The “Pile Up!” Patty was recently promoted to section

These buttons are not on seems to be supervisor, andactivated although she this screen. Tookay proceed, click doing in mostjust areas of her responsibilities, the Greenwhen “Next Slide”tobutton. it comes paperwork, well she just seems to be swamped! She’s mentioned her dilemma to you at a previous staff meeting, and intended talkactivated with her about These you buttons are to not on it, but up until this point when you passed this screen. To proceed, just click by her desk, you had no Slide” ideabuttons how bad are things These notwere! activated on the Green “Next button.

this just click These buttons are activated on It’s time fornot ascreen. little chatTo andproceed, putting your thestyle Green “Next button. this screen. To proceed, clickSlide” leadership tojust effective use. Click on the style button. you would use from the the Greenleadership “Next Slide”


selections below:

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What you’ll see as you progress from screen to screen, and situation to situation is something similar to what is on this screen. You’ll be presented with a scenario that calls for a situational leadership style approach. Your job then is to make your selection of what type of leadership style you would use to address the situation. When you select a style, you will be taken to another window in which you will get some feedback about your leadership style and how it might affect the employee in the situation. For now though, just click the Green “Next Slide” button to proceed.

Benefits of using this Style

Challenges with using this Style


“Supporting.” Here the locus of control for day-to-day decision-making and problem-solving shifts from leader to follower. The leader’s role is to provide recognition and to actively listen and facilitate problem-solving/decision-making on the part of the follower. This is appropriate since the follower(s) has the ability and knowledge to do the task whenever the use of this style is warranted.






SUPPORTIVE BEHAVIOR is defined as: The extent to which a leader engages in two-way communication, listens, provides support and encouragement, facilitates interaction, and involves the follower(s) in decision-making. Three words can be used to define SUPPORTIVE BEHAVIOR: praise, listen, and facilitate.


In your group, discuss each leadership style, and indicate in the space below that style when you think you would use that style, and under what conditions.



Two-way communication will provide None at this point. support and encouragement for any problem-solving ideas Patty comes up Leadership Style Participant's Guide with. Involve Patty in the decisionmaking that will affect a better outcome, since she knows her HELP Menu workload best. Active listening will help you provide L Employee Morale any needed coaching in case she runs Information about using the Mouse. H into a mental block. How to pick up where you left off in the course.

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Lets say you chose the leadership style Supporting. On this screen you would see the benefits and challenges of using that situational leadership style in this scenario, like in the above example. The style you use may affect the employee’s morale and you will see an indicator reflecting that too.


Page 3

So now what do you say? After a point in your dialogue with Patty, she states what you see in the photo at right. You are now in a position to use additional leadership styles, or focus more intently on the style you just used.

What do you mean you support whatever decision I make to get things under control? I need some help here! How about getting me a temp.

Think about her remarks and decide on a

These communications buttons areThese nottact. activated buttons on not activated on Click onare the leadership style you from this screen. Towould proceed, thisuse screen. just the click Toselections proceed,below: just click the Green “Next Slide” the Green button. “Next Slide” button. Supporting




These buttons are not These activated buttons on are not activated on this screen. To proceed, this screen. just clickTo proceed, just click the Green “Next Slide” thebutton. Green “Next Slide” button. Next Slide Previous Slide HELP Exit Class

After you get feedback about your initial approach to using a particular leadership style, there may be additional dialogue with the employee, which will give you even more opportunity to use your leadership communications style to address issues or concerns, like in the example above. Click the Green demonstration.

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“Coaching.” In this style, the leader still provides a great deal of direction and leads with his/her ideas, but he or she also attempts to hear the followers’ feelings about decisions as well as their ideas and suggestions. While two-way communication and support are increased, control over decision-making remains with the leader.





Challenges with using this Style

At this point you might use “active She might feel like the final decision is listening” to uncover what obstacles not under her control anymore, and the employee faces in scheduling her that she will just have to work harder work and time. You might make more to accomplish her task assignments. specific suggestions about how she Morale may slip a little bit. handles her work assignments and get her feedback on those suggestions.


Benefits of using this Style




In your group, discuss each leadership style, and indicate in the space below that style when you think you would use that style, and under what conditions.



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Lets say this time you chose the leadership style Coaching. On this screen you would see the benefits and challenges of using that situational leadership style in this scenario, like in the above example. The style you use may affect the employee’s morale and you will see an indicator reflecting that too.

Employee Morale H


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So that’s basically how you’ll be going through the course, always at your own pace, and being able to go back to previous screens to review steps you took in your progress. If for some reason, you need to exit completely out of the class, just click on the Red Exit Class button on the left. You can always pick up in the chapter where you left off if you haven’t finished the program. When you’re ready to begin the course, click on the green Next Slide button over on the left side of the screen.

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Lets begin with the four leadership styles. First of all the definition of a leadership style is the pattern of behaviors you use when you are trying to influence the behaviors of others as perceived by them.

Which Do I Go? There are basically fourWay leadership styles that can be applied to problem solving and decision making. The chart below shows four quadrants, each of which contains a leadership style that Leadership style is the is available to pattern you. of behaviors you use when you are trying to influence the behaviors of others as perceived by them. HELP Menu

There are basically four leadership styles that can be applied to problem solving the making. next slide we’ll look at four thequadrants, characteristics of contains each style. andOn decision The chart below shows each of which a leadership style that is available to you. In your group, discuss each leadership style, and indicate in the space below that style when you think you would use that style, and under what conditions.

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Lets start with the Supporting style.


Also notice where the Supporting style falls on the Leadership Chart. Besides the quadrants, there are x and y axes indicating higher or lower degrees of “supportive behavior” as well as “directive behavior”. A Supporting style would then fall on the high degree of the supportive behavior axis and low on the directive behavior axis.

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Here the locus of control for day-to-day decisionmaking and problem-solving shifts from leader to follower. The leader’s role is to provide recognition and to actively listen and facilitate problemsolving/decision-making on the part of the follower. This is appropriate since the follower(s) has the ability COACHING and knowledge to do the task whenever the use of this style is warranted.





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Now lets look at the Delegating style.


Notice where the Delegating style falls on the Leadership Chart. A Delegating style would fall on the low degree of the supportive behavior axis. It also falls on the low end of the directive behavior axis.

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In this style, the leader discusses the problems with subordinate(s) until joint agreement is achieved on problem definition and then the decision-making process is delegated totally to the follower. Now it is the subordinate who has significant control for deciding how tasks are to be accomplished. Follower(s) COACHING are allowed to “run their own show” because they have both competence and confidence to take responsibility for directing their own behavior.





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Now lets look at the Coaching style.

Notice where the Coaching style falls on the Leadership Chart. A Coaching style would fall on the high degree of the supportive behavior axis, and it also falls on the high end of the directive behavior axis.


In this style, the leader still provides a great deal of direction and leads with his/her ideas, but he or she also attempts to hear the followers’ feelings about decisions as well as their ideas and suggestions. While two-way communication and support are increased, control over decisionmaking remains with the leader.





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Now lets look at the Directing style. In this style, the leader defines the roles of followers and tells them what, how, when, and where to do various tasks. Problem-solving and decision-making are initiated solely by the manager. Solutions and decisions are announced; communication is largely one-way, and implementation is closely supervised by the leader.


Notice where the Directing style falls on the Leadership Chart. A Directing style would fall on the low degree of the supportive behavior axis, while placing on the high end of the directive behavior axis.


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So then you’ll follow up with Mary in Budget and get those figures worked up for the presentation next Wednesday? The only thing I ask when you create the presentation is, please be concise. I’ll make a note of that and you have my promise to keep things short and to the point.

Alright. Lets take a minute to test our understanding of the four basic leadership styles. Here’s how the test works. Over on the left side of this screen is a scenario-based character beginning a dialogue with a follower. See if you can tell by his dialogue what leadership style category it falls into. To make your choice of leadership style, just click once with your mouse in the box next to one of the styles below, and you’ll get feedback right away. Good luck!

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In your group, discuss each leadership style, and indicate in the space below that style when you think you would use that style, and under what conditions.

Benefits of using this Style The follower is in control of obtaining the figures for the presentation and decides on his own how to present them, as long as the overall presentation is concise.

Challenges with using this Style Not anything of significance. The follower may feel some limited creativity in trying to keep the presentation brief, but that should not get in the way of success.






“Delegating.” In this style, the leader discusses the problems with subordinate(s) until joint agreement is achieved on problem definition and then the decisionmaking process is delegated totally to the follower. Now it is the subordinate who has significant control for deciding how tasks are to be accomplished. Follower(s) are allowed to “run their own show” because they have both competence and confidence to take responsibility for directing their own behavior.



