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DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Details of mark allotted for the internal assessment and semester examina tion for Master of Computer Applications (MCA) program. FIRST SEMESTER Course No. Title Full Mark Internal External MCA1-101 Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science 25 75 MCA1-102 Computer Programming and problem solving 25 75 MCA1-103 Computer Organisation I 25 75 MCA1-104 Accounting and Financial Management 25 75 MCA1-105 Information Technology (IT) 25 75 MCA1-106 Programming Lab I 50 50 Semester total 600 SECOND SEMESTER MCA1-201 Numerical and Statistics Method 25 75 MCA1-202 Data and File Structures 25 75 MCA1-203 Organizational Structure and Personnel Management 25 75 MCA1-204 Probability and Statistics 25 75 MCA1-205 Computer Organisation II 25 75 MCA1-206 Programming Lab II 50 50 Semester total 600 THIRD SEMESTER MCA1-301 Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms 25 75 MCA1-302 System Analysis and Design 25 75 MCA1-303 Database Management System 25 75 MCA1-304 Object Oriented Programming 25 75 MCA1-305 Elective I 25 75 MCA1-306 Programming Lab III 50 50 Semester total 600 FOURTH SEMESTER

MCA1-401 Operating System 25 75 MCA1-402 Formal Language and Automata Theory 25 75 MCA1-403 Computer Network 25 75 MCA1-404 Software Engineering 25 75 MCA1-405 Elective II 25 75 MCA1-406 Programming Lab IV 50 50 Semester total 600 FIFTH SEMESTER MCA1-501 Computer Graphics 25 75 MCA1-502 Optimization Technique 25 75 MCA1-503 Combinatorics and Graph Theory 25 75 MCA1-504 Elective III 25 75 MCA1-505 Elective IV 25 75 MCA1-506 System Project I 50 50 Semester total 600

SIXTH SEMESTER MCA1-601 System Project II Project Work 200 Seminar 50 Viva Voce 50 Semester total 300 Grand Total 3300

ELECTIVE SUBJECTS ELECTIVE I ELECTIVE II System Simulation Object Oriented Design and Analysis Advanced Accounting Management Information Systems Programming Language and Paradigms Image Processing Artificial Intelligence Multimedia Systems Data Warehousing and Mining ELECTIVE III


Neural Networks and Fuzy Logic Natural Language Processing CAD/CAM Theory of Computation Compiler Design Distributed Systems Advanced Optimisation Techniques Web Technology Computer and Network Security

DETAILED SYLLABUS FOR M.C.A. (a) The mark for each paper should be 75- theory (final exam .) and 25- internal assessment for theory papers and 50 final exam. and 50 internal assessment for practical oriented papers. (b) Courses in MCA :First Semester : MCA1-101 - Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science.

Prerequisite : Nil Sets, Relations and Functions : Definition of sets and Subsets; Intersection, Union and Complements ; DeMorgan's; law; Cardinality; Relations - Equivalence relat ions etc.; Mapings - one-one, Onto etc. Algebraic Structure : Semigroup, group, Monoid, subgroup, normal subgroups , Applications( sequential machines, error-correcting codes, modular a rithmetic grammars, languages ). Latices and Boolean Algebras : Latices and its properties, Axiamatic definitio n of Boolean algebras as algebraic structures; Duelity; basic results; Propositions and propositional functions; the Boolean algebra of t ruth values; Applications(switching circuits, decision table). Logic : Logic operators like AND,OR etc.; Truth tables; Theory of infer ence and Deduction; Mathematical Induction; Predicate Calculus; Predicates and Quantifiers. Linear equations and Matrices : Row/column operations; Gausian Eliminatio n; Decomposition; Inverse, system of linear equations, dependence, E igen values, Eigen vectors. Mathematical machines: Finite state machine, Push Down Automata and Tur ing machine (introductory only). BOOKS : 1 Trembley, J.P. and Monohar, R.P. : Discrete Mathematical Str uctures with Applications to Computer Science, McGraw-Hill, 1975. 2 Applied Discrete Structure, D. Alan Deurr for Computer Scienc e. 3 Liu, Discrete Mathematics MCA102 - Computer Programming and Problem Solving. Prerequisite : Nil A model of a Computer System- Block diagram, Machine Langua ge, High level language, Compiler, Interpreter, I/O devices.

Problem Analysis, Flow charts, Decision tables, Pseudocodes and Algorithm s. Algorithmic Programming Language : Representation of integers, reals, characters, constants and variables, arithmetic expressions and their evaluation using rules of hiera rchy. Assignment statements, Logical constants, variables and expressio ns. Control structures - Sequencing, Alternation, Iteration. Arra ys, Manipulating vectors and matrices. Subroutines and linka ge. Simple I/O statements. Documentation, Debugging, Storage and Computation time estimation. Examples illustrating struct ured program development methodology and use of a block structured a lgorithmic language (e.g. PASCAL ) to solve specific problems. BOOKS : 1 Dromey,G. : How to solve it by Computer, Prentice-Hall,1985. 2 The C programming Language , Kernighan & Richie, PHI 3 Programming in C , Schaum Series. MCA103 - COMPUTER ORGANIZATION I Course Content : 1. Representation of Information (20%) : Number System : Binary, octal, hexadecimal. Postive and ne gative numbers; fixed point and floating point quantities. Arithm etic operations : Addition,subtraction, etc. Character codes : ASCII and EBCDIC. Redundant coding for error detection and correction : Concept of Hamming distance, parity codes, Hamming codes bloc k codes, cyclic redundancy codes. 2. Logic Design (55%) : Boolean algebra,boolean variables and functions - cannonical and s tandard forms, truth table, minimization of boolean function - Karnaugh map. Combinational logic circuits - AND, OR, NAND, NOR, NOT gates and trislate buffer; Implementation of Boolean functions using logic gates; Multiplexers, decoders, encoders, simple arithmetic and logic circuits. Sequential Circuits - flip-flops, shift registers and counters synchronous and asynchronous. Concept of bus and register transfe r language.

3. Memory devices (20%) Semiconductor memory - RAM, ROM ; magnetic core and surface memor y - disk, drum, tape; Access time and cost considerations: concepts of volatility, random access, serial access, direct access, online and bacup storage. 4. Basic CPU organization (5%) : Simple functional block diagram of a CPU ; instruction execu tion process. BOOKS : 1. Mano,M.M. : Digital Logic and Computer Design, PHI(EEE). 2. Rajaraman,V.,Radhakrishnan : An Introduction to Digital Des ign. PHI(EEE). 3. Mano,M.M. : Computer System Architecture, PHI(EEE). 4. Hamacher, Vranesic, Zaky ; Computer Organisation McGrawHill.

