Leadership Practices

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,697
  • Pages: 12
Anveshan A Report On Best Leadership practices


“Panthers” Comprising of Anjali Singh (05)

Bhupesh kr. Singh (11)

Gaurav Ravi Raj (15)

Gyanesh Singh (17)

Mehu (24)

Prakash Chandra (29)

Rupesh kumar (38)

Shreya Awasthi (41)


Introduction Developing leaders is a formidable challenge for today‟s global business. Out-performing and staying ahead of the competition in today‟s business presents one of the biggest leadership challenges. The success of postmodern business rests on a leadership enabling process, which is a result of many factors, both internal and external. Internally, organizations should instill strong fundamental characteristics and create capabilities, which could drive operating practices that are more superior than the others. In studying organizational success factors, management experts might look into certain company practices to isolate critical conditions that discriminate between high performing companies and the less-superior ones. In doing this, their argument is often based on the principle that excellent companies practice superior management approaches compared to average companies, and this affects their performance to varying degrees. Companies differ in the way they manage their resources, including people, capital, and technology. Thus, each resultant vector manifests a new skill of how those resources surrounding their functional processes are managed to produce goods and services, in winning customers. Leadership Development Purpose

Aligning leadership behaviors to strategy creates a core purpose for leadership development endeavors. Without this central focus, leadership development practices tend to become ends in themselves. As discussed in the segments below, organizations integrate leadership development and strategy in multiple ways. The mechanisms include classroom-based programs, action learning projects, rotational assignments, and the prioritization and emphasis on specific leadership competencies. Leadership Development Practices To become a world-class organization, companies must not only know what others are doing in the market but should constantly evaluate and compare their own achievements and processes with the more superior standards the world over. Therefore, it is critical for the organization to search for best practices and methods and subsequently internalize them into its own core processes. There are many ways, relative to the selected benchmark, that one can define leadership practices. In the search for a performance-driven definition, „Best practices‟ are considered as business methods that provide competitive advantage through improved customer service, better asset utilization, or reduced costs (Webb, 2000). In reality, it is hard to find best practice in everything a company does, thus there are no best practice companies who achieve success in everything. Cortada (1997) defines best practices as „collections of activities within an organization that are done very, very well and ultimately are recognized as such by others‟. Best practices can also be viewed as „me too‟ strategies initially, but that organizations should try to come up with „leapfrog practices‟ that they pioneer in order to be the first to have a temporary advantage over their competitors, and subsequently build up revenue and profit streams. There is only a small chance that one single activity works equally well for everyone (McCune, 1994). © Panthers

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“Anveshan” There are certain core competencies of leadership that truly help in driving the business results, rather than simply what leaders do. These are:

Setting Strategy

Engaging Talent

 Setting Strategy  Strategy Communication  Strategy Execution  Strategy Integration

   

Coaching Delegating Influencing Holding People Accountable  Attracting Talent

Operating Efficiently

   

Generating Revenue

Driving Efficient Processes Maintaining Product Quality Effective Resource Allocation Functional Knowledge  Risk Analysis

    

Business Acumen Driving for Results Customer Focus Market Positioning Exploiting Existing Markets  Exploiting New Markets

Core competencies of the leaders within the organization are developed through the development practices used by the organization. These demonstrated competencies, Setting Strategy, Engaging Talent, Operating Efficiency, and Generating Revenue, ultimately are what lead to business outcomes.

Development Practices



Fig:- The Component Model

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“Anveshan” According to Scandinavian Leadership Model there are certain learning principles that help in meaningful and effective Leadership Development practices. These are:1. Reality – all development should be focused on real time challenges and opportunities. 2. Reflection – learning happens when actions, experiences and reactions are put into perspective by a process of reflection. In our experience, guided reflection is by far the most powerful tool that you can offer busy, action orientated executives. 3. Challenges – whilst any leadership development has to provide the right level of support and show respect for the individual, it will have more impact if there is an element of risk because the executive has something at stake. 4. Dialogue – leadership development should seek to tease out the existing and/or tacit knowledge and capabilities of the executives involved in an interactive format. The authority of leadership experts is no longer based on their intellectual knowledge alone but as much on the way it is delivered or transferred. Lecturing professors are dinosaurs in executive learning. 5. Action – reflection without action leads nowhere. Any leadership development should be firmly focused on delivering value to the business. 6. Variation – the format of learning should be varied and adaptable to different learning styles and needs. The responsibility for the learning process is handed over to the executives who are asked to intervene at any time if the leadership development does not meet their objectives. There are also some elements of best practices that are found useful in leadership. These elements are:        

Align the best practices searching method with the company‟s strategy and objectives. Involve senior management. Emphasize continuous skills upgrading. Benchmark major activities and important objectives. Invest in infrastructure, such as new technology. Reward successful benchmarking initiatives. Assess projects and systems continually. Communicate continuously with stakeholder. Make adjustments based on feedback.