You chose Delegating!



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Excellent choice! Although at the low end of the supportive behavior axis, it is still a supportive style in that the employee does have autonomy with only minimal guidelines for the final outcome. HELP Menu Information about using the Mouse. How to pick up where you left off in the course. The Navigation Buttons.

Employee Morale H


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In your group, discuss each leadership style, and indicate in the space below that style when you think you would use that style, and under what conditions.

Benefits of using this Style Gives the follower independent decision-making power over obtaining the figures and using them in a presentation. And also allows him to judge what “concise” means.

Challenges with using this Style May not be enough emphasis on keeping the presentation brief and to the point. The definition of concise is not clearly communicated.






“Supporting.” Here the locus of control for day-to-day decision-making and problem-solving shifts from leader to follower. The leader’s role is to provide recognition and to actively listen and facilitate problem-solving/decision-making on the part of the follower. This is appropriate since the follower has the ability and knowledge to do the task whenever the use of this style is warranted.



You chose Supporting!



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An acceptable choice, with an advisory. Although the follower definitely seems to have the knowledge and ability to prepare and present the report, he may need to hear from an authority figure that the presentation must be brief. It’s a fine line here, but that HELP Menu timing element may be critical once in the meeting with other key staff. Information about using the Mouse.


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Benefits of using this Style The leader may hear the follower’s ideas and make suggestions about them, as well as provide support for them.

Challenges with using this Style The leader may have too much control over the process, the content and definitely the timing of the presentation.


“Coaching.” In this style, the leader still provides a great deal of direction and leads with his/her ideas, but he or she also attempts to hear the followers’ feelings about decisions as well as their ideas and suggestions. While two-way communication and support are increased, control over decision-making remains with the leader.






You chose Coaching!


In your group, discuss each leadership style, and indicate in the space below that style when you think you would use that style, and under what conditions.



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Pursuing this style at this stage of the project development may be too restrictive. Although the follower’s ideas may be heard, there is good chance only the leader’s perspective will have influence. HELP Menu Information about using the Mouse.


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Benefits of using this Style Not any of significance.

Challenges with using this Style The follower will appear to only be adhering to orders. Creativity in design and delivery of the presentation will most likely be hampered.


“Directing.” The leader defines the roles of followers and tells them what, how, when, and where to do various tasks. Problem-solving and decision-making are initiated solely by the manager. Solutions and decisions are announced; communication is largely one-way, and implementation is closely supervised by the leader.






You chose Directing!


In your group, discuss each leadership style, and indicate in the space below that style when you think you would use that style, and under what conditions.



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Considering that the follower in this scenario appears to have a grasp of what information to include in the presentation, how to get it, and then how to make the presentation, directing this employee would have a negative effect on a successful outcome. HELP Menu


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Recap of Selecting a “Style” Challenges with using this Style






Benefits of using this Style



In your group, discuss each leadership style, and indicate in the space below that style when you think you would use that style, and under what conditions.



Leadership Style Participant's Guide

Notice that in the previous exercise, you were only allowed to use one Style to address the situation. Each of those styles in any given situation will probably have Benefits as well as Challenges. As we go forward, we will start to see the advantages of “Blending” Styles to take the greatest advantage of what each Style has to offer in various situations. Next Slide Previous Slide

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Since leadership style has the greatest effect on people in a situation, it would be best to know something about the development level of those whom you are about to lead. Development level is defined as the Competence and Commitment of the follower(s) to perform a particular task without supervision. Competence can be developed with appropriate direction and support. It is a function of knowledge and skills which can be gained from education, training, and experience. Commitment is a combination of motivation and confidence. Confidence is a measure of a person’s self-assuredness to do a task, while motivation is a person’s interest and enthusiasm in doing that task. Situational Leadership identifies four development levels: Low (D1), Low to Moderate (D2), Moderate to High (D3), High (D4). Each of these development levels represents a different combination of competence and commitment as shown below:

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High Competence ________ High Commitment

High Competence ________ Variable Commitment

Some Competence ________ Low Commitment

Low Competence ________





High Commitment

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High Competence ________ High Commitment

High Competence ________ Variable Commitment

Some Competence ________ Low Commitment

Low Competence ________







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High Commitment

Hey, what if we try …

According to Situational Leadership, as the development level of individuals increases from D1 to D4, their competence and commitment fluctuates. When first beginning a new task where they have had little, if any, prior knowledge or experience, most individuals are enthusiastic and ready to learn (D1).

High Competence ________ High Commitment

High Competence ________ Variable Commitment

Some Competence ________ Low Commitment




Low Competence ________ High Commitment




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Then when they begin to get into the task, individuals often find it is either more difficult to learn to perform the task than they thought it was going to be or less interesting than they had anticipated. This disillusionment decreases their commitment (D2).

High Competence ________ High Commitment

High Competence ________ Variable Commitment

Some Competence ________ Low Commitment




Low Competence ________ High Commitment




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If they overcome this state of development and learn to perform the task with help from their boss, most individuals then go through a self-doubt stage where they question whether they can perform the task well on their own. Their boss says they’re competent but they’re not so sure. These alternating feelings of competence and self-doubt cause the variable commitment associated with D3 commitment which fluctuates from excitement to insecurity.

High Competence ________ High Commitment

High Competence ________ Variable Commitment

Some Competence ________ Low Commitment

Low Competence ________






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High Commitment


It is important when thinking about someone’s development level to remember that people are not “fullydeveloped” or “under-developed”. In other words, development level is not a global concept, it is a task specific concept. That is to say that HELP Menu people tend to be at different levels Information about using the Mouse.of development depending on the task, function, or objective How to pick up where you left off in specific the course. that they are assigned. The Navigation Buttons.

With proper support, individuals can eventually become peak performers who demonstrate a high level of competence, motivation and confidence. In other words, given the appropriate amounts of direction and support, individuals move from one level of development to another, from being an enthusiastic beginner to a disillusioned learner to a reluctant contributor to a peak performer.

So How Do You Know Which Style Should Be Used?



It Depends! Although it is nice and neat to put leadership styles into boxes and ask you to choose to use one versus another, the question here is: will that work in real life? Based on research, it has been shown that successful leaders adapt their style of leadership to fit the requirements of the situation. In particular, it was found that the amount of direction or support that a leader should provide depends on the development level that the follower(s) exhibits on a specific task, function, or objective to be accomplished. An example of this can be seen in the chart below.

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DIRECTIVE BEHAVIOR (High) MODERATE D3 Development Level of Follower(s)







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Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific direction and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.



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Development Level of Follower(s)



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Lets look at that “Bell Curve” in more detail. Click inside the circle to get more information about the Directing leadership style.

Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader






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) Developed

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Lets look at that “Bell Curve” in more detail. Click inside the circle to get more information about the Coaching leadership style.




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) Developed

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Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ efforts to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decision-making, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

Lets look at that “Bell Curve” in more detail. Information about using the Mouse. Click inside the circle to How to pick up where you left off in the course.get more information about the Supporting The Navigation Buttons. leadership style.

“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.




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Lets look at that “Bell Curve” in more detail. Information about using the Mouse. Click inside the circle to How to pick up where you left off in the course. get more information about the Delegating The Navigation Buttons. leadership style.

So as you can see from our studies, and probably by your reallife experiences, the Leadership Style you use in any given situation depends! Click on the Green Next Slide button to continue with the course.



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D3 Development Level of Follower(s)





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Scenario Background: You’re a Recreation Department supervisor for the City of St. Petersburg, and Jimmy Blake is a new employee reporting directly to you, who has been on the job about 2 months. Jimmy’s position has him working specifically with children at one of the Recreation Centers. He came to the City with some experience working for another municipality in the same type of function, and that’s one of the reasons you hired him. You’re generally pleased with how he’s coming along in his position, but there are some things you’re concerned about and you need to speak with him as soon as possible.

Like the first one we did, read the scenario at left, and see if you can determine the best leadership style to use for this follower and in this situation. Click in the box next to the style you think is the most effective to use, and you’ll get your feedback.

He seems to get pretty upset with some of the more challenging kids. It may be time to discuss our policies with Jimmy with respect to children behaving badly.

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Now that we have a more complete (although more complex) picture of how to apply leadership styles to different situations, lets test our knowledge again with a new scenario.


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Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decision-making, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.





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Development Level of Follower(s)

Benefits of using this Style Previous Slide Supporting only the employee’s specific




I’m not sure about your choice in this situation. Take a look at the Feedback Box.