MCA1-104 - Accounting and Financial Management : Prerequisite: Nil Accounting : Principles, conepts and conventions, double entry system of accounting, introduction of basic books of accounts of sole pro prietary concern, control accounts for debtors and creditors, c losing of books of accounts and preparation of trial balance. Final Accounts: Trading, profit and loss accounts and balance sheet of sole proprietary concern with normal closing entries. I ntroduction to manufacturing account, finaly accounts of partnership firm s, limited company. Financial Management: Meaning and role. Ratio Analysis: Meaning, advantages, limitations, types of ratios and thei r usefulness. Fund flow statement: Meaning of the terms - fund, flow and fund, working capital cycle, preparation and interpretation of the fu nd flow statement. Costing : Nature, importance and basic principles. Budget and budgetary control: Nature and scope, imporyance, method of f inalization of master budget and functional budgets. Marginal costing: Nature, scope and importance. Break-even analysis, it'

s uses and limitations, construction of break even chart, practical applicat ions of marginal costing. Standard costing: Nature, and scope, Computation and analysis of variances with reference to material cost, labout cost and overhead cos , interpretation of the variances. Introduction to computerised accounting system: Coding logic and codes requir ed, master files, transection files, introduction to documents used for dat a collection, processing of different files and outputs obtained. BOOKS : 1. Kellock, J. : Elements of Accounting, Heinemann, 1978. 2. Rockely, L.E. : Finance for the Non-accountant, 2nd Edn. Bas ic Books, 1976. 3. Levy, and Sarnat, : Principles of Financial Management, Prenti ce-Hall International. 4. Arnolel, : Financial Accounting, Prentice-Hall International (Paper back Edition). 5. Horngren, and Sundem, : Introduction to Financial Accounting, Prentice -Hall International, (Paperback Edition). 6. Murthy, U.S. : Management Finance, 2nd Edn., vakils Fefers & Simo ns Ltd. , 1978. 7. Van Home, James,C. : Financial Management & Policy Prentice Inc . 8. Panday, I.M. : Financial management, Vakas Publications, 1979. 9. S.C. Kuchhal : Financial Management; Chitamya Publishing H ouse, Allahabad.(U.P.). 10. ManMohan & Shiv N. Goyal : Principles of Manageme nt Accounting, Sahitya Bhawan Hospital Road, Agra (U.P.). 11. Advance Accounting- R.L Gupta, M. Radhaswamy 12 Cost AccountingR.S.N Pillai, V. Bhagavbati 13 Advanced Accounting - S.N Maheshwari

MCA1-105_:_Information Technology 1. Information : Concept of Information and Information Processing , Inform ation gathering , storage , processing , retrieval , and dissemination , Evo lution of Information processing 2. Elements of Modern Information Processing System :

Hardware : Processor , Input/output Devices, Storage devices & media , D ata Communication equipment. Software : System and application . 3. Programming Languages: Machine, assembly, HLL, Generation of Lang uages. 4. Operating Systems: Single User/Multi User, Batch/ Interactive, Re al-Time, Network OS, File Server, Distributed OS, Command Cell, GUI W indows , Examples : DOS, UNIX,Windows98/NT, Novel NetWare. 5. Clssification of Computers: desktop Workstations/ PCs, Mainframe, Supe rComputer, parallel computer, Client Server Architecture. 6. Computer and Communication : Computer Networks - LAN, WAN, Commun ication Services across Network protocols, E-mail,Internet facilities through World Wide Web; Communication devices. 7. Security and integrity issues: Information integrity definition , Ensur ing integrity; Computer and communication security, Concepts and components of security, preventive measures measures and treatment. 8. Information Technology Application : Scientific, Business, Educational , Industrial, Medical, entertainment, communication etc. 9. Information Technology Project in India 10. Laboratory: Wordprocessing , Spread sheet , Graphics, Web Page creati on. Reference: 1. Trainer T.N Computers, 4th Edn., Mcgraw Hill MCA1-106_:_Programming Lab I : MCAI-102

Second Semester

MCA1-201 Numerical and Statistical Methods Theory: Exam. -75 Sessionals-25 Prerequisite: Mathematical Foundation of Computer SCience, Probability and Statistics. Emphasis : On Computational Algorithms. Numerical Computation: Computer arithmatics: Floating point numbers -Operations, Normali- zations and their consequences. Iterative Methods: Zeros of a single transcendenta l equations and zeros of polynomials using bisections, false position, New ton-rephson etc.; convergence of solution. Simultaneous Linear Equations: Solutions of simultaneous linear equ ations -Gauss elimination method and pivoting; III-conditioned equations a nd refinment of solutions; Gaoss-seidal iterative method. Numerical Dif ferentiation and Integration, Solution of Differential Equati on: Range-kutta method; predictor-corrector method; Automatic error monitori ng; Stability of solutions. Interpolation and Approximation: Polynomial in terpolation-Newton Lagrange's etc.; Difference tables; Approximation of fun ctions by Taylor series and Chebyshev polynomials. Statistical Computation; Frequency Charts: different frequency charts. Regression Analysis: Least sq uare fit; polynomial and curve fittings; Linear regression and Nonlinear r egression algorithms; Multiple regression algorithms. Time Series and For ecasting; Moving averages; Smothening of curves; Forecasting models and methods. Statistical Quality Control Methods. Factor analysis, ANOVA, Te sts of significance; X-test andF-test, applications to medicine, psychology , agriculture. Books: 1 Numerical Methods, E. Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw Hill, 1999. 2 Computer Oriented Numerical Methods, V. Rajaraman, PHI

MCA1-202: Data and File Structures

1. Stacks and Queues : Stacks and Queues – Representation and Manipulati on – Uses of stacks and Queues Recursion, Polish expressions. 2. Trees: Trees – binary and N-ary trees – Representation of Trees – Tree traversal algorithms – Threaded trees and advantages – Conversion of gener al trees to Binary trees – B Trees – Applications : Decision Trees, Game Tr ees and Expression parsing. 3. Strings – Representation and Manipulation using Arrays and Lists – Str ing matching algorithms : Bruteforce, Knuth-Morris-Pratt and Boyer-Moore s trategies. 4. File Structures : Concepts of fields, records and files. Sequental file org anization, variable length records and text files. Nxexing structures like B-tr ees, ISAM. Hashing techniques for direct files. Inverted lists, Multilists. 5. Sorting : Internal and External sorts, Searching techniques Merging algor ithms. BOOKS: 1. Tananbaum : Data structures using C & C++ 1997, PHI 2. Kruse : Data structure in C, PHI 3. Adam, Drozdele : Data structure and Algorithms in C++, Vikas Publish ing House. 4. Adam, Drozdele : Data structure and Algorithms in Java, Vikas Publis hing House. 5. Object Oriented data structure using C++, KS Easwarakumar, Vikasa Pub . 6. Horowitz Sahani : : Data structure using C++. MCA1-203 ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE AND PERSONAL MAN AGEMENT THEORY: EXAM --75 SESSIONAL --25 PREREQUISITE :NIL ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE: Classical Theories of organisation : Functional approach, Division of lab our, Lines of Authority, Span of control, Authority and responsibility, ef

