Latest Technology Development For Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

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  • Pages: 29
Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

INTRODUCTION Turmeric is one of the important spice and cash crop in Indian. India is leading country and ranking first in respect of production and export of turmeric, it is about 80% and remaining 20% is shared by Chaina and Pakistan. The present traditional method of turmeric processing is uncontrolled processing technique. The recovery of the turmeric powder obtained has ranged between 12 to 15% maximum and there was possibility of the deteriorating quality in respect of curcumin content of the powder due to uncontrolled and excess heating during cooking. Entire process took about 20 to 25 days for obtaining final product i.e. turmeric powder, Recently the machinery developed for processing of turmeric made it possible to process turmeric rhizomes with in 24hrs by vacuum evaporation technique. The recent developed process & machinery had some limitations like the excessive process cycle time 24 hr. secondly the cutting of rhizomes into 1cm length pieces is performed manually, manual controlling of critical parameters, excessive time required for drying the tray type drier. This was right time to incorporate some new technique and automation to increase productivity, qualitative and quantitative improvement in final output i.e. turmeric - powder for value addition. The new technique of cutting rhizomes and drying and automation in plant made it possible to reduce process cycle time of 24 hrs to 2 hrs. this has miraculously increased the demand of auto machine by the private

C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

processor of turmeric because this new machinery really helped processor in getting more recovery & getting more prices to their final produce in the market. Economical standard of farmers can be improved by providing good price to their agro produce in the market. The value addition in the agro produce is possible by introducing this new technique of agro produce processing.

C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

AIM : Development of machinery for cutting Turmeric Rhizomes. This unit has made it possible to reduce process cycle time from 24 hr to 2 hr. Control of all parameters effectively due to automation, which ultimately improves the nutritive value of turmeric powder. The three areas where new system needs to be designed and incorporated are auto-cutting unit of rhizomes, automatic orientation of rhizomes & auto-cutting in 1 cm pieces. This reduces cutting time and makes the process online.

Objectives: Development of machinery for cutting turmeric Rhizomes to reduce time of cutting, labour required and to increase production lot of work had been carried out in respect of crop improvement for better quality and yielding potential but not much emphasis has been given on the turmeric processing in respect improvement in quality as well as increasing the recovery of concentrated powder. The present traditional method of turmeric processing consist of 1.

Cooking of rhizomes in open pan (Uncontrolled cooking)


Sun-drying on open hard surface (for about 10 to 15 days).


Polishing by rubbing on hard surface or in rotating drum.


Grinding dried rhizomes to powder.

C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

In this uncontrolled processing technique many times due to excess heating temperature there was a formation of blackish hard turmeric rhizomes popularly known as 'Lokhadi Halad'. The entire process took about 20 to 25 days for obtaining final product i.e. turmeric powder as well as labour requirement is more during the sun drying depending on the bright sunny days and cloudy weather conditions. And due to this tidies and uncontrolled processing technique and as the prices was governed by middleman, the farmers are not preferring to cultivate this precious turmeric crop. Looking towards the urgent need of controlled processing technology, it is suggested to develop the technology for cutting of turmeric rhizomes with in 2 hrs for 50 kg.

C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

TRADITIONAL METHODOLOGY The present traditional method used in India for processing turmeric is crude uncontrolled method and require 25 days for processing. This method consist of  Cooking of rhizomes in open pan (uncontrolled cooling)  Sun drying on open hard surface (for @ 10 to 15 days)  Grinding dried rhizomes in powder. The recent method & machinery developed needs 24 hrs for processing turmeric this method keeps the "curcumin" content intact, which is very important. This method consist of  Washing of rhizomes in Rhizomer washing m/c.  Cutting of rhizomes in 1 cm pieces, (this operation is not fully automatic hence time consuming).  Vacuum evaporation in the vessel made from grade steel.  Cooling of rhizomes at room temperature by spreading over the clean floor.  Cabinet air blower drier for drying the rhizomes.  Grinding  Packing in desired quantity.

