Lap Trinh Bai Toan

  • May 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 271
  • Pages: 2
#include <stdio.h> #include const max=30;//so thanh pho toi da int vc=1000; int n;//so thanh pho int s;//thanh pho xuat phat int c[max][max];//bang chi phi; c[i][j] la chi phi di tu tp i den tp j int x[max];//mang chua lo trinh toi uu tam thoi int xopt[max];//mang chua lo trinh toi uu thuc su: x1->x2->...->xn->x1 int cost=vc;//chi phi toi uu int sum=0;//chua tong chi phi di tu x[1] den x[i] //mang danh dau tp tham roi hay chua //tham[i]=0 la i chua tham; tham[i]=1 la i tham roi int tham[max]; char *chiphi="e:\\chiphi.txt"; char *lotrinh="e:\\lotrinh.txt"; void DocFile() { int i,j; FILE *f=fopen(chiphi,"r");//mo file chi phi de doc fscanf(f,"%d%d",&n,&s);//doc so tp va tp xuat phat printf("\nso tp:%d",n); printf("\ntp xp:%d",s); //doc bang chi phi trong file (ma tran ke) for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { printf("\n"); for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { fscanf(f,"%d",&c[i][j]); printf("%4d",c[i][j]); } } fclose(f);//dong file } void Try(int i)//tim tp thu i de tham { for(int j=1;j<=n;j++) { //neu tp j chua tham va tp j ke voi tp x[i-1] if(tham[j]==0&&c[x[i-1]][j]!=0) { x[i]=j;//chon tp thu i la j tham[j]=1; sum=sum+c[x[i-1]][x[i]]; if(i==n)//neu da tim duoc tp thu n { if(c[x[n]][s]!=0)//neu tp thu n ke voi tp xp s { if(sum+c[x[n]][s]
} void LoTrinh() { //ban dau gan tat ca cac tp la chua tham for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) tham[i]=0; x[1]=s;//thanh pho thu nhat la tp xuat phat tham[s]=1; Try(2);//tim thanh pho thu 2 } void GhiFile() { FILE *f=fopen(lotrinh,"w");//mo file lotrinh de ghi fprintf(f,"%4d\n",cost);//ghi chi phi nho nhat for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)//ghi x[1]->x[2]->...x[n]-> fprintf(f,"%4d ->",xopt[i]); fprintf(f,"%4d",xopt[1]);//ghi x[1] fclose(f); } void main() { DocFile(); LoTrinh(); GhiFile(); // getch(); }

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