Challenges with using this Style

behaviors that are productive and support City policy will be a benefit in setting a foundation to discuss your areas of concern.



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) Developed

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You really can’t share in decision-making in this regard. Jimmy needs to understand policies concerning disciplining children, or in any way making them feel intimidated.

Employee Morale

Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader





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Development Level of Follower(s) Benefits of using this Style This style will allow you to use directive behavior to inform Jimmy of better methods of handling some children. It will also encourage two-way communication with Jimmy, and allow you to control decision-making.



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) Developed

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A much better choice in this situation. Take a look at the Feedback Box.

Challenges with using this Style In this situation challenges with this style are minimized because you are in control while maintaining open communications with the follower.

Employee Morale


Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.



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Development Level of Follower(s) Benefits of using this Style Allows you to identify the problem area and indicate the responsibility for carrying out the plans is the follower’s.

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) Developed

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Definitely not an effective choice in this situation. Take a look at the Feedback Box.

Challenges with using this Style You can’t allow the follower to “run the show” and decide on how, when, and where the actions will be taken. The negativity must be corrected immediately. Communications might be limited.

Employee Morale

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Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.


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Development Level of Follower(s) Benefits of using this Style

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I’m not sure about your choice in this situation. Take a look at the Feedback Box.

Challenges with using this Style

Won’t allow for support from you. This follower’s situations. You can tell him how these types of commitment level to adhering to City policy is yet children should be handled under what conditions. to be determined. May be overkill at this point.

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Employee Morale


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Once again, we see the limitations of applying only one style to a situation, as opposed to being able to Blend one or more of them together. Let’s look at that exercise again, but this time you will be able to select one or more Leadership Styles to address the problem situation. Click the Next Button

Scenario Background: You’re a Recreation Department supervisor for the City of St. Petersburg, and Jimmy Blake is a new employee reporting directly to you, who has been on the job about 2 months. Jimmy’s position has him working specifically with children at one of the Recreation Centers. He came to the City with some experience working for another municipality in the same type of function, and that’s one of the reasons you hired him. You’re generally pleased with how he’s HELP Menu coming along in his position, but there are some things you’re concerned about and you need to speak with him as soon as possible. Information about using the Mouse. How to pick up where you left off in the course. The Navigation Buttons. He seems to get pretty upset with some of the more challenging kids. It may be time to discuss our policies with Jimmy with respect to children behaving badly.

In this case, lets look at the same scenario in which we just applied a single Leadership Style, Only this time see if you can determine the best leadership styles to use for this follower and in this situation. Click in the box next to each style you think will work best, either alone or in combination with other styles. Once you have made your Style choices, click on the Proceed Button to get your feedback. If you need to Reset the choices, just press the Reset Button, and make your selections again.

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Makin’ The Scene!

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To access any of the situations below, just click on the scenario link and you’ll be taken to a screen where you can test your Leadership Style skill.

The “Situations”

• “The Know It All Newbie”! • “The Full Plate Syndrome” Previous Slide HELP Exit Class

• “Nobody Showed Me”

Ready for some more scenarios? On this slide you can take your choice of scenarios that you want to experiment with. The list of scenarios to the left, indicates different situations. You can come back to this screen after you’ve finished a scenario and choose another to get more practice. When you have practiced enough and would like to move on to the next part of the course, just click the Green “Next Slide” button.


“The Know It All Newbie”!


This is Nick Knowlogy who finds it extremely difficult to maintain his humility. Although Nick just started in your department a couple of weeks ago, he is already making enemies with his co-workers because of his “know-it-all” attitude. It’s true that Nick did come to your organization with a certain amount of knowledge about the way this business is run, but his somewhat arrogant stance is hard for the other employees to take. You’ve had a few complaints from some of your staff, and now you’ve just taken a call from an employee in another department about Nick’s “all-knowing” ways. You’ve just called Nick in for a discussion. Get ready to use your most effective leadership style or styles throughout this chat.


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Development Level of Follower(s)


) Developed

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I guess you called me in today to congratulate me on getting Project XYZ done in record time, huh? It was a cinch. I can’t wait to sink my teeth into something that’s really challenging!

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Support ing

Benefits of using this Style

You might be able to support his initiative and follow-through, but in this overall context, that support would only be the beginning of a conversation leading to corrective behavior.


Employee Morale H

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Challenges with using this Style You might find it awkward to compliment his work and then at once caution him about alienating team members.

An interesting choice, all by itself. Although this follower definitely seems to have the knowledge and ability to get the job done, he obviously needs to hear how important teamwork is in your work unit. Using this leadership style exclusively might prove to be challenging, because on one hand you’ll be supporting diligent and productive work, and at the same time providing a caution about workplace relations. For a reminder of what the Supporting leadership style does, click on the Reminder Button you see to my left. You might want to consider another choice of style, or maybe even a blend of styles.

Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decision-making, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.


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Coachin g

Benefits of using this Style

Challenges with using this Style

Opens up communications between you and the This may not go far enough in your emphasis to follower so he can understand others’ the follower that some changes have to be made perceptions and consequences of his work style. to maintain effective and productive work relations with other team members.


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This style is definitely called for in this scenario, but it may not be enough. Typically coaching is for followers that may lack commitment and need help with enthusiasm and even may need some confidence. In this case, those attributes may have been exercised too much at the expense of teamwork. This style does open the door to two-way communications, but may put too much emphasis on you taking responsibility for and control over decisions to be made. For a reminder of what the Coaching leadership style does, click on the Reminder Button you see to my left. It might be better to blend this style with another.

Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

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Directin g

Benefits of using this Style

Not too many. This would put you in very close control which could dampen the follower’s spirit and motivation.


Challenges with using this Style This could turn an otherwise productive “fastcharger” into someone who constantly seeks permissions and direction every time he is assigned a task.

For a reminder of what the Directing leadership style does, click on the Reminder Button you see to my left.

Employee Morale H

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This style is overkill for the challenge at hand. Directing always works best for those who are low in competence, but high on commitment. It tends to provide very specific directions and close supervision. This style used exclusively might just turn a high-performer in the other direction.

It might be better to consider another style or combination of them. Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.


Exit Class

Delegat ing Benefits of using this Style

The onus to change and establish a productive and collaborative work environment is the follower’s responsibility. Your goal is to communicate the perceptions and request the change in attitude.


Challenges with using this Style The behavior might continue if left unchecked, so it may be incumbent on you to hold follow-up meetings to check on the progress of all concerned.

Employee Morale H


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“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

This style may just be the best choice, if you were to only use one style. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior. Once this follower knows how his team mates perceive him, it should be his responsibility to address those problems through adjusted behavior. For a reminder of what the Delegating leadership style does, click on the Reminder Button you see to my left.

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Styles Combo Benefits of using these Styles ???


Challenges with using these Styles ???

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Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decisionmaking, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating. Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by??? the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.

If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left. Supporting Reminder Delegating Reminder


Coaching Reminder

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Directing Reminder


“The Full Plate Syndrome”!









Hey Boss, what’s up?





Here’s Freda Fuller who spends a significant amount of time juggling the projects that have been assigned to her. She has taken all the required classes, including the one on Time Management, but her workload always seems to be up in the air! Freda is a hard worker and always willingly takes on any task you ask her to do, but one of the projects you needed from her is late, and since you haven’t received any status update from Freda, you now need to have a discussion about this project, and maybe how she handles her workload. Get ready to use your most effective leadership style throughout this talk.


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Support ing Benefits of using this Style

The most minimal benefit would be that you are showing your support for her motivation to assume task assignments in order to assist with your department’s goals and objectives.

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Challenges with using this Style The main challenge is using this style exclusively with regard to others. Your support would have to be tempered with cautions about taking on too many assignments, using time effectively, and perhaps assessing her capabilities with regard to some tasks.

This is definitely a questionable choice of styles, especially if it used exclusively of other styles. Attempting to support this employee’s work habits may just lead to a continuation of fragmented productivity. For a reminder of what the Supporting leadership style does, click on the Reminder Button you see in lower part of this screen. You might want to consider another choice of style, or maybe even a blend of styles.

Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decision-making, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

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Coachin g Benefits of using this Style

Challenges with using this Style

You could provide direction in some areas of time Used exclusively this might make the employee management, while supporting the willingness on feel like you have taken over the decision-making her part to take on the task assignments. responsibility that she had before. Encourages two-way communications with the employee in order to discuss potential blocks to effective time management.

This is a somewhat questionable choice of styles, especially if it used exclusively of other styles. Coaching may be too overbearing on this employee at this point. For a reminder of what the Coaching leadership style does, click on the Reminder Button you see in lower part of this screen.