ficiency of management. Behavioural Theories of Organisation: Limitations of form al organisation, Human relation, group behavior, committee and group decision making, motivation and responsiveness to stimuli. De cision process approach: Parts of organisation system, development of corporate strategy, Dynamics of decision, role of system. Types of models: Mathematical planning models, deterministic and probabilistic mod els. Relevance of models: For understanding analysis and design, plann ing and forecasting, monitoring and control, limitations PERSONAL MANAGEMENT: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Personal Function : Its evolution, objectives, principles, philosophie s and policies, duties and responsibilities of the personnel Manager; Posit ion of the personnel Department in the organisation; Line and staff relati onship and the changing concept of personnel management in India. Manpower Planning: Its uses and benefits; Problems and and limitations; Manpower i nventory; Manpower forecasting, Manpower specifications , Job specification s; Manpower skills analysis and practices in the Indian industry. Recruitment: Job specification, selection process, aptitude tests, psyc hological tests interviewing techniques, transfers, promotion and its policie s; induction placement and exit interview. Training and Development: Its objectives and policies planning organis ing the Training Department;Training Manager and his job; on and off the j ob training techniques,career planning,objective of performance appraisal and its methods. BOOKS : ~~~~~~~ 1. Monappa Arun & Saiyanandann M.S., :Personnel Management, 5th Re print Tata McGraw-Hill, 1979. 2. Rudrabasavaraj M.N., :Dynamic Personnel Administration,2nd Edn.,H imalaya publishing House , Bombay , 1979. 3. Torrington and Hall , :Personnel Management : A new approach, Prent ice-Hall International ( Paperback Edition ) 4. Hellrigel Don, Solum, John W. and Woodman Richard.W. ,:Organisa tional Behaviour ( Third Edn.) West Publishing Company ,NewYork, 1984 . 5. Mc Cormic, E.J.,: Human Factors in Engineering and Design, Mc Graw-H ill publication, New Delhi, 1976.

6. Kumar : Organisatinal Behaviour Rs. 700/7. Dawre : Personnel Management Rs. 795/8. Dawre : Human Development and Personnel Management

MCA1- 204 : Probability and Statistics Probability as a Methamatical System : Sample spaces, events as subset s, probability axioms, sample theorems ; Finite sample samples and equiprobable measure as special cases; Binomial coefficients and co unting techniques applied to probability problems; Conditional prob ability, independents events, Bayes' formula. Random Variables and their Distribution : Random variables ( discrete an d continuous ), probability functions, density and distribution functions, special distributions ( binomial, hypergeometric, poisson, unifo rm, exponential, normal,etc. ), mean and variance, Chebychev, indepen dent random variables, functions of random variables and distributions. Limit theorems : Poisson and normal approximation to the binomial ; Cent ral limit Theorem ; Law of large numbers; Some Statistical applications. Expectations and higher order moments; Characteristic Functions. Statistical Inferences : Sampling, distribution and estimation, point a nd interval estimate hypothesis-testing, power of a test; Regression; A fe w example of nonparametric methods. Multivariate Analysis : Principle component analysis, Cononical Correlatio

n Analysis, Factor Analysis. Sampling : Theory of sampling; Population and sample; Sampling s urvey methods and estimation. Statistical Inference; Testing of hypothes is and Inference. Use of available Statistical Packages. References : 1. JOHN E. FREUNDS ; Mathematical Statistics, Prentice Hall of India 2. AFFI. A.A. ; Statistical Analysis : A Computer Oriented Ap proach, Academic Press Inc., 1779. 3. MORRIS,C.: ROLPH, J. Introduction to Data Analysis and Stati stical Inference, Prentice Hall,1981. 4. SCALZO,F.: Elementary Computer Assisted Statistics, Van Nostrand Re inherd Co. Ltd., 1978. 5. JOHNSTON, J. Economic Methods, McGraw Hill. 6. HOGG,R.V.; A.L.CRAIG.; Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, A merican Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. 7. YULE,U,G. KENDALL, M.G.; An Introduction to the Theory of St atistics, Charles Griffin & Co. Ltd. 8. DRAPER,N.A.; SMITH, H.; Applied Regression Analysis, John Wiley & Son s, Inc. ANDERSON,T.W.; An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical An alysis ,John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 9. MORRISON,D.F.; Multivariate Statistical Methods ,McGraw Hill.

MCA1-205: COMPUTER ORGANIZATION II Theory Exam - 75 ~~~~~~~~~ Sessionals - 25 Prerequisite : Computer Organization - I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Course COntents : 1. CPU Architecture(45%): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Instruction format - Operand addressing formats - Zero, single,double, reg ister etc; Addressing modes - direct, indirect, immediate, relative, index etc; instruction set selection, hardware-software tradeoffs; I nstruction execution procss - fetch and execution cycles; data path organiz ation - single and two bus microprogramming concept; speed mismatch between CPU and methods of alleviating it; machine and assembly level programming. Case study of a 16/32 bit processor. 2. I/O Architecture(45%): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Characteristscs of simple I/O devices and their contro llers; I/O interface - addressing , data transfer, synchonizati on - memory - mapped and isolated I/O; Program controlled and d irect memory access data transfer; polled and interrupt controlled sync hronization; interrupt mechanism - device identification - polling, vectored; priority schemes- daisey chaining, interrupt masking; con cept of DMA- cycle stealing and burst mode, DMA interface, bus arbitration mechanism; concept of I/O channels and peripheral processors. 3. Advanced memory concepts(10%) : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Memory hierarchies - cache memory, virtal memory 4.

1. 2. 3. 4.

introduction to advanced computer architecture. BOOKS: ~~~~~ Hamacher,Vranesic & Zaky : Computer organization, McGrawHill. Mano,M.M.: computer system architecture.PHI. Mannuals of the chosen processor. Pale Chaudhiri, Computer Organisation and Design, PHI

MCA1-206 PROGRAMMING LABORATORY - II ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Practical Exam -50 sessionals -50 Exescises are to be carried out on problems based on courses:1. MCA-202 (Data and file structures) in C.- 50% 2. MCA-201 (Numerical Method and statistical Method) 30% 3. Assembly language programming (introduction) 20% Third Semester MCA1-301 : DESIGN & ANALYSIS OF COMPUTER ALGORITHMS Prerequisite: Computer Programming and problem solving, Data le Structure. Reiew of basic data ists, trees and graphs.


and Fi

such as stack, queues, linked l

Concepts in algorithms analysis, asymptotic complexity. Domain independent algorithms design techniques such as divide and conquer greedy methods dynamic programming, backtracking, branch and b ound techniques. Example algorithm for above techniques from sets, graphs, text processing internal and external sorting, height balanced t rees, B-trees, hashing algorithms, dynamic storage allocation, garb age collection. Lower bound theory and NP-hard problems. BOOKS: 1. Aho,A.V., Hopcroft,J.E., Ullman,J.B.: The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.,1974. 2. Horowitz,E.,Sahni,S. :Fundamental of computer Algorithms, Galgot ia Publication, 1984.