C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

Process flow chart for preparation of powder from fresh turmeric rhizomes. (Traditional Method)

Farm fresh turmeric Rhizomes Washing and Cutting 0.2% preservative / additive to avoid changes in colour, flavour etc. during the processing. Vacuum evaporation at 25 in. Hg for 60 min Cooling down the rhizomes at room temperature by spreading over the clean floor. Vacuum evaporating for 20 min. Drying in the hot air oven for about 18 to 22 hrs at 600C temperature Pulverizing / grinding and packaging

C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

Process flow chart for preparation of powder from fresh turmeric rhizomes. (New Method)

Farm fresh turmeric Rhizomes Auto washing & cutting On line addition of 0.2% preservatives to avoid changes in color, flavour during the process Vacuum evaporation at 25 in Hg. Installed online cooling unit where forced cool air is blown on the rhizomes in rotary chamber Vacuum evaporation Introduced rotary drier with high capacity hot air generator unit Pulverizing / grinding and packaging

C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

Comparison between recent machinery and improved automated plant with addition of some new techniques (Batch size 50 kg.)

Recent machinery developed


Improved automated plant with new


techniques introduced in the process

Raw Material Farm fresh


Raw Material Farm fresh turmeric rhizomes

2.5 hr. -

Auto washing & cutting On line addition of


rhizomes Washing & cutting 0.2% preservatives to avoid


15 min. 0.2% --

changes in color, flavour

preservatives to avoid changes in

during the process Vacuum evaporation at 25 in

1 hr.

color, flavour during the process Vacuum evaporation at 25 in Hg.

Hg. Cooling down the rhizomes

1 hr.

Installed online cooling unit where

1 Hr. 10 min

at room temp. by spreading

forced cool air is blown on the

over the clean floor. Vacuum evaporation Drying in the hot air

20 min 18-22

rhizomes in rotary chamber Vacuum evaporation Introduced rotary drier with high

20 min. 45 min.

Pulverizing / grinding and

hr. 30 min

capacity hot air generator unit Pulverizing / grinding and packaging

30 min.

packaging Process time

24 Hr.

Process time

3 hr. 15 min


C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

Sr. No. 1 2 3

Factors Time

Manual Cutting 2.5 hrs

Auto cutting


15 min

Saving of 2

Labour cost

Rs. 400


hrs 15 min Rs. 400 saving

Production per hr.

(4 Labour) 25 kg

50 kg

Productivity is doubled

DETAILS OF VARIOUS SYSTEMS USED IN THE CUTTING UNIT An automatic loading and unloading device is a set of mechanisms which automatically transfer parts from the storage to the operative zone of the machine

C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

and remove the processed part semi-product again to the place of storage after the machining process is over. Loading and unloading facilities for piece parts are made in the form of independent units of a machine, units integrally linked with a machine or units of machine fixtures. Despite the extremely important role they play in automatic machines such facilities belong to the group of auxiliary mechanisms because they do not participate directly in the process of machining assembly, i.e., in the process which change the state of the object of labour. The facilities include a magazine or bunker containing a store of parts, and the functional mechanisms: orientation device, blank, cutting off device, feeder, device for pushing blanks in and out, agitating member, unloaded, reception chute and drive. The design and principal of operation of loading and unloading facilities depend on the type of parts, kind of machining and the features of the work space of a machine (automatic transfer machine ) on which the device is mounted. By the mode of concentrating a store of piece parts the loading facilities are subdivided into magazines, bunker-magazines and bunkers. In the bunker-magazine loading facilities the store of blanks is placed in the bunker in several rows and a definite orientation is imparted to each part manually or by a special mechanism independent of the loading facility. The receiver is designed as a chute whose width is limited by the length of the part. The parts are transferred to the work area by a feeder.

C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

CHUTES The nature of motion of parts subdivides all chutes into rolling chutes and sliding chutes, the form of longitudinal profile into ordinary straight, roller straight, curved, screw-type, zigzag and special. The form of cross-sectional area distinguishes opened and closed chutes. Closed types are employed for the vertical arrangement, when the chute in inclined at an angle greater then 100, for long blanks, and irrespective of the length for parts made in the form of caps, stepped and tapered shafts because they tend to be misaligned. Inspection holes are provided in the walls of closed chutes to observe the motion and prevent the seizure of the parts. The chutes are calculated to determine the dimensions in cross and longitudinal cross sections, the inclination of the chute and the speeds with which the blanks move.