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Employee Morale H

You might want to consider this style with a blend of other styles.

Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

HELP Exit Class


Delegat ing Benefits of using this Style

Challenges with using this Style

You can assist in problem solving with the Since this works best on a particular task, it might employee to get her to see how she is currently not be enough since her problem is taking on too handling her work schedule, while allowing her to many tasks. figure out how to balance her tasks.

This is a better choice of styles, especially if it used in conjunction with other styles. It can help put the responsibility for success on the employee. For a reminder of what the Delegating leadership style does, click on the Reminder Button you see in lower part of this screen.


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Next Part of Course Self-Assessment

You might want to consider this style with a blend of other styles. “Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

HELP Exit Class


Directin g Benefits of using this Style

You could specifically offer a way to successful handling of her time and tasks.

Challenges with using this Style This will probably be seen by the employee as dictating every detail in how she does her job, instead of working together toward a better outcome.

This might be the worst choice of styles, especially if it used exclusively from other styles. It can put too much direction and instructions on the employee. For a reminder of what the Directing leadership style does, click on the Reminder Button you see in lower part of this screen.


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Next Part of Course Self-Assessment

You might want to consider this style with a blend of other styles.

Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.

HELP Exit Class



“Nobody Showed Me”!













Meet Sam Showman, who generally will accept any work assignment you need him to do, but doesn’t proactively jump in to learn things. Instead he stands off to the side, or just remains in the background until someone requests his help. Then he complains that he can’t contribute that much unless someone shows him what to do. At times, even after you step him through a work process, you wonder how interested he is in learning about the task, because later he often uses the same excuse such as “nobody showed me”. You’ve decided to have a sit down discussion with Sam about doing whatever it takes to learn the job, and then remember what was shown to him! Get ready to use your most effective leadership style throughout this talk.


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Can I see that one more time? I’m not too sure about how to start.

Development Level of Follower(s)

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Support ing Benefits of using this Style

Challenges with using this Style

Negligible, but with a strong emphasis on twoway communications, initiated by you, there’s a chance you can get the employee to see the error of his ways.

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Employee Morale H

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This employee may interpret your support as an approval to continue this kind of behavior. In fact, the behavior may even worsen with just support.

This is definitely a questionable choice of styles, especially if it used exclusively of other styles. Attempting to support this employee’s work habits may just lead to a continuation of the “show me” behavior. For a reminder of what the Supporting leadership style does, click on the Reminder Button you see in lower part of this screen. You might want to consider another choice of style, or maybe even a blend of styles.

Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decision-making, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

HELP Exit Class


Coachin g Benefits of using this Style

Challenges with using this Style

Encourages two-way communications with the None of significance. employee in order to discuss potential blocks to proactively engaging in the task at hand. Can also provide support for the activities he has demonstrated willing participation in.

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Employee Morale H

This is a better choice of styles, and can be blended with other styles. Coaching may just be what this employee needs at this point. For a reminder of what the Coaching leadership style does, click on the Reminder Button you see in lower part of this screen. You might want to consider emphasizing this style with a blend of other styles.

Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

HELP Exit Class


Delegat ing Benefits of using this Style

Challenges with using this Style

Used exclusively of other styles might prove to be It might not be enough emphasis on problemineffectual. solving, and could send a message that he can continue with his position on handling tasks.

For a reminder of what the Delegating leadership style does, click on the Reminder Button you see in lower part of this screen.

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This is a less than optimal choice of styles, especially if it is not used in conjunction with other styles. It might suggest to the employee that everything is fine and to continue with his behavior.


Employee Morale H

You might want to consider this style with a blend of other styles.

“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

HELP Exit Class


Directin g Benefits of using this Style

Challenges with using this Style

Blended in with the use of other Leadership Styles, you could specifically offer a way to this employee that would allow him to use more initiative in handling tasks.

This will probably be seen by the employee as dictating every detail in how he does his job, instead of allowing him to decide how to achieve a better outcome.

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Employee Morale H

This choice of styles has some benefit, but only if it used in conjunction with other styles. It can put too much restriction and specific instructions on the employee. For a reminder of what the Directing leadership style does, click on the Reminder Button you see in lower part of this screen. You might want to consider this style with a blend of other styles.

Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.

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Here’s a chance for you to look into, and ultimately at your leadership style. When you click on the link below, you will begin a selfassessment about your particular style. Be candid and honest with your answers. There are no “right” or “wrong” responses, just your perspective on things. Click on the Link below and Have fun!

Personal Style Assessment

My Preferences






Fast Deliberate

Fast Spontaneous

Slow Relaxed

Slow Calculated


Key Needs

Control Leadership

Praise Recognition

Friends Relationships

Accuracy Information


Self-contained Direct

Approachable Direct

Informal Indirect

Distant Passive



Businesslike Professional

Fashionable Stylish

Casual Comfortable

Functional Conservative



Get results Task/results

Be noticed Get attention

Be liked Have friends

Be correct Understood


Goals Objectives

Visions Dreams

Feelings Emotions

Systems Procedures



Loss of control

Loss of prestige

Conflict with others

To be correct

Would like others to…

Be committed Take action

Be exciting and Stimulating

Be pleasant Show concern

Be factual and precise


Critical Dictatorial

Superficial Sarcastic

Submissive Indecisive

Withdraw Headstrong


Structured Efficient

Messy Cluttered

Comfortable Warm

Neat Organized



Under stress Work/office environment Thought / Considerations

What it costs?

Personal strengths

Leadership Make decisions

Persuading Motivating

Listening Teamwork

Problem solving Analysis

Control Leadership

Other’s approval Playfulness

Friendships Cooperation

Thoroughness Preparation

Total = 1

Total = 2

Total = 8

Total = 2

Gain security through Totals

Who else does/uses Will others like it? it?



HELP Menu Personal Style AssessmentMouse and Continue course Summary

Buttons In the table, for each of the characteristics in the first column, click in one of the blocks of words on the right that represents you most of the time in your work environment. Work across the table by clicking only 1 block for each row. If you need to change the choice you selected, just click on the Orange Reset button, then make your choice for that Row again. After you’ve made your entries, click on the Purple Button at the bottom of the screen to total your column scores.

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Will it work?

Reset Reset Reset Total your choices

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The following slides are Leadership Styles choices relating to the Recreation Center Worker with Communications Challenges towards misbehaving children. This scenario is the “Multi-Choice” situation – Slide #39.

In your group, discuss each leadership style, and indicate in the space below that style when you think you would use that style, and under what conditions.

“Supporting.” Here the locus of control for day-to-day decision-making and problem-solving shifts from leader to follower. The leader’s role is to provide recognition and to actively listen and facilitate problem-solving/decision-making on the part of the follower. This is appropriate since the follower has the ability and knowledge to do the task whenever the use of this style is warranted.

Gives the follower his choice in how he goes about adjusting his behavior and communications in challenging situations.





Challenges with using this Style May not be enough emphasis on City policies and procedures about interacting with children while under the care and supervision of Citysponsored activities.


Benefits of using this Style



You chose Supporting!



Leadership Style Participant's Guide

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A somewhat questionable selection by itself. The employee’s behavior being exhibited towards a child, even one who is disruptive and challenging must be addressed. Perhaps blending this style with others may offer a more complete solution.


Employee Morale H


Page 3

Benefits of using these Styles


“Supporting.” Here the locus of control for day-to-day decision-making and problem-solving shifts from leader to follower. The leader’s role is to provide recognition and to actively listen and facilitate problem-solving/decision-making on the part of the follower. This is appropriate since the follower has the ability and knowledge to do the task whenever the use of this style is warranted. “Delegating.” In this style, the leader discusses the problems with subordinate(s) until joint agreement is achieved on problem definition and then the decisionmaking process is delegated totally to the follower. Now it is the subordinate who has significant control for deciding how tasks are to be accomplished. Follower(s) are allowed to “run their own show” because they have both competence and confidence to take responsibility for directing their own behavior.






You chose Supporting and Delegating!


style when you think you would use that style, and under what conditions.



Challenges with using these Styles

Gives the follower his choice in how he None of any significance. goes about adjusting his behavior and communications in challenging situations. And also provides the Leader an opportunity to emphasize the importance of restraint even in the most challenging situations.

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A comprehensive and effective blend of Leadership Styles that HELP Menu should prove successful in giving Information about using the Mouse. the employee the strict behavior and at the same time How to pick up where you left off in theguidelines, course. allowing him autonomy in how he The Navigation Buttons. adjusts his communications.