3. Berlionx,P.,Bizard, P.:Algorithms - The construction, Proof and Analys is of programs,John Wiley and Sons, 1986. 4. Bentley,J.L. : Writing efficient programs, Prentice- Hall India,Easter n economy Edition. 5. Goodman, S.E.& Hedetnieni, : Introduction to the design & Analysis of algorithms, McGraw-Hill Book comp. 1977. 6. Knuth, D.E. : Fundamental of algorithms : The art of computer prog ramming Vol.1, Narosa Publ.House,1985. 7. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest: Introduction to Algorithms , PHI.



Overview of system analysis and design, Business systems concepts, s ystems development life cycle, project selection, feasibility analysis, de sign, implementation, testing and evaluation. Project selection: Sources of project requests, managing project re view and selection, preliminary investigation. Feasibility Study - Technical and economical feasibility, cost and benifit analysis. System requirement specification and analysis: Fact finding techniques, Da ta flow diagrams, data dictionaries, process organisation and interactions, Decision analysis, decision trees and tables. Detailed design - Modularation, module specification, File design, system s development involving data bases. System control and quality assurance - Design objectives reliability and mai ntenance, Software design and documen tation tools, topdown, bottomup and v ariants. Units and integration testing, testing practices and plans. Stste m controls, Audit trails. System administration and Training, Conversion, and Operation plans. Hardware and Software selection, Hardware acquisition, memory processes, peripherals, Bench marking, vendor selection, software selection - operat ing system languages, language processes, Performance and acceptance crite ria.

Books: 1. James, A.S.: Analysis of Design of Information System, McGraw Hill, 1986. 2. Ludeberg, M., Golkuhl, G. & Hilsson, A. Information Sys tem Developme nt, A systematic Approach, Prentice Hall International, 1981. 3. Leeson, M. : System Analysis and Design Science Resear Associates,19 85. 4. Semprive, P.C. : Systems Analysis - Definition, Process and Design, 19 82. 5. .Richard, D. : System Analysis Design, Irwin Inc., 1979. 6. Award, E. Homewood.: System Analysis and Design, Award, Irwin, 197 9. 7. Lee, B.S. : Introducing system Analysis andDesign 2 Vols, Mancheste r United Kingdom, National Computer Center, 1978. 8. Learn Yourself., : Systems Analysis and Design., Reston Publishing Company, 1975. 9. Daniels, : Practical System Design, Galgotia Publ.Pvt.Ltd. 10. David, W.S. : System Analysis and Design, Addison - Wesley, 1983. Design, 1982. MCA1-303: Data Base Management System Prerequisite: BDP Data independence, data models; network model, DBTG prop osal; data definition and manupulation languages; hierarchial and relatio nal models; storage organization for relations, relational algebra and calculus; relational query langueges, query processor and optimiser; functional dependencies; normal forms, multivalued dependen cies; decomposition, intigrity; protection, security, concurrency, recovery; distributed data base; availabe data base system. BOOKS: 1. A. Silberschaty, H,F Korth : Database System Concepts, McGraw Hill, 1997 2. Elmasri, Navathe,: Fundamentals of Database systems, Benjamin/ Cum mings, 1994 3. Date,CJ: An Introduction to data base systems vol I & II Addisson-

Wesley 1983 MCA1-304 : OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING Procedural Abstraction, Command and Functional Procedures. Data Encapsulation – Concept of Modules and Interfaces. Data Abstraction and Types, Modula 2 Introduction to Object Orientation, History and Evolution of Object Orient ed Languages. Abstract Data Types , Classes, Objects, Object/Message Paradigm. Overloa ding, Dynamic Binding, Parametric Polymorphism, Inheritance, Class and O bject Inheritance, Inheritance and Dynamic Binding, Multiple Inheritance Object Identity, Facets of Identity, Operations with Identity. Object Or iented Programming Languages- Java and C++ , Object Oriented Software De sign, Generic and Reusable Classes Object Oriented Databases- Design, Que ry Languages, Capabilities and Limitations. Books Recommended: 1. Mastering C++, KR, Venugopal, Rajkumar , Ravishankar, TATA McGra w Hill 2. Object Orientation –Concepts, Languages, Databases, User Interfaces [ S. Khoshafian & R. Abnons : Jhon Wily & Sons 1990] 3. The C++ Programming Languages [B. Strounstrip ( Addition- Wesley 1 986)] 4. Java : The complete reference : H. Schmidt & P. Naughton , McGraw Hil l 5. Database System Concepts, Silberchatz, Korth , McGraw Hill, 1997. MCA1-305 : ELECTIVE 1 MCA1-306 : PROGRAMMING LAB-III Practical:Exam - 50


Programming exercises are to be carried out on problems based on the cours es :1. MCA1 -303 (DBMS, SQL, Client Server Programming ) 50% 2. MCA1- (301 & 304 ) System Software in C & Algorithms in Java/C++ - 50 %

Fourth Semester MCA1-401: OPERATING SYSTEMS. Operating system as Resource Manager: Overview of processor ma nagement, memory management, file management, device manageme nt, device management; Operating system services; Operating system classification - single user, multiuser, simple monitor, b atch processing, time sharing,real time operating system. Processor Management: Process overview, process states, multip rogramming, levels of schedules and scheduling algorithms, multiple -p rocessor scheduling, deadlock prevention, avoidance, detection, and recov ery. Memory Management: Partition, paging and segmentation; types of memory management schemes, virtual memory - demand paging, procedur e sharing, runtime storage allocation. File Management : File supports, access methods, allocation methods - contiguous, linked and index allocation; Directory systems - sing le level, tree structured, acyclic graph and general graph directory, file prot ection, layered file system. Resource Protection : mechanism, policy and domain of protection, access atrix and its implementation, dynamic protection structure.


Device Management : Dedicated , shared and virtual devices, sequen tial access and direct access, channel and control units, I/O buffering, I/O schedulers, Spooling system, Device driver, Debugger. Concurrent Process and Programming : Precedence graph, Bernstein conditio n, process hierarchy, process synchronization critical section and mutual exclusion, classical process co-ordination problems, critical regi on, monitors, concurrent languages.

