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  • Words: 888
  • Pages: 24

What is leadership?

The ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals.


Why We Study Leadership?  To

manage the Change

 Want

to Avoid Uncertainty and Crisis


What leaders do?  Sight--Direction

 Insight--Vision

 Inspiration--Motivation.


Direction setting  Challenging

Task  View things broadly  Create Different Alternatives-contingency mapping  No Rigidity  Create Vision and Strategies


Vision  Clear

vision  Communicate to everyone  Easy Communication  Repeat the Message  Allow Challenges  Recognize the size of task  Credibility


How they Motivate to achieve the vision      

Empowerment Encourage Optimistic/ positive Thinking Respect Individual Recognize and Reward Controlling and Problem Solving


Great Leaders ❁ Live with integrity, lead by example ❁ develop a winning strategy or “big idea” ❁ build a great management team ❁ inspire employees to greatness ❁ create a flexible, responsive organization ❁ use reinforcing management systems 8

Great Leaders ❁ passionate about what they do ❁ love to talk about it ❁ high energy ❁ clarity of thinking ❁ communicate to diverse audience ❁ work through people (empowering) 9

Some Managers are More Than Bosses - They’re Leaders, Too

 There  

 

is no one leader personality

they do inspire others to take risks they do inspire others to do more than they thought possible they set steep goals they instill in others that both failure and success are allowed 10

Comparing Management and Leadership Management


Creating Direction

Planning and Budgeting Establishing an agenda

Developing a human network for achieving the agenda

Organizing and staffing

Aligning people


Controlling and problem solving

Motivating and inspiring


Produces a degree of predictability and order

Produces change



Leadership is the initiation of action to solve a problem. Leadership is directing or controlling the activity of a group. Leadership is influencing the activities of group as it moves toward its goals. 12


“Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right things”



The process of inspiring, influencing, and guiding others to participate in a common effort. Leadership Is The Behavior of an individual he is directing the activities of a group towards a goal.


Tr ait Theo ry (c ont inued) •

Gender and leadership - men and women were seen as displaying more task and social leadership, respectively - women used a more democratic or participative style than men, and men used a more autocratic and directive style than women - men and women were equally assertive - women executives, when rated by their peers, managers and direct reports, scored higher than their male counterparts on a variety of effectiveness criteria



leadership is a personal quality It exist only with the followers, if there are no followers , there is no leadership Leadership is a process of influence. a leader must be able to influence the behavior,attitude,and beliefs of his subordinates. leadership is group phenomeon.it involve interaction between to or more people Leadership has always been based on power. For the conventional view, this means the power of personality to dominate a group. This shows that leadership is really just about taking a stand for what you believe and trying to convince people to think and act differently. 16

Managers Vs Leaders Manager Characteristics  Administers  A copy  Maintains  Focuses on systems and structures  Relies on control  Short range view  Asks how and when  Eye on bottom line  Imitates  Accepts the status quo  Classic good soldiers  Does things right

Leader Characteristics  Innovates  An original  Develops  Focuses on people  Inspires trust  Long range perspective  Asks what and why  Eye on horizon  Originates  Challenges the status quo  Own person  Does the right thing


Types of leadership or style of leadership 

Leadership style based on attitude and behavior


Autocratic style Laissez-faire or free-rein style leader Democratic and participative leader Paternalistic style leader

C. D. E.

 G. H.


Leadership style based on official recognition/relationship :Formal leader Informal leader 18

A Trait Approach(1900-1950s): Leaders are born, not made The focus of early leadership research was to find personal traits that distinguished leaders from followers. 

The search was not successful--100s of studies lead to the conclusion that there was no such set of personal characteristics that by themselves distinguished leaders from non-leaders. A few traits such as above average intelligence, responsibility, self confidence, and persistence were associated with leaders, but they are not sufficient explanations. Later studies of leadership characteristics led to the conclusion that there were a few general traits that were associated with effective leadership such as self-confidence, stress tolerance, emotional maturity, and integrity--but again no trait or set of traits by itself guaranteed leader effectiveness. 19

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Excellent 20

Staff Staff’s function is to support the Line functions.


My personal view: Staff positions, like viruses, are necessary but you need to keep them under control.


Thank you



? 24

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