Larry Smoot Press Kit ~ The Centennial 2029

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Press Kit


© 2007

AN OPEN LETTER FROM THE AUTHOR LARRY A. SMOOT, JR. Greetings, I would like to thank you for taking a moment to consider my novel, The Centennial 2029. The Centennial 2029 is an expression of my inner strife, dealing with the breakup of my family, the difference between spirituality and religion, and the role history plays on current events. Projected out into the year 2029, the narrative is an exploration of this country’s established ideology, and the correlation between today's down trotted and those of the bible. This is all done within the mental make-up of a man who has given up on trying to find happiness and existing vicariously on the joy that only comes from being a proud father and papaw, until he meets her. Just when he starts to believe that there is hope for him, the demons, that fueled his pessimistic ways, rear their ugly heads in the form of cancer. The timing couldn't be any worse. Not only has Papaw rediscovered love, he is the guest speaker at the 100th Annual Smoot Family Reunion. Now, he has to convince his conservative son to give his speech that will not only challenge who we are as a people, it will also challenge our theology. The Centennial 2029 is the first book of the "C" Trilogy Series. Manuscripts in progress are The Chronicles and The Comforter. All will be equally challenging for those who have come to accept the status quo because we tend to believe that what is, is what is meant to be. But, that is why the knowledge of history is ever so important. In speaking of these very times, a wise man, many centuries ago, once said “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Is there any thing where of it may be said, See, this is new? It hath been already of old time, which was before us. There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after (Ecclesiastes 1:9-11, KJV). Thus, not only what is, has already been [regarding the actions of a nation], but also in regards to the judgment of that nation. Thank you again, and enjoy the read.

Larry A. Smoot, Jr. 2

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Angela M. Smith 1.765.459.0371 [email protected]

Eccentric Novel Tackles Issue of the African American Culture LONGWOOD, FL—Step into the world of The Centennial 2029 (paperback, 978-160266-758-7), an eccentric novel that will capture the hearts of the family, the educators, the clergy, and followers of the Scriptures. This diverse and challenging novel will cause any reader to measure their course as God intended versus what the world established. Written with a passion for the traditional institution of family, the story is a spiritual journey and an excellent script of family honesty. Says author Larry A. Smoot, Jr., “My hope is that the reader will evaluate their life and free themselves from the sins of the present and past so that their children will have a blessed future and not a cursed inheritance.” When it came time to pen this book, the cross Smoot had to bear was weighty. He had to learn how to gain perspective on what makes a healthy family unit. He believes his book will encourage the hearts of husbands and fathers who have been misunderstood, devalued, and destroyed, as well as encourage wives and mothers in the their role as leaders and supporters of their home. Larry A. Smoot, Jr., was born and reared in Cleveland, Ohio. He is the father of three children (two daughters and one son.) Also, Larry has been employed at Delphi Electronics in Kokomo, IN for the last 19 years, and received a BA in accounting from Purdue University, where he also pledged as a member of the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity. Mr. Smoot is available for interviews and other speaking opportunities. To order your copy of The Centennial 2029 click here. Xulon Press, a part of Salem Communications Corporation, is the world’s largest Christian publisher, with more than 3,900 titles published to date. Retailers may order The Centennial 2029 through Ingram Book Company and/or Spring Arbor Book Distributors. ### 3

CHAPTER 33 & CHAPTER 41 IN PART CHAPTER 33 ...On my way out, I told Dayana to wish me luck. Her


...When I first proofread the script, I thought he was out of his mind, and those of you who really know my daddy know what I’m talking about. We spent the better part of Thursday debating interpretation, and I was still not convinced. However, that’s when he told me not to be afraid of the truth, as hard as it might seem. Like the Lord comforted Paul, daddy comforted me, and said, “Be not afraid, but speak and hold not thy peace. For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee; for I have much people in this city.” Now, I do believe that daddy is with me. And, just like the Lord put this speech on my daddy’s heart, the Lord is with me also...”

only response was to raise her cup to me as if she was about to propose a toast. Realizing that Ayman wasn’t in the mood for salutations, I placed my things on the table, and asked, “Where do we start?” “Daddy, why is everything always black and white with you? You know your speech is borderline racist,” Ayman said with a hint of disgust. “If anything in my speech is racist, you know I wouldn’t have a problem taking it out. In fact, it wouldn’t be in there in the first place. However, if there is something in there that is offensive to someone, and its origin is from the Bible, then their problem isn’t with me. I understand how it can be construed as offensive because our theology and ideology is from their perspective. If either of those ‘ologies’ were founded in truth, or rooted in God, then I wouldn’t have a problem accepting either. However, neither is the case. The reason why I stress history is because it shows your true colors...”

