Lalon In Manipuri

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 311
  • Pages: 2
Pokir lAloN sAh gi IsY

dwKi jvjb kvn wM BkB PQgdr_A sAmAn*lA mACpu UbA PQgdr_A sAmANndA mACpu UbA, beddA mACki maOQmriN yAwdr_AbdA| sCPM nAIdr_bA br_MhA aOI mACnA KQdbA lIpACtA hLli toynA KoQloy mxtA loyndnA mAC hLlCI mdoM mdoM| mAyAMbA hAynI aTuMbA pureLni miaoImxtnA Ubdi yAUdr_ibni tMKibA guMnA seMbni adubu tOI ItoCIsiN| KAjiC niQbdA mhAdeFpu krigno cAQdMgdbA mdubu lAloNnA hAyri guru niqu seQToCKini amCpA puMbA|

dsM`ªv mvgvb¨*`v gvKcy Dev dsM`ªv mvgvb¨`v gvKcy Dev| †e` `v gvw° gIsgwib qvD`ªe`v || kKdg bvq`ªev eªþv IB gvKèv Ls`ev jBcv³v nwj− †Zvqbv †Lvs‡jvq gËv †jvqb`bv gvK nj−ÕB g‡`vg g‡`vg||

gvqvgœv nvqbB A_y¤^v cy‡ijwb gxIBgËbv Dew` qvDw`ªewb ZgwLev ¸gœv †k¤^wb A`yey †ZŠB B‡_vKBwkb|| LwR³s wbse`v IB gnv‡`ecy KwiM‡bv Pvs`gM`ev g`yey jvjbbv nvqwi ¸i“ wbsOy †ks‡_vKwLwb AgKcv cy¤^v|| *mvgvb¨ nvqwiev IqvnBwmbv †jŠwkbO¤^v gv‡jgwM ki“Kwmey Lsbev qvB| evsjv`v †qj‡nŠOB`wM †Pš’iKcv wd‡jv‡mvwdgwM gbys Pš^v IqvnBwb mvgvb¨| Ly`g IBbv nvqie`v: gv‡jgwm`ey †Lvs`viKcv Zve`v jvBIBemy BPg P¤^v gxIBegv IBeZvÕev| mvgvb¨ wM gxr†qswmey Awm¸gœv †jŠwkš^v qvB| A`yMv ÒjvjbÓ nvqev gwgswmwM †Lv‡š’vKwZ Òjv‡jvbÓ IBM`ev| jvjb kvn †cvKcv: 1774-75, fvuoviv, KzgviLvwj, Kzwóqv †bv½vwLev: 17 A‡±vei, 1890, †QuDwoqv, Kzwóqv, evsjv‡`k

wjLyb: jvjb-m½xZ, 1 LÛ/ †LvgwRš^v Agmys m¤úv`bv: dwKi Av‡bvqvi †nv‡mb (g›Uz kvn)/ jvjb gvRvi kixd I †mev-m`b KwgwU, †QuDwoqv, Kzwóqv/ 3ïev Lyrbg, 11 †deª“qvwi, 2005/ †Pbv: 382 jvjb kvn †qKcv: †R¨vwZwi›`ªbv_ VvKzi

**Fakir Lalon Shah (1774/1775-1890) was born at an obscure village of Kushtia district, now in Bangladesh. One of the greatest mystic-singers the Indian subcontinent has ever produced, Lalon was perhaps the most radical voice in this subcontinent during British colonial rule. He composed numerous songs which still provide spiritual and political inspiration to the Bengali rural peasant-- a class from which Lalon himself came, and also to freedom-fighters all over the world. He celebrates the freedom of body, soul, and even language from all repressive and divisive forces. Always opposed to casteism, sectarianism, and colonialism.

Translated by: Konthoujam Suranjit, 17 April 2006; Chittagong, Bangladseh

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