References :

1. Galirn & SILBERSCHATZ; Operating System Concepts, Addision- We sley Publishing Co. ; 2nd Edn., 1995. 2. A.S Tanenbam, Operating System Design and Implementation, PHI. (2n d Edn) 3. HABERMAN, N. ; Introduction to Operating Systems Design, Galgotia P ublication, 1986. 4. HANSEN, PER BRINCH ; The Architecture of Concurrent Prorams, PHI , 1978. 5. SHAW ; Logical Design of Operating Systems, Addision- Wesley Publishing Co., 1984. MCA1-402 : Formal Language & Automata Theory. Regular Languages: Regular sets and regular expression, Determi nistic and non-deterministic finite automata, equivalence of deterministic and non-deterministic finite acceptors,Kleene's characterization theory f or sets accepted by finite automata; Derivatives of regular expressi ons; two-way finite automata; Finite automata,finite-state machines and their relations to combinatorial switching circuits, complexity; Regul ar sets; State equivalence and state minimization of finite automata; alg ebra decomposition and structure theory; Generalization sequential mac hines. Structured formal languages : Chomsky and Greibach normal form th eorems,self-embedding, ambiguity; Equivalence of context- free languages and sets accepted by non-deterministic pushdown store automata; Closure properties of context-free languages; Top-down and bottomup methods; Deterministic pushdown automata andparsing,deterministic co ntext-free languages:restrictions of pushdown automata. Deterministic parsing of Context-free Languages : Shift- reduce p arsing ,top-down,LR(K) grammars; Precedence grammars, simple prec edence,operator precedence, weak and mixed strategy precedence; Bo unded-context grammars; relationship between deterministic contextfree languages. Recursive Languages : Multitape Turing machines and related formalis m for recognition; Unsolvability of halting problem, reduction of Post correspondence problem to the halting problem, Undecidable properti es of grammars.

References: 1. LEWIS,H.R., PAPADIMITRIOU, C.H.; Elements of the Theory of Computation, prentice-Hall 2. SALOMAA,A.K.;Formal languages, New York, Academic Press 3. HOPCROFT,J.E.,ULLMAN, J.D.; Formal languages and their Relation to Automata,reafing, Mass., Addision- Wesley 4. AHO,A.V.;SETHI,RAVI ;ULLMAN,J.D.;Compiler Principles, Te chniques & Tools, Reading, Mass., Addision-Wesley 5. LEWIS,P.M.;ROSENKRANTZ, STEARN; Compiler Design Theory, Re ading,Mass., Addision-wesley 6. POLIACK,W.;Compiler Techniques; Pennsauken, N.J., Auerbach 7. BARETT,W.; BATES,R.M.; GUSTAFSON, D.A.; COVCH, J.D.; 8. Compiler construction : Theory and Practice, Galgotia Publications 9. Compiler construction and Design : Rajni Jindal 10. Matthew Simon : Automata theory. MCA1-403 : COMPUTER NETWORKS Data Communication : Theoretical model of communication; Analog and Digital signal; Fourier analysis, bandwidth, channel, bau drate of transmission; Modulation and demodulation; Mul tiplexing-FDM, TDM; Transmission medium; Transmission err or - error detection a correction; Transmission line couplin g; Synchronous Asynchronous transmission. Networks : Network goal and application; Network structure; Network architecture - protocol Heirarcheis, ISO REF. model, TCP/IP proto -col architecture, some well known networks in the light of ISO model. Switching Mechanism : terminal handling; Multiplexing and co ncentra-tion; date link control Protocol - stop and wait protocol, sliding window, HDLC, SDLC, BISYNC protocol; Data link l ayer of some well known networks; Network control protocol - virtual circuit service, Datagram service, routing algorithms, con gestion,

deadlock; Netwoek control protocol of wellknown network; Satte-lite and packet radio network; Network security and privacy; Text compression techniques; Virtual terminal protocol; Transport and session services; Intercon nection of packet switched networks. References : 1. TANENBAUM,A.S.;Computer Networks, prentice-hall, 1992 2. STAILINGS, WILLIAM; Data and Computer Communication, lan Publishing co.


3. Leon Garcia Widjaja: Communication Network, TATA McGraw Hill, 2 000

MCA1-404 : SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Introduction to software engineering : Software development and life cycl e; Project size and its catagories; planning a software project; project-control and project-team standardds; Design of solution strate gies; software cost estimation and evalution techniques. Software De sign : Various design concepts and notations; Modern design techniques; Verification and validation methods;Documentation and impleme ntation procedures; Performance of software systems; Software metrics and mod els. Documentation of project-systems,manuals and implementation. Software Reliability : definition and concept of software reliability ; software errors, faults, repairs, and availablity; Reavailability and availability models; use of database as a stu dy tool. Modern Programming language features Relevant to sof tware Engineering : a brief introduction to ADA (Module II) language and expl anation of concepts such as data abstraction, exception handling, concurrency mechanism, etc; software development environment ;ADA language f acilities for handling large software projacts.

BOOKS: 1.Fairley,R.E.:Software Engineering concepts,McGrawHill 1985. 2.Lewis,T.G.:Software Engineering, McGraw Hill,1982. 3.Kernighan,B.,Plauger,P. : Software tools,Aaddision-Wesley,197 6. 4.Meyers,G. :The art of software testing, Wiley-Interscience,1979. 5.Sooman,N. : Software Engineering, McGraw Hill,1983. 6.Gehani,N. : Introduction to ADA,McGraw Hill,1983. MCA1-405(Elective-II) MCA1-406 : Programming Lab-IV 1. MCA1 -401,402: System Software in C 50% 2. MCA1-403 : Networking Programming in C++/Java

Fifth Semester MCA1-501 : Computer Graphics. Overview of Computer Graphics: Display Devices: Line and point plotting systems; Raster, vector, pixel and point plotters, Continual refresh and storage displays, Digi tal frame buffer, plasma panel Displays, Very high resolution devices, High-speed drawing, Display processors, Character generators, Col our-display techniques.(shadowmask and penetration CRT, colour look-up tab les,analog false colours, hard -copy colour printers) Display Descriptions: Screen co-ordinates, user co- ordinates;Graphical data structures(compressed incremental list,vector list, use of homogeneous co -ordinates); Display code generation; Graphical functions; The v iew algorithm, Two- dimensional transformation. Interactive Graphics: Pointing and positioning devices(cursor, lightpen, d igitizing tablet, the mouse, tract balls),Interactive graphical techniques ; Positioning, Elastic lines, inking, Zooming,Panning, Clipping, Windowing,Scissoring. Graphic





ables), Plotting and geometric transformations,

display subroutines.

3-D Graphics: Wire-frame perspective display, perspective dept h,Projective transformatuon, Hidden line and surface elimina tion, Transparent solids, Shading, GKS is to be used as the standard tea ching tool. References: 1. HEARN, D.; BAKER,P.M.; Computer Graphics, Prentice Hall,2nd Edn. 2. FOLEY,J.D.; VAN DAM A.; Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics, Addision-Wesley,1982.

