Lakeside Blm Utah Mine Closures Qanda

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  • May 2020
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Lakeside Pre-Bid Questions


PM9034 Engineer’s estimate $74,350 Mandatory pre-bid meeting; must attend one of two meetings E100 Contractor’s license required Anticipate starting work June 15 The contract is set for 25 calendar days to complete 33 closures Q-How long do bat exclusions have to be in place? A-Three days to one week before closing. See Chapter 4, section 250 in specs. Q-If exclusions have to be in place for at least three days doesn’t that make it difficult to complete the work in 25 calendar days? A-This is an accelerated schedule, but we believe this is sufficient time to complete the work. Q-Will we visit the big shaft grate site during the pre-bid today? (2010807HO001) A-No, but the site is easy to find and easily accessible. (Map 3, Black Mountain) Q-Will we visit the big 100 yard hand backfill during the pre-bid today? A-No. (202923HO002, Vindicator Mines, Map 4) Q-Is there 100 cubic yards available at that site? A-Yes. Q-How many openings are on BLM managed lands? A-31 of the 33 openings scheduled for closure are on BLM, and 2 are School Trust Lands/private. Summary of 33 closure types : BFH=5, BFM=21, BG=2, Grate-B=1, Grate-P=3, WALLB=1 Q-Are all the welding sites close to the roads? A-No, some sites with welding are accessible by ATV or accessible within 100’s of feet by ATV. Some sites will require a portable welder to be packed in. Q-Can horses/pack animals be used to transport? A-Yes Q-Are the hand backfill sites really just backfill work by hand? A-Yes

Q-If the site is accessible by foot can we use an ATV? A-Travel is allowed on existing roads, otherwise access is limited to foot traffic only. This access type should be respected as such, unless the landowner (BLM, private) authorizes otherwise. The access then should have minimal disturbance and tracks raked out and reseeded. Q-Are sites identified as historic evident by the features? A-The historically significant sites are noted in Appendix A, closure summary table. You can move (and place to the side) some of the material that may be in your way to gain access to the opening, but replace but when you’ve completed the closure. Q-What is a bat exclusion and does that mean there are bats in the opening? A-If a bat exclusion is listed in the closure table it means the survey indicated bat usage or good habitat potential. One-inch chicken wire exclusions are usually erected over the openings at least 3 days before any proposed construction activities at the mine feature. Q-Do these two sites (Vindicator mines) require bat exclusions? A-Yes, 2020830IO001 and 2020830VO001 require bat exclusions. Q-Are all the hand backfills located in this group? A-Yes, all 5 hand backfills are located in the Vindicator group. Q-Do we need a fire control plan? A-You will need a fire prevention and control plan, your construction work may also be affected by any BLM fire restrictions in place at the time of the work. Chapter 5, part 2.06 Q-Do we need to provide toilet facilities at each site? A-No, but you will need to provide a portable toilet, which is reasonably accessible for the work area. Q-Can we camp out near the work sites? A-Yes, but you will need BLM authorization, and private landowner permission if on private land. Q-Do we have to remove all the wood debris from the mine opening before we backfill? A Yes, this should be done safely. If you can’t reach them safely with your mechanized equipment, then try to push it to the side or collapse the material so that it will not cause the backfill to bridge or choke off the hole. Q-What is the typical source of backfill material for the mine openings? A-The backfill material is usually an adjacent mine dump, although some dumps are a short distance from the opening. Use the waste dump material first before scaling or borrowing any material.

Q-Are there any protected dumps? A-No Q-Do we need to put concrete in the shaft backfills for the monuments? A-No, the monuments would be placed on a #5 rebar stake with an L-shape bend which is anchored in the backfill. See Chapter 4, section 250, part 3.05 of the specs. For closures with concrete the monument can be placed directly in the concrete. We supply the monuments. Q-Are all the openings tagged with metal markers? A-No. Some openings may have tags in place. Refer to the GPS coordinates in the closure tables to help you identify the openings. Q-Will they need a Certified Person/Fire Boss on site all the time to inspect all openings? A-No. You will need a Certified Person/Fire Boss/Qualified Person who has underground mine safety experience and training to be present when ever workers are under the brow. This means when workers are installing a bat gate or pinned grate or wall in an adit the Certified Person will need to check out the safety of the opening prior to any work under the brow. This is not required at the time of bid submittal, but will be required shortly after bid is awarded.

Q-Do we need to use mulch for revegetation work and do we reseed the reclaimed sites even in June? A- No, you do not need to use mulch. We recognize this is not the preferred time for seeding, but the affected areas will need to be seeded as soon as the work is completed. Q-Can we move materials/debris/fill that may be blocking or prohibiting access/entry to a mine opening (e.g., partially blocked/caved adit)? A-Yes, you may in order to work safely and have sufficient room to bring construction materials inside the openings, or to provide sufficient ventilation when welding, building block walls, etc. It’s possible you may need to replace some of the material back to its original configuration after completing the closure work, depending upon the site-specific conditions associated with the opening. Q-If new openings are found will they be added into the work? A-Yes, if funding is available to do the additional closures. In this case the contract may also be extended to do the additional work. Q-Why are some openings backfilled and others closed with a wall or gate? A-The closures are based on a variety of factors such as bat use, historic features, and the preference of the landowner. Q-The closure table lists a VP1. What does this represent? A-VP=Vertical Prospect HP=Horizontal Prospect The closure table lists all the sites inventoried even the sites with no scheduled closure work. The VPs and HPs are not a bid item and are not listed on the bid sheets.

Q-For the bat gate on 2020902HO001? We dig out the opening to do the work, then do we need to replace the fill to maintain the previous air flow? A-The Project Inspector will make that decision based on information from the bat biologist and/or landowner (BLM). Q-What is manganal steel? A-This is the type of steel required for Bat Gates, see Chapter 4, part 2.01 in specs and Drawings 6, 7 and 8 of 20. Q-Can we look at previous bids from past projects? A-Division of Purchasing would be the agency to provide you with those documents. Q-Are we going to have issues with the no trespass signs posted along the main access roads? A-No, the signs posted are on private property and there is not any scheduled closure work on that property. Q-How many crews can we run? A-As many as you need to complete the work. Q-Do the roads remain the same? A-Yes, new roads will not be created. Q-When it says rebar grate, does that mean I can drive to the site? A-No, some sites will require packing the material and portable welder. Q-What is the start date for construction? A-The tentative date to start construction is June 15, 2009. Q-Can we work 7-days a week? A-In the past a 5-day week has been approved. Anything outside of that would have to be approved by the Program Administrator. Q-What is the payment for backfill volumes based on? A-Payments are based on the calculated volumes estimated in the bid sheets. See Chapter 2, bid sheet notes on 2:9 for “Variation in Quantity Unit Price”

BidSync Questions Question 1 I think that a helicopter will be needed to get the welder and materials to site 2020923HO001. Is this ok? Will any special permits be needed? A-Yes, you can use a helicopter. No, there are not any special permits required. Question 2 What map is site 202924HO004 on? A- Tag number is 202924HO004 is not marked on the map. It is located in the Vindicator Mines on Map 4 of 5. You will need to refer to the closure table with the UTM coordinates for the exact location.

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