Press Kit

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 613
  • Pages: 4
What evert r ackhe’ sl ayi ngovert op,i t ss howmans hi pt hat under l i est heexper i encet hati sr aZorRus .Aper f or mers i nce bi r t h,heneverl os eshi spul s eonwhatt hecr owdwant s– becaus ewhet heri t ’ sT op40,Rock,Hi pHop,orEl ect r o,att he endoft hedayi t ’ sr eal l yhi saudi t or yacr obat i cst heycamet o hear .Thi sr eput at i onpr ecedeshi mi nt ot hehot t es toft he count r y’ scl ubs–f r om LAt oMi ami ,New Yor kt oVegas–and guar ant eest her e’ l lbeat r i beofbeaut i f ulbodi esanddanci ng f eetr i ghtbehi ndhi m.But ,ofcour s e,youal r eadyknew t hi s … you’ vehear dt hem chant :“ I nRusWeT r us t . ” Noone’ sact ual l ys ayi nghe’ sGod( wel l ,unl es syouas ks omever ydel us i onalgi r l si nt hef r ontr ow) ,but i t ’ sr ar ef oraDJt os t epupt ot he1sand2sandmas hupt hever yl awsofmus i calgr avi t y .Atr aZorRus ’ s hands ,i t ’ l lf eelnat ur alf orFr ankSi nat r at os pi nar oundaTi mbal andbeat ,Madonnat ogyr at et oa Ki l l er s ’r i f f–hel l ,hecanmake“ RedneckWoman”s oundl i keSnoopDogg’ snew ant hem.At r uecl ubDJ , al lofhi smas hupsar ecr eat edl i ve;butt hey’ r eal s obackedwi t ht ur nt abl i s m anddynami t es cr at chest o r i valabat t l eDJ .I tj us ts ohappenst hathe’ smor ei nt er es t edi nmaki ngpeopl emovet hancol l ect i ng pl as t i ct r ophi es . AsaDJwhos pendswayt oomucht i mei nt hes t udi o,r aZor ’ sal ways l ooki ngf orwayst obr eakdownt hewal l sandt akehi ss oundout s i de,t ot he peopl e.Hi swor kwi t havar i et yofr ecor di ngar t i s t shaspavedt hewayf or hi mt opi oneerl i vei ns t r ument at i on,per cus s i on,andbas sasani nt egr al par tofaDJs et .Year sofpr oduci ngmeanshecandr opaf r es hbeatont he f l yandus ei tt oi nj ectt hataddedandunmi s t akabl eener gyt ot her aZor Russ how.Al lt hes euni queabi l i t i esmakehi m af i xt ur ei nAl i s tHol l ywood cl ubsl i keLAX,Ar eaandLeDeux;andt hedemandf orachancet ohearhi m l i vehasear nedhi m mor ef r equentf l yermi l est hanheknowswhatt odo wi t h. But ,f oral lt hes ucces she’ shad,he’ l lneverf or geti tal ls t ar t edwi t hhumbl ebegi nni ngs .Acr at edi gger s i ncet heageof12,he’ sbeenhus t l i ngi nLA’ sEnt er t ai nmentScenes i ncehewasaboutast al lasabas s bi n.Butwi t hi nyear sofabs or bi ngwhati tt akest or ockacr owd,het ur nedar oundanddr oppedt hej aws oft hever yt eacher shel ear nedf r om.Owi ngt ohi s16year si nt hei ndus t r y ,hi scol l ect i oni sasmas s i ve asi ti sdi ver s e.Hewasmi xi ngSout hAs i anbeat swi t hHi pHopal mos tadecadebef or eTi mbal andand J ayZcaughton,andyouneverknow whathe’ l ldi gupnext .Andt hat ’ st hepoi nt .You’ r enots uppos ed t o.Repeataf t erme:I nRusWeT r us t !

w w w

I nRu sW eTr u s t

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