MCA1-502 : Optimization Techniques Theory: Exam - 75 Sessionals - 25 Prerequisite: Probability and statistics, Mathemqatical foundation of computer science, Computer programing and problem solving. Linear programing: Mathematical model, assumptions of linear p rograming, principles of simplex method, Revised simplex method, Applicatio ns, duality, dual simplex method, sensitivity analysis. Special types of linear programing problems, Transportation and assignm ent problem. Integer programing introduction, Branch bound techniques, Binary linear pr ograming, Assignment and travelling salesment problems. Dynamic programing, Deterministic and probabilistic dynamic programi ng. Queueing model: Specification and measure of queueing systems, Structure o f basic queueing system-- Definition and classification of stochastic pr ocesses, descret-time markov chains, continuous markov chains, birth-dea th processes. BOOKS:----1. H.Taha, Operation Research, PHI, sixth Edn. 2. Gillet,B.G.: Introduction to operation research - A computer o

riented algorithmic aproch, McGrawHill. 3. Srinath,L.S.: Linear programing, East-west, New Delhi. 4. Hiler,F.S. & Liverman,G.J.: Introduction to operations Research, Holde n Day Inc. 5. Harvey M. Wagner, Princioles of Operation research , PHI. MCA1-503 : Combinatorics and Graph Theory Theory : Exam - 75

Sessional - 25

Prerequisite : Nil

Combinatories : Permutations and Combinations; Recurrence relations; G enerating functions; Decision Trees. Graph : Incidence and degree; Handshaking Lemma; Isomorphis m; Subgraphs and Union of graphs; Connectedness; Walks, Paths and Circu its; Components and Connectedness algorithms; Shortest Path Algorit hms, Eulerian graph, Fleury's algorithm and Chinese postman problem; Hamiltonian graph - necessary and sufficient conditions; Trave lling salesman problem; Biparticle graph. Tree : Properties of trees; Pedant vertices in a tree; Centre of a t ree; Rooted binary trees; Spanning trees - Spanning tree algorithm; Fund amental circuits; Spanning trees of a weighted graph; cut-sets and cut-vertices; Fundamental cut-sets; Connectivity and separativity; Net work flows; Max-flow min-cut theorem. Planner graph : Combinatorial and geometric duels; kuratowski's ph; Detection of planarity; Thickness and crossings.


Matrix representations of graph : Incidence; Adjacency; matrices and th eir properties. Colourings : Chromatic number; Chromatic polynomial; The six and five c olour theorems; The four colour problem. Directed graphs : Binary relations; Directed graphs and connectedness ; Directed Trees; Aborecence; Polish method; Tournaments. Counting of labeled trees : Cayley's theorem; Counting methods; Poly a theory. Application of graphs in computer science.

Books : 1. Deo, N. : Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering an d Computer Science. 2. Liu, C.L. : Introduction to Combinatorial Mathematics, McGraw Hill. 3. Douglas B. West: Introduction to graph theory, PHI. 4. G.V. Sharma, :Combinatorics and graph theory, Vikas Pub. House. 5. Martin Charles Golumlic: Algorithmic graph theory and perfect Graphs Academic Press. 6. Thomas lenganer : Combinitorial Algorithms for Integrated Circuit lay out,rJohn Wiley & Sons MCA1-504 : Elective III MCA1-505 : Elective IV MCA1-506 : System Project 1 i. Project Work 50 Marks ii. Seminar and Technical Communication Sixth Semester MCA1-601: System Project II Project Work 100 Marks Interim Report 50 -doExternal Examiner 50 -doSeminar 50 -doS/W demonstration 50 -doTotal 300 Marks. ELECTIVES

50 Marks

MCA1- 305: E1.1: Simulation and Modelling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Definition of a system: Types of systems-continuous and de screte modeling process and definition of a model; computer workload and preparation of its models; Verification and validation modeling procedures; Comparing model data with real system data ; Differential and partial differential equation model; combining descrete event and continuous model, (Example of a computer system should be used for illustration and discussion purpo ses). Simulation process: Use of simulation; Discrete and continuous ion procedures; Simulation of a time sharing computer system.


Simulation languages: A brief introduction to important descr ete and continuous simulation languages; Study and use of one language (depending on the availability) in detail. Use of database and A.I. techniques in the area of modeling and simulatio n. References:--1. PAYER, T.A.: Introduction to Simulation, McGraw-Hill, 1982. 2. GORDAN, G: System Simulation , Prentice Hall, 1978. 3. REITMAN, W.A.: Computer Simulation Application, Wiley , 1971. 4. SPRIET, W.A.; Computer-aided Modeling and Simulation, Academic Pr ess, 1982. 5. BARNES, B.; Modeling and Performance Measurement of Computer Sys tems, 1982.

MCA1- 305: E1.2: Advanced Accounting Advance Accounting : - Past and present of management accounting. Cost -Vo lume -Profit Analysis . Linear programming Models for planning. Cost esti

mation and regression analysis. Cost analysis for pricing decisions Assign ing service department cost. Joint posts. Sales ,profitability and product ivity variances. Measuring quality. New technology for manufacturing opera tion : JIT and CIM . Justifying investments in new technology. Decentraliz ation. Profit centers and Transfer Pricing. Investment Centers : Return on Investment Executive Contracts and Bonus plans. Formal models in Budge ting and incentive contracts. E-Commerce- E-Order, E-Quiry, E-Wall. Handl ing of accounting Softwares. Reference: 1. Kaplan & Atkinson: Advanced Management Accounting 2. Kaplan : Advanced Management Accounting E/3 3. Amor : E-Bussiness® evolution 4. Brinson : Exploring E-Commerce, Site Management & Internet law. 5. Deborah L. Bayles : E-Commerce Logistics & Fulfillment 6. Porwal , L.S : Accounting Theory , Tata McGraw Hill 7. Clautier, M.W.e. and Underdown ,B : Accounting Theory and Practice (Arnold- Heinemann) MCA1- 305: E1.3: Programming Languages and Paradigms Attributes of a good language; Effect of environment; Virtual computers and binding times syntactic elements; Stages of translation; Data types and ob jects. Expression control; Arithmetic and non-arithmetic expressions. Control bet ween statements. Subprogram control; Sequence control, data control and st ored data. Procedural languages: Data objects, sequence control, subprograms and st orage management. Output-based languages; Data objects, sequence control, subprograms and s torage management, abstraction and encapsulation. Functional languages: Data objects, sequence control, subprograms and st orage management. Logic programming languages: Data objects, sequence control, subprogram s and storage management. Books: 1 Pratt T W et al., Programming languages: Design and Implementation, 3 rd Edn. PHI MCA1- 305: E1.4 : Artificial Intelligence

Introduction to artificial intelligence : Simulation of so_call ed 'Intelligence behaviour ' in different areas; problem solvi ng : games ,natural language, question answering ,visual perception , learning; Aim_oriented (heuristic) algorithms vs solution-guranted al gorithms Understanding natural language ; parsing techniques, context- free and transformational grammars transition nets , augmented transition nets , file-more's grammars , Shank's conceptual dependency, grammar f ree analyzers, sentence generation , translation . Knowledge re pregentation : first order predicate calculus; Horn's clauses; The language PROLOG ; Semantic nets; partitioned nets ; Minsky's frames, Case-grammar theory; Production rules , kn owledge base, the inference system, forward and backward deduction . Expert Systems ; existing systems (DENDRAL,MYCIN); Domian oration, mata-knowledge, expertise transfer, Self explaining systems .


