Largest Ii

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,288
  • Pages: 3
The evil US has the largest prison population in the world and its female prisons are the biggest of its kind anywhere in the world. Just like its male counterparts, the female prisons in the US are very overcrowded and full of terrible human intrigues and much hidden wrongdoings. The US is indeed a prisoner society. The emphasis on prison and other forms of holding people harmless is so great that as high as one in eleven residents in the US will find himself or herself behind the metal bars at least once in his or her lifetime. For minorities, this possibility is at very much higher risk, two to three times the risk faced by whites. Women in the US form the largest female prison population in the world. Women prisons in the US are similar to their male prisons; very overcrowded and full of abuse, including sexual abuse. Among the more famous holding facilities for women are the Valley State Prison and the Central California Women's Facility both of which are located in the state of California. Another famous one is the Bedford Hills Facility in N.Y. that saw quite a high number of suicides among its inmates. Also, Valley State Prison has a maximum security housing unit which is famous for very harsh treatment of female inmates in the US. Here, the inmates are typically locked up in the cell for 22 hours or more, almost just like wild animals in a zoo. In the SHU, civil rights or whatever 'rights' are conveniently forgotten. Any woman being led out of her cell is treated like a condemned prisoner or perhaps an alien species or a wild cat from some foreign jungle. The SHU woman is first strip-searched, usually by male wardens and then forced to accept restraints including being handcuffed behind the back. She is then led to wherever she had to go. This is not the only indignity or blow to her self-respect for the typical woman in Valley state or other female prisons in the US. In the typical prison cell of such prisons, the women can be fully viewed from the outside by the wardens and guards. Therefore the guards have every chance all the time to watch the women as they undress or wash or attend to their personal hygiene or go about their toilet business. Worse, most of the time, the guards tend to be male. And very leecherous and very dangerous too. Not only are the women forced to expose themselves in such a degrading manner due to the circumstances they found themselves in, they are also very vulnerable to the human exploitation that openly exists in all such female prisons in the US. Prison wardens have been known to coerce inmates to become a part of the system's behind the wall sex-for-favours secret trade. The presence of male supervisory staff has made this abuse totally unavoidable and is made even worse by corruption within the inner ranks of the prison administration. The practice of selling or trading female prisoners to males

inside the prisons is very rampant and almost all victims are left to their own devices or the cases go unreported for fear of assault or other acts of retaliation. Some men just forced themselves straightaway on their victims whenever the chance or opportunity arose. In either case, rape is the name of the game. Since the series of famous prison riots in the seventies, the prison population in the US has grown over eight times in size and the number of women prisoners in US jails has tripled in the last twenty years. This situation has provided a very lush and fertile ground for unseen but widespread human abuse and even outright torture. (especially sexual and mental torture). This huge increase in the US prison population has not been complemented by better care and improved welfare within the system. Instead, it has become worse with more female inmates in relation to each prison guard. And male guards outnumber female ones by more than two to one in women's prisons. This, in the world's most powerful nation and the policeman of the globe. The women's prisons in the US are all overcrowded due to the ever increasing flow of inmates into the system and this has given rise to many problems, including deteriorating healthcare standards and the increase in mental problems among the inmate population. Many prisons are near the verge of collapse or chaos due to a shortage of financial allocations for the prison system. Valley State Prison, for example is overcrowded by over 100% but the strength of the staff has hardly kept pace. This has resulted in the prison coming under very severe strain with widespread abuses and the abject failure to separate those who are mentally ill from the rest of the others. Such a situation has brought about mental breakdowns and even suicides. Therefore the prison system in the US is a most evil institution ever devised or thought up by civilised men. Not only are the mentally ill kept inside the prisons, even many with serious diseases or illnesses are locked up right in the very same places. Diseases like HIV, hepatitis, tuberculosis, herpes and other easily communicable ailments abound inside the US prisons and nobody is interested in caring for the fate of those who are ill or even those who could soon become ill due to close proximity or contact with those already ill. In a nutshell, the US prison system is extremely inhumane and cruel and systematically violates almost all known rules for fair and merciful treatment of human beings including those serving sentences for crimes they had committed. This inhumane and cruel situation is extended to all inside the prisons, whether citizens or non-citizens. But women prisoners and those from minority groups suffer most. This evil and cruel treatment has also been applied to those who were kept confined in secret jails outside the US. These clandestine prisons are veritable torture centres which are completely outside the jurisdiction of the common courts of

law. Deaths have taken place inside these places and the dead bodies secretly disposed of. Such places are often operated with the cognisance of the local authorities who were mostly bribed and their cooperation and silence bought by black and dirty money. Thus the US is truly most corrupting and polluting. This most corrupting and polluting nature made it possible for very despicable sex acts to take place in Abu Ghraib prison and other prison hellholes in Iraq after the 2003 invasion. The US has a lot to answer for and its treatment of prisoners inside its jails or prisons borders right on the criminal. The women prisoners in its jails are among the worst off in all such places found throughout the world. Yet no US leader has ever gotten hauled up for such unmentionable human abuse. This evil US stance has encouraged many others to do the same and such horrible conditions have been found to exist in jails and detention centres in countries like Malaysia and other pro-US minions. People have been routinely assaulted in these places and such assaults include those inflicted on the private parts of the prisoners or detainees. Such atrocious acts came to light only through revelations via autopsies on those very unfortunate victims. Thus the US is most corrupting and most evil and the great unchallenged champion of hypocrites. The immorality spread by the US to the rest of the world will in the end bring about total collapse and chaos for humankind. The world must now become aware of this very great evil and do something about it !!! Destroy this evil if necessary !!

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