Labour Markets And Stock Taking...shahid Elims

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  • Words: 874
  • Pages: 19
Human Resource Planning (Micro) 

HRP is the process by which an organisation ensures that it has the right number and kind of people, at right place, at right time, capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that will help the organisation to achieve its overall objectives. Decenzo & Robbins

Manpower planning is the process of determining manpower requirements and the means for meeting those requirements in order to carry out the integrated plan of the organisation.

scope  

 

 

Listing of current manpower with the organisation. Assessing the extent to which the current manpower is utilized to the advantage of the organisation. Phasing out the surplus manpower, if any. Analysing the requirements of manpower in future in the light of expansion plan, retirements of personnel etc.. Making manpower requirement plans Designing training programmes for different categories of manpower.

Process 


Org. objectives, plans, policies

HRP Forecasting supply for HR

Forecasting needs for HR Identification of HR gap Surplus HR

Shortage of HR Action plan for bridging gap

Macro level HR Planning 

 

Macro level HRP focus on development of human resources at the national level. It is long term objective of the govt. Issues happening at macro level are uncontrollable.. (population, education, health etc.) Aggregative HRP is influenced by employment-unemployment, demographic changes, legal control

1. 

Population planning & control: To enforce control over population explosion to avert economic imbalances and unproductive population. National population policy (2000)…to ensure population stabilization, increased quality of life by enhancing primary & secondary education, proper sanitation, drinking water, housing, transport, communication, empowering

1. 

 

Literacy and education: Govt had adopted a national policy on education in 1986 setup to remove illiteracy. It made primary level education compulsory to all. Secondary, technical, university education is also promoted from elementary level

1. Health & Medical care It is very depressive in state level compared to central level.. It resulted in regional disparity.  Diseases are still not under expected level of control.  Still more than 50% of population is not having access to basic health care.  In case of water supply & sanitation are not at the expected level of 

1. Hous ing National housing & habitat policy, 1998 had adopted by govt.  Aim is to achieve sustainable development of housing infrastructure.  Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO). 

Sectors or schemes of govt. to enhance social security 

Jawahar gram samridhi yojana:  launched w.e.f 1.4.99 to ensure development of rural infrastructure (village level). It was one of the major wage employment programs. It was the single largest wage employment program implemented in all the villages of the country through the Panchayati Raj Institutions.  It helps to generate wage employment for the unemployed poor in rural areas.

 Employment

assurance scheme:

Restructured w.e.f from 1.4.99, its objective is to create additional wage – employment opportunities during the period of acute shortage of employment.  Ratio of sharing sponsorship among central & state is 75:25.  Reducing unemployment within next 10 years.  It is open to all who need of wage – employment especially BPL candidates. 

National assistance program. 

Aims at ensuring minimum national standard of social assistance in addition to the benefit that states are already providing.   

Eg: national old age pension scheme national family benefit scheme national maternity benefit scheme

Nehru rozgar yojana. 

Setting up micro enterprises and providing training & infrastructure support for urban poor beneficiaries. Scheme of wage employment for Creation of socially & economically useful public

Prime ministers rozgar yojana. Provides employment to educated unemployed youths by setting up of micro enterprises. This scheme targets educated youths with minimum qualification of 8th.  special reservation for women, SC/ST and for other backward classes. 

Limitations  

 

Complex and dynamic process. Still exists imbalance in supply and demand for human resources. A big problem of unemployment Shortage of skilled manpower (migration to other countries).

Labour markets 

Labour market analysis includes investigating markets for knowledgeable and skilled workers, differentiating supply demand forces in the markets, geographic and industrial motilities, unemployment and wage patterns. Analysis of labour markets are carried out for different occupational segments like market for blue-collar workers, market for white collars,

Recently macro changes in wages and unemployment over a given period of time, both within the country and across the countries are also studied to synthesize the facts of the labour markets with the basic principles of economics. In india these studies are institutionally being carried out by Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE). It publishes Indian Journal of

Stocktaking 

 

Stocktaking is the periodic and annual attempts to continuosly asess the extent to which the work as well as learning oppurtunities have been optimally availed by the managee. Inputs to stocktaking come from the performance plan and the monitoring and mentoring record. Performance and potential Managee’s performance as planned

Managee’s performance as modified during the year Managee’s actual performance recorded during the year Actual overall performance of the managee’s workgroup during the year. Qualifications achieved during the year.

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