Pattern recognition structured description : Symbolic descripti on, machin perception , line finding , interpretation , semantic and models ,object identification , speech recognition . The Language LISP is to be covered in this course. References : 1. DUDA, R.,HART, P; Pattern Recognition and Scence analysis, New York, Wiley, 1973. 2. FEIGENBAUM,E.A., FELDMAN.J.;Computers and Thoughts, New Y ork, McGraw Hill,1963. 3. FUID,E.;Artificial Intelligence, New York , Academic Press, 1975 . 4. MINSKY, M.;Semantic Information processing , Cambridge , Mass.;MIT Press ,1968 5. WILSON, N.J.; Problem Solving Methods in Artifici al Intelligence, New York, McGraw Hill,1971. 6. SCHANK, B. ; COLBY, K.; Computer Models of Thoughts and Language, San Franncisco, Freeman, 1973. 7. Dan W. Patersion : Introduction to Artificial intelligence & Expert Syste ms

MCA1-405: E2.1 : OBJECT ORIENTED DESIGN & ANALYSIS 1. Introduction 2. Object Oriented Concepts 3. Object-Oriented Models 4. Categorizing objects 5. Relationships among objects 6. States and State Changes 7. Events, Triggers, and Operations 8. Rules 9. Relationship among the diagrams 10. Basic Concepts of Object-Oriented Design 11. Booch's Object-Oriented Design 12. Rumbaugh's Object-Oriented Modelling Techniques 13. Martin and Odell's Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 14. Coad and Yourdon's Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 15. Shlaer and Mellor's Object-Oriented Analysis and Recursive Design Reference : 1. Principles of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design - James Martin, James J. Odell 2. Object-Oriented Development, Methods, Standards and Procedures - Do nald G Firesmith, (P.H.USA) 3. Object-Oriented Analysis and design : Grady Booch 4. How to build shlaer - Mellor Object Models : Leon Starr. 5. Object-Oriented Analysis & Design : Rumbaugh, etal. MCA1-405: E2.2 : Management Information System (MIS) Theory Exam. -75 Sessionals-25 Prerequisite : Business Data Processing, System Analysis and Design. 1. Meaning, Nature, Need, Role, Importance, Evolution of Management Th rough Information System. Relatedness of MIS with the management activi ties, Management functions and decision making. 2. Concept of 'balanced MIS' Effectiveness and Efficiency criteria. 3. Development of MIS -Methodology and Tools/Techniques for systematic i

dentification, evaluation, modification of MIS. 4. A study of major financial, production, manpower and making MIS. 5. Advanced MIS - concept, need and problems in achieving advanced MIS , Decision support System. 6. Rationale of Computer application. Books : 1. Murdick, R.G.,Ross, J.E. & Claggtt, J>R> : Information Systems for Mo dern Management, 3rd Edn. Prentice-Hall India, 1987. 2. Thomas, R. & Prince : Information Systems for Planning & Control. 3. Wigarders, K.,Svensson, A., Sehong, L., Rydin, A. & Dahlgren, G. : Structured Analysis & Design of Information System, McGraw-Hill Book Co mpany, 1986. 2. Aktas, : Structured Analysis and Design of Information System, Prentice -Hall International (Paperback Edition). 3. Spargue and Watson : Decision support System, 2nd Edn., Prentice-Hall International, 1989. 4. David, : Applied Decision Support, Prentice-Hall International, 1988. 5. Kanter, J. : Management Information system, 3rd Edn., Prentice-Hall Indi a , 1984. 6. Bennett, J.L. : Building Decision Support system, Addision-Wesley Publ . Comp., 1983. 7. Lucas : Analysis,Design and Impementation of Information System, 3 rd Edn. McGraw-Hill Book Comp. 8. Newman : Designing Integrated Systems for the Office Environment, McGraw-Hill Book Comp. 9. Senn : Analysis and Design of Information System, McGraw-Hill Book Comp. 10. David and Olson : management Information Systems: Conceptual found ation, Structure and Development, McGraw-Hill.

MCA1-405 : E2.3: Image Processing Introduction: Digital Image representation : Fundamental steps in Image p rocessing, Elements of digital Image processing systems. Digital Image Fundamentals: Sampling and quantization, Image geometry. Image transforms : Fourier, Walsh, Hademord, discrete cosine and Hotelling transforms and their properties. Image Enhancement : Enhancement by point processing, spatial filtering, Frequency domain enhancement, Colour image processing. Image Restoration : Unconstrained and constraint restoring inverse filtering , Wiener Filter , Geometric transforms. Image Compression : Image compression models, Error-free compression, Lossy compression , Image compression standards. Image Segmentation : Detection of discontinuities , edge linking, Threshol ding Representations and Descriptions : Chain codes , shape numbers, moments a nd Fourier and other descriptions Recognition & Interpretations: Books : 1. Digital Image Processing : R.C Gonzalez & R/E Woods: Addison – Wes ley pub. Comp. 2. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing : A.K Jain: PHI. MCA1-405 : E2.4: Multi Media Systems Concept of multimedia information- Text, audio, images etc; Digitization, Data compression; Standards, Synchronization and control techniques; Mult imedia data compression; Standards, Synchronization and control techniques ; Multimedia data storage, processing, and retrieval techniques; Playback systems; Multimedia file systems, databases; Distributed multimedia system s; Multimedia applications; Current trends. Books : 1. McCarty T.P., Multimedia Communications, John Wiley.

2. Andleigh P.K. & Thakrar K, Multimedia Systems Design. MCA1-405 : E2.5: Data warehousing and Mining 1. Data warehousing : Multidimensional Data model , OLAP operations, Warehouse schema, Data warehousing architecture , warehouse server, Data warehouse Backend p rocess. 2. Data Mining : Data Mining : Definitions, KDD, US date mining, DBMS US DM , DM Techn iques, DM applications - Case studies. 3. Association Rules: Methods to discover Association Rule, A Priori algorithm, Partition algori thm, Pincer search algorithm , Dynamic Item set counting algorithm, FP-tre e growth algorithm, Incremental algorithm, Border algorithm, Association R ole with item constraints 4. Clustering Techniques 5. Designation trees 6. Other Techniques - DM using Neural Network : A Case study , Generic algorithm, Rough sets support Vector machines 7. Web Mining - Web contents mining, Web structure, usage, text , text clus tering. 8. Temporal and spatial data mining Reference: 1. Adriaans : Data Mining 2. Anahory : Data ware housing in the real world . 3. A Poojari Data Mining Techniques, University Press MCA1-504 : E3.1: Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Fundamentals of artificial Neural Network. Perceptron : Representation , Exclusive- OR-Problem, Linear Separability , learning and training algorithms. Backpropagation : Backpropagation training algorithm. Counterpropagation : Network structure , Training of Kohonen layer and the Grossberg layer. Hopfield Nets : Recurrent Network Configuration and its application. Bidirectional Associative Memories Adaptive Resonance theory : Architecture , Classification operation ,impleme