Employee Morale H

Page 3

Benefits of using these Styles

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“Supporting.” Here the locus of control for day-to-day decision-making and problemsolving shifts from leader to follower. The leader’s role is to provide recognition and to actively listen and facilitate problem-solving/decision-making on the part of the follower. This is appropriate since the follower has the ability and knowledge to do the task whenever the use of this style is warranted. “Delegating.” In this style, the leader discusses the problems with subordinate(s) until joint agreement is achieved on problem definition and then the decision-making process is delegated totally to the follower. Now it is the subordinate who has significant control for deciding how tasks are to be accomplished. Follower(s) are allowed to “run their own show” because they have both competence and confidence to take responsibility for directing their own behavior. “Coaching.” In this style, the leader still provides a great deal of direction and leads with his/her ideas, but he or she also attempts to hear the followers’ feelings about decisions as well as their ideas and suggestions. While two-way communication and support are increased, control over decision-making remains with the leader.





You chose Supporting, Delegating and Coaching!



Challenges with using these Styles

Gives the follower his choice in how he Probably not any of significance, as long goes about adjusting his behavior and as giving Direction is couched in a communications in challenging situations.Coaching manner. And also provides the Leader an opportunity to emphasize the importance of restraint even in the most challenging situations. Coaching could add some direction in case the employee is confused or resistant to changing his behavior.


A slightly more comprehensive Style Participant's Guide blendLeadership of Leadership Styles that should prove successful in steering the employee toward strict behavior guidelines, and at the same time allowing him autonomy in how he adjusts his communications. This combination provides more Direction where needed.

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Employee Morale H



Benefits of using these Styles

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Challenges with using these Styles

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Unfortunately, very few. These many This would be “overkill” in terms of what different Leadership Styles can be type of communications would be confusing to both the employee and the meaningful to a successful outcome. leader.

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“Supporting.” Here the locus of control for day-to-day decision-making and problemsolving shifts from leader to follower. The leader’s role is to provide recognition and to actively listen and facilitate problem-solving/decision-making on the part of the follower. This is appropriate since the follower has the ability and knowledge to do the task whenever the use of this style is warranted. “Delegating.” In this style, the leader discusses the problems with subordinate(s) until joint agreement is achieved on problem definition and then the decision-making process is delegated totally to the follower. Now it is the subordinate who has significant control for deciding how tasks are to be accomplished. Follower(s) are allowed to “run their own show” because they have both competence and confidence to take responsibility for directing their own behavior. “Coaching.” In this style, the leader still provides a great deal of direction and leads with his/her ideas, but he or she also attempts to hear the followers’ feelings about decisions as well as their ideas and suggestions. While two-way communication and support are increased, control over decision-making remains with the leader. “Directing.” The leader defines the roles of followers and tells them what, how, when, and where to do various tasks. Problem-solving and decision-making are initiated solely by the manager. Solutions and decisions are announced; communication is largely one-way, and implementation is closely supervised by the leader.






You chose all of the Leadership Styles!


Employee Morale H


This combination of all styles Style Participant's Guide wouldLeadership be over the top. There is strong potential for the employee feeling confused and berated. At an early stage in these types of situations, Coaching, Supporting, and Delegating would be more than enough.




“Supporting.” Here the locus of control for day-to-day decision-making and problemsolving shifts from leader to follower. The leader’s role is to provide recognition and to actively listen and facilitate problem-solving/decision-making on the part of the follower. This is appropriate since the follower has the ability and knowledge to do the task whenever the use of this style is warranted. “Coaching.” In this style, the leader still provides a great deal of direction and leads with his/her ideas, but he or she also attempts to hear the followers’ feelings about decisions as well as their ideas and suggestions. While two-way communication and support are increased, control over decision-making remains with the leader.





You chose Supporting and Coaching!




Leadership Style Participant's Guide

Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

Gives the follower his choice in how he A caution exists with Leader assuming goes about adjusting his behavior and too much of the decision-making control. communications in challenging situations. And also provides the Leader an opportunity to emphasize the importance of restraint even in the most challenging situations.

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Employee Morale H

An effective blend of styles that should provide direction for the employee, while allowing for dialogue. The leader has to be careful not to over-emphasize taking control of the decisionmaking.




“Supporting.” Here the locus of control for day-to-day decision-making and problemsolving shifts from leader to follower. The leader’s role is to provide recognition and to actively listen and facilitate problem-solving/decision-making on the part of the follower. This is appropriate since the follower has the ability and knowledge to do the task whenever the use of this style is warranted. “Directing.” The leader defines the roles of followers and tells them what, how, when, and where to do various tasks. Problem-solving and decision-making are initiated solely by the manager. Solutions and decisions are announced; communication is largely one-way, and implementation is closely supervised by the leader.





You chose Supporting and Directing!




Leadership Style Participant's Guide

Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

Questionable since the two styles are at This may be the ultimate confusing opposite ends of the continuum. communication since supporting and directing at the same time is almost a paradox.

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Navigation Buttons.


Employee Morale H

pick up where you left off in the course.

This call is definitely questionable, since the styles are mostly at odds. This could cause additional problems rather than solve the one at hand.




“Supporting.” Here the locus of control for day-to-day decision-making and problemsolving shifts from leader to follower. The leader’s role is to provide recognition and to actively listen and facilitate problem-solving/decision-making on the part of the follower. This is appropriate since the follower has the ability and knowledge to do the task whenever the use of this style is warranted. “Coaching.” In this style, the leader still provides a great deal of direction and leads with his/her ideas, but he or she also attempts to hear the followers’ feelings about decisions as well as their ideas and suggestions. While two-way communication and support are increased, control over decision-making remains with the leader. “Directing.” The leader defines the roles of followers and tells them what, how, when, and where to do various tasks. Problem-solving and decision-making are initiated solely by the manager. Solutions and decisions are announced; communication is largely one-way, and implementation is closely supervised by the leader.





You chose Supporting, Coaching and Directing!




Leadership Style Participant's Guide

Benefits of using these Styles Very few, since two of the styles conflict with one another.

Challenges with using these Styles Attempting to mix or blend styles, when they are so different will lend itself to confusing communications, and not accomplish the objectives.

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Employee Morale H

pick up where you left off in the course.

A very questionable choice of styles blending. Supporting and Directing are polar opposites. This will only be a confusing and mixed-signal discussion with the employee.




“Delegating.” In this style, the leader discusses the problems with subordinate(s) until joint agreement is achieved on problem definition and then the decision-making process is delegated totally to the follower. Now it is the subordinate who has significant control for deciding how tasks are to be accomplished. Follower(s) are allowed to “run their own show” because they have both competence and confidence to take responsibility for directing their own behavior.


Benefits of using this Style

Challenges with using this Style


Gives the follower his choice in how he Probably not any of significance, yet a goes about adjusting his behavior and follow-up session is called for. communications in challenging situations. using the Mouse. And also provides the Leader an pick up where you left off inopportunity the course.to emphasize the importance of restraint even in the most challenging Navigation Buttons. situations.

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Employee Morale H





You chose Delegating!




A very targeted Leadership Style Participant's Guide Style Leadership that should prove successful in steering the employee toward strict behavior guidelines, and at the same time allowing him autonomy in how he adjusts his communications. This Style allows for follow-up and more direction where needed.



“Delegating.” In this style, the leader discusses the problems with subordinate(s) until joint agreement is achieved on problem definition and then the decision-making process is delegated totally to the follower. Now it is the subordinate who has significant control for deciding how tasks are to be accomplished. Follower(s) are allowed to “run their own show” because they have both competence and confidence to take responsibility for directing their own behavior. “Coaching.” In this style, the leader still provides a great deal of direction and leads with his/her ideas, but he or she also attempts to hear the followers’ feelings about decisions as well as their ideas and suggestions. While two-way communication and support are increased, control over decision-making remains with the leader.


Benefits of using these Styles





You chose Delegating and Coaching!



Challenges with using these Styles Leadership Style Participant's Guide


Gives the follower his choice in how he Probably not any of significance. Followgoes about adjusting his behavior and up may be called for in this scenario. communications in challenging situations. using the Mouse. And also provides the Leader an opportunity to emphasize the importance pick up where you left off in the course. of restraint even in the most challenging situations. Navigation Buttons. Coaching could add some direction in case the employee is confused or resistant to changing his behavior.

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Employee Morale H

A blend of Leadership Styles that should prove successful in steering the employee toward strict behavior guidelines, and at the same time allowing him autonomy in how he adjusts his communications. Follow-up may be called for as well.