“...Now, what impact does a failed family have on the next generation? Our little black boys have been brought up in an environment where the males don’t have to be held accountable. They’ve lost that connection of a man working hard for a little more than pride itself. Working hard at the very least to make a better life for their children. See, they didn’t have to march for the right to vote, or for equal education. It was all given to him; so, if he gives it all up there is no sweat lost. Our black females are now the heads of household. Because they’ve been forced into running things on their own, they falsely believe that they can be a mother and a father. In actuality, they can’t effectively do either when going at it alone...”

“...By the end of the 20th century the government’s position towards black people went from major strides in civil rights to not given a darn about us. We went from improved access to being stranded on rooftops and in the Super Dome for five days without food and water. If we ever questioned where we stood as far as the government is concerned, that should have answered our question.” Ayman had a puzzled look on his face. Oh, excuse me son, you probably forgot all about Hurricane Katrina. See that’s why true history is important to black folks. We lost 1,500 people due to the ineptitude of the President of the United States. If you don’t know your history, that’s the type of information that somehow misses the history books. See, that’s an example of institutionalized racism that has contaminated the White House...”

“...daddy has come up with a very compelling theology that he calls ‘prophecy by history’. The concept is that God gave dominion to a fallen man. And since this man has dominion over the world, he creates a theology that hides the fact of his pending demise. So, God being omnipotent, He made sure prophecy would show through the history lessons of the Bible…...“Those who want to hide the truth would like you to believe that that time frame was the creation of all men. They would like you to believe that when God first made man, he messed up. What He did do was give that man free will to do right or wrong...He allowed the serpent to stay in the garden and tempt Adam and Eve….that serpent didn’t just tell Eve to break God’s laws, he created a theology that said, despite what you heard from God that’s not what He meant. He convinced them that they were doing the right thing…”

“...I believe that if Bush was just a CEO of a company, his reaction as a Christian would have been a lot different than him being President of the United States. See, as an individual, a Christian has to only answer to Jesus. As President of the United States, your constituents come first, and they are driven by the dollar. If there’s no monetary gain in assisting the poor people of New Orleans...their reaction wouldn’t be any different than what was displayed. Thus, his reaction was delayed to the point of futile fatality...” “...In an attempt to save face, regarding Katrina, before leaving office he committed up to $25 billion dollars to rebuild the infrastructure. However, it wouldn’t be just to fund the then mayor’s idea of a chocolate city…”

“…It was then, that God cast out the serpent and man from the garden. Six-thousand years later, the same old thing is going on today...” 4

BIOGRAPHICAL SUMMARY Larry A. Smoot, Jr. ∗ ∗ ∗

Exodus Outreach Services—CEO & Founder Independent Author Advocate for the Social Status of African American Men

Personal ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗


Delphi Delco Employee for 19 years

41 years old Three children (Dayana, Ayman & Kaamil) Interests: reading; community development; spiritual growth; cultural awareness

Education ∗


Bachelors of Science, Accounting: Purdue University

Publicist & Booking: Angela M. Smith, President S&M Consultants [email protected] Message Line: 1.317.225.0903

The “C” Trilogy: The Centennial 2029—Published July 2007 The Chronicles—Work in Progress The Comforter—Work in Progress MORE TO COME…

Available for: Book Club Meetings (in person or conference call) Book Signings Book Readings Community & Faith-based Event Empowerment Roundtables Literary Conferences Universities & Colleges Student Affairs Events

For more information on Larry’s current work, visit us at:

To purchase The Centennial 2029, visit:

Memberships: Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity The Native Sun Book Club Indianapolis, IN




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