ntation, and characteristics . Optical Neural Networks : Vector matrix multiplier , Hopfield Net using El ectro -Optical Matrix multipliers , Holographics correlators. Cogniton and Neocogniton : Structure and training . Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy neural networks and their applications . Reference: 1. Wasserman, P.D Neural Computing : Theory and Practice. 2. Andersion : An Introduction to Neural Networks 3. Yegnanarayana : Artificial Neural Networks 4. H.Rao, Valluru Rao: Neura Networks & Fuzzy Logic, BPB Pub. (M& T Pub.) 5. George Klir, F.A. Folger : Fuzzy Sets , Uncertanty and Information, PHI 6. Stamatios Kartalopoulus : Understanding Neural Networks, and Fuzzy L ogic, PHI MCA1-504 : E3.2: CAD / CAM Computer integrated manufacturing : Evolution of CIM , CIM/W & S/W , n ature & Role of CIM systems, Product development through CIM –product d evelopment cycles, sequential & concurrence ------overview of computer graphics. Geometric modeling techniques – Automated process planning . CNC machi ne tools, properties in CAD/CAM, Computer aided quality control. Some of the application packages on CAD/CAM/CAL/Automated etc. Books: CAD/CAM/CIM – P. Radhakrishnan , S. Subramanyam , V. Raju e International Pub.

- New Ag

MCA1-505: E4.2: Theory of Computation Sets, Relations , languages, Finite Automata CFLs, Turing , M/Cs, Undecida bility. Computation as lofgic, Syntatic landscape, reductions, First orde r logic, Models, Sequential logic, Resolution, Computable Landscape Books: 1. Computation as Logic : R. R. Lalement, Liecole National desponts- Prent

ice Hall. 2. Elements of the theory of computation: Harry Lewis & Pupadimitriou -P rentice Hall.1998 MCA1-504 : E3.3: Compiler Design Detailed Organition of a Simple Complete Compiler: symbol tables,lexical scan on input (recognizer) , syntax scan (analyzer) , object code generators, operator and operand stacks,Output subrouti nes and Error diagonostics. Data types : Transfer Functions ;Mixed mode expressions and stat ements. Subroutine and Function compilation : Parameters called by address , by name and by values; Subroutine with side effects; restrictions r equired for one pass execution; object code for transmission of parameters; object code for subroutine body. bootstrapping techniques, Discussion of a meta-compiler in its own language, Local a nd global optimization. References: 1. AHO,A.V.;SETHI,RAVI ;ULLMAN,J.D.;Compiler Principles, Te chniques & Tools, Reading, Mass., Addision-Wesley,1986. 2. LEWIS,P.M.;ROSENKRANTZ, STEARN; Compiler Design Theory, Re ading,Mass., Addision-wesley,1976. 3. POLIACK,W.;Compiler Techniques; Pennsauken, N.J., Auerbach, 1972. 4. BARETT,W.; BATES,R.M.; GUSTAFSON, D.A.; COVCH, J.D.; 5. Compiler construction : Theory and Practice, Galgotia Publication s,1986. MCA1-504: E3.4: Advanced Optimization Techniques Prerequisite: Optimization Technique 1. Network analysis - Terminology of network and shortest route problem , minimum spanning tree problem, maxflow problem. 2. Project scheduling by PERT, CPM, Diagram reprasentation critical path calculations, construction of time chart and resource labeling, probability and cost concideration in project scheduling, project c ontrol. 3. Non linear programming the Kunth Tucker conditions, Quadratic pro gramming, Convex programming. 4. Replacement models. Introduction, Replacemrnt policies for items, whose efficiency deteriorates with time, Replacement policies for items done fail completely,

5. Sequencing models - Classification of self problems, Process ing of n-jobes through two mechines, Three mechines, processing of t wo jobs through m-mechines. 6. Deterministic and non deterministic inventory models - infini te delivery rate with no back orders, Infinite delivery rate with back order s, Finite delivery rate with back orders. single and multy period modse ls. Reference: 1. H. Taha : Operation Research , PHI. 2. James Hadley : Non-Linear Programming 3. Gupta Sharma : Operation Research MCA1-505: E3.5: Computer and Network Security Overview of Computer & Network Security, Classical encryption Technique s, Block ciphers and DES, Introduction to finite fields, AES, 3DES, RC5 , RC4, confidentiality using symmetric encryption, Public-key cryptogra phy, RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), Key management, Message authentication and Hash functions MD5, SHA-1, RIPEMD, HMAC, Digital si gnature and authentication protocols. Network Security: Authentication application, Kerberos, Electronic Mail s ecurity, PGP, S/MIME, IPSEC, Web security, Intrusion detection, Malicious software, Firewalls. Text. 1. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, 3rd Edition, Pea rson Education, India. MCA1-505: E4.1: Natural Language Processing Introduction to NLP. Language stricture & Language analyzer Words and the ir analyzer. Local word grouping . Paninian grammar. Paninian parser. Chomsky Hierarchy languages CFG, CSG, unrestricted grammars . General s teps in machine translation , Machine translation methods: direct method , transfer method, international method , Principle based international Methods. TAG.(Tree adjoining grammar). LFG.(Lexical Functional Grammar) and Indian languages. Theta theory , Case , control, Binding , Bounding , Government and trace theory. Comparison of GB with P.G.

Books 1. Natural Language Processing – A Paninian perspective- Akshar Bharat i, chaitarrya & Sanhai PH1 2. Introduction to Government & Binding theory – Haegeman L. Basil Bl ackwell, Oxford, Cambridge. 3. Lecterson Govt. & Binding , Chomsky Naom A. Foris Dordcecht. 4. Chomsky’s Universal Grammar. An Introduction Cook V.J. Boyst Blackwell, Oxford, N.Yark

MCA1-505: E4.3 : Distributed Systems Characterization of distributed systems, Design issues and user requirements . Interprocess communication- Synchronous and Asynchronous, Client-serv er communication, Group communication. Remote procedure call- Design issues and implementation; Distributed OS-Design issues and implementation; File service- Design issues, implementation, and case studies; Name service- Design issues and case studies; Time and Co-ordination- Physical and logical clocks, distributed co-ordinati on; Replication- Issues and implementation; Shared data and transactions- Distributed transaction, Concurrency control, Recovery, fault tolerance. Security- Design issues and case studies. Books: 1. Coulouri : Distributed Systems- Concepts and Design. 2. Tanenbam : Distributed Operating System 3. Raynal : Distributed Algorithms. MCA1-505: E4.4: Web Technology General: HTTP: Overview – HTTP Basics, Client request , Server response ; HTTP Headers; Session Management – persistent connections Cookies General concepts on Web server: Configuration & Administration ; Virtual hosting; General concepts of Caching Proxy Server; Web Security.

SSL; Digital Signatures; Authentication. Client side technologies HTML 4.0: Structure of HTML Document-Meta tags, Links, Text, Lists, Tables, Inclusi ons (Objects, Images, and Multimedia contents) Presentation of HTML

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