“Delegating.” In this style, the leader discusses the problems with subordinate(s) until joint agreement is achieved on problem definition and then the decision-making process is delegated totally to the follower. Now it is the subordinate who has significant control for deciding how tasks are to be accomplished. Follower(s) are allowed to “run their own show” because they have both competence and confidence to take responsibility for directing their own behavior. “Directing.” The leader defines the roles of followers and tells them what, how, when, and where to do various tasks. Problem-solving and decision-making are initiated solely by the manager. Solutions and decisions are announced; communication is largely one-way, and implementation is closely supervised by the leader.


Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles


In this case, very few, if any at all. This might send mixed signals to the Delegating and Directing can be at odds employee. Although guidance with in this scenario. behavioral responses is called for, using the Mouse. Directing might come across as pick up where you left off in the course. overbearing. Navigation Buttons.





You chose Delegating and Directing!



This combination of styles Style Participant's Guide wouldLeadership be questionable. There is strong potential for the employee feeling told what to do, as opposed to figuring that out for himself and then implementing it. Other combinations would prove more effective.

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Employee Morale H



Benefits of using these Styles

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This would send multiple mixed signals to the employee. Although guidance with behavioral responses is called for, Directing might come across as overbearing. Coaching is the better choice at this stage.

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Challenges with using these Styles

In this case, very few, if any at all. Delegating and Directing can be at odds in this scenario. Directing and Coaching will work against each other too.

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“Delegating.” In this style, the leader discusses the problems with subordinate(s) until joint agreement is achieved on problem definition and then the decision-making process is delegated totally to the follower. Now it is the subordinate who has significant control for deciding how tasks are to be accomplished. Follower(s) are allowed to “run their own show” because they have both competence and confidence to take responsibility for directing their own behavior. “Coaching.” In this style, the leader still provides a great deal of direction and leads with his/her ideas, but he or she also attempts to hear the followers’ feelings about decisions as well as their ideas and suggestions. While two-way communication and support are increased, control over decision-making remains with the leader. “Directing.” The leader defines the roles of followers and tells them what, how, when, and where to do various tasks. Problem-solving and decision-making are initiated solely by the manager. Solutions and decisions are announced; communication is largely one-way, and implementation is closely supervised by the leader.


Employee Morale H

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You chose Delegating, Coaching and Directing!



Leadership Style Participant's Guide

This combination of styles would be questionable and confusing. This employee may come away from the counseling session with less clarification and guidance than hoped for.




“Coaching.” In this style, the leader still provides a great deal of direction and leads with his/her ideas, but he or she also attempts to hear the followers’ feelings about decisions as well as their ideas and suggestions. While two-way communication and support are increased, control over decision-making remains with the leader.

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Challenges with using this Style

Gives the follower his choice in how he Probably not any of significance. Followgoes about adjusting his behavior and up may be called for in this scenario. communications in challenging situations. And also provides the Leader an opportunity to emphasize the importance of restraint even in the most challenging situations, while providing some direction in case the employee is confused or resistant to changing his behavior.

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Employee Morale H

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Benefits of using this Style


You chose Coaching!




Leadership Style Participant's Guide

A Leadership Style that should prove successful in steering the employee toward strict behavior guidelines, and at the same time allowing him autonomy in how he adjusts his communications. Follow-up may be called for as well.









“Coaching.” In this style, the leader still provides a great deal of direction and leads with his/her ideas, but he or she also attempts to hear the followers’ feelings about decisions as well as their ideas and suggestions. While two-way communication and support are increased, control over decision-making remains with the leader. “Directing.” The leader defines the roles of followers and tells them what, how, when, and where to do various tasks. Problem-solving and decision-making are initiated solely by the manager. Solutions and decisions are announced; communication is largely one-way, and implementation is closely supervised by the leader.


You chose Coaching and Directing!


Benefits of using these Styles

In this case, very few, if any at all. This would send mixed signals to the Coaching and Directing can be at odds in employee. Although guidance with this scenario. behavioral responses is called for, Directing might come across as overbearing. Coaching is the better choice at this stage.

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Employee Morale pick up where you left off in the course. H using the Mouse.

Navigation Buttons.

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Challenges with using these Styles


Leadership Style Participant's Guide

This combination of styles would be questionable and confusing. This employee may come away from the counseling session with less clarification and guidance than hoped for.


Benefits of using this Style

Challenges with using this Style


“Directing.” The leader defines the roles of followers and tells them what, how, when, and where to do various tasks. Problem-solving and decision-making are initiated solely by the manager. Solutions and decisions are announced; communication is largely one-way, and implementation is closely supervised by the leader.


At this stage (first occurrence that you have observed), this might be overkill.

Since this employee is just starting out in your organization, this Style would probably be perceived as overbearing and stifling.

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Leadership Style Participant's Guide

A Leadership Style that might prove devastating, especially going forward. This might be too much too soon. Coaching would be a better start here.


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You chose Directing!


Employee Morale H



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Benefits of using these Styles None.

Navigation Buttons.

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Leadership Style Participant's Guide

Challenges with using these Styles

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This would send multiple mixed signals to the employee. Although guidance with behavioral responses is called for, Directing might come across as overbearing. Supporting is not called for at this stage.

pick up where you left off in the course.



“Supporting.” Here the locus of control for day-to-day decision-making and problemsolving shifts from leader to follower. The leader’s role is to provide recognition and to actively listen and facilitate problem-solving/decision-making on the part of the follower. This is appropriate since the follower has the ability and knowledge to do the task whenever the use of this style is warranted. “Delegating.” In this style, the leader discusses the problems with subordinate(s) until joint agreement is achieved on problem definition and then the decision-making process is delegated totally to the follower. Now it is the subordinate who has significant control for deciding how tasks are to be accomplished. Follower(s) are allowed to “run their own show” because they have both competence and confidence to take responsibility for directing their own behavior. “Directing.” The leader defines the roles of followers and tells them what, how, when, and where to do various tasks. Problem-solving and decision-making are initiated solely by the manager. Solutions and decisions are announced; communication is largely one-way, and implementation is closely supervised by the leader.



You chose Supporting, Delegating and Directing!


Employee Morale H

This combination of styles would be questionable and confusing. This employee may come away from the counseling session with less clarification and guidance than hoped for.



The following slides are Leadership Styles choices relating to the “Know-It-All” Worker with Team work Challenges towards co-workers. This scenario is the “Multi-Choice” situation – Slide #41.

Supporting & Delegating Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

Questionable, since this employee exhibits too In combination there is the potential for confusion much confidence, therefore limiting the amount of and mixed signals. Support you can offer. Delegating his improvement does have merit.


Employee Morale H

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Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decision-making, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

You might want to rethink this combo. Support would be hard to communicate here, even though ultimately you will Delegate his responsibility to improve. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

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Supporting Reminder Delegating Reminder

Supporting & Coaching Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

A mixed signal potential is high here since the behavior to support must be superseded by the behavior to improve.


Employee Morale H

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The employee may not be able to discern between what you are supporting versus what you are Coaching him to change.

Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decisionmaking, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

A questionable combo. In this case, Supporting and Coaching just don’t mix. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

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Supporting Reminder Coaching Reminder

Supporting & Directing Benefits of using these Styles

Hardly any since the Styles in this instance can conflict.


Employee Morale H

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Challenges with using these Styles Too much potential for confusion about what is the productive behavior and what needs to be imporved.

Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decisionmaking, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.

This is a conflict of Styles. In this scenario, the employee needs more Coaching and Directing than Supporting. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

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Supporting Reminder Directing Reminder

Supporting, Delegating, and Coaching Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

Hardly any. Too many Styles to carry on an effective communications with the employee.


Employee Morale H

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The employee may become confused and overwhelmed by the mix of communications.

Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decision-making, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

This is a case of too many Styles. A blend is called for, but more focused on two complementary Styles. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left. Supporting Reminder Delegating Reminder Coaching Reminder

Supporting, Delegating, and Directing Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

Hardly any. Too many Styles to carry on The employee may become confused an effective communications with the and overwhelmed by the mix of employee. communications.


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Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.

Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decision-making, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on

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a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

This is a case of too many Styles. A blend is called for, but more focused on two complementary Styles. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

Supporting Reminder Delegating Reminder Directing Reminder

Supporting, Coaching, and Directing Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

Hardly any. Too many Styles to carry on The employee may become confused an effective communications with the and overwhelmed by the mix of employee. communications.


Employee Morale H

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Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decision-making, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader. Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.

This is a case of too many Styles. A blend is called for, but more focused on two complementary Styles. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

Supporting Reminder Coaching Reminder Directing Reminder

All Four Leadership Styles Benefits of using these Styles Challenges with using these Styles

None. This is overkill!


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Too many points of views coming at the employee.

Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decision-making, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment on competence Thisbutislow a case of way are tooenthusiastic many beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Styles. A clear, blend is called for,and but Directing style that provides specific directing close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. more focused on two Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the complementary Styles. leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized byIfthe leader defining roles andabout telling people you need more info each what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.

Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

Supporting Reminder Delegating Reminder Coaching Reminder Directing Reminder

Delegating and Coaching Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

You will be able to provide, as well as help the employee discover the corrective steps to take, and at the same time allow him to figure out the implementation of his strategy.


Very few, if any at all.

Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

Employee Morale H

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“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

Excellent choice of Styles. Coaching is called for, while Delegating how he improves should make the process more successful. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

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Delegating Reminder Coaching Reminder

Delegating and Directing Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

May be questionable. Directing may be too much A confusing mix of Styles. Directing may be too at this point, while Delegating is called for. much at this stage.


Employee Morale H

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“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.

Not the best combo of Styles. At this stage another more complementary set of Styles is called for. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

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Delegating Reminder Directing Reminder

Delegating, Coaching, and Directing Benefits of using these Styles Challenges with using these Styles



Confusion, overkill and high risk of failure to improve.

Employee Morale H

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Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.

Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

These three Styles will work against each other in this scenario and at this stage in the problem solving. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

Delegating Reminder Coaching Reminder Directing Reminder

Coaching and Directing Benefits of using these Styles

At this stage, any benefits are questionable.


Employee Morale H

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Challenges with using these Styles A less-than-optimal mix of Styles. Might send a message of overbearing supervision to the employee.

Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.

Not the best mix in this case. Too much potential supervising. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

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Coaching Reminder Directing Reminder

The following slides are Leadership Styles choices relating to the “Full Plate” Worker with Time Management challenges. This scenario is the “Multi-Choice” situation – Slide #47.

Supporting & Delegating Benefits of using these Styles

Minimal without bringing other Styles.


Employee Morale H

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Challenges with using these Styles Lacks Direction and Guidance for this employee.

“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decision-making, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

You might want to rethink this combo. Support would be hard to communicate here, and Delegating at this stage is questionable. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

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Supporting Reminder Delegating Reminder

Supporting & Coaching Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

Only the Coaching will reap benefits here. Mixing The employee may not be able to discern that Style in with Supporting may prove between what you are supporting versus what unsuccessful. you are Coaching her to change.


Employee Morale H

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Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decisionmaking, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

A questionable combo. In this case, Supporting and Coaching just don’t mix. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

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Supporting Reminder Coaching Reminder

Supporting & Directing Benefits of using these Styles

None. These are conflicting Styles in this scenario.


Employee Morale H

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Challenges with using these Styles Too much potential for confusion about what is the productive behavior and what needs to be improved.

Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decisionmaking, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.

This is a conflict of Styles. In this scenario, the employee needs more Coaching and Directing than Supporting. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

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Supporting Reminder Directing Reminder

Supporting, Delegating, and Coaching Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

Hardly any. Too many Styles to carry on an effective communications with the employee.


Employee Morale H

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The employee may become confused and overwhelmed by the mix of communications.

Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decision-making, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

This is a case of too many Styles. A blend is called for, but more focused on two complementary Styles. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left. Supporting Reminder Delegating Reminder Coaching Reminder

Supporting, Delegating, and Directing Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

Hardly any. Too many Styles to carry on The employee may become confused an effective communications with the and overwhelmed by the mix of employee. communications.


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Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.

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Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decision-making, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

This is a case of too many Styles. A blend is called for, but more focused on two complementary Styles. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

Supporting Reminder Delegating Reminder Directing Reminder

Supporting, Coaching, and Directing Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

Hardly any. Too many Styles to carry on The employee may become confused an effective communications with the and overwhelmed by the mix of employee. communications.


Employee Morale H

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Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decision-making, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.

This is a case of too many Styles. A blend is called for, but more focused on two complementary Styles. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

Supporting Reminder Coaching Reminder Directing Reminder

All Four Leadership Styles Benefits of using these Styles Challenges with using these Styles

None. This is overkill!


Too many points of views coming at the employee.

Employee Morale H HELP Menu

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Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

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“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decision-making, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic is a case of wayand too many beginners. TheyThis are excited to get started learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing close Styles. A blend is called for,and but supervision has the highest probability of being effective. more focused onnottwo Since commitment is high, support is needed from the complementary Styles. leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people youwhere need more info about each what, how, when,Ifand to do various tasks.

Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left. Supporting Reminder Delegating Reminder Coaching Reminder Directing Reminder

Delegating and Coaching Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

You will be able to provide, as well as help the employee discover the corrective steps to take, and at the same time allow her to figure out the best way to prioritize her work tasks.


Employee Morale H

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Very few, if any at all.

“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages twoway communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

Excellent choice of Styles. Coaching is called for, while Delegating how she improves should make the process more successful. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

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Delegating Reminder Coaching Reminder

Delegating and Directing Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

May be questionable. Directing may be too much A confusing mix of Styles. Directing may be too at this point, while Delegating is called for. much at this stage.


Employee Morale H

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Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.

“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

Not the best combo of Styles. At this stage another more complementary set of Styles is called for. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

Delegating Reminder Directing Reminder

Delegating, Coaching, and Directing Benefits of using these Styles Challenges with using these Styles



Confusion, overkill and high risk of failure to improve.

Employee Morale H


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Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks. “Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

These three Styles will work against each other in this scenario and at this stage in the problem solving. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

Delegating Reminder Coaching Reminder Directing Reminder

Coaching and Directing Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

At this stage, any benefits are questionable.


Employee Morale H

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A less-than-optimal mix of Styles. Might send a message of overbearing supervision to the employee.

Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.

Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

Not the best mix in this case. Too much potential supervising. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

Coaching Reminder Directing Reminder

The following slides are Leadership Styles choices relating to the “Nobody Showed Me” Worker with Showing Initiative challenges. This scenario is the “Multi-Choice” situation – Slide #52.

Supporting & Delegating Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

There may be substantial potential for Delegating may leave something to be desired, improvement with this combo, since there seems since it appears this employee requires some to be “reluctance” on the employee’s part. close supervision..


Employee Morale H

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Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decision-making, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

This combo has some value with minimal emphasis on Delegating. Support would be necessary to communicate here, and Delegating at this stage is questionable. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

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Supporting Reminder Delegating Reminder

Supporting & Coaching Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

The Supporting may help foster open two-way The employee may feel a bit “supervised”, but in communications, while Coaching can provide the this case, it applies. guidance this employee obviously needs.


Employee Morale H

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Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decisionmaking, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

A combo that has the potential to reap results, but one with very clear communications and follow-up. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

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Supporting Reminder Coaching Reminder

Supporting & Directing Benefits of using these Styles

None. These are conflicting Styles in this scenario.


Employee Morale H

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Challenges with using these Styles Too much potential for confusion about what is the productive behavior and what needs to be improved.

Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decisionmaking, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.

This is a conflict of Styles. In this scenario, the employee needs more Coaching and Directing than Supporting. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

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Supporting Reminder Directing Reminder

Supporting, Delegating, and Coaching Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

Hardly any. Too many Styles to carry on an effective communications with the employee.


Employee Morale H

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The employee may become confused and overwhelmed by the mix of communications.

Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decision-making, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

Back to This Situation “Delegating” is for persons at high development level on

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a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

This is a case of too many Styles. A blend is called for, but more focused on two complementary Styles. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left. Supporting Reminder Delegating Reminder Coaching Reminder

Supporting, Delegating, and Directing Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

Hardly any. Too many Styles to carry on The employee may become confused an effective communications with the and overwhelmed by the mix of employee. communications.


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Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.

Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decision-making, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

This is a case of too many Styles. A blend is called for, but more focused on two complementary Styles. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

Supporting Reminder Delegating Reminder Directing Reminder

Supporting, Coaching, and Directing Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

Hardly any. Too many Styles to carry on The employee may become confused an effective communications with the and overwhelmed by the mix of employee. communications.


Employee Morale H

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Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decision-making, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader. Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.

This is a case of too many Styles. A blend is called for, but more focused on two complementary Styles. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

Supporting Reminder Coaching Reminder Directing Reminder

All Four Leadership Styles Benefits of using these Styles Challenges with using these Styles

None. This is overkill!


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Too many points of views coming at the employee.

Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

Supporting” is for moderate to high development level. People of this development level are competent but have variable commitment toward the assigned task. Their variable motivation is often a function of a lack of confidence or insecurity. However, if they are confident but uncommitted, their reluctance to perform is more of a motivational problem than a confidence problem. In either case, the leader needs to open up communication through two-way communication and active listening and to support followers’ effort to use the skills they already have. Thus, a Supporting style has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. This style is called Supporting because the leader and follower share in decision-making, with the key roles of the leader being listening and facilitating.

Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic is a case of wayand too many beginners. TheyThis are excited to get started learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing close Styles. A blend is called for,and but supervision has the highest probability of being effective. more focused onnottwo Since commitment is high, support is needed from the complementary Styles. leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people youwhere need more info about each what, how, when,Ifand to do various tasks.

Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left. Supporting Reminder Delegating Reminder Coaching Reminder Directing Reminder

Delegating and Coaching Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

You will be able to provide, as well as help the Very few, if any at all. employee discover the steps to take, and at the same time allow him to figure out what he has to do to maintain what has been showed to him.


Employee Morale H

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Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

Excellent choice of Styles. Coaching is called for, while Delegating how he improves should make the process more successful. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

Delegating Reminder Coaching Reminder

Delegating and Directing Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

May be questionable. Directing may be too much A confusing mix of Styles. Directing may be too at this point, while Delegating is called for. much at this stage.


Employee Morale H

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Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.

“Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

Not the best combo of Styles. At this stage another more complementary set of Styles is called for. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

Delegating Reminder Directing Reminder

Delegating, Coaching, and Directing Benefits of using these Styles Challenges with using these Styles



Confusion, overkill and high risk of failure to improve.

Employee Morale H


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Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks. “Delegating” is for persons at high development level on a particular task. People at this development level are both competent and motivated to take responsibility. Thus, a low profile Delegating style that provides little direction and support has the highest probability of being effective with individuals at this development level. Even though the leader may still identify the problem, the responsibility for carrying out plans is given to these experienced followers. They are permitted to run the “show” and decide on how, when, and where the task is to be accomplished. Since they are psychologically mature, they do not need above average amounts of two-way communication or supportive behavior.

These three Styles will work against each other in this scenario and at this stage in the problem solving. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

Delegating Reminder Coaching Reminder Directing Reminder

Coaching and Directing Benefits of using these Styles

Challenges with using these Styles

At this stage, any benefits are questionable.


Employee Morale H

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A less-than-optimal mix of Styles. Might send a message of overbearing supervision to the employee.

Directing is for low development level. People who are high on commitment but low on competence are enthusiastic beginners. They are excited to get started and learn. Thus a Directing style that provides clear, specific directing and close supervision has the highest probability of being effective. Since commitment is high, support is not needed from the leader. Again, this style is called Directing because it’s characterized by the leader defining roles and telling people what, how, when, and where to do various tasks.

Coaching is for low to moderate development level. People who have some competence but lack commitment to take responsibility need both direction and support. Thus a Coaching style that provides directive behavior (because of their lack of competence) but also supportive behavior to build confidence and enthusiasm is most appropriate with individuals at this development level. This style is called Coaching because most people know that coaches both direct and support their people. This style which encourages two-way communication helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the follower, while keeping responsibility for and control over decision-making with the leader.

Not the best mix in this case. Too much potential supervising. If you need more info about each Style, just click on the appropriate Reminder button to my left.

Coaching Reminder Directing Reminder

The following slides are Personal Style assessment analysis.

Personal Styles Assessment

The letter representing the largest total is your primary style of communicating. The next lowest number represents other styles you may use. Note: If two letters are equally represented or the four numbers are fairly equal in value, the choice of which style to use during interaction increases. In other words, you feel comfortable communicating from two or four styles.

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Alright, now we’re going to look at what all those numbers mean with regard to your communications . Read the instructions on this page to determine what your primary style of communication is. The other numbers come into play as additional styles you use. When you’re ready to see the Styles explanations, click on the Green Button.

The BEST Model The letters represent the four primary personality styles: old xpressive ympathetic echnical

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There is no one best style; the more of each style we can use in our communications, the more flexible we become in working with others who use a different dominant style.

BEST Styles Explanations

On the next slide we’ll begin to look at what each style means.

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Total = 4

Total = 4

Total = 4

Total = 3

old B The Bold type personality likes a challenge. They want control over serious matters, make quick decisions and will use a direct communication style that at times can seem blunt to others. They have great administrative and operational skills, and appear to others as cool, and competitive.

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They like to work independently, and can create problems when they exclude others or do not delegate to others. They tend towards crisis management, sometimes insensitive to the needs of others over the need to complete the project on time. They want freedom to manage themselves and others and use their leadership skills to become winners. Their negative traits tend towards stubbornness, impatience, and toughness that can sometimes be strained by poor listening habits.

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Total = 4

Total = 4

Total = 4

Total = 3

xpressive E The Expressive type personality uses animation and liveliness in a social environment. Actions and decisions are usually spontaneous, and include sharing and persuading to their point of view. They can influence others through positive interactions, as opposed to using numbers. Not overly concerned with facts and details, they like to generalize and this may cause problems.

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Working alone for that reason may be a problem in managing deadlines, and will need to define details and specific objectives to improve. Their drawbacks are getting involved in too many things, impatience and disorganized. They will need to control their time and emotions, be more attune to objectives, goals and deadlines, and take a more logical approach to getting things done.

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Total = 4

Total = 4

Total = 4

Total = 3

ympathetic S The Sympathetic type personality is most often patient, dependable, considerate of others, loyal, and a good listener. They work to serve, and prefers following – not leading. They like the security of status quo, but when working may procrastinate and lack a sense of urgency at times.

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This type needs to learn to adjust quickly to unexpected changes, and become more assertive when necessary. They have natural counseling skills and are extremely supportive, with the focus on building trust. They may not share information, space, and things as much due to a need for security (fear of loss). They dislike interpersonal conflict, and will avoid risky to unknown situations. They sometimes will say what they think others want to hear to keep the status quo. They need to reach beyond their own comfort zones to set goals that might require risk, and then practice delegation skills.

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Total = 4

Total = 4

Total = 4

Total = 3

echnical T The Technical type personality is most often in control, very precise HELP Menu Mouse Continue course Buttons

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with details, cautious, and rule-oriented and exhibits a need for order. Tends towards planning and organizing, and may be called a perfectionist. Calculates risks using logical thinking, is persuaded by facts and is willing to listen (to facts). They are serious, orderly, and tend to be skeptical, and can be noncontact people and like to keep their distance. They can be seen as aloof, picky, and critical. They could benefit by being more decisive (timing), show concern and appreciation for others, use timesavers to work deadlines, and use guidelines instead of ‘it’s the rule!’

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Total = 4

Total = 4

Total = 4

Total = 3

So as you can see, there is no one best way to lead, but rather a best blend of styles is most effective.

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D3 D1



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HELP Topic Using the Mouse The mouse is the easiest way to get around from screen to screen and do things on each screen. The mouse has two buttons in the front of it, like the one in this example. The button you will use is on the left side of the mouse as you are holding it in your hand. You will usually only have to press (or click) the left button on the mouse once with your finger. Depending on what graphic or symbol or link you’re clicking on, that one click will either take you somewhere else in the program, or display some other information on the screen.

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This is a link that takes you back to the slide you were just on

Click once on either the Yellow Arrow Button or the Red Link to go back to the slide you were on when you came here.

HELP Topic Continuing with Course Chapters The easiest way to pick up where you left off if you had to exit the class early is to click on the Brown Button labeled “Continue Course” on the main screen. This button takes you to the Course Contents screen which has links to get you back to the Chapter you were working on when you had to _____ Continue exit the course. _____ _____


To return to the screen you were just on when you clicked for HELP, click once on the Yellow Return Button below.

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Button is deactivated on this screen.

Course Contents

HELP Topic Using the Navigation Buttons on Each Screen The graphic “Action” buttons on each screen will take you to where you need to go next in your progress through this class. You only need to click once with your mouse on any button to navigate.

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Next Slide

The Green button always takes you forward. On the Main screen it begins the course. After that it takes you to the next slide you need to be on.

Previous Slide

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The Blue button displays a menu that provides links to help on some subject, like the one your visiting right now.

Exit Course

The Red button always takes you to the last slide where exit comments offer further instructions.

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When you’re ready to go back to the slide you were on, click the Yellow Arrow Button.

End of Course If you have arrived on this screen because you have to exit from the program early, you’ll be able to pick up where you left off by clicking on one of the links on the Course Contents Screen which will then take you to the Chapter of this course you were engaged in when you arrived here. When you return to the Main screen, just click on the Brown Button to “Continue Course” and that will lead to the Course Contents. If you have completed all of the modules in this course, congratulations and we’ll see you in another online learning class in the future. To exit out of the PowerPoint Slide program now, press the Escape Key <Esc> at the top left of your keyboard once.

See ya’ next time!

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