C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

BUNKERS The most popular bunkers for the orientation mechanisms with movable gripping members are illustrated. In design, the bunkers are made cylindrical, conical and bucket type. They are manufactured either with one container to accumulate and select the parts or with two inter linked containers. In the later case one container, bunker 1, is employed to accumulate the main store of parts, and the other, bunker 2, to select them. The parts move from bunker 1 into bunker 2 gradually under the action of the forces of gravity. Sometime bunker 1 is designed separately and can be arranged vertically. The first group of bunkers is applied on a broad scale but has a number of shortcomings: intensive agitation of parts by the moving gripping member which causes dents and scratches on the surface of the parts, many parts accumulated in the bunker and a resulting high pressure exerted by the upper layers on the lowermost ones, which makes, it difficult to prepare the parts for gripping and reduces the efficiency of the loading device. The second group is free from the shortcomings inherent in the bunkers of the first group and may be recommended as the basic one for loading facilities. The bunkers are made in cast and welded designs. The most popular are welder bunkers. The volume of a bunker (work space) depends on the necessary store of part which should be accommodated to ensure an uninterrupted operation of the loader during the rated period of time.

C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

WHY DISC POCKET TYPE ORIENTATION MECHANISM IS USED ? Are intended to grip parts from the bunker and orient them in space but not in time. In this way the part emerge from the mechanism in a definite position (oriented), but at various intervals of time. The parts are oriented in time by the feeder of the loading device. They are arranged in the bunker in haphazard manner and for this reason the process of orientation with the delivery in the pre-assigned position to the bank is in many respects random and should be considered from the viewpoint of the theory of probability. The orientation mechanism yields parts unevenly, i.e., at various time intervals, but for all that the capacity of the mechanism may be assumed about the same and equal to Qav at certain period of time. The parts should be delivered into the feeder and hence, to the operative mechanism of the machine uniformly in quantities denoted by Qf. Since the efficiency of the orientation mechanism is affected by the factors sometimes out of control, this mechanism is designed for operation with an "overfilling", i.e., Qav >Qf.. Depending on the type of device, the conditions of its operation and the shape of the parts being fed in, the excess of Qav over Qf. ranges from 10 to 35 per cent. Since at various intervals of time the parts can fill the reception mechanisms (banks) the orientation mechanism should be provided with a safety device automatically disengaging the gripping member and also automatically engaging it as soon as it is possible to receive new parts. In a number of cases the

C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

safety mechanism is substituted by devices to reject extra parts into a special container. All these mechanisms will be discussed below in the description of specific designs of orientation mechanisms. The number of designs of such mechanisms available today is large indeed, but they can be united in two classes: (a) orientation mechanisms with grips performing rotary, oscillatory or reciprocating motion and (b) mechanisms with vibrating gripping and orienting members or, as they are commonly called, vibrobunkers. By the mode of feeding parts into the bank, orientation mechanisms of the first class are subdivided into mechanisms with the delivery of parts piece by piece, with the delivery of parts in batches following one another continuously, and with the delivery of parts in a continuous flow. The orientation mechanisms of the second class feed the parts into the bank only in a continuous flow. Distinctions made between pocket mechanism in which the slots are arranged along the chord of the working disk perpendicularly to its plane, and along the disk radius. Apart from the gripping method, these mechanisms are distinguished by the method of delivery. Stationary disk 1 of the mechanism is mounted on the housing of worm reduction gear 5. Movable (working) disk 2 is secured on shaft 3 of the worm reduction gear. Pockets P are provided over the circumference of disk 2, and vanes 6 used to fill better the pockets with parts are attached to the surface of the disk. Bunker 4 is secure on stationary disk 1. The orientation mechanism is installed at an angle of 35-450 to the horizontal, and C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

