Lab Vj 2

  • August 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 439
  • Pages: 8
Sheet1 _2_ Vincent (right) Kendra (right) Pranav (left) Jill (left) Hand Posture (LabTech Notebook Data #) Neutral Flexed Extended Radial Ulnar Pronated Supinated

4 1 2 3 0 6 5

0 5 2 4 7 6 3

0 1 2 4 3 6 5

2 1 3 4 5 6 0

Handle Span (kg) 1 3 5

16 (3rd) 42 (2nd) 31 (1st)

18 (1st) 26 (2nd) 18 (3rd)

35 (3rd) 46 (1st) 34 (2nd)

16 (3rd) 26 (2nd) 18 (1st)





Gloves (kg) 1 (1 3/8”) 3 (2 3/8”) 5 (3 3/8”)

17 (1st) 31 (2nd) 24 (3rd)

17 (1st) 16 (2nd) 12 (3rd)

24 (1st) 30 (2nd) 20 (3rd)

25 (1st) 20 (2nd) 16 (3rd)

Hand/Body Dimensions Hand Length (cm) Hand Width (cm) Age Height (cm)

19.81 9.4 26 183

16.51 7.37 22 163

19.05 9.14 25 174

17.02 8.13 28 163

Pinch (LabTech Notebook Data #) Thumb-2 fingers, 3.7 cm distance

Parameters 1 – 2 min rest between reps 4 sec hold for each reading Digital Dynamometer Distance 2 ¼ in Testing Apparatus Jamar Hydraulic Hand Dynamometer, Model # PC5030J1 Digital Dynamometer, Force Monitor, LabTech Notebook Software

Page 1

4 Second Force Average with Cylindrical Electronic Dynamometer in Various Wrist Postures

Male Neutral Flexed Extended Radial Ulnar Pronate Supinate

Average Force (N)

Vince Pranav Force(N) Force (N) 305.55 313.57 169.76 190.72 199.71 262.28 214.87 202.61 247.28 242.46 197.31 228.98 306.18 251.26

Female Neutral Flexed Extended Radial Ulnar Pronate Supinate

Kendra Jill Force (N) (N) 146.17 66.43 135.56 99.01 95.94 117.65 124.08

Force 143.83 82.61 135.63 108.27 175.73 151.12 131.23

Neutral Flexed Extended Radial Ulnar Pronate Supinate 227.28 127.38 183.29 156.19 190.35 173.76 203.19

Table 3.4: Force Difference Between Power Grip and Pinch Grip for Varying Handle Spans Grip Power Grip Pinch Grip Force Difference

1 208.25 73.5 134.75

3 343 88.2 254.8

5 247.45 83.3 164.15

Varying Handle Spans

Hand Measurements Participant Length(cm) Width(cm) Sex Dominant Hand Vincent1 19.812 9.398 M R Kendra2 16.51 7.366 F R Pranav3 19.05 9.144 M L Jill4 17.018 8.128 F L

Percent Differentce in Force with Power Grip for Gloved vs Non-Gloved Hands

Grip No Glove Glove Percent Difference

Handle Span 1(N) 3(N) 208.12 343 203.35 237.65 0.02 0.31

5(N) 247.45 176.4 0.29

Table 3.7: Percent Difference Between Dynamometers for Each Participant Vince Kendra Pranav Jamar Dynamometer 290.73 202.53 375.67 Digital Dynamometer 305.55 146.17 313.57 Percent Difference -0.09 0.28 0.17

290.73 305.55

Jill 196 143.83 0.27

202.53 146.17

400 350 300 250 Row 28


Row 29


ters for Each Participant

100 50 0 Column H

375.67 313.57

196 143.83

Column I

Column J

Column K

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