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“Anveshan” The bottom line is, a best practice is what gives a company the capability to out-perform competitors, to grow in market size and profits through providing compelling value to customers, employees, and shareholders.

Best Practices in leadership development



Development Target



Formal program

Classroom-based learning, Shell for including a variety of practices

Flexible Efficient

Poor transfer of learning Lack of support on job

360 feedback

Multi-source ratings of performance, Organized and presented to a manager

Skill development Self Knowledge Leadership principles Self Knowledge Behavioral change

Comprehensive picture Buy-in


Practical, goal focused form of one to one learning

Self Knowledge, Behavioral change, Career development

Personalized intensive

Overwhelming amount of data, no guidance on how to change, time and effort Perceived stigma Expensive

Job Assignments

Providing “stretch” assignments in terms of role, function or geography

Job relevant Accelerates learning


Advising/Developmental relationship, usually with a more senior manager

Skills development Broader understanding of the business Broader understanding, Advancement catalyst Lessons, learned/avoid mistakes

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Strong personal bond

Conflict between performance, No structure for learning Peer jealousy Over dependence

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Connecting to others in different functions and areas


In-dept thinking about personal experience

Action Learnaing

Project based learning directed at important business problems

Outdoor challenges

Teambuilding experiences in outdoor wilderness settings

“Anveshan” Better problem solving, Learning who to consult for project help. Socialization Understanding lessons of experience Self Understanding Socialization Teamwork Implement strategy

Teamwork Selfunderstanding

Builds Organization

Ad hoc Unstructured

Enhanced learning Personal

Time and Guidance to do effectively Poor job transfer

Tied to business Imperatives. Action-Oriented

Time intensive Leadership lessons always not clear Over-emphasis on results

Emotionally charged Action oriented

Poor job transfer Potentially dangerous

According to a survey finding the top 20 best companies for leadership practices and best leaders are as:-

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“Anveshan” Let‟s see how PepsiCo applies Leadership Development Practices. PepsiCo. Chairman and CEO Roger Enrico is personally committed to leadership development in both spirit and action. Even as the top honcho of a $22 billion corporation with over 150,000 employees, Enrico spends more than 100 days a year personally conducting leadership workshops for senior executives. A number of other leadership development programs involve top-level executives as guest speakers (most often on videotape). However, Pepsi‟s “Building the Business” program is different in that Enrico is the full-time lead instructor, supported by several other executive teachers. Pepsi‟s central program philosophy is simple but powerful: The most important responsibility of a leader is to personally develop other leaders. This is especially important in an organization in which 86 percent of executive vacancies are filled from within.

Implication Leadership development produces higher performing organizations through improving leader Effectiveness. Today there is no simple or single template for developing leaders. Organizations have the most success when they tailor leader development systems to the realities of the business, recognizing that strategies for growing leaders shift with the changing demands of the enterprise. The best leadership development systems seem to comprise the following components: Action Orientation. The best tools for leadership development tend to be actionable and Leveraged to real business solutions. Strategic Focus. Business strategy and leadership development are tightly interwoven. The best leadership development systems foster an ability to execute business strategy. Integrated with Organizational Systems. Leadership development should not be perceived as a stand-alone endeavor. Growing leaders works best when the development of leaders is interlocked with other talent management components – recruiting, selecting and succession planning. Multi-Dimensional Learning Designs. The most effective leadership development curriculums tend to incorporate a wide range of learning techniques and delivery mechanisms. To this point the true value of leadership development is difficult to assess due to the gap between desired and actual practice in measuring development effectiveness. Predictably, as leadership development is more integrated with strategic activities, it will become more measurable and its value more readily apparent to the enterprise.

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References  WWW.Google.com  Wikipedia  PepsiCo  http://www.amachina.com/images/aboutus  www.watkinssinclair.com  www.ninthhouse.com.

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Fig1:- Watkins Sinclair's Leadership Development Methodology

Fig 2:- Leadership Development needs graph

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Fig 3:- Barriers to developing leaders

Fig 4:- Importance of leadership practices

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Fig 5:- Tools and Training techniques used to build leadership competencies

Fig 6:- Top employee development priorities

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Fig 7:- AMA (China) Leadership Competence Model

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