operates as follows. The parts are loaded into the bunker onto the surface of working disk 2. As the disk rotates, the parts drop into the pockets P, are carried to the reception port of the stationary disk and go further to the bank. The method of delivery of parts into the bank depends on the design of the reception part of the bank. In the receiver the parts can be turned from a horizontal position, i.e., fed into the bank in the direction of part axis, or retain their horizontal position. In our design the parts are gripped and oriented during one operation. If a part has to be oriented in two operations as is the case when asymmetric parts, for example, caps with a displaced gravity centre, are fed in, use is made of orientation mechanisms with double pockets or a device for secondary orientation mounted in the receiver of the bank. When the parts are delivered from the working disk of a pocket-type orientation mechanism directly into the receiver, calculation is extended to the dimensions of the pockets, the inlet portion of the receiver, speed of rotation of the working disk and, hence, the efficiency of the orientation mechanism. The method of gripping the part affects the efficiency of the orientation mechanism, since the speed of the working disk and the coefficient of gripping probability are dependent on it. The efficiency of pocket-type orientation mechanisms can be improved by a more intensive agitation of the parts.

C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

DESIGN PROCEDURE Basic Parameters We have length of turmeric rhizome (l )


9 cm

Diameter of turmeric rhizome


2 cm

a) Design of pocket. m





Length of Rhizome



thickness of partition



Clearance between part and pocket wall



L + d + D1


9 + 2.5 + 0.5



12 cm

Width L


1 + 0.5 d




10 cm

Depth of pocket b


1.5 d



3 cm

Thickness of working disk S


0.9 d



0.9 x 2


1.8 cm ~ 2 cm

Diameter of disk D


10 - 1


90 cm

C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

No. of Pockets Z




180 ------------------------------------------------------------1.5 + 2.5d 1 + 0.5 arc sin ( ----------------) + arc sin ( ------------------) D D 8

The No. of pockets are 8 Size of receiver port B



12 + d2 -----------1 + f 92 + 22 -----------1 + 0.7






75 cm = 8.66 cm




2d --------G




2x2 --------9.81



1033 cm / min


ρ = radius of part inertia w.r.t. axis passing through pt. of contact of part with be receiver edge.




12 + 15 (d/2)2 ---------------------12


102 + 15 (2/2)2 ---------------------12

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Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes






3 cm

Now, α - inclination of rotations disk we take α = 350 Now, Vmax - max. peripheral velocity at the disk

Vmax = (B - d/2)

g(cos α- f sin α) ---------------------2(d/2 - s1)

= (75 - 1)

Vmax =

1335 cm / min

As Vmax > V Hence design is safe.

C.O.E. & T.,Akola

980 (cos 35 - 0.7 sin 35) -----------------------------2 (1 - 0.5)

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

b) DESIGN OF BUNKER Batch size


50 kg

Time period =

2 hrs.

We have to determine its volume We have, Length of Rhizome


9 cm

Diameter of Rhizome


2 cm

∴Volume of each rhizome =

π/ 4 x d2 x 1


29 cm3


30 cm3

Volume of 50 kg rhizomes =

1,50,000 cm3



Avg. efficiency of loader in pcs / min.






Coefficient of probability





No. of pockets






Rate of rotation



12 r.p.m.

∴Qav =

C.O.E. & T.,Akola

57.6 pcs / min

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

Volume of bunker :Vp . T. X Qavg Vbunk= ---------------------q Vp


Volume of rhizome



Time period of operation



average of efficiency of operation



Coefficient of filling


30 x 120 x 57. 6 ---------------------------0.6


3,45,600 cm3

As volume of bunker >> Volume of 50 kg rhizome Hence bunker is capable of fulfilling whole volume of 50 kg rhizome. Hence design is safe. c) Design of receiver chute We choose close type chute for this purpose. Height of chute :H





dia. of rhizome


clearance = 1 cm





3 cm


L+ ∆




C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes



10 cm

ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE PROJECT Successfully designed and fabricated Rhizome cutting machine with capacity of 50 kg/hr. The challenge to develop the machine was accepted by us and ultimately achieved the different benefits of the units is explained below. Table 1 Costing comparative statement : Particular Power Labour


Improved Auto-



Cost Saving

Nearly double (35

Nearly half (18

Process cost saved



is Rs. 7.75 per kg.

