Kuldeep Manpreet

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 623
  • Pages: 18

DEFINITION OF POLLUTION AND POLLUTANTS Environmental pollution is defined as the undesirable change in physical ,Chemical and biological characteristics of our air, land and water.

Poll ut ion Pollution can be natural or man made The agents and substances that cause such change are termed pollutants.

Classification of Pollutants Pollutants are grouped under two classes . ► 1. Biodegradable pollutants ► 2. Non-biodegradable pollutants.

Biodegradable Pollutants These are broken down by the activity of micro-organisms and enter into the biogeochemical cycles. Such pollutants are domestic waste products urine , sewage , agriculture residue , paper , wood and cloth.

Non-biodegradable Pollutants do not break down into simpler and harmful products. These include insecticides, pesticides ,D.D.T , Mercury , lead , aluminum plastics, radioactive waste. These polluted may be in liquid , gaseous or solid form. They may enter into the food chain and harm the organisms.

Types of pollution ► 1.

Air pollution ► 2. Water pollution ► 3. Soil pollution (land pollution)

De fin itio n o f Ai r Pollu tion  Air is mainly a mixture of various gases such as oxygen , carbon dioxide , nitrogen , whenever there is any imbalance in the ratio of these gases , air pollution is caused.

Sources of Air Pollution The sources of Air pollution ► 1. Natural ► (2.) Man Made. Natural sources of air pollution are forest fires , ash from smoking volcanoes , dust storm and decay of organic matters. Man Made sources are population , explosion , deforestation , urbanizations and industrialization.

Harmful Effects of Air pollution  1. Air pollution affects respiratory system

of living organisms and causes as thing lung cancer.  2. carbon monoxide emitted from motor vehicles and cigarette smoke affects the central nervous system.  3. UV radiation causes skin cancer.  4. Acid rain is also a result of air pollution.

Prevention of Air Pollution We should not burn dung cake , wood or coal. 2. Cooking gas and smokeless Chula as should be used. 3. More and more trees should be planted. 1.

WATER POL LUT IO N  Water is one of the prime necessities of life. It is also an essential requirement for navigation , agriculture and industry.

SOURCES OF WATER POLLUTION SOUECES OF WATER POLLUTION-There are two types of sources of water pollution. 2. Point sources 3. Non-point sources POINT SOURCES-factories , Power Plants , Underground coal mines and oil wells 7. 2. Non-Sources – These include run-off from fields , lawns , gardens , construction sites.

Harmful Effects of Water Pollution  1. Due to water pollution human beings

become victims of various water borne diseases , such as typhoid , cholera , dysentery , hepatitis , Jaundice etc.  2. The presence of acids in water destroys the micro organisms.

Prevention and Control of Water Pollution ► 1.

Sewage should be treated before it is discharged into the river or ocean. ► 2. Waste food material , paper , decaying vegetables and plastic matter should be sent to biogas plants for generation of energy.

Land Pollution (soil erosion) Soil is a complex mixture of living and non-living materials. Natural agents like water and wind constantly tend to remove the top soil and cause erosion. Due to the absence of plant covering , eroded soil cannot hold water. Water rushes into the rivers and overflows as flood. Dust storm also causes soil erosion. Human beings also cause soil erosion.

Prevention of Soil Erosion 1. Intensive cropping , and use of proper drainage canals. 2. Terracing on the sloping fields. This retards the speed of the flowing water. 3. Planting trees and sowing grasses.




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