8 Labours

2 persons 1

of Rhizomes

Operator &


Inspector Processing Time


24 hr. (3 batches

1 hr. (in

are possible

overlapping cycle

overlapping cycle)

it comes to 2 hr.)

Processing Rs. 10 / kg.

Rs. 2.25/kg

cost per Kg of rhizomes Production / day

50 kg./ batch X 3

50 kg. / batch x 24

Increase in

batches = 150 kg.

= 1200 kg.

production by 1050 kg.

Table No. 2 C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

Quantitative benefits : (Considering machinery of the capacity 50 kg / batch) Production

Recent Machinery

Improved Auto

Increase Value Addition


machinery Say Rs. 2 x / kg. Cost



1.25 25%

Cost of raw material X/Kg.



say Rs. X) Export

Market Inferior qualities

to final produce


of turmeric Nutritive value

powder is excellent as is more the



auto controlled. Export market to M/c machinery


manually Export potential to the Revenue

controlled hence no machinery


export potential

Indian Govt.


SOCIO ECONOMIC BENEFITS In present method the cutting of rhizomes is carried out manually which is very tedious job, it require more time for cutting and more number of labour. C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes


This plant causes the value addition to the agro produce.


Because of value addition to agro produce the basic turnover increases . Which causes the improved standard of living.


Productivity increases.


This plant can be installed at rural area also.


By this plant technical manpower employment is possible.

Table : 3 Other Benefits :Nutritive value

Loss of nutritive value

Nutritive value is intact

Curcumin percentage

Less percentage

More percentage

RESULT AND DISCUSSION From costing comparative statement it is seen that increase in production per day per machine = 1050 Kg. Hence in a season of 4 months the increase in production

C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

by one machine (considering 26 working days per months) = 1050 x 26 x 4 = 1,09,200 kg. = 109 tons. Process cost saved per Kg. of rhizomes processed = Rs. 7.5 Total production per season by one machine = 1200 x 26 x 4 = 124800 Kg. = 125 tons. Hence processing cost saved per / machine = 1,24,8000 x 7.75 = Rs. 9,67,200/Cost involved in Automation and upgradation of units is tentatively Rs. 7 to 8 lacs. This cost can be recovered within one season. The above explained automation has been reached to it's final stage only because of development of Rhizome cutting machine. This cutting Process was the only bottleneck. All other equipments used in this automated plant are available in the market. Only one operation i.e. cutting operation had no other option than manual cutting. Our project has given revolutionary break and successfully developed the machine.

CONCLUSION India is a country having agro base economy. Maximum Indian population is involved in agro-based activities. It is the need of time to make available the

C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

technologies to the farmer, which can given value addition to agro produce. As Indian is leading producer of turmeric this technology developed for getting qualitative turmeric output will definitely give benefit to the farmer due to value addition. The cost involved in automation and introducing new technique is approximately Rs. 7 to 8 lacs, which can be recovered in one season by one machine. The cost of cutting machine is just 10,000 /- for 50 kg capacity. But this given revolutionary break to the total process. To see India as a super power unto 2020 it is the prime responsibility of technocrats to work for developing machinery that can relieve stressful work of farmers and give benefit to them by improving quality of their produce. There is a tremendous scope to work on such project.


Industrial Automotion by Turgen (Mir Publication, Moscow)

C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes


Principles of Automation by Malav (Mir Publication, Moscow)


Mechatronics by H.M.T. (Tata Mac Graw Hill Publication)

CONTENTS Sr. No. 1 2


C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Page No. 1 3

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

3 4 5



5 9 10

UNIT 5.1 Chutes 5.2 Bunkers

6 7 8 9 10


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15 21 23 24 25

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

Types of Chutes a) Ordinary straight b) Roller straight c) Spiral d) Oval e) Coil f) Arched g) Cascade

C.O.E. & T.,Akola

Latest Technology Development for Cutting Turmeric Rhizomes

Types of Loading Facilities

C.O.E. & T.,Akola

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